Employment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "employment" Showing 211-240 of 1,270
Roger Spitz
“Success in our changing work landscape boils down to one simple concept: “Relevance.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume III - Beta Your Life: Existence in a Disruptive World

Roger Spitz
“Remaining relevant is not a linear process, but a jumbled loop.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume III - Beta Your Life: Existence in a Disruptive World

“It's fun working with people who pursue greatness in everything they do. It's fun working with people who hold themselves to high standards.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“Jobs are really important — they help facilitate people's sense of self worth and their sense of value. We all like to feel like we add value and that our life has meaning. And having a job we love that pays well contributes to that.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“When employees are unhappy with their job, they underperform and they're less productive. Smart employers invest in employee happiness.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Jarod Kintz
“The skills needed to stay employable are changing daily, which is why I'm now offering a class called: "How To Sew Pants While Riding A Unicycle And Playing The Saxophone Like A Quacking Duck." What are the jobs of The Future? Nobody knows, but my class will train you to Get Hired!”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

“Don’t become an entrepreneur to evade employment. Become an entrepreneur to create employment; first for yourself and then for others.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“Many millions of people secretly feel caged by employment, marriage, and/or parenthood.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“There really is no such thing as working for yourself. Every job - regardless of whether the employer is your own company or another company - exists in service to others. When people seek to be self employed, they approach business from an ego perspective and that results in poor business. Instead of seeking to be self employed, seek to create a platform of value creation in service to a specific group of people, and be satisfied with being able to put yourself first in line to serve in the creation of that value.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“The capital of the world would multiply at an increasing rate if everyone employed enjoyed the activities of their employment. When people enjoy their work, they’re more productive.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth, Business Essentials

Jarod Kintz
“I drive by a business that has a permanent sign that says, "Always hiring." Why in the world would they advertise the fact that they have continual turnover? They might as well say, "You'll hate working here.”
Jarod Kintz, I design saxophone music in blocks, like Stonehenge

John  Williams
“He seldom thought of the past or the future, or of the disappointments and joys of either; he concentrated all his energies of which he was capable upon the moment of his work and hoped that he was at last defined by what he did.”
John Williams, Stoner

“Employees should be very clear about the companies values. And more importantly, employee values should align with company values.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“You cannot separate entrepreneurship from employment. As an entrepreneur, you have to first create a job for yourself. You have to first put yourself to use in the creation of value serving a specific group of people, with your personal income directly correlated to your specific value creation within the business. If you're an entrepreneur but you fail to employ yourself and pay yourself accordingly, the business will not sustain itself.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“Work is the act of making yourself useful by creating value for a specific group of people. In exchange for our work, we each get paid money which allows us to purchase the work of other people. Work creates a virtuous cycle of value creation, value consumption and value growth.  Therefore, work is economically greater than charity. Because whereas charity is economically one sided, work has a multiplicative value effect. In a sense, the greatest form of charity is the creation of employment for others.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“If you call yourself an entrepreneur but you haven’t created a stable job for yourself in the context of your business - you’re not an entrepreneur, you’re an unemployed person with sporadic sources of income.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“It’s good to start a business, but more than that; you must create a job for yourself. If you’ve created a business but haven’t created a job for yourself, you’ll need to remain employed at someone else’s business in the meantime.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“A business that’s struggling to make payroll is like a pair of parents struggling to feed the kids. It’s unacceptable.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“An overdecorated CV is usually an overcompensation for being uneducated and/or inexperienced.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“सुना जाता है कि पहले ज़मानों में नौजवान मुल्क जीतने, लम्बी और कठिन यात्राएँ करने, खा़नदान का नाम ऊँचा करने के ख़्वाब देखा करते थे। अब वे केवल नौकरी का ख़्वाब देखते हैं। नौकरी ही हमारे युग का सबसे बड़ा ऐडवेंचर है ! आज के फ़ाहियान और इब्ने बतूता, वासकोडिगामा और स्काट, नौकरी की खोज में लगे रहते हैं। आज के ईसा, मोहम्मद और राम की मंजिल नौकरी है।”
Rahi Masoom Raza, Topi Shukla

