
Destroys Quotes

Quotes tagged as "destroys" Showing 1-5 of 5
“...beauty is not symmetry of parts- that's so impotent -as Mishima says, beauty is something that attacks, overpowers, robs, & finally destroys...”
John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

“The desire to be nice to everyone and please everyone and the inability to firmly say no is what destroys believers most of all”
Sunday Adelaja

Dada Bhagwan
“The ego destroys the world as well it is the ego which grows the world.”
Dada Bhagwan

“Journey to Enlightenment

The tide of passion will clean the filth of hatred that destroys peace.”
Dana Dason

“There are these two evil twins that I know of: one is pride, and the other is arrogance. Whoever is a friend to them destroys himself.”
Isaac A. Yowetu