Sassy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sassy" Showing 1-30 of 82
Veronica Roth
“I like to think I'm helping them by hating them. I'm reminding them that they aren't God's gift to humankind.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent

Sarah J. Maas
“The walls weren't moving, and the room was open - gaping. No colors, but shades of darkness, of night . Only those star-flecked violet eyes were bright, full of color and light. He gave me a lazy smile before he leaned forward.
I pulled away, but his hands were like shackles. I could do nothing as his mouth met with my cheek, and he licked away a tear. His tongue was hot against my skin, so startling that I couldn't move as he licked away another path of salt water, and then another. My body went taut and loose all at once and I burned, even as chills shuddered along my limbs. It was only when his tongue danced along the damp edges of my lashes that I jerked back.
He chuckled as I scrambled for the corner of the cell. I wiped my face as I glared at him.
He smirked, sitting down against a wall. "I figured that would get you to stop crying."
"It was disgusting." I wiped my face again.
"Was it?" He quirked an eyebrow and pointed to his palm - to the place where my tattoo would be. "Beneath all your pride and stubbornness, I could have sworn I detected something that felt differently. Interesting."
"Get out."
"As usual, your gratitude is overwhelming.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Nalini Singh
“She blew out a breath between gritted teeth. “Sometimes I really want to”—a frustrated sound—“bite you!”

He froze. “I might let you.”

“I won’t do it if you’d enjoy it.”
Nalini Singh, Kiss of Snow

Elizabeth Eulberg
“And Nate? You kiss like a slobbering dog, you have bad breath, and you wouldn't know how to punch the right buttons on a girl if we came with manuals. Happy Thanksgiving, Jackass.”
Elizabeth Eulberg, The Lonely Hearts Club

Sarah J. Maas
“The king picked up his goblet, swirling the wine inside. 'I didn't receive word that your legion was here.'

"They're not."

Chaol braced for the execution order, praying he wouldn't be the one to do it. The king said, "I told you to bring them, General."

"Here, I was thinking you wanted the plesure of my company.”
Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire

D.H. Lawrence
“I only want one thing of men, and that is, that they should leave me alone.”
D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

Cassandra Clare
“Is this the girl?” Kieran’s voice was very different: It sounded like waves sliding up the shore. Like warm water under pale light. It was seductive, with an edge of cold. He looked at Emma as if she were a new kind of flower, one he wasn’t sure he liked. “She’s pretty,” he said. “I didn’t think she’d be pretty. You didn’t mention it.”
Iarlath shrugged. “You’ve always been partial to blondes,” he said.
“Okay, seriously?” Emma snapped her fingers. “I am right here. And I was not aware I was being invited to a game of ‘Who’s the Hottest?'"
I wasn’t aware you were invited at all,” said Kieran. His speech had a casual edge, as if he was used to talking to humans.
“Rude,” said Emma.”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Hafsah Faizal
“If you want me obedient, prince, kill me and carry my corpse.”
Hafsah Faizal, We Hunt the Flame

Ally Carter
“The obvious," Noah goes on, a little out of breath, "being that he is probably some super secret assassin or something. And I'm not as tough as I look."
"That's OK," I tell him. "I'm way tougher than you look.”
Ally Carter, All Fall Down

Melissa Marr
“I waited here while you talked to Sorcha, who, by the way, is crazy. Now you are off to the mortal world where the crazier one is? ... I was there, Devlin. Bananach could've killed you, and really? We've been bound together for like five minutes and you're suddenly darting off into danger without me. I don't think so.”
Melissa Marr, Radiant Shadows
tags: sassy

Bink Cummings
“Puh-lease… Team leather and cocks isn’t always right.”
Bink Cummings, The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 2

Leigh Bardugo
“Are we calling it a presence now?" asked Nikolai. "I preferred 'monster.' Or 'demon.' Even 'fiend' has a nice ring.”
Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

T.H. White
“Oh, what a lovely owl!" Cried the Wart.

But when he went up to it and held out his hand, the owl grew half as tall again, stood up as stiff as a poker, closed its eyes so that there was only the smallest slit to peep through - as you are in the habit of doing when told to shut your eyes at hide-and-seek - and said in a doubtful voice

"There is no owl."

Then it shut its eyes entirely and looked the other way.

"It is only a boy," said Merlyn.

