
Pilots Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pilots" Showing 1-30 of 30
Michael G. Kramer
“I said to Hun Sen, “Thank you, Hun! You have also told me that there was a kidnapping incident which almost bankrupted your family! Can you please elaborate upon that?”

(A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume Two)”
Michael G. Kramer

Michael G. Kramer
“After March in 1945, the Japanese felt threatened by possibility of the people of Indochina rising against them. Therefore, they stated:
“We of the Imperial Japanese Army have only invaded other Asian countries in order to remove the European and American white man from Asia! Stick with us Japanese and together we shall make Asians great while we kick the whites out of the entire region!”

(A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume Two)”
Michael G. Kramer

Ernest K. Gann
“The only characteristic all airliners share is that upon proper urging they are normally capable of leaving the earth's surface.”
Ernest K. Gann, Fate Is the Hunter

Jack Lewis Baillot
“Well, what's Cecilia say today?” he asked, not bothering to rise. “Can’t believe you two write each other every day. Doesn't it get boring? 'Dear Joseph, I went to town today and bought an egg. Then I boiled it and had breakfast.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Mohith Agadi
“There's only one job in this world that gives you an office in the sky; and that is pilot.”
Mohith Agadi

Dan       Brown
“You just crossed six time zones,” the pilot offered.”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

“There are old pilots and there are bold pilots', goes the saying, 'there are no old bold pilots'. Hal never qualified as old. He'd survived his fuel tank blunder; his next mistake killed him.
In the years that followed, other pilot friends and acquaintances were killed in flying accidents. We were never ready; the news always shocked. Whether we learned from these shocks is doubtful; every pilot is certain that Death will never find him.”
R.J. Childerhose

Ernest K. Gann
“Anyone can do the job when things are going right. In this business we play for keeps.”
Ernest K. Gann, Fate Is the Hunter

Jack Lewis Baillot
“My name's not Jerry,” he grumbled, raising his head.
“I know, but it's the only way I can get your attention, kid.”
“What did you want?” Japhet muttered.
“I said, do you have a girl?”
Japhet squinted at him and rubbed his nose.
“A girl?” he asked.
“Yeah. You do know what a girl is, don't you? Female version of the male? Whole lot prettier. Sweet temperament. Heard they're great for marrying. Thought a handsome, half starved and nearly dead Jew like you would have one of those by now.”
Jack Lewis Baillot, Brothers-in-Arms

Ernest K. Gann
“...I stand looking at the aircraft, trying in vain to remember all the theoretical lore which i was supposed to have absorbed in school. The effort is discouraging.”
Ernest K. Gann, Fate Is the Hunter

Ernest K. Gann
“It is the professional pilot's bounden duty to know the idiosyncrasies of each type (of airplane), for he must spend a large proportion of his active career exploiting its qualities and compensating for its faults. These secrets cannot be discovered in a ground school.”
Ernest K. Gann, Fate Is the Hunter

Lee Child
“The plane was on descent. Reacher could feel it in his ears. And he could feel abrupt turns. The pilot was military, so he was using the rudder. Civilian pilots avoid using the rudder. Using the rudder makes the plane slew, like a car skids. Passengers don't like the feeling. So civilian pilots turn by juicing the engines on one side and backing off on the others. Then the plane comes around smoothly. But military pilots don't care about their passengers' comfort. It's not like they've bought tickets.”
Lee Child, Running Blind

“Although much has been written of the exploits of Canadians who answered the call to arms in World Wars I and II, nothing has been written about the young men who flocked to join the Cold War. Thanks to Canada's menacing presence, Russia has never invaded Germany.
The author menaced Russia, as a fighter pilot based in NATO Europe during the 1950s. Much of the material herein is derived from his diaries of that period. Some names have been changed to protect the guilty. Accounts have been embellished. No harm or libel is intended. The harm is to the author's self-image. The diaries reveal that he was brash and intolerant. He considers it one of life's miracles that his friends put up with him.”
R.J. Childerhose, Wild Blue

Stewart Stafford
“I'm not afraid of flying. Once you get on a plane, you hand your life over to the pilots and hope they know what the hell they're doing. If you reach your destination in one piece, you get your life back, and on you go - Russian Roulette with wings.”
Stewart Stafford

Steven Magee
“I avoid traveling on budget airlines.”
Steven Magee

L.A. Kragie
“Tom's Navy SEAL team nicknamed him 'Tailspin', especially after sustaining his knee injury, but Joe likes to call him his 'Lucky Charm' -- saved his tail too many times to count.”
L.A. Kragie, Vampire Chimeras

