
Casinos Quotes

Quotes tagged as "casinos" Showing 1-8 of 8
Christopher Hitchens
“Playing pool with Korean officials one evening in the Koryo Hotel, which has become the nightspot for foreign businessmen and an increasing number of diplomats (to say nothing of the burgeoning number of spies and journalists traveling under second identities), I was handed that day's edition of the Pyongyang Times. At first glance it seemed too laughable for words: endless pictures of the 'Dear Leader'—Little Boy's exalted title—as he was garlanded by adoring schoolchildren and heroic tractor drivers. Yet even in these turgid pages there were nuggets: a telegram congratulating the winner of the Serbian elections; a candid reference to the 'hardship period' through which the country had been passing; an assurance that a certain nuclear power plant would be closed as part of a deal with Washington. Tiny cracks, to be sure. But a complete and rigid edifice cannot afford fissures, however small. There appear to be no hookers, as yet, in Pyongyang. Yet if casinos come, can working girls be far behind? One perhaps ought not to wish for hookers, but there are circumstances when corruption is the only hope.”
Christopher Hitchens, Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays

Gina Barreca
“Ever notice there are no clocks in stores? It's like casinos; they don't want you to know how much time you've spent dropping your quarters.”
Gina Barreca, "If You Lean In, Will Men Just Look Down Your Blouse?": Questions and Thoughts for Loud, Smart Women in Turbulent Times

Hope Barrett
“Once an opportunist like Mickey, who took the argument when she jumped on some devastated wretch's machine and jackpotted that it was the "cash-ino's money" she was winning, Moon returned after her six month break with the view that the separation had somehow sweetened the honeypot. The sad reality, she quickly learned, was that she was not irreplaceable; as such, the Casino felt no compunction to welcome her back with multi-jackpots. Instead, it took her money everyday and did not once give her a jackpot so that she could say, "Ah. They missed me." Instead, all she could keep saying was, "Verr-y bed. Verr-y bed. Suck-ah all my money!”
Hope Barrett, Somebody Get Me A Hammer!!

James Hauenstein
“Sitting there, it is impossible to change your luck. But, you can always change the machine you are at!”
James Hauenstein

Charles Martin
“...because casinos are really good at taking people's money and making them feel worse than they did when they walked in, they offer live entertainment to medicate the malaise. Or lessen the blow.”
Charles Martin, Long Way Gone

Thomas Pynchon
“During the night, Sir Stephen vanishes from the Casino. ¶ But not before telling Slothrop that his erections are of high interest to Fitzmaurice House.”
Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

Trine Bronken
“Don't journalists represent the public's right to know what their officials are doing? With today's technology, you can run, but you shouldn't be able to hide.”
Trine Bronken, The Bloody Business Of Luck

Ryan Gelpke
“I watch down, what a bewildering and yet beautiful sprawling wasteland this place, expanding on fake islands, defying the laws of nature and dancing with a future devil, one that might just swallow all the islands whole!”
Ryan Gelpke, 2017: Our Summer of Reunions: Braai Seasons with Howl Gang (Howl Gang Legend)