
Suryaraj Quotes

Quotes tagged as "suryaraj" Showing 1-30 of 57
“Heartbreak - It always leaves a void in your heart.”
Surya Raj

“Don't be afraid to lose people. Else, you lose yourself, in the fear to lose someone.”
Surya Raj

“As the season changed to autumn and the air turned crisp, we took out our cosy sweaters, snuggled in warm blankets, and found comfort in the little things like warm drinks. While we watched the leaves change their colour from green to yellow, bright orange or red, we came to realize that it was also the right time for us to make a change in our life, to make a new beginning.

It has been a different kind of year. Things have changed around here, the circumstances we found ourselves in were like a restless wave. A sudden storm came on, producing wind and hail, changing the rule of the game. From one day to the next, there was little room for manoeuvre left. Where was the fun in that, we wondered.

Things just didn’t go well and the situation was getting harder. We could sense along the way that it was time to let go of something that no longer served us. Our instincts told us that the time has come to turn the page, to allow new things to happen and think new thoughts. At first, it was hard to admit that there was no way around it of letting go because we fell in a comfort zone and getting out of it can be uncomfortable. We didn’t want to leave a place that was so familiar to us. New beginnings can be scary. But luckily, the autumn season taught us that change can be beautiful.”
Surya Raj

“Sometimes your mind and your heart want different things, and you know your heart is a liar.”
Surya Raj

“Solving problems through Logic and Code.”
Surya Raj

“Life will become a maze if you want to get what you don't have, and it'll end up with nothing.”
Surya Raj

“In the end, you need to appreciate things before they are gone.”
Surya Raj

“Problem is not a reason to give up, but a healthy challenge to find the solution and improve yourself.”
Surya Raj

“Problem is not a reason to give up, but a healthy challenge to find the solution and improve yourself.
Take a moment to think about a time in your life that was really hard. A huge challenge that you didn’t think you could get through but you did. You fought, you pushed through the fear and in the end you achieved the seemingly unachievable. You did it then and you can absolutely do it now.”
Surya Raj

“Perfectionism is an illusion that you have to let go.”
Surya Raj

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”
Surya Raj

“You don't have to be rich to be happy. Cliche maybe, but also true.

The secret to happiness is well within your reach.

It is a state of mind and completely within your control regardless of your financial situation.

Don't make the same mistake I made and wait until you gain financial freedom to learn these lessons. You can have happiness right now regardless of your finances or what's going on in your life because happiness is a choice.”
Surya Raj

“Your love for me is such beauty,
I can never express it with poetry.”
Surya Raj

“I saw you, got obsessed to know more about you.

Friend request, message sent.

Introduction, joke, smile.

First date: No idea. Nothing to do. Awkward. Miserable.

Second date: silence restaurant, easy conversation.

Third date: Who cares if I’ve never tried it; I’ll try it for you.

Meeting your friends. I’m not too social, but for you, I’ll try to be.

“This isn’t serious,” I say. “This isn’t serious,” we say.

Still don’t know what to expect, but why obsess over expectations?
"Your love for me is such beauty,
I can never express it with poetry."
I will still try everything new for you. Because I love you.”
Surya Raj

“I saw you, got obsessed to know more about you.

Friend request, message sent.

Introduction, joke, smile.

First date: No idea. Nothing to do. Awkward. Miserable.

Second date: silence restaurant, easy conversation.

Third date: Who cares if I’ve never tried it; I’ll try it for you.

Meeting your friends. I’m not too social, but for you, I’ll try to be.

“This isn’t serious,” I say. “This isn’t serious,” we say.

Still don’t know what to expect, but why obsess over expectations?

I will still try everything new for you. Because I love you.
"Your love for me is such beauty,
I can never express it with poetry.”
Surya Raj

“This world is terrifying me. Everywhere I look, people are constantly running somewhere. It feels like we are living in a never-ending maze and none of us knows the way out. Somehow, we are always busy trying to catch that bus, seize that next good opportunity, finish everything in time, please everyone around us, meet our friends for drinks and so on.

And while we work hard to forge our path in life and please everyone around us, we often forget about what’s good for us. We get so caught up in the daily routines that we forget to be nice to ourselves. We convince ourselves that we have the strength to do everything that we put our mind to, and we focus on everything else but ourselves.

Now, I’ve been down that road. I’ve been there for people more than I’ve been there for myself. Why? The old me would probably say that it was because of my kind heart and my urge to help others, but the new me would say that it was because I was foolish.
"Don't be afraid to lose people. Else, you lose yourself, in the fear to lose someone.”
Surya Raj

“If you want to change yourself,
take actions and take it now.”
Surya Raj

“Trying to change yourself—that is, who you are—will inevitably lead you to fail and feel hopeless. But if you instead focus on changing your actions without worrying about how it changes you as a person, real change becomes much simpler.

