
Legitimacy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "legitimacy" Showing 1-28 of 28
Malcolm Gladwell
“...legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice--that if they speak up, they will be heard. Second, the law has to be predictable. There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as the rules today. And third, the authority has to be fair. It can't treat one group differently from another.”
Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

Malcolm Gladwell
“So why don’t Americans cheat? Because they think that their system is legitimate. People accept authority when they see that it treats everyone equally, when it is possible to speak up and be heard, and when there are rules in place that assure you that tomorrow you won’t be treated radically different from how you are treated today. Legitimacy is based on fairness, voice and predictability, and the U.S. government, as much as Americans like to grumble about it, does a pretty good job of meeting all three standards. Pg. 293”
Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

John Ralston Saul
“If individuals do not occupy their legitimate position, then it will be occupied by a god or a king or a coalition of interest groups. If citizens do not exercise the powers confered by their legitimacy, others will do so.
(I - The Great Leap Backwards)”
John Ralston Saul, The Unconscious Civilization

Gene Sharp
“Further, democratic negotiators, or foreign negotiation specialists accepted to assist in the negotiations, may in a single stroke provide the dictators with the domestic and international legitimacy that they had been previously denied because of their seizure of the state, human rights violations, and brutalities. Without that desperately needed legitimacy, the dictators cannot continue to rule indefinitely.”
Gene Sharp, From Dictatorship to Democracy

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Throughout the world, the very moment a legitimate government starts fascist implementations, it loses its legitimacy! When a government becomes illegitimate, it is no longer a government but an outlaw!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Simon Sebag Montefiore
“Very few politicians, who have chosen a political career, can fulfill the aspirations and survive the strains of an elevated office that in a monarchy was filled so randomly. Each tsar had to be simultaneously dictator and supreme general, high priest and Little Father. They required all the qualities listed by the sociologist Max Weber: the personal gift of grace, the virtue of legality, and "the authority of the eternal yesterday.”
Simon Sebag Montefiore, The Romanovs: 1613-1918

“The so-called spiritual inquiry must necessarily address questions of authority and power since both individuals and the organizations that represent them generally seek legitimacy from hegemonic interpretations of truth and reality. The only way to maintain the integrity of spiritual inquiry is to encourage radical questioning of all precepts/percepts and their interpretations.”
Daniel Waterman

Charlotte Brontë
“Against legitimacy is arrayed usurpation; against modest,
single-minded, righteous, and brave resistance to encroachment
is arrayed boastful, double-tongued, selfish, and treacherous
ambition to possess. God defend the right!"

"God often defends the powerful.”
Charlotte Brontë

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“Like how the government of General Abacha was using its foreign policy to legitimize itself in the eyes of other African countries.”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Thing Around Your Neck

Victor Hugo
“To ask pardon of the authorities is to recognise their right.”
Victor Hugo, Le Roi s'amuse

Susan Neiman
“Critical understanding can arise from powerlessness, but does it always do so? Few champions of standpoint epistemology would argue that it does. And, if not, can we allow the experience of powerlessness to be elevated to an inevitable source of political authority?”
Susan Neiman, Left Is Not Woke

Rosaria Munda
“Legitimacy," says Griff sagely, leaning back to prop an ankle on a knee, "sounds like a fancy word created by someone with a shorter knife to keep themselves from getting stabbed by someone with a longer one.”
Rosaria Munda, Furysong

“The seeming legitimacy that existed in mind a second earlier vaporized before they could be carried out, leaving the air barren.”
Pavitraa Parthasarathy

“To create a free society is not to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all people to abandon aggression, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that aggression is ever legitimate.”
Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

Steven Redhead
“Whatever you acknowledgement gains the legitimacy to exist within your world.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is Simply A Game

Steven Redhead
“The power of belief gives legitimacy to whatever may be necessary.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is Simply A Game

Steven Redhead
“Only willing acceptance gives legitimacy for anything to exist permanently.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Cocktail

Giharu Si Perempuan Gunung
“The most legitimate experience to be shared is the personal experience”
Giharu Si Perempuan Gunung

Robert R. Reilly
“Islam does not have a figure of authority corresponding to the pope who could definitively delegitimize Islamism, and it is uncertain, if there were such a figure, that he would do so, since Islamism has a claim to legitimacy despite its adulteration by Western ideology”
Robert R. Reilly, The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist

Sally Beauman
“There is only one true legitimacy, and it's bestowed by love, not male lineage.”
Sally Beauman, Rebecca's Tale

Annelise Riles
“the old narrative focused on carving out separate spheres of autonomy for citizens and experts, the new legitimacy narrative will focus on collaboration between these groups”
Annelise Riles, Financial Citizenship: Experts, Publics, and the Politics of Central Banking

“Legitimacy is the perfect cover”
Colin Bennett, The entertainment bomb

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The legitimacy of something is not dependent upon my ability to explain it, for my inability to explain something often evidences the legitimacy of that which I seek to explain.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Roger Fisher
“You can use standards of legitimacy both as a sword to persuade others, and as a shield to help you resist pressure to give in arbitrarily. (“I would like to give you a discount, but this price is firm. It is what General Motors paid for the same item last week; here is the bill of sale.”) Just as, by finding relevant precedent and principles a lawyer enhances his or her ability to persuade a judge, so a negotiator can enhance his or her negotiation power by finding precedents, principles, and other external criteria of fairness and by thinking of ways to present them forcefully and tellingly: “I am asking for no more and no less than you are paying others for comparable work.” “We will pay what the house is worth if we can afford it. We are offering what the similar house nearby sold for last month. Unless you can give us a good reason why your house is worth more, our”
Roger Fisher, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

Lucy  Carter
“Of course, each belief must have its biblical support, and it must strengthen the faith of others to be valid, but if we are supposed to not cause one another to stumble, then why are we CONDEMNING each other for different but legitimate Christian beliefs? I hope conservatives don’t condemn/limit feminists and feminists do not condemn/limit conservatives!”
Lucy Carter, Feminism and Biblical Hermeneutics

Steven Redhead
“The narrative that can stand the test of time or be dominant is what will have legitimacy as fact but not necessarily the truth.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is A Circus

Abdellatif Raji
“A governance model steeped in ethical practices earns public trust and legitimacy. When citizens witness their government’s unwavering commitment to ethical standards, it reinforces the foundations of a stable, harmonious society.”
Abdellatif Raji, Heaven Is Under the Feet of Governments: Steering Nations With Maqasid

“A madman who believes himself to be a king is no more mad than a king who believes himself to be a king”
Lacan Jacques M.