Employment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "employment" Showing 31-60 of 1,270
Naomi Klein
“Drilling without thinking has of course been Republican party policy since May 2008. With gas prices soaring to unprecedented heights, that's when the conservative leader Newt Gingrich unveiled the slogan 'Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less'—with an emphasis on the now. The wildly popular campaign was a cry against caution, against study, against measured action. In Gingrich's telling, drilling at home wherever the oil and gas might be—locked in Rocky Mountain shale, in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and deep offshore—was a surefire way to lower the price at the pump, create jobs, and kick Arab ass all at once. In the face of this triple win, caring about the environment was for sissies: as senator Mitch McConnell put it, 'in Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana and Texas, they think oil rigs are pretty'. By the time the infamous 'Drill Baby Drill' Republican national convention rolled around, the party base was in such a frenzy for US-made fossil fuels, they would have bored under the convention floor if someone had brought a big enough drill.”
Naomi Klein

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The reason that man is seldom satisfied with his salary is that when it increases, he increases his expenses.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

N.K. Jemisin
“Funny thing, employment. If you keep doing it, you keep getting paid.”
N.K. Jemisin, The Kingdom of Gods

“Everything that we enjoy is a result of someone's hard work. Some work is visible and other work goes unseen, but both are equally important. Some people stop working as soon as they find a job. Regardless of the unemployment statistics, it is hard to find good people to work. Many people don't understand the difference between idle time and leisure time. Idle time amounts to wasting or stealing time; leisure time is earned. Procrastinating amounts to not working.
Excellence is not luck; it is the result of a lot of hard work and practice. Hard work and practice make a person better at whatever he is doing.”
Shiv Khera, You Can Win : A Step by Step Tool for Top Achievers

Kim Stanley Robinson
“In a capitalist world, the word capital has taken on more and more uses. . . . human capital, for instance, which is what labor accumulates through education and work experience. Human capital differs from the classic kind in that you can't inherit it, and it can only be rented, not bought or sold.”
Kim Stanley Robinson, Green Mars

“You must add value to yourself to be relevant”
Sunday Adelaja

“You can never know who you really are or what you can do until you discover yourself”
Sunday Adelaja

“You must always be proactive”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your daily product determines your value”
Sunday Adelaja

“Understanding the value of time is understanding the true essence of life”
Sunday Adelaja

“Show the youth the consequences of their actions and why they should choose wisely”
Sunday Adelaja

“A job shouldn’t be a mean of existence but rather, a means of sustenance”
Sunday Adelaja

“You must be able to communicate properly with the people you want to minister to”
Sunday Adelaja

“The idea is to change the nature and value system of the nation as whole”
Sunday Adelaja

“Don’t limit yourself, discover new areas of expertise”
Sunday Adelaja

“You have to be competitive to be relevant”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your calling is you unique area of expertise”
Sunday Adelaja

“Joblessness is a time for reflection”
Sunday Adelaja

“Maximize the time you have through hard work, concentration and research”
Sunday Adelaja

“Demonstrate love to the people first, and then teach them to observe biblical principles”
Sunday Adelaja

“You can only be fulfilled and accomplished in life when you effectively maximize yourself”
Sunday Adelaja

“To be fruitful and productive is to invest in time”
Sunday Adelaja

“Use time to create the nature of God in yourself”
Sunday Adelaja

“You have to discover how best you can manage your time to carry out your work effectively”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your daily product determines how far you go”
Sunday Adelaja

“The way we assess time as humans determines what we become”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your daily product determines your output”
Sunday Adelaja

“Your daily actions should be productive”
Sunday Adelaja

“Knowing what to do with time is the key to being productive”
Sunday Adelaja

“Employers pay with their money for what employees have paid for with portions of their lives.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana