
Mira Grant Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mira-grant" Showing 1-25 of 25
Mira Grant
“People blame science. Shit, man, people shouldn’t blame science. People should blame people.”
Mira Grant, Countdown

Mira Grant
“Mermaids weren't mammalian. They couldn't be. Too many sightings focused on their 'slender backs' and 'narrow waists'--features that seemed reasonable to modern readers with modern beauty standards, but which made no sense for an Italian fisherman during the plague years, or a Puerto Rican swimmer in the 1920s. If the mermaid had been an idealized projection of a human woman onto a marine mammal, she would have looked different every time, fat during some eras, thin during others, not consistently slim to the point of freezing in oceanic waters. The people who described mermaids were describing a real creature, something that wasn't mammalian, but looked mammalian enough to make a tempting lure. And why would anything lure sailors, if not as a form of sustenance?”
Mira Grant, Into the Drowning Deep

Mira Grant
“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to get their caffeine in a less-efficient form.”
Mira Grant, Deadline

Mira Grant
“But if you want to know who the scariest person in the group is, look for the one who’s been fighting zombies without smearing her eyeliner.”
Mira Grant, Feedback

Mira Grant
“I’m a mad scientist. We don’t need lip gloss. We have jumper cables.”
Mira Grant, Final Girls

Mira Grant
“This story is going to be told. I can’t stop it. Neither can you. But what I can do, what I have the power to do, is to ask you if you’ll let me tell it the way you want it told. If you’ll let me tell the truth.”
Mira Grant, Rise: A Newsflesh Collection

Mira Grant
“She stopped walking between two doors. They were labeled, in quixotic fashion, “Squids” and “Mollusks.” Shaun raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, I’ll bite,” he said. “Which one am I?”
“All gender is a construct and binary gender doubly so, but you have a hard shell and you’re hard to kill, so you’re probably a mollusk,” said Foxy blithely.”
Mira Grant, Rise: A Newsflesh Collection

Mira Grant
“The big question of the hour is prett obvious: it's the question we've been asking every scientist from Galileo to Oppenheimer, from Frankenstein to Moreau. Do I feel like we at SymboGen are trying to play God?
Well, there's a reason that two of the scientists I just named don't really exist. I think that mankind is constantly trying to play God: I would argue that playing God is exactly what God, if He exists, would want us to do. He didn't create thinking creatures with the intent that we would never think. That would be silly. He didn't create creatures that were capable of manipulating and remaking our environment with the intent that we would sit idle and never create anything. That would be a waste.
If God exists― and I am reserving my final opinion on the matter until I die and meet Him― then He is a scientist, an by creating man, he was playing at being me for a little while. So I can't imagine that He would mind if I wanted to try putting the shoe on the other foot, can you?”
Mira Grant, Symbiont

Mira Grant
“I like to think of myself as a reasonable man. But I have buried too many friends in the too-recent past, and I have seen too many lies go unquestioned, and too many questions go unasked. There is a time when even reasonable men must begin to take unreasonable actions. To do anything else is to be less than human. And to those who would choose the safety of inaction over the danger of taking a stand, I have this to say: You bloody cowards. May you have the world that you deserve.”
Mira Grant, Deadline

Mira Grant
“All time is limited. All time is passing. As humanity builds straight walls on bending, bowing cliffs and along the lines of rolling hills, that time pases even faster, offended until it flees into the future, where straight lines sage, where angles bend and break and fall apart, where the softness, freed from its geometrical bindings, can finally run free. This, then, is the punishmen for those harsh lines, for those unforgiving angles: that humanity's time should run fast and hot and short (...)”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“Humanity has sacrified so much on the altar of geometry, sacrificing eons untold to the mathematical aberration of the straight line, the perfect angle. Perhaps one day, they will see the error of their ways.
Perhaps one day, they will come.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“Spindrift House has had a great deal of time to decide what it wants to be, and what it wants to be is unforgiving.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“Nature will do whatever it can to destroy both the art and the architect, for how else can things be made right?
These things are true: the window's walk waits: the spiders sigh; and Spindrift House is calling its children home.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“(...) grief is a monster. Grief is a beast made of teath and claws and misery. (...) Some days I thought it was going to open its dreadful jaws and swallow me down whole... and some days I thought that might have been a good thing.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“But my mind didn't feel entirely like my own anymore. If I was being honest, it hadn't since the first time I saw the sea, the great, dark, slate-colored sea. I could still feel it calling to me, as constant as the tides, my heart beating in time with the waves that smashed themselves against the shore, sending tendrils lacing deeper and deeper into Port Mercy, bringing it closer, inch by inch, to its inevitable watery grave.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“There are no straight lines in the organic world, only those which, through proximity to the softness around them, present the illusion of the ruler's edge.”
Mira Grant (author)

Mira Grant
“In all of nature, only three things may build toward true straightness, true defiance of the organic curl. Crystals seek a stark, lifeless geometry, line leading into line leading into hard, unforgiving angle. Viruses, which may be said to bridge the gap between the unliving, unthinking mineral and the hot, ceaseless tempo of the animal, form viciously sharpened cutting edges, turning their own mindless bodies into weapons.
And then there is the human race.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“The house is still straight and tall and proud, an architectural oddity rendered regal by the slow dissolve of all that lies below it. It looms, like some great beast of prey waiting for the perfect moment to strike and take that which was always meant to be its due. It lurks, a shadow in the reeds, a silent scream in the night.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“Anyone who sleeps in this room, dreams in this room, will be privy to all the stations of the tide, and will have the waves to sing them to sleep every night.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“Spindrift House was waiting, door gaping wide, to swallow us don and begin to the long, terrible process of digestion.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“That isn't the mystery that gets us paid," said Addison.
"No, but it's the mystery that's going to make me wish I'd brought a lot more pot.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“But my mind didn't feek entirely like my own anymore. If I was being honest, it hadn't since the first time I saw the sea, the great, dark, slate-colored sea. I could still feel it calling to me, as constant as the tides, my heart beating in time with the waves that smashed themselves against the shore, sending tendrils lacing deeper and deeper into Port Mercy, bringing it closer, inch by inch, to its inevitable watery grave.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“It's the voice of Spindrift House. It's old, and it's tired, and it's lonely. So lonely that it aches, like a drowned man drawn by the weight of his own sorrows to the bottom of the sea. I feel sorry fot it, and I don't want to. It doesn't deserve my sorrow, or my pity. All it deserves is my fear.”
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House

Mira Grant
“The angles of the walls we abhorrent, too straight, too clean. How could anything live in a place where everything stood in such defiance of natural, normal geometry? It was vile. Unspeakable.
Mira Grant (author), In the Shadow of Spindrift House