
Consumer Culture Quotes

Quotes tagged as "consumer-culture" Showing 1-30 of 58
David McRaney
“Wait long enough, and what was once mainstream will fall into obscurity. When that happens, it will become valuable again to those looking for authenticity or irony or cleverness. The value, then, is not intrinsic. The thing itself doesn’t have as much value as the perception of how it was obtained or why it is possessed. Once enough people join in, like with oversized glasses frames or slap bracelets, the status gained from owning the item or being a fan of the band is lost, and the search begins again.
You would compete like this no matter how society was constructed. Competition for status is built into the human experience at the biological level. Poor people compete with resources. The middle class competes with selection. The wealthy compete with possessions.
You sold out long ago in one way or another. The specifics of who you sell to and how much you make—those are only details.”
David McRaney, You Are Not So Smart

Douglas Coupland
“I wouldn't mind if the consumer culture went poof! overnight because then we'd all be in the same boat and life wouldn't be so bad, mucking about with the chickens and feudalism and the like. But you know what would be absolutely horrible. The worst? ... If, as we were all down on earth wearing rags and husbanding pigs inside abandoned Baskin-Robbins franchises, I were to look up in the sky and see a jet -- with just one person inside even -- I'd go berserk. I'd go crazy. Either everyone slides back into the Dark Ages or no one does.”
Douglas Coupland, Shampoo Planet

Herbert Marcuse
“The most effective and enduring form of warfare against liberation is the implanting of material and intellectual needs that perpetuate obsolete forms of the struggle for existence.”
Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society

Ivan Illich
“The military institution is evidently absurd. The absurdity of non-military institutions is more difficult to face. It is even more frightening, precisely because it operates inexorably. We know which switch must stay open to avoid atomic holocaust. No switch detains an ecological Armageddon.”
Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society

“So my life has come to this:
all I ever make is laundry.

Awake or asleep, I'm always
shuffling round some shopping mall,

raking through knitwear carousels
that whirl into infinity,

searching, with the fever or teething gums,
for the ultimate cardigan.

Is it any wonder the wardrobe's bursting,
the linen basket overflowing

like an archive of disproved hypotheses?
The grey bras, the shrinking T-shirts,

that embarrassed puddle of lycra,
my favourite dress -- now ruined dress --

my lost remembered, perfect dress:
all laundry, in the end. More laundry.”
Joanne Limburg, The Woman Who Thought too Much

Tim Harford
“By charging wildly different prices for products that have largely the same cost, Starbucks is able to smoke out customers who are less sensitive about the price. Starbucks doesn’t have a way to identify lavish customers perfectly, so it invites them to hang themselves with a choice of luxurious ropes.”
Tim Harford, The Undercover Economist

“A person needs ideas in order to survive. A person whom ascribes to a philosophy for living and is dedicated to constant learning will find that ordinary life is enough without living in a zone of consumer consumption and media devices.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Theodore Dalrymple
“Life is conceived as a vast supermarket through which one moves with one’s shopping trolley, fetching down ways of life from shelves marked “Existential choices.”
Theodore Dalrymple, The New Vichy Syndrome: Why European Intellectuals Surrender to Barbarism

“Living as a slave to unchecked personal desire and subjugated to external circumstances is wearisome. It is a common error to devote a person’s life to earning money. While money relives us from the stress of suffering from deprivation, moneymaking will not make us happy. A person must have passion in life in order to achieve any degree of personal bliss.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Abhijit Naskar
“Your brain feels good to look at something at a distance, but the moment you receive it, that's it - in a short while your brain gets used to that specific trigger of possessing that specific object, then it keeps craving for a new trigger - new stimulant, and if you do not give your brain that specific new trigger, your brain will rebel against you, in the same way as an addict's brain rebels against the person.”
Abhijit Naskar, All For Acceptance

Joshua Fields Millburn
“[When we feel there's a void within us which we have to fill, many of us try to fill it by consuming more stuff: more things to read, more knowledge to consume, more youtube videos to see, more social media posts to look at, more stuff to experience, more stuff to buy.]

For most of us, however, the void has nothing to do with a need to consume more; in fact, the opposite is true: when we consume too much, we experience stress, anxiety, and depression, effectively deepening the void. [...]

We must realize the real void is on the other side of the equation: the void most of us feel is a creative void—we’re so caught up in our consumeristic mindset we forget our inherent need to create.

The solution, then, is to create more and consume less. [...]

