
Mercy Thompson Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mercy-thompson" Showing 1-30 of 56
Patricia Briggs
“Love thy enemies, it says in the scriptures. My foster mother always added, "At the very least, you will be polite to them.”
Patricia Briggs, Moon Called

Patricia Briggs
“Reluctantly, I pulled out my necklace and showed it to them.

Samuel frowned. The little figure was stylized; I suppose he couldn't tell what it was at first.

"A dog?" asked Zee, staring at my necklace.

"A lamb," I said defensively, tucking it safely back under my shirt. "Because one of Christ's names is 'The Lamb of God.'"

Samuel's shoulders shook slightly. "I can see it now, Mercy holding a roomful of vampire at bay with her glowing sheep."

I gave his shoulder a hard push, aware of the heat climbing to my cheeks, but it didn't help. He sang in a soft taunting voice, "Mercy had a little lamb...”
Patricia Briggs, Moon Called

Patricia Briggs
“C’est moi, c’est moi,’tis I,' I told him. It seemed appropriately melodramatic, though I didn’t know if he’d catch the reference. I shouldn’t have worried.
Unexpectedly, he laughed. “Trust you to quote Lancelot rather than Guinevere.”
Patricia Briggs, Moon Called

Patricia Briggs
“I was going to fight vampires, and my name wasn't Buffy--I was so screwed.”
Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned

Patricia Briggs
“Mercy," he mumbled. "What the hell did you do to my French Roast?”
Patricia Briggs, Moon Called

Patricia Briggs
“Mercy," said my mother thoughtfully, "you never told me your werewolf neighbor was quite that hot.”
Patricia Briggs, Bone Crossed

Patricia Briggs
“Wolves eat coyotes," Gordon said[...] If he weren't an old man, I had some rude things I could have said to that.

"Yes," observed Adam blandly. "I do."

Yep. That was the one that came to mind. And he didn't even blush when he said it. Maybe Gordon would miss the double entendre. But he grinned cheerfully at Adam.”
Patricia Briggs, River Marked

Shannon L. Alder
“Arrogance is someone claiming to have come to Christ, but they won't spend more than five minutes listening to your journey because they are more concerned about their own well being, rather than being a true disciple of Christ. Blessed is the person that takes the time to heal and hear another person so they can move on.”
Shannon L. Alder

Patricia Briggs
“Thank you, Adam,” I told him. “Thank you for tearing Tim into small Tim bits. Thank you for forcing me to drink one last cup of fairy bug-juice so I could have use of both of my arms. Thank you for being there, for putting up with me.” By that point I wasn’t laughing anymore. “Thank you for keeping me from being another of Stefan’s sheep—I’ll take pack over that any day. Thank you for making the tough calls, for giving me time.” I stood up and walked to him, leaning against him and pressing my face against his shoulder.

“Thank you for loving me.”

His arms closed around me, pressing flesh painfully hard against bone. Love hurts like that sometimes.”
Patricia Briggs, Bone Crossed

Patricia Briggs
“Adam has always had . . . heroic tendencies.”
I touched Adam’s arm. “He’s my hero.”
There was another pause. . .
“That is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Bran said. “Be careful, Adam, or you’ll turn her into a real girl.”
Adam looked at me. “I like her just the way she is, Bran.” And he meant it, greasy overalls, broken fingernails, and all.”
Patricia Briggs, Silver Borne

Patricia Briggs
“Drink it,” I told her. “It’s good for what ails you. Caffeine and sugar. I don’t drink it, so I ran over to your house and stole the expensive stuff in your freezer. It shouldn’t be that bad. Samuel told me to make it strong and pour sugar into it. It should taste sort of like bitter syrup.”

She gave me a smile smile, then a bigger one, and plugged her nose before she drank it down in one gulp. “Next time," she said in a hoarse voice, “I make the coffee.”
Patricia Briggs, Moon Called

Patricia Briggs
“He stepped back with exaggerated courtesy. But when I walked past him, he swatted my rump. Hard enough to sting.
“You need to be more careful,” he growled. “Keep interfering in my business and you might get hurt.”
I said sweetly as I continued to Jesse's room, “The last man who swatted me like that is rotting in his grave.”
“I have no doubt about it.” His voice was more satisfied then contrite.”
Patricia Briggs, Iron Kissed

Patricia Briggs
“Even after all this time, I keep forgetting that heroes can be found in unlikely places and persons -- like mechanics who can turn into coyotes.”
Patricia Briggs, Blood Bound

Patricia Briggs
“So,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m too much for you. You should have said something. We might be married, Mercy, but no still means no.”

I widened my eyes at him. “I just haven’t wanted to hurt your feelings.”

“When I give you that little nudge, hmm?” His voice took on a considering air. “Come to think of it, I’m feeling a little nudge coming on right now.”

“Now?” I whispered in horrified tones. I looked up toward Jesse’s room. “Think of the children.”

He tilted his head as if to listen, then shook it. “They won’t hear anything from there.” He started slowly down the stairs.

“Think of Darryl, Zack, Lucia, and Joel,” I said earnestly. “They’ll be scarred for life.”

“You know what they say about werewolves,” he told me gravely, stepping down to the ground.

