
Duped Quotes

Quotes tagged as "duped" Showing 1-9 of 9
Dennis E. Adonis
“Voting is not a right. It is a method used to determine which politician was most able to brainwash you.”
Dennis E. Adonis

Criss Jami
“People don't care about being duped as long as they're happy, which is the shortest form of happiness; hence 'self-duprication' becomes a habit.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Giacomo Casanova
“You will laugh when you discover that I often had no scruples about deceiving nitwits and scoundrels and fools when I found it necessary. As for women, this sort of reciprocal deceit cancels itself out, for when love enters in, both parties are usually dupes”
Giacomo Casanova, History of My Life, Vols. I & II

Robert Repino
“Humans tended to use the terms free and freedom to indicate states of being that were anything but.”
Robert Repino, Mort(e)

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“At the end, a journey based on my imagination will leave me imagining that I should have engaged the very thing I used my imagination to avoid.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Being lost without grasping the rather obvious fact that we are lost is by far the best guarantee we have that we’re going to stay lost.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

D.H. Lawrence
“And how they take one in, with their manners and their mock wistfulness and gentleness.”
D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover

Rosamund Hodge
“I'll give you the knife, and we'll look for your name together."
"We're still enemies," he said.
"Of course we are. And I'll keep trying to defeat you, and you'll keep trying to stop me. But in the meantime, we'll look for your name."
I waited. I knew what he would say next: Let me do something about those virgin hands, and we'll have a deal. It was only logical, for obviously I could get the knife whenever I liked, and as long as I remained a virgin, I could still use it to fulfill the Rhyme.
No matter how much I desired his kisses, the thought of letting him possess me entirely was still terrifying. But I'd come here prepared to offer up that much. I couldn't back out now.
"Deal," he said.
I blinked. He reached up and tapped my wrist.
"All right!" I jerked thee knife away. He caught my wrist, took the knife, and threw it across the room.
"You're worried about the knife but not my hands?" I demanded.
"Well, I'm the mighty demon lord and I have your knife. It seems only fair to leave you some advantages."
"But--" I realized with a wave of embarrassment that despite my relief, I was also disappointed. My face heated.
He grinned as if he knew and kissed my palm.”
Rosamund Hodge, Cruel Beauty

Sara Desai
“It's a fake. I have the real diamond."
"You have a piece of glass," Anil called out. "I didn't have time to make a second replica, so I ground down a piece of glass that was a similar size and weight and swapped it out for the diamond when you were otherwise occupied. You were keeping it in your bra if you don't believe me."
"Anil, you dog." Cristian gave a low whistle.”
Sara Desai, 'Til Heist Do Us Part