
Menstration Quotes

Quotes tagged as "menstration" Showing 1-6 of 6
“Is it time for your period, or something?"

With unerring instinct, he'd found a great big red button, and pushed it. Wyatt fights to win, which means he fights dirty. I understand the concept because that's how I fight, too, but understanding it didn't stop me from reacting. I could practically feel my blood bubbling with steam. "What?"

He turned around, all controlled aggression, and damned if he didn't push the button again. "What is it about having a period that makes women so bitchy?"

... It was an effort, but I said as sweetly as possible, "It isn't that we're bitchier, it's that having a period makes us feel all tired and achy, so we have less tolerance for all the bullshit we normally SUFFER IN SILENCE." By the time the sentence ended the sweetness was long gone, my jaw was clenched, and I think my eyes were bugging out.

Wyatt took a step back, belatedly looking alarmed.”
Linda Howard, Drop Dead Gorgeous

Kristen O'Neal
“She said that being a woman means everyone hates your body, and your body hates you.”
Kristen O'Neal, Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses

Binati Sheth
“Talking about the ooze that leaks out of our orifices is uncomfortable for everyone involved.”
Binati Sheth, ShhhARK WEEK

Binati Sheth
“If only people didn't build this air of mystery around menstruating women, you would have caught a few of us smack dab in the middle of our excuses.”
Binati Sheth, ShhhARK WEEK

“I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My cycle had begun. I was now a woman. I was ready to do God's work.”
Michele Dominguez Greene, Keep Sweet

“The thought of blood seeping uncontrollably from my body every month for the next 35 to 40 years sounded like the most unnatural thing in the world. It seemed only fair that I got a choice in all of this, or at the very least, a few more years to be a kid. I had just turned twelve less than a month ago.”
Elizabeth Atkinson