Erich Fromm
“The relationship between employer and employee is permeated by the same spirit of indifference. The word “employer” contains the whole story: the owner of capital employs another human being as he “employs” a machine. They both use each other for the pursuit of their economic interests; their relationship is one in which both are means to an end, both are instrumental to each other. It is not a relationship of two human beings who have any interest in the other outside of this mutual usefulness. The same instrumentality is the rule in the relationship between the businessman and his customer. The customer is an object to be manipulated, not a concrete person whose aims the businessman is interested to satisfy. The attitude toward work has the quality of instrumentality; in contrast to a medieval artisan the modern manufacturer is not primarily interested in what he produces; he produces essentially in order to make a profit from his capital investment, and what he produces depends essentially on the market which promises that the investment of capital in a certain branch will prove to be profitable.”
Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom

Maureen Johnson
“Stevie looked around for Janelle to help her, but Janelle was busy demonstrating proper sand-in-bottle technique to some kids. Some would have called this "doing her job," but to Stevie, this was abandonment.”
Maureen Johnson, The Box in the Woods

“Human lifetimes are time documented by time, employment is compensated by documented time for work; and the value of life is expensive. No one is wealthy enough to buy time for infinity...so why let them waste yours!
#Studypeople who do not value the #expense of life & time...gain old, but common #wisdom. #Studypeople who value the expense of life & time...gain new but uncommon wisdom.
Last year will never repeat in your #lifetime, neither will the New Year. Consider how you manage the #destiny #distraction of #timewasters...
I reset my #NewYear clock with an alarm to signal the entry of expensive time wasters, so I can kindly show them back to the exit point.
People who consciously care to connect their active purpose with others who value share them, are more likely to make most of time's expense, rather than waste time, as if forever could be spared.”
Dr. Tracey Bond

Louis Yako
“We are creating a world in which what nourishes the soul rarely makes people employable, and what makes them employable often crushes the soul. A nourished mind and soul are the core of what makes us human, and we really can’t continue to ignore our minds and souls with impunity.”
Louis Yako

“The autism employment efforts of recent years have tapped into an enormous wellspring of energy and desire to work among adults with autism, family members, and advocates. The post pandemic efforts will similarly need this participation.”
Michael Bernick, The Autism Full Employment Act: The Next Stage of Jobs for Adults with Autism, ADHD, and Other Learning and Mental Health Differences

Malcolm Harris
“As in other industries, the recruitment process has become a lot easier (cheaper) for employers and a lot more expensive for would be employees. A demo with a new sound or a solid audition isn’t good enough. Artists are now expected to arrive with a market-ready brand and audience, saving their corporate overlords the makeover expense. Building a brand is no longer the purview of slick besuited experts; it’s the individual responsibility of every voice that wants to “make it.”
Malcolm Harris, Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials

Ryan Gelpke
“Ah… Yeah, it’s weird… We tell people to follow their dreams and when they do we call them losers for not being employable! Because they studied poetry and art history instead of engineering and medicine. We live in a terrible society!”
Ryan Gelpke, 2017: Our Summer of Reunions: Braai Seasons with Howl Gang (Howl Gang Legend)

Ann Petry
“And Jim couldn't get a job, though he hunted for one — desperately, eagerly, anxiously. Walking from one employment agency to another; spending long hours in the musty agency waiting-rooms, reading old newspapers. Waiting, waiting, waiting to be called up for a job. He would come home shivering from the cold, saying, 'God damn white people anyway. I don't want favors. All I want is a job. Just a job. Don't they know if I know how I'd change the color of my skin?”
Ann Petry, The Street

Ines  Garcia
“The fundamental attribution error, where we tend to read others’ actions on a negative incline which we directly relate to their character and their personality.”
Ines Garcia, Sustainable Happy Profit

“You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking, ridiculing and making fun of people because they are not educated or not working. Most people are not educated because they can’t afford to and are not given opportunities to. They are not working because of high employment rate, and they are not being hired.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos