
Marketing Skills Quotes

Quotes tagged as "marketing-skills" Showing 1-5 of 5
Anurag Shourie
“Marcus Brutus was the original tragic hero of the play ‘Julius Caesar’, Aditya concluded. Perhaps, Shakespeare should have named his play ‘Marcus Brutus’. But then again, it all must have boiled down to saleability and marketing; Julius Caesar being the more famous and thus bankable name. Ironical it was, Aditya smiled. The same Shakespeare had once said-‘What’s in a name...”
Anurag Shourie, Half A Shadow

“Marketing is the perfect blend or art and science. But more than that, marketing is a craft.”
Anurag Wadehra

Timothy M. Houston
“Referrals are the privilege of the opportunity given to you by someone else to potentially do business with someone who wants, needs or desires the products or services you offer”
Timothy M. Houston, The Referral Rules! 7 Ways to Get More Profitable Referrals

Timothy M. Houston
“Let 'the cause' become the 'because' – the reason – for people to do business with and to refer business to you”
Timothy M. Houston, Leads To Referrals