
New World Order Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-world-order" Showing 1-30 of 79
“The world is a goddamned evil place, the strong prey on the weak, the rich on the poor; I’ve given up hope that there is a God that will save us all. How am I supposed to believe that there’s a heaven and a hell when all I see now is hell.”
Aaron B. Powell, Doomsday Diaries III: Luke the Protector

Roger Spitz
“Reshoring, backshoring, and onshoring are now replacing offshoring and outsourcing.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume I - Reframing and Navigating Disruption

George Soros
“At present, the developed countries condescend to the developing ones.”
George Soros, The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror

Ronald Firbank
“The world is so dreadfully managed, one hardly knows to whom to complain.”
Ronald Firbank

Florian Dreveskracht
“What if I tell you that in our time, with only the help of three devices, an encyclopedia, a sheet of paper and a pencil, as in a game we can solve all the riddles of our History in a total perspective, down to the abyssal clarity? – from the 'Ages of Man' to the last Golden Age of mankind, the great prophecies and the mystery of Evil. So that everything that was doubtful becomes irrefutable: the Apocalypse! – You think this impossible? – I tell you: you don’t know the Aleph. And you cannot discern the times. Yet the Aleph and the New Order of the Times are one and the same.”
Florian Dreveskracht, Novus Ordo: An Introduction to the Apocalypse or Geometry of End Times

“Utter the words "Epstein Island" into a politician's ear and you'll strike fear into his soul!”

“If, this year, total catastrophe does not befall, if land and sea do not collapse in total ruin, yet will the whole world suffer in upheavals, empires will dwindle and from everywhere will be great lamentation.”

“It’s time for the benevolent hypnosis of humanity. It’s time for positive, optimistic suggestion to be ubiquitous. Suggestion is an amazing power, the greatest human power of all. Advertisers use it all the time, and demagogues, and religious and spiritual leaders, and monarchs, and the super-rich elite. Submissives are extremely receptive to suggestions made by dominants. Throughout history, self-serving dominants have told the masses what to think, and the masses have duly thought it, even when it is against their own interests. This is the basis of false consciousness. We need to ensure that everyone gets a true consciousness. It’s time for a New World Order and a new, higher humanity – one that has a radically different relationship with suggestion. Suggestion must reflect the general will and be for everyone’s benefit. We have all the tools at our disposal to bring about an astonishing metamorphosis of humanity.”
Jack Tanner, The Second Mind: Accessing Your Divine Powers

Florian Dreveskracht
“Was, wenn ich euch sage, dass wir in unserer Zeit, ausgestattet allein mit drei Hilfsmitteln, einer Enzyklopädie, einem Blatt Papier und einem Bleistift, wie im Spiel alle Rätsel unserer Geschichte in einer Totalperspektive bis zur abgründigen Klarheit auflösen können? Von den Weltaltern der Antike bis zum letzten Goldenen Zeitalter der Menschheit, die großen Prophezeiungen und das Geheimnis des Bösen. Sodass alles, was fragwürdig war, fraglos wird: die Apokalypse! – Das haltet ihr für ganz unmöglich? – Ich sage euch: Ihr kennt das Aleph nicht. Und von den Zeiten versteht ihr nichts. Das Aleph aber und die Neue Ordnung der Zeiten sind eins.”
Florian Dreveskracht, Novus Ordo: Eine Einführung in die Apokalypse oder Geometrie der Endzeit

Jean Baudrillard
“Brecht again: "As for the place not desired, there is something there and that's disorder. As for the desired place, there is nothing there and that's order." The New World Order is made up of all these compensations and the fact that there is nothing rather than something, on the ground, on the screens, in our heads: consensus by deterrence. At the desired place (the GuIf, nothing took place, non-war. At the desired place (TV, information), nothing took place, no images, nothing but filler. Not much took place in all our heads either, and that too is in order. The fact that there was nothing at this or that desired place was harmoniously compensated for by the fact that there was nothing elsewhere either. In this manner, the global order unifies all the partial orders.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Gulf War Did Not Take Place

G.K. Chesterton
“A vote is now as valuable as a railway ticket when there is a permanent block on the line.”
G.K. Chesterton

Percy Bysshe Shelley
“The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that once belived they were eternal.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

“Dans quelle mesure l'Islam est-il prêt à s'intégrer dans la prochaine vague du nouvel ordre mondial ?”
Mr Lbakassi

David Spangler
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.”
David Spangler

“Utter the words "Epstein Island" into a politician's ear and you'll strike fear into his soul!”

