
Holy Grail Quotes

Quotes tagged as "holy-grail" Showing 1-30 of 43
Dan       Brown
“These books can't possibly compete with centuries of established history, especially when that history is endorsed by the ultimate bestseller of all time."
Faukman's eyes went wide. "Don't tell me Harry Potter is actually about the Holy Grail."
"I was referring to the Bible."
Faukman cringed. "I knew that.”
Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

Erik Pevernagie
“We must not look past the maneuvers of politicians who feel driven by intuition fed by visionary hysteria. They pretend to have a 'privileged' mission to shoulder but rob people's physical or mental property, appropriating their cultural heritage. If their intuition is cautioned as vicious or murderous by reason or facts, history will forever eradicate their soul from the holy grail of humanity, especially those who want to set the world on fire for their sole ambition. ("What after bowling alone?" )”
Erik Pevernagie

“For where thy treasure is, there also will thy heart be.”
Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version

Pooja Agnihotri
“In the Bible of successful businesses, market research is the holy grail.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Mark Twain
“You see, he was going for the Holy Grail. The boys all took a flier at the Holy Grail now and then. It was a several years' cruise. They always put in the long absence snooping around, in the most conscientious way, though none of them had any idea where the Holy Grail really was, and I don't think any of them actually expected to find it, or would have known what to do with it if he had run across it.”
Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

David Paul Kirkpatrick
“I have always quested and still do for the Holy Grail, but I stopped looking in the earthen caves and in the stars. I started questing through the valleys and mountains of my own soul.”
David Paul Kirkpatrick

Lisa Kessler
“She tasted like run, root beer, and something wild he couldn’t place, but it didn’t matter.
He wanted more.
Craved it.”
Lisa Kessler, Magnolia Mystic

Lisa Kessler
“She rocked her hips into him and gasped. “Do you have a sleeping cabin on this boat?”
His teeth brushed her ear. “Yes.”
“Do you have protection?”
Her question didn’t register through the haze of his hunger for her.
“Cannons, a cutlass, and a few pistols.”
She chuckled and kissed him again.
“How about condoms?”
Lisa Kessler, Magnolia Mystic

Lisa Kessler
“I thought you only had eyes for your ship.”
God, she was beautiful. “Until I met you.”
Lisa Kessler, Magnolia Mystic

Roger Lancelyn Green
“The big knight fell heavily to the ground, and lay there, as nearly dead as possible. His servants came running from the castle and took him in. He got better in the end, but nobody cared much about that.”
Roger Lancelyn Green, King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table

Thomas Pynchon
“We drank the blood of our enemies. That's why you see Gnostics so hunted. The sacrament of the Eucharist is really drinking the blood of the enemy. The Grail, the Sangraal, is the bloody vehicle. Why else guard it so sacredly? Why should the black honor-guard ride half a continent, half a splintering Empire, stone night and winter day, if it's only for the touch of sweet lips on a humble bowl? No, it's mortal sin they're carrying: to swallow the enemy, down into the slick juicery to be taken in by all the cells. Your officially defined 'mortal sin,' that is. A sin against you. A section of your penal code, that's all.”
Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

Olawale Daniel
“Most people think the big money in crypto is in day trading, but the holy grail in cryptocurrency industry right now is spotting the gems before the public knows about it. Understanding pre-sale, public sale and pre-exchange purchase arrangements is so vital for massive profits.”
Olawale Daniel

Dan       Brown
“We're on a Grail quest, Sophie. Who better to help us than a knight?”
Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

Soroosh Shahrivar
“From the Holy Grail
my lips, they lust a little more. Smoky grapes, Cabernet,
I sense a tug of war”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Letter 19

“Read Nietzsche. Reject all mainstream religions. Your objective is not to worship God, but to become God. Only God has all the answers to the mysteries of life. Therefore if you truly seek those answers then you are seeking the ultimate secret: how to transform yourself into God. It is precisely with this quest that the Philosopher’s Stone and the Holy Grail are intimately involved. That is why they have supreme spiritual power, why they command such enduring fascination.”
Michael Faust, Eastern Religion For Western Gnostics

“Are you capable of flying, or will you stay grounded like all the others, too scared to break free from the herd and become what you have it in you to be? What is the Holy Grail? You are, if you choose it to be so!”
Michael Faust, How to Become God

“The stock exchange is a poor substitute for the Holy Grail,” warned Schumpeter, who added that the middle class is “rationalist and unheroic.” In fact, middle class man “can only use rationalist and unheroic means to defend his position or to bend a nation to his will.” These are disturbing words for Americans, who are egalitarians to the core. The notion that “all men are created equal” is branded into our consciousness. But let us be honest for a moment. Men are hardly created equal in reality. If you factored in education and training, men would not long remain equal even if they were created so. Some are naturally gifted from childhood. Some benefit from hard training and long study. It used to be that aristocracy, under the best circumstances, was a training in
leadership that would begin at infancy. What we are now left to is the training of opportunists by state functionaries.”

