
Life Worth Living Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-worth-living" Showing 1-19 of 19
“I live to enjoy life by the littlest things, feeling the grass between my toes, breathing fresh air, watching the wind sway the trees, enjoying the company of loved ones, a deep conversation, getting lost in a good book, going for a walk in nature, watching my kids grow up. Just the feeling itself of being alive, the absolute amazing fact that we are here right now, breathing, thinking, doing.”
Marigold Wellington

Marsha M. Linehan
“It is hard to be happy without a life worth living. This is a fundamental tenet of DBT. Of course, all lives are worth living in reality. No life is not worth living. But what is important is that you experience your life as worth living—one that is satisfying, and one that brings happiness.”
Marsha M. Linehan, DBT Skills Training: Manual

H.L. Mencken
“Once I ventured the guess that men worked in response to a vague inner urge for self-expression. But that was probably a shaky theory, for some men who work the hardest have nothing to express. A hypothesis with rather more plausibility in it now suggests itself. It is that men work simply in order to escape the depressing agony of contemplating life – that their work, like their play, is a mumbo-jumbo that serves them by permitting them to escape from reality. Both work and play, ordinarily, are illusions. Neither serves any solid or permanent purpose. But life, stripped of such illusions, instantly becomes unbearable. Man cannot sit still, contemplating his destiny in this world, without going frantic. So he invents ways to take his mind off the horror. He works. He plays. He accumulates the preposterous nothing called property. He strives for the coy eyewink called fame. He founds a family, and spends his curse over others. All the while the thing that moves him is simply the yearning to lose himself, to forget himself, to escape the tragic-comedy that is himself. Life, fundamentally, is not worth living. So he confects artificialities to make it so. So he erects a gaudy structure to conceal the fact that it is not so.”
H.L. Mencken

Andrew Klavan
“Life's funny chucklehead. You only get one and you don't want to throw it away. But you can't really live it at all unless you're willing to give it up for the things you love. If you're not at least willing to die for something-something that really matters-in the end you die for nothing.”
Andrew Klavan, The Truth of the Matter

Michael Cunningham
“She could, she thinks, have entered a different life. She could have had a life as potent and dangerous as literature itself.”
Michael Cunningham, The Hours

Shaun Hick
“This is for you, for your breath, whose absence would lessen a greater world.”
Shaun Hick

“Love, Learn, Laugh... the trio makes Life worth Living.”
Martin Uzochukwu Ugwu

Debasish Mridha
“It is a smile of a baby that makes life worth living.”
Debasish Mridha MD

“We don’t look at ourselves to see if we are inadequate, we don’t ask ourselves if we are enjoying life. What we do instead is we look at other people and what they do then decide if our life is worth living.”
Cave Man, Modern Human's Handbook

Rebecca Solnit
“He asked that roses be planted on his grave. When I checked, a few years ago, a scrappy red rose was blooming there.”
Rebecca Solnit, Orwell's Roses

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Because rewards could be found among the chores. Little pieces of enjoymen that would come to mean something. Darkness always gave way to the light if given time, and whhile some heartbreaks may never completely heal, living allowed there to be space for new sources of happiness and pleasure.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Fire in the Flesh

“....there are moments in life worth living for. Spring Walking is one of them; my mind frozen in the moment, changed perception of time, augmented sense satisfaction and happiness, my heart filled with awesomeness...”
Isabella koldras, poem Spring Walking in Vaucluse Hil.

Debasish Mridha
“A life worth living is a life search for joy.”
Debasish Mridha

Muriel Barbery
“Eu insa am inteles ca o viata trece intr-o clipita, privindu-i pe adultii din jurul meu, atat de grabiti, atat de stresati de scadenta, atat de avizi de acum pentru a nu se gandi la maine... Dar daca te temi de viitor este pentru ca nu stii sa construiesti prezentul si, cand nu stii sa construiesti prezentul, te amagesti ca vei putea s-o faci maine si te-ai dus pe copca, fiindca maine sfarseste intotdeauna prin a deveni astazi, nu-i asa?
Deci mai ales nu trebuie sa uitam asta. Trebuie sa traim cu aceasta certitudine ca vom imbatrani si ca nu va fi nici frumos, nici bine, nici vesel. Si sa ne spunem ca prezentul e ceea ce conteaza: sa construim acum ceva, cu orice pret, din rasputeri. Sa avem tot timpul in minte caminul de batrani, pentru a ne depasi in fiecare zi, facand ziua nepieritoare. Sa urcam pas cu pas Everestul nostru personal si s-o facem in asa fel incat fiecare pas sa fie un pic de eternitate.
Viitorul la asta serveste: la a construi prezentul cu adevarate proiecte concepute de fiinte in viata.”
Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Steven Redhead
“It is the beautiful things that you behold that makes life worth living.”
Steven Redhead, Life's Impressions

Kelly Fitzgerald Fowler
“A life worth living is a life worth recording.”
Kelly Fitzgerald Fowler, Over My Dead Body: A Supernatural Novel - A Historical Biblical Fiction Mystery Thriller

“The thing is, sensual women add flavor to life. This explains why they are typically favored above the rest. They are crème de la crème when it comes to a life worth living. I wouldn’t choose anything less.”
Lebo Grand

Candice Jarrett
“A mortal tether is what binds us to this world. It’s all the beautiful things in our life that make it worth living. It’s the love my parents had for me that lives inside me even though they’re gone and the knowledge deep in my soul that my Mom and Dad would want me to fight and live on and find a way to be happy again. It’s the hope against impossible odds I’ll see my brother one day and get crushed by one of his annoying bear hugs. It’s the pitch of Sara Angelina laughs when I tickle her foot. It’s the deep pink of Liam’s blushes when he steals glances at me and thinks I can’t see.”
Candice Jarrett, Mortal Tether

Suzanne Scanlon
“Getting older, which isn’t a decision so much as inevitable, if you stick around to find out. This isn’t transcendence but it is committing to life and sticking with it. It’s far more tedious than climactic…I did get better, in many large and small ways, and it is the reading and writing that sustained me, gave me another life. It is my life…All this thinking about books had made me into a person, an artist. This was real life, and I’d worked so long to make it real, more real than any diagnosis had ever been...”
Suzanne Scanlon, Committed: On Meaning and Madwomen