
Panlogos Quotes

Quotes tagged as "panlogos" Showing 1-7 of 7
“The universe is driven by a very simple force – symmetry. The universe goes from perfect symmetry to broken symmetry and back to perfect symmetry again. It does this forever. We can put it in other terms: God becomes non-God (alienated from God) and then God again, following an immense, cosmic dialectical process through which he becomes conscious of who and what he is. We are all agents of God’s rediscovery. We are all becoming God.”
Mike Hockney, Free Will and Will to Power

“The PSR is not an abstract principle. It is embodied ontologically by way of Euler's formula, which is what the PSR reduces to mathematically. Anyone who denies that the universe is made of reason is automatically an irrationalist, and their irrational opinions can be dismissed. There is nothing more ironic, and irrational, than irrationalists trying to give reasons why the universe is not made of reason.”
Thomas Stark, The Book of Mind: Seeking Gnosis

“Once you accept mathematics as reality, you immediately see that everything has a sufficient reason, an explanation and answer, and you are part of the cosmic machinery of providing all of these answers. You yourself are an essential node of the calculation.”
Thomas Stark, What Is Mathematics?: The Greatest Detective Story Never Told

“The universe is nothing but a celestial factory which takes raw material – unconscious souls – and processes them mathematically until all of their infinite potential has been converted into actuality and they have become nothing other than conscious GODS! We are living in the God Factory”
Mike Hockney, The God Factory

“Living mathematics can and does explain EVERYTHING. There is no need to appeal to anything else. There is no need for a Creator, a first cause, an external energy source or anything else. Everything this object needs is contained within it. It has infinite energy, will endure forever, and will forever be seeking states of higher complexity (greater power). It is always seeking to be all-powerful and allknowing – to BECOME GOD! That is its innermost nature. Our universe is God evolving mathematically from pure potential to pure actualisation. And all of us have exactly the same opportunity. As above, so below.”
Mike Hockney, Hyperreality

“Isn’t it time to become enlightened? Isn’t it time to join the Church of Reason? Abandon all of the other false, irrational religions. Embrace the Truth. Become one with your immortal, indestructible, mathematical soul. “God” did not create your soul. On the contrary, it is itself becoming God!”
Mike Hockney, Richard Dawkins: The Pope of Unreason

“Hegel was an advocate of panlogism: reason is literally everywhere. Existence is made of reason, hence existence is entirely knowable. Reality is constituted by the mind and is its construction. Given that mind can know everything it made, there is no unknowable, noumenal world. If mind creates everything, there is nothing outside mind, no noumenal objects existing independently of mind.”
Mike Hockney, Magic, Matter and Qualia