
Making Progress Quotes

Quotes tagged as "making-progress" Showing 1-14 of 14
Brittany Burgunder
“When you feel insecure or like you don’t measure up, remind yourself of how far you’ve come. And in that moment, you’ll realize you’ve climbed mountains and can overcome anything.”
Brittany Burgunder

Lisa J. Shultz
“I believe that no matter what situation in life you find yourself, there is room for you to take control of little things, which ultimately adds up to big things.”
Lisa J. Shultz, Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.

“To move forward, you must first take a step”
Chase S.M. Neill

Harper Lee
“We are making a step. It's just a baby step but it's a step.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

“Moving forward requires that one first take a step.”
Chase S.M. Neill

“Look at a cloud and it may seem very still. Look at it a few minutes later and it could have transformed into a totally different shape without you even noticing. When it may seem that you are standing still, quite the contrary, you are actually transforming every second. Next time you gaze at the clouds, remember you are moving right along with them.”
Jason Micheal Ratliff

“To move forward, one must take the first step”
Chase S.M. Neill

“Moving forward first requires a step to be taken.”
Chase S.M. Neill

“Progress first requires a step to be taken.”
Chase S.M. Neill

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Success is invaluable, and for that reason, it comes in small portions.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Geoffrey Ocaya
“The way that you grow is by making constant progress towards your goals. First, you make a plan; Then you execute. Part of the plan won't work and part of it will work. The way that you grow is by scaling what works and ignoring the noise of what everyone else is doing better.”
Geoffrey Ocaya