
Serial Killers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "serial-killers" Showing 1-30 of 110
Bret Easton Ellis
“It strikes me profoundly that the world is more often than not a bad and cruel place.”
Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho

Michelle McNamara
“One day soon, you’ll hear a car pull up to your curb, an engine cut out. You’ll hear footsteps coming up your front walk. Like they did for Edward Wayne Edwards, twenty-nine years after he killed Timothy Hack and Kelly Drew, in Sullivan, Wisconsin. Like they did for Kenneth Lee Hicks, thirty years after he killed Lori Billingsley, in Aloha, Oregon.

The doorbell rings.

No side gates are left open. You’re long past leaping over a fence. Take one of your hyper, gulping breaths. Clench your teeth. Inch timidly toward the insistent bell.

This is how it ends for you.

“You’ll be silent forever, and I’ll be gone in the dark,” you threatened a victim once.

Open the door. Show us your face.

Walk into the light.”
Michelle McNamara, I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer

Jeff Lindsay
“Really now: If you can't get me my newspaper on time, how can you expect me to refrain from killing people?”
Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Chuck Palahniuk
“How miserably hypocritical, you might say, but no sooner am I offered a chance to flee Hell than I yearn to stay. Few families hold their relations as closely as do prisons. Few marriages sustain the high level of passion that exists between criminals and those who seek to bring them to justice. It’s no wonder the Zodiac Killer flirted so relentlessly with the police. Or that Jack the Ripper courted and baited detectives with his - or her - coy letters. We all wish to be pursued. We all long to be desired.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Damned

“Try to touch the past. Try to deal with the past. It's not real. It's just a dream. -Ted Bundy”
Ted Bundy

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“I’m just saying that statistically, a psychopath is more likely to end up as a CEO than a serial killer.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Naturals

Chelsea Cain
“Ugly people kill people all the time. But when pretty people did, it got attention.”
Chelsea Cain, Kill You Twice

“We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere.

And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow.”
Ted Bundy

John E. Douglas
“Manipulation. Domination. Control. These are the three watchwords of violent serial offenders.”
John E. Douglas, Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit

P.I. Barrington
“Bravery isn't when you go looking for trouble; bravery is when trouble comes looking for you.”
P.I. Barrington, Final Deceit

Warren Ellis
“You think that drinking with a serial killer takes you into the midnight currents of the culture? I say bullshit. There's been twelve TV documentaries, three movies and eight books about me. I'm more popular than any of these designed-by-pedophile pop moppets littering the music television and the gossip columns. I've killed more people than Paris Hilton has desemenated, I was famous before she was here and I'll be famous after she's gone. I am the mainstream. I am, in fact, the only true rock star of the modern age. Every newspaper in America never fails to report on my comeback tours, and I get excellent reviews.”
Warren Ellis, Crooked Little Vein

Lee Goldberg
“I had to wonder, though, if there's something about a murderer, particularly a confident one, that gives him a certain charisma or charm that I, in particular, am susceptible to.
I mean, there's a reason more women are attracted to Dracula than repelled by him.
I made a resolution to myself. From now on, I'd assume that every man I was attracted to was a murderer until proven otherwise.
Perhaps it wasn't the most promising strategy for starting a relationship, but I might live longer.”
Lee Goldberg, Mr. Monk on the Couch

Barry Lyga
“Psychologist: "This, ah, is a new sort of, ah, psychopathology that we're only now beginning to, ah, understand. These, ah, super-serial killers have no, ah, 'type' but, ah, rather consider everyone to be their 'type.'"
Gramma: "Did you hear that? Your daddy's a superhero!”
Barry Lyga, I Hunt Killers - Free Preview (The First 10 Chapters): with Bonus Prequel Short Story "Career Day"

Christopher Hitchens
“So, whenever the subject of Iraq came up, as it did keep on doing through the Clinton years, I had no excuse for not knowing the following things: I knew that its one-party, one-leader state machine was modeled on the precedents of both National Socialism and Stalinism, to say nothing of Al Capone. I knew that its police force was searching for psychopathic killers and sadistic serial murderers, not in order to arrest them but to employ them. I knew that its vast patrimony of oil wealth, far from being 'nationalized,' had been privatized for the use of one family, and was being squandered on hideous ostentation at home and militarism abroad. (Post-Kuwait inspections by the United Nations had uncovered a huge nuclear-reactor site that had not even been known about by the international community.) I had seen with my own eyes the evidence of a serious breach of the Genocide Convention on Iraqi soil, and I had also seen with my own eyes the evidence that it had been carried out in part with the use of weapons of mass destruction. I was, if you like, the prisoner of this knowledge. I certainly did not have the option of un-knowing it.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Jack Heath
“Thistle flashes a wicked smile. "Oh, you haven't heard that one? The government struck a bargain with a cannibal, and they use him to dispose of bodies after executions."
"Who told you that story" I ask, trying to sound casual.
"The supermax prisoners use it to scare each other up in Huntsville. Better watch your step or a man from the government will come and eat you." She shrugs. "It doesn't make much sense, but conspiracy theories never do."
"Right. It's probably bullshit."
Thistle laughs. "Probably?"
"Definitely bullshit," I clarify. Then I take another bite out of Nigel Boyd's thigh.”
Jack Heath, Hangman