Enock Maregesi
“Radia Hosni alikuwa na bahati kuliko watu wote duniani. Frederik Mogens alipofika katika helikopta na kukuta Murphy na Yehuda wakihangaika kuutafuta mwili wa Radia, hakushangazwa na walichomwambia. Kwa sababu alijua nini kilitokea. Radia alikutwa akipumua kwa mbali. Hivyo, Debbie na marubani walimchukua na kumpeleka Mexico City haraka ilivyowezekana. Black Hawk waliyokuwa wakiishangaa ilikuwa ya DEA. Lakini si ile waliyokwenda nayo Oaxaca. Ilikuwa nyingine ya DEA, iliyotumwa na Randall Ortega kuwachukua Vijana wa Tume na kuwapeleka Mexico City haraka ilivyowezekana. Black Hawk waliyokwenda nayo Oaxaca ndiyo iliyomchukua Radia na Debbie na kuwapeleka Altamirano (hospitali ya tume) mjini Mexico City. Mogens angekwenda pia na akina Debbie; lakini alibaki kwa ajili ya kumlinda El Tigre, na mizigo yake, na baadhi ya makamanda wake wachache. El Tigre angeweza kutoroka kama angebaki na polisi peke yao, na Mogens hakutaka kufanya makosa.”
Enock Maregesi, Kolonia Santita

Steven Magee
“I think irradiating pilots with WiFi radio frequency (RF) radiation is really going to hit about five years from now as 'Delayed Radiation Complications' show up. I am expecting to see increased airplane accidents & crashes for various reasons starting in 2020 onward.”
Steven Magee, Health Forensics

“...I stand looking at the aircraft, trying in vain to remember all the theoretical lore which i was supposed to have absorbed in school. the effort is discouraging.”
Ernest Gann

Steven Magee
“When I worked on the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea we were advised to only use the medical oxygen after the daily headaches appeared and that just 15 minutes use was all that was needed to clear up the headaches for a while before we would need it again. We were not advised to use medical oxygen continuously as the Federal Aviation Regulations advises pilots to do. We were not advised to use pulse oximeters to monitor our blood oxygen levels or that the company medical oxygen should have been routinely administered only with our doctors prescription.”
Steven Magee, Health Forensics

Gerald Maclennon
“Crappy weather conditions moved back in while the jet jockeys were playing over Nam. Rain began to fall in sheets across the Flight Deck. We, the flight service personnel, had to stand in the downpour awaiting the recoveries. Soaked to the bone, my teeth were chattering. The A-4 Skyhawks came in first and taxied forward. I intentionally positioned myself in the exhaust path of the A-4s just to warm up. Because of the low ceiling, landing conditions were hazardous. A couple of aircraft missed the wire and had to rocket off the angle deck, circle around and try again. Lieutenant Commander Sonniksen caught the wire on his first attempt. I hate to admit it but the guy is one hell of a pilot.”
Gerald Maclennon, God, Bombs & Viet Nam: Based on the Diary of a 20-Year-Old Navy Enlisted Man in the Vietnam Air War - 1967

Steven Magee
“It is my expectation that wireless WiFi streaming of movies on airplanes will increase the rates of illness and disease in pilots, cabin crew and frequent fliers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The 737 Max is a minor problem for Boeing compared to the emergence of High Altitude Diseases (HAD) in pilots, cabin crew and frequent fliers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The 737 Max is a small problem for Boeing compared to the larger problem of long term toxicity of modern air travel to pilots, cabin crew and frequent fliers.”
Steven Magee

Alain de Botton
“An architect intent on being different may in the end prove as troubling as an over-imaginative pilot or doctor.”
Alain de Botton, The Architecture of Happiness

“I said to Hun Sen, “Thank you, Hun! You have also told me that there was a kidnapping incident which almost bankrupted your family! Can you please elaborate upon that?”
Michael G Kramer Omieaust, A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume Two

Steven Magee
“I have heard stories of cabin crew and pilots avoiding flying on WiFi planes, as it makes them sickly.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Despite the crashes, airplanes remain one of the safest forms of transportation known to man, as long as you are not part of the crew.”
Steven Magee

“If you don''t know where you want to go, any road will take you there.”
unknown author

Richard Bach
“An airplane's soul, which [the pilot] can never see or touch, is something that her pilot senses: an eagerness to fly; a little bit of performance that according to the charts should not be there, but is; a spirit behind the bullet-holed mass of torn metal with three propellers feathered, touching down on an English airfield. Not the metal, but the soul of an airplane is what her pilot wants to fly, and the reason he paints the name on her cowling. And with that soul, all planes have an immortality that you can feel when you walk onto any airport.”
Richard Bach, A Gift of Wings