
Professional Development Quotes

Quotes tagged as "professional-development" Showing 1-30 of 107
Abhijit Naskar
“In modern society we often try to separate our personal and professional life. But this separation needs to be erased. People work better when they are accepted for who they are, living as a whole human being.”
Abhijit Naskar

“An organization that does not implement learning and development initiatives, is an organization that is a sinking titanic, an inevitable shipwreck left behind.”
Audrey Mphela

Cal Newport
“When you work, work hard. When you're done, be done.”
Cal Newport, Deep Work / So Good They Can't Ignore You / Life Leverage / How to be F*cking Awesome

Germany Kent
“Evolving into a better you is the only way you will reach new heights personally and professionally.”
Germany Kent

“Erratic work makes us feel unstable, both emotionally and financially. We thrive when we know what is expected of us, when we know which goal post we're trying to hit. Chasing work or sorting out just what it is we are supposed to be doing in a role demands our energy in a way that is frenetic and often seems unsafe, both of which are a recipe for fatigue and burnout.”
Lauren McGoodwin, Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose

Germany Kent
“Strive to be a well-versed professional with high esthetic standards and a passion for excellence.”
Germany Kent

“Traditional training programmes can be a hit or a miss. A miss could arguably be attributed to their generic format of delivery or lack of consideration of the professional needs of an individual or an organisation. Line managers need to scrutinise business needs versus experience, knowledge or skill gaps to invest in relevant capacity enhancement for their human capital for concrete results.

Many excellent professionals work outside their fields of study because of :
- Learning on the job or through cross functional circuit stints
- Mentorship from seasoned professionals
- Relevant continuous professional development
- Participating in simulated learning environment”
Victor Manan Nyambala

Antonio   Neves
“Just because you’re good at something, doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be doing it.”
Antonio Neves, Stop Living on Autopilot: Take Responsibility for Your Life and Rediscover a Bolder, Happier You

“While we do not choose the circumstances of birth, we have the power to choose our destiny by building a unique and compelling personal brand to enhance our value and change the trajectory of our success.”
Dr. Mansur Hasib

“People are like triangles. They differ and match like triangles, and no matter how different their angles are, the sum will always be 180 degrees.
While building our personal geometry, the first angle is for science, the second for art, and the third is for expression and communication.”
Mahdi Mansour

Lucy Crehan
“Where schools or education systems can find individuals who are already intrinsically motivated to do the work required, or who already have a strong sense of purpose and belief in the importance of education (and who have therefore internalised the same goals as the school), good things come of it: positive work-related attitudes, effective performance, job satisfaction and psychological well-being. In order for this to happen, teachers need to feel that they are autonomous, and they are performing certain actions, like professional development, because they want to, not because they are being forced to. This is what makes Singapore's teaching career structure so clever.”
Lucy Crehan, Cleverlands: The secrets behind the success of the world's education superpowers

“AN artful critique can be one of the most helpful messages a manager can send.”
Daniel Coleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

“In essence, use logic to guide your actions, but don't neglect the emotional undercurrents that drive people's behavior.”
Damian Mingle

Michele  Grant
“The essence of a Power Dresser is a woman who skillfully blends professional style with personal energy, thus captivating attention and earning respect in any environment.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“Dressing in a way that projects authority and confidence can open doors, win over clients, unlock opportunities, forge connections, and propel your career forward.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“Professional style is not merely about dressing in a suit or donning a crisp white shirt. It’s an intricate blend of personal expression, power, and credibility.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“A well-fitted outfit will make you look sharp while allowing you to feel comfortable and confident.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“Credibility is another asset when seeking to establish your professional brand. When you dress the part, you signal to others that you take your life’s work and role seriously.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“Think of your wardrobe as a vibrant tapestry, each thread meticulously woven to tell a story of success.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“Mastering the art of combining colors in your wardrobe can make you stand out and create an unforgettable presence.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“True Power Dressers wield color as a strategic tool, using cleverly calculated color palettes that project dynamism, creativity, and innovative thinking.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“The Power Dressers’ Color Palette is your key to crafting outfits that not only elevate your style, but also speak volumes about your personality.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

Michele  Grant
“Craft your trailblazing wardrobe with the same precision you bring to your boardroom strategies.”
Michele Grant, The Power Dressers: A Women’s Guide to Professional Style

“If you aren't hiring, the only way for your business to grow is for your people to grow.”
Fresia Jackson

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