
Lost In A Book Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lost-in-a-book" Showing 1-4 of 4
Jennifer Donnelly
“Lucanos nodded [...] 'She's the girl who sees with her heart.'
Aranae rolled all eight of her eyes. She chittered again, in a scolding tone this time. When she finished, she crossed two of her legs and gave Belle a dirty look.
Belle shrank under her disapproving glare, 'What did she say?' she asked timidly.
'She said your heart needs glasses.”
Jennifer Donnelly, Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book

Jennifer Donnelly
“Oh, my. Oh, dear," he said. "Is this also love? This terrible pain?"
Belle nodded.
"Love is hard. I had no idea how hard. Is it worth the pain?"
"Yes," Belle said. "It is.”
Jennifer Donnelly, Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book

Grace Hitchcock
“I didn’t know you enjoyed tree climbing.'
'Tree reading actually. It’s an art which should not be conducted while lethargic….”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Ashley Poston
“Once I crossed Charm Bridge, would this town even be here anymore? I wasn't sure, and with mounting certainty, every fiber of my being wanted to just get lost in this book. For a moment. For a few hours.
For a night.
I grabbed another onion ring, and curled Anders's jacket tighter around me. It smelled like woodsy cedar and chamomile tea and the old, loved pages of a childhood novel. It was the kind of scent I could drown in.”
Ashley Poston, A Novel Love Story