Laurence Galian
“In regard to its identity in the Holy Grail legends, the Chintamani Stone appears to be synonymous with the Stone of Heaven, the manifestation of the Holy Grail mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his famous Grail rendition known as 'Parzival,' which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of the Grail legends.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley

“I can assure you, to have the carnal Holy Grail snatched from you at the very moment your lips were about to touch its rim is something that will torture your mind forever. Your wild imaginings about what you were just about to experience will haunt you until death.”
Mark Romel, The Mistletoe Murders: A Nietzschean Murder Mystery

“God, far from being alien to us, far from being a distant deity, is inside us all. Our mission is to find him within us, to release our inner divinity. It is not anyone else we should be worshiping, but our own highest capabilities. That is the great test with which we are confronted... do we have the courage and knowledge to look to ourselves rather than external “gods” ? Can we find our divine spark? That is the Holy Grail, the most sacred and spiritual object of all. The quest for the Holy Grail is the most difficult conceivable.”
Brother Abaris, The Illuminist Army

“The Faustian knows that no one is coming to save him. He must save himself. He will try anything, go anywhere, in his quest for the Holy Grail. He commits himself unreservedly to the greatest cause of all – to discover the innermost secrets of creation. And only one person possesses those secrets: God. And that is Faust’s sacred and infinitely inspiring quest – to become God himself. He is the Nietzschean Superman. He has no limits, he bows to no false prophets, he needs no ancient books full of rules and commandments and silly parables and stories.”
Michael Faust, The Right-Brain God

“The Promethean = the Faustian = the eternal seeker = the eternal wanderer = the eternal quester. The Promethean is a romantic, a striving figure, an outsider, a non-conformist. He’s often alone. Conventional society has rejected him and, more importantly, he has rejected conventional society. The HyperHuman plays the Great Game – the God Game. His objective it to transform himself into God ... to undergo the ultimate metamorphosis. The HyperHuman is a new kind of knight, a knight of the mind. He seeks to merit the title of “knight” and lives courageously by a noble code. His life has total focus and purpose. His mind is always focused on the Holy Grail. The search for the Grail is the symbol of the HyperHuman’s search for heaven, for God, to become God.”
Mike Hockney, HyperHumanity

“America, to redeem itself, needs the Grail … the Grail of people power. Rise up, Americans. Free yourselves of the tyrants who oppress you. Reclaim your land. Remove the curse. Turn the Wasteland into an Oasis. Give every American a proper chance to go as far as their talents deserve. Throw open every door that the elite have closed with their inheritance and privilege, with their nepotism and cronyism. A new America is needed. No one needs to go back to the American past. True American greatness lies in the future.”
Mark Romel, The Wasteland: America's Search for Redemption

“The Faustians and Luciferians are those who pursue the greatest challenges of all. They seek the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone, the River of Life, the Fountain of Youth, the Tree of Knowledge, the means to turn base metal into gold. They seek to sit in God’s throne and wear his crown. Why not? He has sat there long enough.”
Mark Romel, Strange World: Why People Are Getting Weirder

“I know people who repeatedly jump from one guru to the next in search of the Holy Grail of trading. Of course, it doesn’t exist, but you need to know this fact to stop looking for it.”
Naved Abdali

“And when all the lights have gone out, such as is the case in the modern era, we must look at the brilliance which shines in far off places, and journey to it. We must bring the Grail back to The People. It is up to us to undertake a most perilous journey. Success isn’t guaranteed. But we go forth regardless. Do you have the courage to join us?”
David Sinclair, Without the Mob, There Is No Circus

Dushica Labovich
“Beliefs rule the world. And the church has always abided by that. After all, behind every secret society lies either the motivation to rule the world or renunciation of dogma.”
Dushica Labovich, The Salvador Dali Formula

Stewart Stafford
“Under The Octagon by Stewart Stafford

Under the octagon of glass and steel,
A careworn man sits at his desk and sighs,
He longs to leave this place of chilly lies,
And find a hidden treasure that is real.

He knows a code that he can’t reveal,
A sepulchre where the Holy Grail lies,
He found it with his providence eyes,
A numinous and haunting view that heals.

He takes a penknife from his drawer and peels,
His finger till he sees a key inside,
He wraps his wound and leaves without a guide,
He runs towards the garden, full of zeal.

He finds the rhododendrons and the birch,
He digs beneath the wisteria with care,
Cracks open the tomb, and discovers there,
A golden bird sitting upon its perch.

"Back! Thou tomb-raiding thief."
It squawks, its voice so stern,
"Cleanse thyself, endeavour to learn.
Do not touch the Grail without belief!"

Caving in, he seals the grave,
The aureate avian conveys his thanks,
The plumage rejoining arcane ranks,
The man seeks out a confessor's nave.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved”
Stewart Stafford

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