
Platforms Quotes

Quotes tagged as "platforms" Showing 1-13 of 13
“Pull approaches differ significantly from push approaches in terms of how they organize and manage resources. Push approaches are typified by "programs" - tightly scripted specifications of activities designed to be invoked by known parties in pre-determined contexts. Of course, we don't mean that all push approaches are software programs - we are using this as a broader metaphor to describe one way of organizing activities and resources. Think of thick process manuals in most enterprises or standardized curricula in most primary and secondary educational institutions, not to mention the programming of network television, and you will see that institutions heavily rely on programs of many types to deliver resources in pre-determined contexts.

Pull approaches, in contrast, tend to be implemented on "platforms" designed to flexibly accommodate diverse providers and consumers of resources. These platforms are much more open-ended and designed to evolve based on the learning and changing needs of the participants. Once again, we do not mean to use platforms in the literal sense of a tangible foundation, but in a broader, metaphorical sense to describe frameworks for orchestrating a set of resources that can be configured quickly and easily to serve a broad range of needs. Think of Expedia's travel service or the emergency ward of a hospital and you will see the contrast with the hard-wired push programs.”
John Hagel III

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Are we the fool of the narrative? Whether we have tediously written out the narratives to explain our world, or allay our fears, or justify our agendas, or excuse our behaviors. Or whether we have given ourselves entirely over the narratives of others who write them for the same reasons. Are we the fool of the narrative?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The cancel culture is a radicalized stance based on the insecurities of an agenda that is too weak to entertain anything other than its own indefensible platform.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I can weave thousands of words into moving syntax and powerful prose. But if I lay the pen down at the close of the final sentence, and if in doing so I myself have not acted on the words that I have woven, it would have been better had I said nothing.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Andrew McAfee
“Owners of premium brands can charge more for their offerings, but the owners of two-sided networks want to pay to sellers as little as possible of the money they take in from buyers. The result is an obvious tension. Many platforms, especially when they’re new and trying to build volume and network effects, want to have on board at least one prestigious brand. But as platforms grow, they want to keep more of the consumer’s share of both mind and wallet.”
Andrew McAfee, Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future

Andrew McAfee
“The platform can also use the extensive tool kit of revenue management techniques to shape which suppliers each buyer sees, and how prominently. It’s not too cynical to expect that a platform might use this power to feature lesser-known suppliers over more famous ones, all else being equal.”
Andrew McAfee, Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future

Gyan Nagpal
“if we agree that in the future, every organization is essentially a digital organization—enabled through digital technologies, engaging customers on digital platforms and using online applications to drive sales, engagement or compliance—then it isn’t just the seamlessness of outcomes, but equally the methodology employed to deliver those outcomes which must be consistent across a large organization”
Gyan Nagpal, The Future Ready Organization: How Dynamic Capability Management Is Reshaping the Modern Workplace

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To simply emote is not to express an opinion. Rather, it is an attempt to force a point of view that won’t stand on its own merits.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Maxim Behar
“Today, thanks to the social media revolution, clients actually own media and consequently a platform to express themselves.”
Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

“While our discourse has been shrouded in sensational hysteria, the three primary stakeholders at the center of the controversy—the platforms, the politicians, and the people—have all been pointing their fingers at each other. Social media platforms blame our ills on a lack of regulation. Governments blame the platforms for turning a blind eye to the weaponization of their technology. And the people blame their governments and the platforms for inaction. But the truth is, we’ve all been asleep at the switch. In the end, each of us must take responsibility for the part we are playing in the Hype Machine’s current direction.”
sinan aral

“We dream digital nation,
but we ban other countries digital platforms.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“In a deteriorating culture it is amazing to me that we will try all sorts of soil, apply water as generously as we possibly can. and tediously dote over every seedling. Yet we adamantly refuse to accept the fact that if the seeds are bad, the rest won’t matter.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Bad seeds result in bad fruit. However, in an increasingly reprobate culture, we refuse to correlate the fact that the fruit is bad with the seeds that it grew from. So we either need to shut up and get used to bad fruit, or we need to acknowledge the abundance of bad seed.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough