
Riddlers Edge Quotes

Quotes tagged as "riddlers-edge" Showing 1-27 of 27
A.A. Albright
“He was at the coffee machine, pouring himself a small shot of espresso.
“Yes, please,” I said.
“I didn’t offer you one.”
“Oh, I know – but I thought I might just help your manners along.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Witchy

A.A. Albright
“But you know what cats are like. The place they are is usually the place they want to be.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Witchy

A.A. Albright
“Instead I was stooping behind a damp rock – not a very large one, either – and deciding whether it would be better to make a run for it, or to phone for help. Well done me. If anyone from the Secret Service is reading this, I should be back on the job market any day now, so give me a call.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Witchy

A.A. Albright
“An expression crossed her face – one that I imagined had crossed my own face quite a few times when I was close to Dylan. It was a look that said something along the lines of – ‘my God, you’re an idiot, but for some unfathomable reason … I kind of like you.”
A.A. Albright, So Very Unfae

A.A. Albright
“I took a long slurp of the instant coffee, just to annoy him some more. “Mmm. Unpretentious and perfectly pleasant. What a way to start the day.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“Greg pulled an energy bar from his pocket and unwrapped it; as usual, he was too hungry to wait for a proper meal.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“I think all of the Montagues lived here in the sixties.  I’m sure I remember Pru telling me once about her mam and dad compelling the Beatles to play a secret gig in Riddler’s Edge.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“Dusk was soon to become darkness, but who wanted to be at home with their feet up in front of the telly when they could be driving around in a creepy forest?”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“As he and the band performed, fans of his puzzles threw their underwear onto the small stage. Fans of his singing were far more sedate, asking him for autographs when the performance ended, and politely enquiring if they could buy him a drink. Yes, I thought it might be the other way around, too.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“Confused, I jumped out of bed and opened up the doors. The broom flew straight at me, tapping me lightly on the behind. “What the …?” I spun around, like a dog chasing its tail, trying to get a better look at the thing.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“Everything you make is the best, Abby.  Which is weird, because Aisling has not inherited your talent in the kitchen.”
“Hey,” I protested. “I’ll have you know I’m very good at dialling for pizza.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“The lights had been shut off for the ceremony, and torches had been brought in – when I say torches, I mean the creepy kind with flames, rather than the useful kind with batteries.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“It’s a truth universally acknowledged that evil people really like the sounds of their own voices.”
A.A. Albright, Old-School Witch

A.A. Albright
“When I got there, I found that my broom was sitting at my desk, waiting for me.
“It’s not time for a lesson,” I told it, picking it up and setting it gently on the ground.
It jiggled petulantly (or that’s how it seemed to me) and lifted itself up and plopped back down again as though it were taking a very teenage-like sigh of dissatisfaction.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Vampy

A.A. Albright
“When my grandmother sounded the notes, they were beautiful and ethereal, almost like whale song. When I sounded the notes … well, I sounded like the croakiest, most talentless whale in the ocean.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Vampy

A.A. Albright
“You’re three minutes late,” he said, stretching out on my grandmother’s lap. “But it’s all right. Úna fed and milked me.” He sniggered to himself. “By that I mean she gave me some milk, rather than turned me into a dairy cat.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Vampy

A.A. Albright
“By the time my lesson ended, almost everyone I knew was watching me – which wasn’t at all uncomfortable, because I cope wonderfully under pressure. Ahem.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Vampy

A.A. Albright
“My mother grasped my hand. “Úna, my daughter might not be the queen of anything, but if she says she has a plan, then we’re going to listen to her.”
Dylan, Jared and my father nodded vehemently. “Darn straight,” said Dylan. “I’ve learned the hard way that it’s always best to shut up and listen whenever Miss Smith has an idea.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Vampy

A.A. Albright
“Fuzz shrugged. “Potato tomato.”
“That’s not the phrase,” I informed him.
“It could be,” he said.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Vampy

A.A. Albright
“I woke up to the tossing and turning of a disgruntled cat – because the thing about my cat is that when he’s disgruntled, he makes darned sure I know about it. This time, I wasn’t playing along. It was early on a Sunday morning, and I hadn’t exactly had a restful night.
He tossed and turned again, moving closer to me so that I could feel it even more. He then sighed a few times, just for extra effect.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Chilly

A.A. Albright
“You can use me to see if there’s anything weird going on with him or his equipment.”
Greg sniggered and I rolled my eyes. “You know what I meant, Greg.” I turned back to Dylan. LSo come on, Detective Quinn. Let’s go. Me, you and Greg.  We need to get on top of this.”
Greg sniggered again, while Dylan swallowed and stepped away from us.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Chilly

A.A. Albright
“You can use me to see if there’s anything weird going on with him or his equipment.”
Greg sniggered and I rolled my eyes. “You know what I meant, Greg.” I turned back to Dylan. “So come on, Detective Quinn. Let’s go. Me, you and Greg.  We need to get on top of this.”
Greg sniggered again, while Dylan swallowed and stepped away from us.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Chilly

A.A. Albright
“We’ll come up with something. We just need to put our thinking caps on.” She mimed pulling a hat down over her head. “Come on now. Eleventh-hour suggestions, please. We’ve flown by the seat of our pants before, and I happen to think we can do it again.”
A.A. Albright, A Little Bit Chilly

A.A. Albright
“I was reading a story by Ariadne Albright called And Then There Were Buns. It was about a group of witch bakers who think they’re being taken to a remote island for a baking contest, but they actually get murdered one by one by their mysterious human host.”
A.A. Albright, Slippery Slope

A.A. Albright
“The main reason I didn’t look into the future too much was because … well, I just didn’t want to. 
Life wasn’t very interesting when you knew what was going to happen.”
A.A. Albright, Slippery Slope

A.A. Albright
“I could see her future already, and it involved me strangling her senseless. Horrible woman. I mean, not that I’d actually strangle her. I wasn’t being literal. I’m not a violent vampire. I’m sweet as a chocolate-chip cookie, me.”
A.A. Albright, Slippery Slope

A.A. Albright
“Greg reached into his front pocket and grabbed a packet of peanuts (he liked to snack when he was thinking something over, or when he was relaxing, or when he was excited, or … well, you get the picture).”
A.A. Albright, Slippery Slope