“I wanted to be a cicada. I wanted to pull my skin off and leave it in the bushes and nobody would recognize me, not even my own mother. I would be a completely different person and I wouldn’t remember a thing.”
- Camilla DeAngelis, Bones and All

John Marrs
“Theirs is a mismatched partnership, yet they're made for one another. Only together can they be their true selves. Outside in the real world, where they have no control over their environment, they are forced to adapt and perform. They are quiet and unassuming and I expect most people forget who they are soon after crossing paths with them. They get away with what they do by hiding in plain sight and by being ordinary. Nobody sees in them what I see because they have no reason to look Only I notice the hollowness of their eyes.”
John Marrs, Keep It in the Family

John Marrs
“Like those before him, he holds on to the hops of a miracle. He doesn't realise that, to them, he is not human. He is an everyday, ten-a-penny object. And it doesn't really matter how carelessly you treat an everyday object, because if it breaks, it is easily replaced. That's what will happen to him. It might take them weeks or months, but eventually, another one just like him will come along. One always does.”
John Marrs, Keep It in the Family

John Marrs
“Like those before him, he holds on to the hope of a miracle. He doesn't realise that, to them, he is not human. He is an everyday, ten-a-penny object. And it doesn't really matter how carelessly you treat an everyday object, because if it breaks, it is easily replaced. That's what will happen to him. It might take them weeks or months, but eventually, another one just like him will come along. One always does.”
John Marrs, Keep It in the Family

Alistair Cross
“Mr. Jones entered wearing his spotless black trench coat, the shiny black shoes, and the ridiculous hat that made him look like a figure from an 1880s London police sketch.”
Alistair Cross, Dream Reaper

Ashley Lister
“The thing that few people appreciated about Ed Gein was his skill as a seamstress.”
Ashley Lister, Conversations with Dead Serial Killers

“It trickled over me then, making me shudder: the hunger, and the certainty. I didn’t know anything about Penny Wilson. I just had a feeling I had done something horrible when I was little and that I was on the verge of repeating it. The tent wasn’t magic, but I knew one of us wasn’t coming out again.”
Camilla DeAngelis

Steven Magee
“Some of the biggest serial killers are among the nicest people you will ever meet!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A serial killer should never own a cell phone of any kind!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A serial killer should do a regular hard drive erase and reinstall of their computer operating system.”
Steven Magee

"The feeling lingered all the way to the landing, increasingly unkempt, slowly dialling up the mustiness of the odour. It wasn't blood but closer, in fact, to dried salts, with a subtle edge of wax and pine. I glanced around and found my answer ... The entryway had been sealed, lined with what appeared to be some sort of gauze, mixed with adhesive glue and applied to the entire outer frame. It was stiff, now cracked and crumbling where Mcnaughten had forced his way in and QUICKLY BEEN MET WITH REGRET." - Chief Inspector Fredrick Abberline, The Ripper Lives: Into the Black (4/10)”
Kevin Morris

Michael Deeze
“It’s inevitable. But we pretend it isn’t until that point where we can’t deny it anymore. Then we begin to repent.”
“Repent for our sins.” I nodded.
“No! We repent for the opportunities that we missed. The doors we should have walked through.”
Michael Deeze, The Deathbed Confessions

Michael Deeze
“You can count on that one.” She looked down into her glass. “If Harry Beech tells you that he knows the devil himself,” she looked up, met my gaze and finished in a serious voice, “then you should believe him.”
Michael Deeze, The Deathbed Confessions

Michael Deeze
“My best advice to myself was to act like I’d been there before. I was in way over my head, and I was not skating down the line between good and bad anymore. I tried to justify my actions by reminding myself that it was part of my investigation but even I couldn’t fool myself that much.
I drained my glass and then drained the one that Sara handed me. In no way, was this evening turning out to have career building opportunity written on it. I was getting more nervous by the minute.”
Michael Deeze

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