"There is no boy," said the owl hopefully, without turning round.”
T.H. White, The Once and Future King

Mark  Lawrence
“Go fuck yourself,' I said. I kept it pleasant.”
Mark Lawrence, Prince of Thorns

William Shakespeare
“Mother, you have my father much offended.”
William Shakespeare

Quinn Loftis
“Alston snorted. "Be realistic, Peri. You don't have the power to challenge us. Not unless you possessed all of the Fae stones."
Peri pulled both hands from the pockets in her robes and held them out, fist clenched and palms upward, to the Fae arrayed before he. She slowly unclenched her fists, revealing the five Fae stones, two in her left hand, and three in her right. The Fae stones, which only appeared in times of greatest need, lay ominously in her outstretched hands.
"How do you like me now bee-otch?" She grinned, wickedly.”
Quinn Loftis, Fate and Fury

Leigh Bardugo
“Well, we've managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. We're either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breathe air.”
Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Jenny Elder Moke
“I see your manners have not improved with time."
He crooked one side of his mouth into a grin. "Time was never a factor in my manners.”
Jenny Elder Moke, Hood

A.  Kirk
“New clothes? Oh, no, no, no.” Eros put one hand on his hip while the other hand made a big Z in the air as he snapped his fingers three times. “Sistah, you need an entire makeover.”

This “sistah” sighed and said, “Oh, brother.”
A. Kirk, Demons in Disguise
tags: eros, lol, sassy

“A girl should be sassy, classy, and ballsy with a touch of badassy.”
Emmanuel Apetsi

Andrea Andersen
“Beck turned to give them a disbelieving look. “T, read a book.” She scolded. “Beck, go outside.”
Andrea Andersen, What It Means To Be Brave

“Bridge. Ha!.."
"Have you ever played?"
"I don't play anyone's games, especially hers...”
Brooke Lea Foster, Summer Darlings

“What can I say? I get fucked a lot. When you come this often and this hard you can’t help but swagger.”
Jess Whitecroft, The Last Single Man in Texas

The Beverly Hillbillies?" Roger says.
"Yeah," I say. "Call it therapy for the sleep-deprived."
"Really?" He shakes his head. "A bunch of hicks jumping around acting stupid?"
I stiffen. My acquired Yankee accent may sound like his, but I don't appreciate it when people from up north move south for the warm weather and then disrespect southerners. I recite the thesis from my freshman television studies paper. "Listen, Roger, The Beverly Hillbillies is based on a classic archetype: the stranger in a strange land."
"Oh yeah?" he says.
I lean against the kitchen doorway and hook one pink slipper over the other. "You see, the viewer identifies with the residents of Beverly Hills, who live by the rules of the 'regular' world. But Jed and Granny and Elly May reverse our expectations. We end up empathizing with them because our own cultural norms prove cold-hearted and illogical."
"This is so interesting," he says, checking his watch.
"Yes, it is, Roger, because we have come to understand that the naïve but kind 'hicks' are wiser than those who consider themselves sophisticated and smart.”
Virginia Hartman, The Marsh Queen

Victoria Aveyard
“he waves a hand at the table of food nearby, holding our first course- "but his punctuality is neither my fault nor my problem.”
Victoria Aveyard, War Storm

“I'm fat and sassy and slept like a log.”
Mary Forker Ford, Terror in Technicolor
tags: sassy

Yi Zhu
“Based on his temper, he might says: “Xiao Sang Zhi comes and meets Ge Ge, and you are wearing makeup. You especially dress up for meeting me?”

Dream! On!

She rather be not very pretty than letting him have a chance to be narcissistic.”
Yi Zhu, Secretly, Secretly; But Unable to Hide It

Mallory Marlowe
“What's your name?" I ask again.

We hover over the device, then a word pops up on the screen, a digitized voice announcing it for us.


Hayden squints, jaw hanging slack, trying to find some hidden meaning.

"Little. Oh my God, there's a little girl that's reported to haunt this hotel."

"Bitch," the device snaps.

His gaze lifts to mine, then back at the Ovilus, and then back at me.

"Did that ghost call me a bitch?"

I scratch my head. "It might've been talking about me. It did say little. You're kinda large."

Hayden frowns at the device. "That's derogatory. It's not nice to call a woman a bitch."

"Ass," it corrects.”
Mallory Marlowe, Love and Other Conspiracies

Peter David
“Your disappointment is a burden I will carry with me for as long as it takes me to finish this sentence.
-Red Tornado”
Peter David, Young Justice, Book Five

“Lass uns einen Handel abschließen."
"Einen Handel?", wieder hole ich.
"Gibt es hier ein Echo?"
"Nein, aber ein Veilchen, wenn du mir so kommst.”
Isabelle North, Regents: Blute für uns (W&R Academy 1)

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