
Gina Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gina" Showing 1-6 of 6
Liz Braswell
“Now the three were in a tiny magical clearing in the forest: lime-green moss and tiny, sweet-scented flowers not seen elsewhere in the dark woods grew in profusion. In the middle of it a crystal-clear spring burbled whose waters were supposed to have healing properties. No one said it aloud, but it was very clear this was exactly the sort of place the king-- or queen-- of the forest would live: a golden-antlered stag, a snow-white hart, or...”
Liz Braswell, What Once Was Mine

Especially today, with the enormity of current events, I want to convey to you again, how much you mean to me and how proud I am to be your husband. The hard work that you are engaged in right now is exhausting, invisible and largely thankless in the short term.
But honey, please know that buried at the core of this tedium is the most noble and important work in the world- God's work; the fruits of which you and I will be lucky enough to enjoy as we grow old together. Watching these little guys grow into men is a privilege that I am proud to share with you, and the perfect fulfillment of our marriage bonds.
You are a great mom.
You are a great wife.
You are my best friend.
You are very pretty.
Happy Birthday.

Michael Spehn

Mercedes Lackey
“She decided at that moment that she wanted Gina for a friend... if Gina wasn't already a friend.
She rather hoped that the Champion was. The more she thought about it, the more she hoped. Really, Gina had been very nice to someone that she'd had no real reason to like. After all, if it wasn't for Andie, where would she be now?
'On some other uncomfortable Quest?'
Well, maybe. Or maybe still at the Chapter-House.
And Andie was the one who had thrust herself on a reluctant Gina. The Champion had no reason to be happy about that.
'But she said herself that having me along made getting around the countryside easier.'
Still, when it came right down to it, Andie had been an inconvenience. Yet Gina had never made things uncomfortable for Andie. And once she'd been revealed as being another girl-
'I'd really like her for a friend.' She looked around at the other young women clustered about the makeshift table, which looked as if someone had taken a slab of the fallen stone of the fortress walls and set it on four stumpy columns.
Actually, someone probably had- that someone being one of the dragons.
'I'd like to have all of them for friends,' she found herself deciding in surprise. Uncommon trial and hardship, danger and uncertainty had brought them together, but they were making the most of it, and even seemed to be finding ways to enjoy themselves. They'd come to some sort of understanding, it seemed, because she honestly couldn't tell any differences of rank among them by the way they behaved toward one another.”
Mercedes Lackey, One Good Knight

Liz Braswell
“You haven't even asked what I'll pay you," Rapunzel said innocently.
"You don't have enough," Flynn promised. Then he turned to Gina and said in a theatrical whisper, "This is where she offers her necklace, or a bracelet, or some other rich girl trinket I couldn't pawn even if I wanted...."
"How about a crown?" Rapunzel suggested.
Flynn grew very, very still.
"Uh-oh," Gina said with a wicked grin.
"What, um-- what crown?" Flynn asked casually.
"The one that you stole. The one that the Stabbingtons want back. The one that you hid, rather obviously, in a tree hollow," Rapunzel said smugly, crossing her arms. "Diamonds, pearls, about my size... You know, that crown?"
"That's my crown! Give it back! I stole it fair and square!" Flynn, cried, leaping up.
"You mean you stole it from the castle, or you stole it from the Stabbingtons?" Gina asked interestedly.
"Doesn't matter," Flynn said, crossing his arms and setting his jaw childishly. "It's mine now."
"Well, no, it's mine," Rapunzel said. "At least until you take me to see the lanterns, and home again. Then it's yours."
"You must have seen me hide it! In the tree!"
"Déduction très brillante," Rapunzel said archly.”
Liz Braswell, What Once Was Mine

Liz Braswell
“The chèvre's real good this time, Ma. What's the herb?" Gina asked.
"Wild amaranth tips-- seaseep. Your old friend Karl picked it for me from the Fenton."
Flynn grinned at Rapunzel over their meal. Get a load of them, he seemed to say, cocking his head at the two women.
Rapunzel smiled back, honey dripping out the side of her mouth.
He reached over without thinking and dabbed it off with his finger.
They both froze, looking at each other.
Then Flynn coughed and went back to eating.”
Liz Braswell, What Once Was Mine

Liz Braswell
“We have Gina here dress up as Rapunzel...."
"Never going to happen," Gina said immediately.
"Come on, it's just for a few hours. You'll be the bait."
"Nope. But you have a slender waist-- maybe with the corset..."
"In your dreams."
"Oh, believe me, my dreams have nothing to do with you in a corset. My nightmares, on the other hand..."
"There's a reason I never wanted more than one kid," the Goodwife muttered.
Dodger let out an angry bleat from the window.
"Human kid," she added apologetically.”
Liz Braswell, What Once Was Mine