
Roz Quotes

Quotes tagged as "roz" Showing 1-12 of 12
Loni Flowers
“Sometimes our emotions get in the way of our ability to make clear decisions and this was one of them. But I don’t think you should regret it. Everything happens for a reason.”
Loni Flowers, Taking Chances
tags: roz

Nora Roberts
“I’m not looking for a man right now. Too damn much trouble. Even when it’s good, they take a lot of time, effort, and energy. I’m enjoying using all that time, effort, and energy on myself.”
Nora Roberts, Blue Dahlia

Nora Roberts
“She kept to herself because solitude soothed her.”
Nora Roberts, Black Rose

Nora Roberts
“She could live her life alone if need be, but what did it prove? That she was self-sufficient, independent, strong, and able. She knew those things, had been those things—and would always be those things.

And she could be courageous, too.

Didn’t it take courage, wasn’t it harder to blend one life with another, to share and to cope, to compromise than to live that life alone? It was work to live with a man, to wake up every day prepared to deal with routine, and to be open to surprises.

She’d never shied away from work.

Marriage was a different kettle at this stage of life. There would be no babies made between them. But they could share grandchildren one day. They wouldn’t grow up together, but could grow old together.

They could be happy.”
Nora Roberts, Black Rose

Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
“- Tanti Roz, am impresia că în Dicționarul medical nu se găsesc decât probleme particulare, pe care le-ar putea avea câte un om. Nimic din ceea ce interesează pe toată lumea: viața, moartea, credința, Dumnezeu.
- Poate ar trebui să cauți un Dicționar de filosofie, Oscar. Dar oricum, chiar dacă acolo ai găsi ce cauți, tot s-ar putea să fii dezamăgit. Pentru fiecare noțiune, există mai multe răspunsuri, foarte diferite.
- Cum vine asta?
- Cele mai interesante întrebări, rămân întrebări. Și conțin în ele un mister. La fiecare răspuns trebuie să adaugi un `poate`. Numai întrebări fără interes cu răspunsuri definitive.”
Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
“(...) Am încercat să le explic părinților mei ce-i viața, un cadou foarte tare. La început, supraestimăm cadoul asta: credem c-am primit viață veșnică. De aceea îl subestimăm, ni se pare urât, prea scurt, mai c-am fi gata să-l aruncăm. În sfârșit, ne dăm seama că n-am primit un cadou, ci un împrumut.”
Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
“- Gândește-te puțin Oscar. De cine te simți tu mai apropiat, de un Dumnezeu care nu simte nimic sau de un Dumnezeu care suferă?
- De cel care suferă, normal. Dar dac-aș fi fost în locul lui, dac-aș fi fost Dumnezeu, dacă aș fi avut puterile lui, m-aș fi aranjat să nu sufăr.
- Nimeni nu poate să scape de suferință. Nici Dumnezeu, nici tu. Nici părinții tăi, nici eu.”
Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt

“Being angry feel so much better than being sad.”
M.K Lobb

Nora Roberts
“My family’s just as important as yours, and I’ve got as much money and prestige.”

“Money and prestige don’t buy good manners. You aren’t showing any at the moment.”
Nora Roberts, Black Rose

Nora Roberts
“I don’t know if I’ve got it in me for another important relationship. They’re so much damn work. Love can be, should be, so consuming, so demanding. I just don’t know that I’ve got the stamina, or the heart, or the generosity.”
Nora Roberts, Black Rose

Nora Roberts
“You have all you need. A home, children, work that satisfies you. What do you need with a man?”
Nora Roberts, Black Rose

“A true deity, Roz felt, shouldn't play favorites. As far as she was concerned, if the saints wanted veneration, they were going to have to prove themselves worthy of it”
M.K Lobb