So let’s each select one meaningful thing we’d like to create—one thing that will add value to the world—and let’s create it: let’s fill the real void together.”
Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus

Adam Minter
“Encouraging consumers to think more seriously about the financial, environmental, and personal costs of their consumption would be a major step in addressing the crisis of quality and the environmental and social impacts of too much stuff. Better yet, it would spur businesses to seek economic incentives to design and market better products. Today's secondhand economy, faltering in search of quality, should have more than it can handle.”
Adam Minter, Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale

Abhijit Naskar
“Consumerism is not bad, but reckless and mindless consumerism is not just bad, but downright injurious to the health of not just the individual, but of the entire society.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“Soon the day will come when only the children of billionaires will have the right to a healthy and prosperous life, and all the other children will simply be lost in the cruel exploits of politics and consumerism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hurricane Humans: Give me accountability, I'll give you peace

Louis Yako
“Those in power love it when we hold on to our fake optimism year after year, instead of revolting against these worn out celebrations. They love it when they see millions of mindless consumers storming stores to buy and consume more shiny and glittering gifts, as if they are genuine signs of loving and caring for each other. They love it when we keep quiet and do business as usual while ‘hoping for a better new year.’ So, let’s declare it loud and clear: We are not happy! Also, there is nothing new with these traditional celebrations hijacked by businessmen who have reduced them into nothing more than an excuse for consuming goods.”
Louis Yako

“Why does the world not rebel against a capitalistic society that places the right to pursue greed ahead of the collective good of a community? Why do so many people who live next door or across a hallway from one another never speak to their neighbors? Why do so many people go to great lengths to avoid interacting with their neighbors by installing tall privacy fences and timing their ingress and egress to avoid unscripted encounters with one another? In an age where electronic advances makes communicating with people a rapid convenience, why is it that we live as a species more isolated than ever before from people outside our immediate enclave?”
Kilroy J. Oldster

Abhijit Naskar
“When unmoderated materialism is the world's norm, consumer is the product, product does the consuming.”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“It's not enough to be just a consumer, you gotta be a conscious consumer, otherwise there is no difference between a consumer and a slave.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Misafir Merhaba: The Peace Testament

“To succeed with omnichannel, companies needs to focus on creating cohesive experiences… that means breaking down functional silos and certainly data silos!”
Sally El-Akkad

“Remember… consumers want it all, a richer experience, a purchase at the comfort of their homes, a friendly searchable brand with brain/ eyes stimulating content & an engaging experience at store”
Sally El-Akkad

“Everyday, Marketing teams around the world are scratching the surface of unlimited knowledge, building brands and experiences that lasts in the hearts and minds of consumers ... The best is yet to come!”
Sally El-Akkad

Abhijit Naskar
“Responsible consumerism is a crucial part of civic duty.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Zygmunt Bauman
“Nos sentimos libres siempre y cuando nuestra imaginación no exceda nuestros verdaderos deseos y ni una ni los otros sobrepasan nuestra capacidad de actuar”
Zygmunt Bauman

Joss Sheldon
“Money this, money that. Only when they've cut down the last tree, poisoned the last river, and caught the last fish; will they realise they cannot eat their money.”
Joss Sheldon, Other Worlds Were Possible

Charmaine Wilkerson
“Young people had always wanted to do things their own way, and Bert had been no different. Only nowadays, there seemed to be this compulsion to eat up everything that was available to you and to let everybody know about it in real time, without figuring out things for yourself first.”
Charmaine Wilkerson, Black Cake

Russell Brand
“[Shopping is a] Mardi Gras of consumerism.”
Russell Brand, Revolution

“Bien plus que le vieux désir de sa balader ailleurs, c'est la pression de la société toute entière qui pousse le travailleur à rendre à l'auto ce gain qu'elle lui procure. C'est pour cela qu'elle l'enchaîne à la chaîne, et que pour être sûre qu'il ne la trahira pas, elle le condamne aux travaux forcés de l'achat à crédit. L'auto le lie au travail, et quand le travailleur est bien crevé, elle le mène se distraire là où il doit consommer.”
Bernard Charbonneau, L'Hommauto

“Comme le souligne un technicien pince-sans- rire : «La marge de sécurité apportée par l'amélioration d'une route est en partie compensée par les risques plus grands que prennent les usagers.»”
Bernard Charbonneau, L'Hommauto

Joshua Krook
“A pre-recorded message, timed to go off just as the crowd was reaching a fever pitch. A way to get them to take that one step further and push them from civility and into madness. Stocks are running out. Stocks are running out. STOCKS ARE RUNNING OUT.”
Joshua Krook, Black Friday 2050: The powerful psychological thriller set in a terrifying high-tech future

Ayn Rand
“There was nothing he needed or wished to buy; but he liked to see the display of goods, any goods, objects made by men, to be used by men. He enjoyed the sight of a prosperous street;”
Ayn Rand

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