
Godhead Quotes

Quotes tagged as "godhead" Showing 1-17 of 17
Toba Beta
“I am who I am', said God to Moses regarding His name,
because none was worth to be compared to His godhead.”
Toba Beta

S.G. Norris
“Jesus was not just a man filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or blessed with the presence of God, like the prophets of the Old Testament. The fullnesss of that wonderful presence of the Lord's Spirit Being, not just a part of it, was incarnated in the body of Jesus Christ and flowed out from Him.”
S.G. Norris

Alan             Moore
“Admittedly, I do have several bones, whole war fields full of bones, in fact to pick with organised religion of whatever stripe. This should be seen as a critique of purely temporal agencies who have, to my mind, erected more obstacles between whatever notion of spirituality and Godhead one subscribes to than they have opened doors. To me, the difference between Godhead and the Church is the difference between Elvis and Colonel Parker... although that conjures images of God dying on the toilet, which is not what I meant at all.”
Alan Moore

Laird Barron
“Conrad might be on his way to achieving godhead and wouldn't that be a kick in the ass?”
Laird Barron, The Light is the Darkness

David K. Bernard
“The death of the innocent, sinless Christ and the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us satisfy God’s justice and holiness. If, however, we reject Christ’s atonement, then we are left to face God’s judgment alone. In this case His holiness demands separation from sinful humans and His justice demands death for sinful humans. So justice and mercy are complementary, not contradictory, aspects of God’s nature, as are holiness and love. If we accept God’s love and mercy, He will help us satisfy His justice and holiness. If we reject God’s love and mercy, we must face His justice and holiness alone (Romans 11:22).”
David K. Bernard, The Oneness of God: Volume 1

Athanasius of Alexandria
“It is, indeed, in accordance with the nature of the invisible God that He should be thus known through His works; and those who doubt the Lord's resurrection because they do not now behold Him with their eyes, might as well deny the very laws of nature. They have ground for disbelief when works are lacking; but when the works cry out and prove the fact so clearly, why do they deliberately deny the risen life so manifestly shown? Even if their mental faculties are defective, surely their eyes can give them irrefragable proof of the power and Godhead of Christ. A blind man cannot see the sun, but he knows that it is above the earth from the warmth which it affords; similarly, let those who are still in the blindness of unbelief recognize the Godhead of Christ and the resurrection which He has brought about through His manifested power in others.”
Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation

“See the Divinity in others and you will find it within yourself.”
KA Chinery, Perceptions From the Photon Frequency: the ascended version

He claimed to be an atheist, but he always used religious symbolism...”
Walter J. Moore, Schrodinger: Life and Thought

A.C. Prabhupāda
“The perfection of yoga, therefore, does not terminate in voidness or impersonalism; on the contrary, the perfection of yoga is attained when one actually sees the Personality of Godhead in His eternal form.”
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Todd Coburn
“The Holy Spirit is saying that no authority or authoritative being exists that was not created by Jesus Christ. This is a statement beyond creation. It is a statement of Godhead.”
Todd Coburn

Laurence Galian
“In the Galactic Nucleus, in the place known as the Pleroma are located a group of glorious beings named the Aeons. They are emanations of the Absolute Reality. They may also be considered divisions within the Godhead, as well as the various aspects of dimensions of the Infinitely Pre-Existent and in some spiritual traditions, the Names of God.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Ann Wroe
“His teachings, said his disciple Musaeus, had one simple theme: 'Everything comes into being from the One and is resolved into the One again.”
Ann Wroe, Orpheus: The Song of Life

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi
“If the beloved is everywhere,
the lover is a veil,

but when living itself becomes
the Friend, lovers disappear.”
Rumi, Selected Poems

“It is has been postulated that all the events in a person’s life parallel those of past and future civilizations. The sages tell us that there is no individual truth. There exists only universal truth. Cultures endowed the basic reality that speaks to us with many names. The ultimate truth might or might not be a singular Godhead per se, but rather the oneness that we intuitively seek to connect with comes without manifestation or form. Liberation from suffering is what ultimately leads to union with this oneness, a sought after state of consciousness beyond being and nonbeing, beyond tangibility or comprehension. Surrendering all earthly attachments, renouncing all desires, and relinquishing any form of being, represent the inaugural steps I should make in order to connect with the sense of oneness that I seek. All things, people, and events of this world – grass, plants, trees, rivers, oceans, sand, stones, birds, fish, animals, insects, birth, death, flood, fire, pestilence, war, saints, crooks, heroes, delusion, and enlightenment – are part of a sacred reality.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Friedrich Hölderlin
“In gods and godhead only he can truly believe who himself is godlike.”
Friedrich Hölderlin, Selected Poems and Fragments

“The standpoint to be expressed is perfectly clear. The knowledge of having dominion over the world which is part of the Christian Faith, creates strong characters that cannot be shaken. It gives men a feeling of great stability in the vicissitudes of life, a steady purpose in all the activities of this world, an unconditional reliability and fidelity in all the changes of time, an untiring diligence in everything that has to be accomplished.

When the nucleus of a nation is composed of men of this stamp, or when a spirit such as this dominates a people, a wonderful source of strength thus exists for them. For men of this kind guarantee invincible calm, endurance, equability and steadfastness of soul in the spirit of the nation. This spirit can moreover, preserve a nation from inner disintegration and dissolution, and can guide it from an era of destruction into an age of reconstruction, of unity and solidarity.

Consequently the permanent recovery of our German Volk also comes “from within”, that is to say from the sources of holy life dwelling in the depths of the soul by virtue of kinship with God. And precisely in the heroic fight to be won before our Volk can hope to recover from its collapse, there can be no better source of strength than the life-giving streams that flow from the depths of the Godhead into the soul of the nation open to receive them. For the consciousness of having dominion over the world gives God’s children strength to overcome all difficulties, to become indomitable fighters, to ward off every danger in a cheerful spirit, to break down all obstacles boldly and courageously, and form a brave knighthood scorning death and the devil.”
Cajus Fabricius, Positive Christianity in the Third Reich