“To be alive these days is not just a blessing, but a luxury. There is soo much killings and hits. Death is everywhere. Death is business . People are profiting when you are dying.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Mitta Xinindlu
“The Bible and other similar books are tools which were planted to let everyone know ahead of time about what was planned to take place... just like they have done the same through the movies.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Soon there will come a time when Christmas will be recognised and celebrated in the month of June.

It's 2023 today and we're already being prepared for the upcoming changes. People should get used to it.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mehmet Murat ildan
“You will never create a good world unless you create a world where the sun sets for no one, where no one is plunged into darkness!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mitta Xinindlu
“The world needs to prepare a Constitution for the Robots Rights. Soon enough they will demand Visas, Housing, and other forms of Rights.”
Mitta Xinindlu

T.R. Fehrenbach
“The USSR, with its recent hisotry, national character, and current ideology, could not have desired a return to the status quo of 1937, and certainly not that of 1914. Americans should have seen this clearly, but did not. The USSR, as a nation, wanted a new order, like Roosevelt. But in this new order Russia would play the dominant role, and international justice had nothing to do with it.”
T. R. Fehrenbach

Jack Freestone
“When Covid hit the headlines, all they needed to do was take down the internet for a short time. With a deadly disease spreading via the mainstream media, the people would have panicked and flocked to get their poisonous injections on mass. It would have been game over for humanity. But there was a problem with that plan. The internet is a key part of their long-term plan, the New World Order with one government and one army. To take down the internet may have negatively affected peoples’ decisions to embrace AI, especially implanted computer chips for shopping and freedom of movement, plus a central bank digital currency.”
Jack Freestone

“Power, in its many forms, is an irresistible force that captivates the human mind and drives our ambitions. The desire for power is a universal trait, and as a Machiavellian dreamer, it is essential to recognize and embrace this truth. By understanding the lure of power, you can harness its potential and make it the cornerstone of your dreams.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“The first step in embracing the lure of power is to identify the specific pillars of power that you seek. These can include wealth, influence, control over others, or any other aspects of power that resonate with your ambitions. Reflect on what power means to you and how it can serve your dreams. By pinpointing the precise elements of power you desire, you can better focus your efforts and strategies.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

“As you pursue your dreams, you must develop your skills in manipulation, learning to bend others to your will and turn adversaries into allies. Study the intricacies of human nature and use your newfound knowledge to exploit the weaknesses and desires of those around you.”
Kevin L. Michel, Machiavellian Dreams: A Manual

Jack Freestone
“The only true “us and them” situation is the cult owned leaders versus the citizens in every country. Sadly though, the “us and them” psychological manipulation weapon which was realized in ancient times by the cult, is so effective that the majority of citizens in every country will probably never realize this until it is too late, and the New World Order with a one world government policed by a universal police force and army will be implemented, unless the majority of citizens wake up to this plan to enslave and depopulate the entire human race, which has existed for many centuries.”
Jack Freestone

Jack Freestone
“The plan is a simple one which has been in existence for nearly three hundred years. Delete all white fighting age men, then the UN will takeover to form the One World Government. Death to white soldiers by poison jabs and wars. Both do not apply to the fighting age "refugees" who will form a significant part of the great replacement.”
Jack Freestone

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“There cannot be a New World Order without the implementation of Communist ideologies: One World, One Super-Government and a Single Leader.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Enric Mestre Arenas
“This leads me to conclude that if the algorithms of those platforms are churning so much toxic content, this is not a fluke or the accidental by-product of a business model, but it’s rather a deliberate act orchestrated from the highest spheres of power, aiming to continue the same wicked agenda we have already exposed: to cultivate ignorance, propagate misinformation, and perpetuate intellectual stagnation within society.”
Enric Mestre Arenas, THE MODERN WORLD AGAINST THE HUMAN SOUL: Exploring modernity's impact on the human spirit and well-being

Jack Freestone
“The problems of the world in the last three hundred years were caused by a collaboration between the Jesuits, the Freemasons (infiltrated at the top level by the Illuminati), and the Zionists, whose origins are all linked historically to the Khazarians (who worshipped Lucifer and practised child sacrifice).”
Jack Freestone

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