Inner Self Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-self" Showing 91-120 of 324
“You were born as pure gold. Family and social conditioning coated you with iron and magnetized it. Stop attracting the outside scrap and recognize the gold inside you.”

“When compulsions make you keep doing something against your will, don’t be frustrated with others. Just observe the helplessness of your own physical self and ultimately detach from it.”

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“What are mere pearls when you’ll become the ocean,
And that bright sun with its revolving motion!”
Rumi, Masnawi

“A rock sits on the ground while a flower sits on a thin stem a few inches above the ground. Both are stable in their positions. If the flower tries to mimic the stone’s stability and falls on the ground, it will die. You have to find your own stability in life. What is stablility for someone else may cause pain and fear in your life.”

“A traveller lost his way and reached in an unknown territory of winding lanes and endless roads. No local person was able to tell how to get out of there. On top of it, his car broke down. He asked for help from a mystic passing by.

The mystic gave him a piece of paper. The traveller angrily said, “Keep your preachings to yourself. Give me some practical solution. Tell me how to fix the car.”

The mystic serenly said, “You have been driving continuously for hours. Car will start when it cools down. Meanwhile, study the paper I gave you. It’s a map of who you are, where you are and how to go back home.”

“If you have sugarcane, you can make sugar or jaggery. You can't turn it into rice.

Accept the limits of your limited self so that your limitless inner self can take you to the rice field.”

“The knowledge that the world has given you is nothing but a set of robotic commands. It has turned you into robot:

What is it? Milk. What to do with it? Bring it from the shop, boil it and drink.

What is it? Tree. What to do with it? Just ignore it. It is there to keep your oxygen levels normal.

And so on. It has made you into robot. It has given you an illusion of freewill and choice.”

“The journey to know the “I” is called inward journey. Whether you are studying galaxies or blackholes or quantum particles, never forget that your purpose is to know the “I”, not what the “I” is seeing.

Watch “I” changing its location. When you are eating delicious meal “I” is body. When you are reading book, “I” is mind. Who is watching mind? Another partition of mind. When you keep watching “I”, you will realize that “I” is “nothingness” and it just gets attached things like body or mind.”

“A child who has just learned alphabets can’t enjoy the story until she learns the meaning of the words.

Life is a story. You can read it through worldly knowledge but you can’t enjoy it until you get the spiritual knowledge.”

“You are travelling in a vehicle. Another vehicle is moving alongside yours. Sometimes your vehicle is ahead, sometimes that vehicle is ahead. Then comes the separation. That vehicle moves to a different route. You feel slightly heartbroken even though you didn’t even see who the occupants of that vehicle were. Why?

Because you are a soul. You don’t have to stay attached to just your own body. You can get attached to any other entity and feel its emotions. When you are travelling in a vehicle, your soul starts feeling emotions of your vehicle. Your vehicle feels heartbroken, not you.”

“The core of your inner self is like a pomegranate. When it emains untouched, life remains superficial and unsatisfactory. To open it and deseed it, there has to be one sharp cut, one devastating experience in life. After that you must remain still. You should not run for bandage. You should not try to fill the cut with addictive things. Then the right hands will find you and delicately open you and deseed you. Magical things will come out of you that you never thought were inside you.”

“Newspapers are interesting and help you discover what’s happening in outside world.

A book of wisdom is boring from first look but it helps you discover what is happening inside you.”

“Wearing perfume can't be a substitute for bath. For a seeker, reading famous spiritual books, visiting some holy Gurus and places, doing some chanting and rituals is like wearing perfume. If you wish to take bath, throw yourself to the universe. It will make you do things that are not even remotely spiritual or religious. But they will bathe you clean.”

“The essence of religious texts is the knowledge of self. If you remove the essence, what remains is just cultural fluff. Then reading the stories of gods is no better than reading a novel. It is perhaps worse because it keeps you in the illusion that you are religious or spiritual.”

“Your roots are spread deep into the unknown. Fearing the unknown means fearing your own roots.”

Anita Moorjani
“Your sensitivity opens up six sensory world. It's connected to the other side. If you block your sensitivity, you block what's coming in from the other realm. The thing is to be aware that you're giving your power to the outside world, and to start giving it to your own inner world or to your higher self.”
Anita Moorjani, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World

“Live the journey, learn the lessons, regret not.”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

“I don’t understand skinny jeans. I don’t understand why people like them, wear them, or buy them. If I want something to hug my calves that tight, I would get a dog that follows me around and humps my legs all day.”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

“Do God has implemented in your heart.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Darice Cairns
“Who is the person under the thinker? that is the real you!”
Darice Cairns

“Rich, poor, high, low -- the one thing common in all human beings is misery. The real cause of their misery is that they have lost touch with their inner self. But if you want to become a leader of a group of human beings, tell them that the other group is the cause of their misery.”

“If people weren't busy making a living and dealing with their problems, they would destroy each other in innovative ways. Misery is keeping the human race alive. An individual will continue to be miserable until she learns to handle lack of misery by knowing her true self.”

“What you think, speak and do is mostly in reaction to the people and situation around you. Rare are those moments when your bare soul expresses itself from deep within.”

Santosh    Kumar
“Learn to discover your inner goodness, and spread it to others.”
Santosh Kumar (San)

James Allen
“Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not remain so if you only perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without.”
James Allen

“Clarity is always in the present moment. If in this moment you have decided on something and accepted its consequences, you have clarity. Not deciding is also a decision. If in this moment, you choose to remain indecisive and accept its consequences, you have clarity.”

“When you're alone at home, go to the mirror and stare at your reflection. You will get scared of yourself. Story of your life is actually a story of how you're running away from yourself and taking refuge in others.”

C. JoyBell C.
“You will meet people obsessed with fulfilling something, or showing something, or doing something. They have no presence about them because their presence lies elsewhere, in other things, anywhere but within themselves. Then you will meet a person who's still and that stillness can be felt throughout every room she walks into. There's that strong presence because this person is filled up; not empty.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“When have you paused to let life in? When have you stopped scrambling to produce more social media content, stopped scrambling as though in a race to be unforgotten? Where are your pauses? Where are the spaces in your life where you let the light in? Where is your stillness? You are afraid of being forgotten, so, you scramble to impress yourself onto everything, everywhere... but what has been impressed into you?”
C. JoyBell C.

“Living inside this head was a torture of endless looping thoughts and self-hatred. Like many women, my suffering manifested itself through my relationship with my body that transcended self-hatred into self-destruction. There’s no need to go into any more detail about what it was like. What I do want to offer is that there is hope.”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z