
Living In The Past Quotes

Quotes tagged as "living-in-the-past" Showing 1-30 of 33
Mandy Hale
“To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it…it’s over. It can hurt you no more.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Alexandra Bracken
“Do you think the memory of someone should dictate how we live going forward?' he asks, threading and unthreading his fingers together.
'It depends,' I say. 'I think you can probably honor someone's memory, but you can't live for them, because that means living in the past.”
Alexandra Bracken, Through the Dark

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Is your life story the truth? Yes, the chronological events are true. Is it the whole truth? No, you see and judge it through your conditioned eyes and mind - not of all involved - nor do you see the entire overview. Is it nothing but the truth? No, you select, share, delete, distort, subtract, assume and add what you want, need and choose to.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

John Fowles
“I knew that on that island one was driven back into the past. There was so much space, so much silence, so few meetings that one too easily saw out of the present, and then the past seemed ten times closer than it was.”
John Fowles, The Magus

Maddy Malhotra
“Rehashing thoughts of painful events from the past or imagining negative events of the future is self-abuse and can be more destructive than physical harm.”
Maddy Malhotra, How to Build Self-Esteem and Be Confident: Overcome Fears, Break Habits, Be Successful and Happy

Debasish Mridha
“Procrastination is a way of living in the past instead of the present moment.”
Debasish Mridha

“You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday.”
Charles Kettering

Eoin Colfer
“I'm sorry, Arty,' she whispered into his ear.
'Sorry for what?'
'For everything. For the last few months, I haven't been myself. But things are going to change. Time to stop living in the past.'
Artemis felt a tear on his cheek. He wasn't sure whose tear it was.”
Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl

Ed Cyzewski
“When you're hounded by the shame of the past, you can turn into a pretty miserable person who is always trying to measure up and please others.”
Ed Cyzewski, Pray, Write, Grow: Cultivating Prayer and Writing Together

Stewart Stafford
“The most overcrowded vessel is the one that sails on the golden sea of memories.”
Stewart Stafford

Raheel Farooq
“Every cure for nostalgia is obsolete.”
Raheel Farooq

Todd Perelmuter
“When you don't put the weight of the past on to the present moment, then every moment can feel brand new and incredible.”
Todd Perelmuter

Fennel Hudson
“A spectator would conclude that I was living in the past. But I was very much living in the present. My present.”
Fennel Hudson, A Meaningful Life - Fennel's Journal - No. 1

Alice Hoffman
“In my memories I have set my life in Brooklyn between pieces of glass, separate from my current existence, and this has enabled me to move forward. The past cannot tie me in knots, nor can it cause me to drown. And yet what is stored in glass belongs to me still. Each piece is a part of me: the hummingbirds, the locked doors, Mr. Morris in the yard, the pear tree, the woman covered by bees, and you. Especially you.”
Alice Hoffman, The Museum of Extraordinary Things

Thich Nhat Hanh
“We fall back into the past, we jump ahead into the future, and in this we lose our entire lives.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Stewart Stafford
“I don't believe in yesterday, I believe in tomorrow. Whether it's positive or negative, the future is a new experience and not a ghostly replay of a time that was and can never be again.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“Stafford's Hypothesis on The Transference of Existence:
Even if you self-isolated, stood still, and held your breath after traveling into the past, you would still be a pebble diverting the flow of time in some way. The very transference of existence via wormholes, not interaction with past actors or events, creates paradoxes.

Time Transference has three stages:

1. The distance traversed between the origin or starting point of the wormhole and the rip in the Chronosphere (space-time continuum).
2. The transference of biological material through the rip in the Chronosphere without damage to or mutation of the genetic code of the chrono-commuter.
3. Arrival at the endpoint of the time transference - the reconstruction of the chrono-commuter's genetic material and the sealing of the rip in the Chronosphere.”
Stewart Stafford

David Icke
“We go through our lives thinking we are living in the present when in truth we are living in the past and the future.”
David Icke, I am me I am free: The Robots' Guide to Freedom

Lydia Millet
“I have always wished the present to resemble memory: because the present can be flat at times, and bald as a road. But memory is never like that. It makes hills of feeling in collapsed hours, a scene of enclosure made all precious by its frame.”
Lydia Millet, My Happy Life

Erich Fromm
“The authoritarian character worships the past. What has been, will eternally be. To wish or to work for something that has not yet been before is crime or madness. The miracle of creation—and creation is always a miracle—is outside of his range of emotional experience.”
Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You cannot change the past.
You can only improve on the present.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Amit Kalantri
“Your past has forgotten you, your future is waiting for you.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“The outcome of my cumulative life’s work is still undetermined. Chance, fate, attitude, aptitude, and preparedness to pursue new opportunities will regulate my final composition. I aspire to discern a means to awaken each day feeling reborn again. I aspire to become a person dazzled by an avalanche of beauty that surrounds each of us. I wish to dismiss troubling personal fears, defuse the aftereffect of an unenviable past, and lose all sense of galvanized foreboding. In short, I favor becoming a person living a past-less and future-less life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Joe Keatinge
“A lot of people have spent a lot of time keeping the future restrained so they can hold on to the past. Squeeze a few more years out of what they know because they're afraid of what might be. She's been restrained for too long. And we're trying to let her go.”
Joe Keatinge, Shutter #28

Auryn Hadley
“We cannot move forward if we're always living in the past”
Auryn Hadley, The Sins of Desire

Kelleen Goerlitz
“Find us a deep wood; we will live in trees
Find us a lone beach; we will sleep with stars,
Or a greater favor do for us please;
Stop Earth from turning so Time can be ours.
Hold onto those sweet moments giv’n we will
Of the love we had when Earth was held still.”
Kelleen Goerlitz, The Complete Works of a Lost Girl

Abhijit Naskar
“Unfold your today beyond your yesterday, or else, there'll be no tomorrow, only decay.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

Joe Dispenza
“Most of us live in the past and resist living in a new future. Why? The body is so habituated to memorizing the chemical records of our past experiences that it grows attached to these emotions. In a very real sense, we become addicted to those familiar feelings. So when we want to look to the future and dream of new vistas and bold landscapes in our not-too-distant reality, the body, whose currency is feelings, resists the sudden change in direction.”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“It can be a blast when good people and good laughs teleport you back to the way it once was. But you poison yourself with the past when you constantly stab and inject yourself with vain memories that rubberband you back to the way it used to be! Your task of escape is to bring all the past dope shit into your present moment and let it guide the new path you will take, to the future that YOU choose to deliberately create!”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

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