
Rosemont Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rosemont-series" Showing 1-14 of 14
Barbara Hinske
“He recognized this ornament. It had been part of his childhood--a treasure he hadn't seen in decades." No Matter How Far”
Barbara Hinske

Barbara Hinske
“Loretta lay propped up in a bed, still and panting, amid a sea of activity. At least a dozen people, in scrubs and masks, moved swiftly around the room with orchestrated precision. from When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be

Barbara Hinske
“Soon the air was filled with the most joyful sound in a delivery room--the healthy wail of not one, but two newborns. When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be

Barbara Hinske
“Julia accepted a hug and kiss, then wriggled free of Maggie's embrace to throw herself at John.... When Dreams There Be.”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be

Barbara Hinske
“I'd like to see if he'd look at some things we've found in the attic of the Olsson house. Jeff suspects some of it might be valuable." When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be

Barbara Hinske
“It's a perfect spring evening. Let's have dessert and coffee on the back patio. You're got your choice of chocolate cake or peach pie from Laura's." When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be

Barbara Hinske
“Pete always sat her at this table in the window when she was waiting for Susan. Maggie loved seeing the busy after-work hubbub while she watched for Susan to arrive for their monthly mother daughter dinner." When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be

Barbara Hinske
“I should take them cookies--maybe frosted sugar cookies. I think I have cookie cutters that look like a paw." Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens”
Barbara Hinske, Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens: Book 3 in the Paws & Pastries Series

Barbara Hinske
“I love hearing that. Linden Falls sounds a lot like Westbury.”
Maggie leaned back against his chest, and he circled her with his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head. They stood in silence as thin clouds shrouded the moon, painting the trees at the bottom of the slope with a milky wash. Waves of Grace”
Barbara Hinske, Waves of Grace

Barbara Hinske
“After years of yearning for my dream life, it now seems like it’s on the horizon—after only a couple of days. And it’s all thanks to you, Gordon.” She propelled herself onto her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek as flakes of snow fluttered to the ground around them. Waves of Grace”
Barbara Hinske, Waves of Grace

Barbara Hinske
“Gordon looked between the happy couple and felt a visceral pull on his heartstrings. His parents had had such a connection, and he had wanted one for himself, too. A surge of sadness coursed through him as he wondered when he’d given up on the idea. Waves of Grace”
Barbara Hinske, Waves of Grace

Barbara Hinske
“If a man asks if he should take flowers to a woman, the answer is always yes.” Waves of Grace”
Barbara Hinske, Waves of Grace

Barbara Hinske
“Gordon swallowed the growing lump in his throat. He'd been invited back by both of them. Maggie and John considered him part of their inner circle, and that made him thankful. Waves of Grace”
Barbara Hinske, Waves of Grace

Barbara Hinske
“Maggie sent up a prayer of thanks, as she often did, that she’d followed her instincts all those years ago and moved into Rosemont. She’d known no one here at the time, but now the love of her life was next to her and her home was filled with people she adored and who loved her back. Waves of Grace”
Barbara Hinske, Waves of Grace