I broke and ran—and he was right on my tail. Figuratively speaking, of course. I don’t have a tail unless I’m in my coyote shape.”
Patricia Briggs, Fire Touched

Patricia Briggs
“Cheeses crusty, got all musty, got damp on the stone of a peach.”
Patricia Briggs, Iron Kissed

Patricia Briggs
“I don’t know who you think you are” — my mother’s voice was low and dangerous — “but if you don’t get out of my way right this instant, it won’t matter.”
Adam was the Alpha werewolf in charge of the local pack. He was tough. He could be mean when he had to — and he wouldn’t stand a chance against my mom.”
Patricia Briggs, Bone Crossed

Patricia Briggs
“My love," he said, his voice intent, "you are welcome to all that I am, all that I have. I would destroy the planet for you. I was even diplomatic for you, which was a bigger sacrifice. A little power drain is nothing.”
Patricia Briggs, Silence Fallen

Patricia Briggs
“My foster mother always laughed and said it was his reputation for knowing everything that allowed for him to appear infallible: all he had to do was walk through the room and see who looked guiltiest when they saw him. Maybe she was right, but I tried looking innocent the next time, and it didn't work.”
Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs
“What?” he asked, finishing the second of his nine-ounce steaks, medium rare. “Why are you looking at me that way?”


I sighed theatrically, resting my chin on my cupped hands and bracing my elbows on the table. “You are too gorgeous, you know?”

I said it just loud enough that the people who’d been watching us surreptitiously could hear me.

Unholy laughter lit his eyes—telling me he’d been noticing the looks we’d been getting. But his face was completely serious, as he purred, “So. Am I worth what you paid for me, baby?”

I loved it when he played along with me.
I sighed again, a sound that I drew up from my toes, a contented, happy sound. I’d get him back for that “baby.” Just see if I didn’t.

“Oh, yes,” I told our audience. “I’ll tell Jesse that she was right. Go for the sexy beast, she told me. If you’re going to shell out the money, don’t settle.”

He threw back his head and laughed until he had to wipe tears of hilarity off his face. “Jeez, Mercy,” he said. “The things you say.” Then he leaned across the table and kissed me.

A while later he pulled back, grinned at me, and sat back in his chair.

I had to catch my breath before I spoke. “Best five bucks I ever spent,” I told him fervently.”
Patricia Briggs, River Marked

Patricia Briggs
“Werewolves usually have markings that are more doglike than wolflike. I don’t know why. Bran,
the Marrok, has a splash of white on his tail, as though he’d dipped it in a bucket of paint. I think it’s
cute—but I’d never had the nerve to tell him so.”
Patricia Briggs, Moon Called

Patricia Briggs
“Congratulations, Christy. You just met one of the weird things in the world that don’t fit neatly into the fae or werewolf category.”
“Weird like you,” said Christy.
“Well, yes,” I agreed. “I thought that went without saying. Weird things like me.”
Patricia Briggs, Night Broken

Patricia Briggs
“I borrowed a hammer and the garage and disposed of both phones. I was pretty sure that I could have just pulled the batteries, but pretty sure wasn’t good enough, so I used a hammer.”
Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned

Patricia Briggs
“It is my place to remind you of the rules,” Stefan said, his voice even. “You, William Frost, have chosen three against three. Two fighters, with you as the captain of yours, and Marsilia as the captain of hers, with the other two participants on either side yet to be chosen. The fight is to the death of the captains.”

“Excuse me,” I said diffidently. “But both the captains are already dead.”

Everyone looked at me. The vampires with cold, unfriendly gazes, and Honey as if I were crazy. That was okay—because I was utterly crazy.”
Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned

Patricia Briggs
“Kyle blinked. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him quite so … neutral.
“You can talk to Adam when he’s not in the room, and you don’t have a phone?” he asked.
I nodded.
He closed his eyes, and I could read his expression when he opened them again. “Thank you, dear Lord,” he said with relief. “I thought I was going crazy.”
Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned

Patricia Briggs
“Mercedes,” said Asil in a cheerful voice. “You are going to get me killed at last. Bran would not do it, but I believe your mate will have no trouble.”
Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned

Patricia Briggs
“Jesse must have heard me because she stuck her head out of her bedroom and then rushed over. “Can I help?”

I looked down to see what caused the consternation in her face. It wasn’t my nakedness. She’d grown up with werewolves, and shapeshifters can’t afford too much modesty. [...]

No, it wasn’t my nakedness; it was the blood. I was covered with it.

Appalled, I looked behind me at the carpet that was stained with my blood all the way up the stairs. “Darn it,” I said. “That’s going to be expensive to clean.”
Patricia Briggs, Iron Kissed

Patricia Briggs
“A rape victim... a rape victim who fights...They've been violated, made helpless and afraid. It breaks their confidence in the safety of their little world. It makes them afraid." .... "If you don't fight, it's not quite the same. If they make you help, make you cooperate, then it's not clear to you anymore. Is it rape? You feel dirty, violated, and guilty. Most of all guilty because you should have fought. Especially if you're Mercy and you fight everything.”
Patricia Briggs, Iron Kissed

Patricia Briggs
“Let us be heroes as well as monsters.”
Patricia Briggs, Fire Touched

“Mercilessness leads to mistreatment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Patricia Briggs
“Our Mercy, who never gets mad when she can get even.”
Patricia Briggs, Cry Wolf

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