There's an old joke where a man says, "I want to go to medical school, but it takes at least seven years--and I'll be 50 in seven years!" A wise friend replies, "And how old will you be in seven years if you don't go?" If you're not where you want to be in your career--or, for that matter, in your life--never let yourself believe change is impossible. Don't allow your future to be limited by your age or your situation; stop being afraid of what might go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right.
"If you want to change yourself,
take actions and take it now.”
Surya Raj

“You can be the most beautiful person in the world when you introspect yourself.”
Surya Raj

“You rise above your fears by facing them, not by ignoring them. And you can do that because you’re not the fear or the thought or the pain: you’re the one looking at it. Read these self-reflection quotes. They’ll help you look at your thoughts and feelings without being trapped by them. It’s how you change anything.

These self-reflection quotes aren’t about lingering on what you don’t like about yourself. They’re about going beyond them by #recognising that you’re not them.

By paying kind attention to what hurts or isn’t helping, you can understand those things better. You can understand yourself better, and so trust yourself more.

Introspection is the opposite of self-rejection. The loving gaze you grant yourself will free you and lift everyone else.
"You can be the most beautiful person in the world when you introspect yourself.”
Surya Raj

“I still bear the dolorous, after your absence;
I am helpless, to live with someone else;
I did not want gab, but I wanted your love;
I still feel the regret that it needs to assert.”
Surya Raj

“People may tell you it’s time you got over your relationship. Like with bereavement, you don’t ever have to “get over” it, but you may need to more forcibly move yourself on, and if you’re stuck, to take a new approach to do so.

Hurtful experiences, ones that #emotionally and logistically reset our lives, leave us with two choices: open up more or close down.

The braver choice—the one that will allow new things to enter your life—is to open up.

So how about setting aside a few weeks to unfold this a little more? If you can’t climb out, dig out.

Go in, sit down, see what happens. Give your heart the chance to say everything it wants regarding the relationship and whatever is entwined with it.

Give yourself a new and different opportunity to leave it behind.
“I still bear the dolorous, after your absence;
I am helpless, to live with someone else;
I did not want gab, but I wanted your love;
I still feel the regret that it needs to assert.”
Surya Raj

“Our hearts can be our greatest enemies. They can push us toward or to things that disrupt everything we’ve built, things that make us question everything we’ve known prior, and not always to our overall benefit. They can drag us to places we never wanted to be. Maybe your heart feels that a wild business venture is more profitable than finishing your education. Or maybe your heart tells you the man you’ve committed your life to isn’t the man you’re meant to be with. Maybe your heart is right but… what if it isn’t? What if your heart is wrong?

There are only three things any of us can actually control; what we think, what we say, and what we do. As such one could argue that our only real responsibility in this life is to garner a deep understanding of ourselves and be responsible for whom we are; what we allow ourselves to become. Your life, your heart and mind, are yours and no one else’s. No one can save you or change you unless you let them unless you chose to be changed. Take responsibility for yourself.

So, follow your heart, but maybe let your head step in and have a say once in a while.
“Sometimes your mind and your heart want different things, and you know your heart is a liar.”
Surya Raj

“The thing that causes you pain, you will enjoy that later.”
Surya Raj

“The question of what makes life meaningful has to be answered personally (even if our conclusions are marked by no particular idiosyncrasy). Others cannot be relied upon to determine what will be meaningful to us. What we call ‘crises of meaning’ are generally moments when someone else’s – perhaps very well-intentioned – interpretation of what might be meaningful to us runs up against a growing realisation of our divergent tastes and interests.
“The thing that causes you pain, you will enjoy that later.”
Surya Raj

“Always choose the right person. It does not matter you are choosing it for the wrong thing or the right thing.”
Surya Raj

“Everyone is better than you at something. This is a fact of life. Someone is better than you at making eye contact. Someone is better than you at quantum physics. Someone is better informed than you on geopolitics. Someone is better than you are at speaking kindly to someone they dislike. There are better gift-givers, name-rememberers, weight-lifters, temper-controllers, confidence-carriers, and friendship-makers. There is no one person who is the best at all these things, who doesn’t have room to improve in one or more of them. So if you can find the humility to accept this about yourself, what you will realize is that the world is one giant classroom. Go about your day with an openness and a joy about this fact. Look at every interaction as an opportunity to learn from and of the people you meet. You will be amazed at how quickly you grow, how much better you get.
"Always choose the right person. It does not matter you are choosing it for the wrong thing or the right thing.”
Surya Raj

“I enjoy turning complex problems into simple.”
Surya Raj

“I am passionate about building apps that improve the lives of those around me.”
Surya Raj

“I like to do things from scratch and enjoy bringing ideas to real-world applications.”
Surya Raj

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