Sassy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sassy" Showing 31-60 of 82
Mackenzi Lee
“Let's get one thing straight," I interrupt, jerking my arm out of his grip with such force that I nearly knock out the woman standing behind me. "You are not my father, I am not your responsibility, and I did not come here to have a list of my faults related from him or be condemned for who I associate with-not by you or that damned duke. So while it's been a jolly good time, being treated like a child all evening, I think I've just about had enough and I can make my own way from here.”
Mackenzi Lee, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue

T.F. Hodge
“That sassy low classy, but dress real cheap-fly-n-fancy, with a chip on her shoulder -- she's just a bitterly wounded dove, wanting to be sieged by love.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

P.L. Travers
“If I were some people,” she remarked acidly, “I’d mind my own business!”
P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins Comes Back

Margaret Watson
“She thinks you're stalking me."
"Why the hell would I do that? I see too much of your ugly mug as it is.”
Margaret Watson, Protect Me

Ashley Poston
“Ah, _home_. You know what would be better? If you could keep the seat warm for me, too. Literally warm.

I am sorry I do not have heaters installed in my rear,”
Ashley Poston, Heart of Iron

Ilona Andrews
“Knocking, it’s a thing,” I told him. “You make a fist, lift it, and gently hit the door to let the person inside know you are out there.”
Ilona Andrews, Magic Triumphs

Lexi George
“She would love him so hard, so completely, so openly and without fear that the universe would shudder at her recklessness.”
Lexi George

Paula Stokes
“How will this stroke steal away my remaining dignity, let me count the ways.”
Paula Stokes, Stronger Than Words

K.R. Grace
“Seriously, why was it tradition to stand when the bride came in? It blocked her from seeing her groom, who was the only reason she was there in the first place.”
K.R. Grace, The Phoenix

Jacob Tobia
“I know that I’ve already said that God is a trans woman, so I think it’s worth clarifying: when God isn’t busy being a woman, she can also take the form of a gay man, trans dude, or butch lesbian. God’s genderfluid like that, praise be unto Her/Him/Them!”
Jacob Tobia, Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story

Shaun Bythell
“It should go without saying that anyone who introduces themselves as 'a bit weird' is almost certainly not.”
Shaun Bythell, Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops

Sage Kafsky
“If by fawning, you mean he’s a deer, I have a gun, and it’s hunting season, then I guess you’re right.”
Sage Kafsky

Rita Mae Brown
“If you don't like my book, write your own. If you don't think you can write a novel, that ought to tell you something. If you think you can, do. No excuses. If you still don't like my novels, find a book you do like. Life is too short to be miserable. If you like my novels, I commend your good taste.”
Rita Mae Brown, Southern Discomfort

“Thy tongue sounds in accordance with thy form. (Vulcan)”
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound and Seven Against Thebes

Jacob Tobia
“Oh, and one more thing (sorry). The trans narrative perpetuated by mainstream media fucking sucks because it rarely acknowledges history or community. It implies—or, at times, outright says—that this whole trans thing is new. That the trans experience is a product of the modern world. As if trans people haven’t been around for all of recorded history. As if gender nonconformity isn’t as old as gender itself. As if precolonial and indigenous cultures across the world didn’t have rich traditions of honoring gender nonconforming, trans, and two-spirit people. As if every trans person on the planet doesn’t owe our present freedom to the struggles of generations of gender nonconforming and trans folks who came before.”
Jacob Tobia, Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story

Nicola Marsh
“Besides, there's plenty of time to get a ring. I'd rather spend time with you than flash around a five-carat rock on my finger."
"Five carats?" He clutched at his chest. "I work in the ER; I'm not a brain surgeon."
"Well then, maybe you should introduce me to some of your colleagues---"
She squealed as he made a lunge for her, allowing him to catch her far too easily.
"You have a smart mouth, Ms. Ryland."
"Haven't you heard? Smart mouths make for the best kisses," she said, a moment before proving exactly that.”
Nicola Marsh, The Man Ban

K.R. Grace
“...and yes that was meant to be interpreted in a sarcastic bubblegum tone complete with clapping and jazz hands.”
K.R. Grace, The Phoenix

“The school should teach a class on deciphering obscure images in bad photography. Amanda's photos could make up the textbooks.”
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek, Escape from Witchwood Hollow

Ashley Poston
“Ah, home. You know what would be better? If you could keep the seat warm for me, too. Literally warm"

"I am sorry I do not have heaters installed in my rear,”
Ashley Poston, Heart of Iron

Julie James
“I suppose you're attractive,' she told him. 'Physically speaking.'

