
Emma Mildon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "emma-mildon" Showing 1-7 of 7
Emma Mildon
“I believe in kindness and karma—which could make me a Buddhist. I believe in mystic healing and crystals’ powers—which could make me a witch. I believe in truth, honor, and forgiveness—which could make me a Christian. I even believe in the existence of past lives and that each and every one of us is watched over by guides from the other side—which, to some, would make me totally woo-woo squared.”
Emma Mildon, The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World

Emma Mildon
“I believe everyone is on a spiritual path—some people know it, some don’t. The ones that know it call themselves religious, spiritual, or Soul Searchers.”
Emma Mildon, The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World

Emma Mildon
“Spirituality is about oneness—one love, one seeker, one soul, and one spirituality that speaks to all people. No matter a person’s fame, fortune, or faith, they are one with you.”
Emma Mildon, The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World

Emma Mildon
“Spirituality is a universal currency. It is part of every religion, every faith, and every person. Everybody has a belief system.”
Emma Mildon, The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World

Emma Mildon
“There are no winners and losers. We seek a win-win. Seeing opportunity in cri- sis. Believe in yourself, and those around. Celebrate each other’s strengths; we do not celebrate when someone fails. It is a shift. With our insights and consciousness comes our vowed responsibility, our vowed compassion, and our vowed unity— with that comes power. The choice to do right. The choice to include. The choice to forgive. The choice to love anyway. This is your power. No matter what has been taken from you, what society has or hasn’t allowed you, what labels or beliefs limit you, your choice, your response, your action is your power.”
Emma Mildon, Evolution of Goddess: A Modern Girl's Guide to Activating Your Feminine Superpowers

Emma Mildon
“To believe in coincidences, to believe in fate— it ties into the spiritual realm, to the idea that there is something universal out there, something looking out for you, watching over you, guiding you.”
Emma Mildon, The Soul Searcher's Handbook: A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World

Emma Mildon
“It’s time to stop hiding. It’s time to know your power, claim your voice, and tip the balance back toward a feminine future. To restore balance. It’s not about man vs. woman. Rulers vs. religion. Command and conquer. This is about harmony. Unity. Removing what has defined and divided us. It’s time to become activated Goddesses.
Understand. These shifts are going to make your earth move. So if you know one thing, know this, that if you hold your Goddess energy, your truthful emotion, in your soul, nothing can shake you.”
Emma Mildon, Evolution of Goddess: A Modern Girl's Guide to Activating Your Feminine Superpowers