
Supreme Truth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "supreme-truth" Showing 1-26 of 26
“In 7 years every cell of your body gets replaced by a new cell. There must be a permanent point inside you around which this process is happening, the point of no cell and no-thing. the site of the holiest pilgrimage.”

“When a schizophrenic patient sees things that others don’t see, he at least knows that his mind is playing with him. But your hallucinations, which you call reality. are being validated and strengthened by everything and everyone around you.”

“In a few decades, perhaps people will get attached to social media profiles just like you are attached to your body mind now.

Then Gurus will have to remind them, “Profile is nothing but some pictures and data stored in servers owned by social media companies. You don’t own it. You just access it. Don’t bother about likes and followers. You are not a profile. you are a body-mind!”

“There is one thing common between a dead person and an enlightened person. Both can't describe their experience to you.

When I say the word 'Cow', you will relate it with the cows you have seen. Words can't give you picture of my cow. You can see my cow only if you reach my state and see it yourself.”

“Nobody knows who you truly are. From your milkman to your spouse, everyone has a different image of you. You keep accepting, rejecting. correcting and enhancing those images. Even you don’t know who you are. You are searching for yourself.”

“The journey to know the “I” is called inward journey. Whether you are studying galaxies or blackholes or quantum particles, never forget that your purpose is to know the “I”, not what the “I” is seeing.

Watch “I” changing its location. When you are eating delicious meal “I” is body. When you are reading book, “I” is mind. Who is watching mind? Another partition of mind. When you keep watching “I”, you will realize that “I” is “nothingness” and it just gets attached things like body or mind.”

“Imagine that you are watching a movie which is so engaging that you forget yourself. Suppose that the movie is not 3 hours long but millions of years long. Of course, a human protagonist can’t have such a long story. So, the protagonist of the movie is someone who changes forms from human to cow to monkey to tree to dog to cat and so on... Then who are you and who is the protagonist of the movie? Aren’t you the eternal power watching your own story unfold before you?”

“If you desire to drink water, the Space-Time (Maya) says, “Walk these many steps and reach the fridge. Take out the water bottle and drink.”

By fulfilling these small desires without any trick, Maya proves that she is fair. When you try to fulfill bigger desires, she tricks you and traps you. Then you can’t even blame her because she has already proved herself as fair. Then you blame yourself and fall deeper into the mess.”

“A monk is in a boat in the middle of the ocean. The full moon is shining majestically in the sky. He has a telepathic conversation with an astronaut walking on the moon and says, “No, Mr. Astronaut. You are not on the moon. I am on the moon. You are just walking on some rocks.”

The experience of the supreme truth is like watching a full moon. When we try to descend that experience to the physical level, when we try to analyze it with the mind, it is just rocks.”

“When you finally jump out of the pond and see trees for the first time, how would you describe them to your former companions in the pond who have only seen moss till now? Weird large frames covered with moss?”

“Solitude is like a river bank where the truth is waiting for you with a boat.”

“You can't grab the supreme truth. You have to melt into it. If you try to grab it, you will end up grabbing the myths that surround it.”

“Your deepest craving is to find the Supreme Power. Nothing the world has to offer can satisfy it. This unsatisfaction can either lead you to Him or to some addiction.”

“Sunflowers face East in the morning and West in evening. They don't have a stand or a fixed ideology because they have the truth. They always face the Sun of truth.”

“A leaf wants to meet the tree. What should it do? It should find out whether it is actually a leaf or it is a power which is falsely identifying itself as leaf.”

“Everybody is trying to put clothes of their own size on the Eternal Truth.”

Abhijit Naskar
“Unselfishness is the truth, whereas selfishness is the greatest lie.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

Abhijit Naskar
“To hell with all that nonsense of higher truth, realize the truth of love, that's enough awakening!”
Abhijit Naskar, Mukemmel Musalman: Kafir Biraz, Peygamber Biraz

“Life is about realizing oneself as a divine being with Supreme consciousness.”
Shiva Negi

“The man of self-knowledge transcends life and death and lives in the ecstasy of Supreme consciousness.”
Shiva Negi

“Life is meant for realizing one's own true Self (Atman) in the Supreme Consciousness (God).”
Shiva Negi

“Life is meant to realize your True Self (Atman) in the form of Supreme Consciousness (God), and be immortal and blissful forever.”
Shiva Negi

“Being true to yourself is the highest form of realizing your true Self as the Divine.”
Shiva Negi

“To be true to oneself is the supreme religion.”
Shiva Negi

“Being true to oneself is the highest religion.”
Shiva Negi

“Truth leads you to self-realization in the Supreme Consciousness and liberates you from life and death.”
Shiva Negi