'Stop--you're making me blush.'

'Your personality, on the other hand, appears to have several defects.”
Julie James, Just the Sexiest Man Alive
tags: sassy

Dean Koontz
“She enjoyed making people smile. She always hoped to leave them thinking, What a crackerjack that girl is, what a sassy piece of work. By sassy, of course, she wanted them to mean “pert, smart, jaunty” rather than “insolent, rude, impudent.” Walking the line between the right kind of sassy and the wrong kind was tricky, but if you pulled it off, you would never leave them thinking, What a sad little crippled girl she is, with her little twisted leg and her little gnarled hand. This evening, she suspected that she’d crossed the line between the wrong and the right kinds of sassy, and in fact walked out of sassy altogether, leaving them feeling more pity than delight.”
Dean Koontz, One Door Away from Heaven

Kristin Hannah
“Some women nodded, others shook their heads. I would have killed myself before I let one of them move into my house.

Would you Helen? Would you really?”
Kristin Hannah, The Nightingale

Katherine McIntyre
“I shot her a look. “You of all people should know how dangerous my silence is. The longer my brain gets to working, the more I give my madcap plans credence. I was debating the merits of leaving a trail of catnip through the warehouse tonight—a stray cat infestation is the exact thing to keep Otthmann and the others occupied.”
Katherine McIntyre, The Airship Also Rises

Adele  Rose
“How dare you call me ‘it’?” It was my turn to point the finger, as I glide over to where he is standing and gibbering. “‘It’ has a name,” I continue, scowling. “It’s Clara and, if you ever look at me like that or refer to me as a thing rather than a human being again, then I’ll find out where you live and I’ll haunt you for the rest of your puny life and that’s a PROMISE!” And that’s how you threaten someone…ghost style.”
Adele Rose, Damned

P.L. Travers
“Thank you, ma’am,” said Mary Poppins with icy politeness. “But I bring the children up in my own way and take advice from nobody,”
P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins Comes Back

“I call my writing style 'Short-Attention-Span Stand-Up.' Or SASSU for short. Sassy.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, How to Defeat the Trump Cult: Want to Save Democracy? Share This Book

“Chocolate, flowers, cards, gifts; it’s all a racket. A rat race of love peddlers, pointing fingers at our inadequacy because we’re alone on the one day of the year for lovers. The twenty-four hours where if you’re single, you become that kid in class who eats paste while picking his nose, who no one wants to sit by.”
Billie Dale, Sweeter Than Chocolate

Jacob Tobia
“If we lived in a better world, I would’ve turned to her and replied, “Really, Jane? Are you serious right now? You want me to go as John Smith, the asshole colonizer? I mean, I know the Disney version of the movie makes his ethical position sort of ‘debatable’ or whatever, but we all know that is some propaganda bullshit. Are you seriously suggesting I walk around the neighborhood dressed as a genocide-perpetrating white dude?”
Jacob Tobia

Sarah J. Maas
“If she fell, she’d die of humiliation.”
Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass

Sōsuke Natsukawa
“Rahatça boş laflar edebileceğin son anlar bunlar. Kitapları belaya bulaşmadan serbest bırakamazsan, bu labirentten çıkman imkansızlaşır."
Beklemediği bu uyarı karşısında Rintaro ne diyeceğini şaşırdı. "Bunu söylememiştin..."
"Elbette söylemedim. Söyleseydim benimle gelmezdin her halde. Bu dünyada birçok şeyi bilmemek çok daha iyi olur."
"Hiç hoş değil...
"Neresi hoş değil? Mahzun, salak gibi bir suratla oturup duruyordun. Kaybedeceğin bir şey yok.”
Sōsuke Natsukawa, The Cat Who Saved Books