Bullshit Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bullshit" Showing 91-120 of 137
Crystal Woods
“Truthfully, there're only a handful of people in this world who really get joy from seeing you happy. Most won't care if you’re happy, only if you're miserable like they are. They eat that shit up.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

Daniel Clausen
“Let the bullshitters have their bullshit. You and me, we have lives to live. And once you open your mouth to respond to their bullshit--well, that's when you're knee-deep in it.”
Daniel Clausen, The Ghosts of Nagasaki

Brené Brown
“Lying is a defiance of the truth. Bullshitting is a wholesale dismissal of the truth.”
Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone

Warren Ellis
“You people don't know what the truth is! It's there, just under the bullshit, but you never look! That's what I hate most about this fucking city-- Lies are news and truth is obsolete!”
Warren Ellis, Transmetropolitan, Vol. 1: Back on the Street

Harry G. Frankfurt
“Civilizations... cannot flourish if they are beset with troublesome infections of mistaken beliefs.”
Harry G. Frankfurt, On Truth

Harry G. Frankfurt
“Is truth something that in fact we do—and should—especially care about? Or is the love of truth, as professed by so many distinguished thinkers and writers, itself merely another example of bullshit?”
Harry G. Frankfurt, On Truth

Scott Stabile
“shame is bullshit.”
Scott Stabile

Washington Irving
“I have often wondered at the extreme fecundity of the press, and how it comes to pass that so many heads on which nature seemed to have inflicted the curse of barrenness should teem with voluminous productions.”
Washington Irving

Deyth Banger
“Don't Cry for this biatch, don't cry for this moron. She isn't your type, she doesn't like you and she won't like you she is just a person which is hypocrite and she get's envy when she see your life - How wonderful is it, how is full with loads stuff and then she looks her life. Full of horror, full of days of nightmare, full of days of angry people shouting each other...
It's not in the blame, it's in the cases, the place where the two persons live!

Don't get angry that he have left you, maybe you will find something better than him, it's a fact you give something for something. Everywhere is like this, don't listen this outside biatches which say "The World isn't a business, it's not you must..." Fucking bullshit, you must do this, somebody saves your life you must go and save and his, that's the rules, that's the law of the attraction, that's how it works, liked or not...”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“You are making few things on your new device or thing.... and you are just saying by your face "Look me, look what I can do..." - Oh, oh forgot sake just leave me alone. Because this is totally bullshit! (That's my opinon, you don't know as much as your face is showing... Your face is showing, oh look me I know everything, but unfortnately you just know little from everything)”
Deyth Banger

Rick Remender
“Some irony. The girl who couldn't face her own bullshit . . . suddenly forcing everyone else to.”
Rick Remender, Tokyo Ghost, Vol. 2: Come Join Us

“The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow of the earth on the moon and I have more faith in the Shadow than in the Church.”

“The bullshit detector is the biggest enemy
of every religion."

From: "Gesels van een imaginaire god"
('Scourges of an imaginary god')”
A.J. Beirens

Deyth Banger
“Bullshit, after every shit you say... you keep saying shit. Please stop!”
Deyth Banger

Herman Brusselmans

Dertien had men net zo goed kunnen overslaan, omdat er alleen maar onzin in staat. Ik heb helemaal geen zoon, laat staan dat hij een rondleiding over mij zou presenteren in zaal Concordia. Eigenlijk had men één tot en met twaalf net zo goed kunnen overslaan omdat immers alles onzin is. Ik kan het weten, ik schrijf al die bullshit.”
Herman Brusselmans, Mogelijke memoires

“bullshit french post-war rationalizing”
Woody Allen

Harry G. Frankfurt
“When a honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose.”
Harry Frankfurt

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You can speak with a twang and still not say a thang.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

David Graeber
“Yet even in the best of cases, the need to be on call, to spend at least a certain amount of energy looking over one's shoulder, maintaining a false front, never looking too obviously engrossed, the inability to fully collaborate with others —all this lends itself much more to a culture of computer games, YouTube rants, memes, and Twitter controversies than to, say, the rock 'n' roll bands, drug poetry, and experimental theater created under the midcentury welfare state.”
David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs: A Theory

“De 'bullshitdetector' is de grootste vijand
van elke godsdienst."

Uit: "Gesels van een imaginaire god”
A.J. Beirens

Deyth Banger
“You check out the cover, you check out the backward, you check out the author, you check out the tittle, you check out the content fast... few pages from there and there... ANd then judge... if you don't like it, skip it. You don't have time to check out the bullshit!”
Deyth Banger

H.G. Wells
“Apinamies ikävystytti minua loppujen lopuksi. Se oletti olevansa viiden sormensa ansiosta minun vertaiseni ja lörpötteli minulle kaiken aikaa mitä joutavinta soopaa. Yksi puoli siinä huvitti minua hieman: sillä oli loistava kyky muodostaa uusia sanoja. Se luullakseni uskoi, että mitääntarkoittamattomien sanojen lörpöttely ilmensi puheen syvintä olemusta. Hän kutsui sitä ”isoksi ajatteluksi”, vastakohdaksi ”pienelle ajattelulle” – tavallisten arkisten asioiden käsittelylle. Aina kun lausuin jotain, mitä se ei ymmärtänyt, se ylisti minua vuolaasti, pyysi minua toistamaan sen, opetteli ulkoa ja hoki sitä uudestaan ja uudestaan – pari sanaa väärin siellä täällä – kaikille säyseimmille eläinihmisille. Mitään selkeää ja ymmärrettävää se ei pitänyt missään arvossa. Kehittelin jonkin verran varsin erikoista ”isoa ajattelua” varta vasten apinamiehen käyttöön. Uskon nyt, että se oli älyttömin otus, minkä olen nähnyt; sille oli sille oli kehittynyt mitä mainioin inhimillisen typeryyden asteikko, ilman että se oli menettänyt hitustakaan apinan luontaisesta päättömyydestä.”
H.G. Wells

Eric    Weiner
“Unlike the Man with No Cell Phone, the Man Who Can See around Corners owns several, which he places on the table, like talismans. So far, so good. But you can imagine my disappointment when he promptly disabuses me of this seeing-around-corners stuff. "That's all bullshit," he says.”
Eric Weiner, The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World's Most Creative Places from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley

“That will teach a bitch for buying the same dam shoes as mine and for opening a shop on my block...Charli”
Kim Morris, Slipping in the Darkness

Dr Tracey Bond
“If you live long enough & have changed enough diapers like I have raising 6 whole grown adult children one-at-a-time; you ought to be able to call out bullshit blindly, in about a million different ways & plays. My potty-training days have long been over...so what fool retards at their wisdom stage? For this chief reason, I could show you better than tell you, try as you might: you cannot change grown ups diapers in life, who think you don't know how 'full of shit' they are today.”
Tracey Bond

Jason Medina
“Great! Now, that the crybaby whining bullshit is settled, let’s load up on one of these buses and head for the sewers!”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Petra Hermans
“Nelson Mandela, dat was, toch, geloof ik, die knurft, de sufferd, met een suikerbiet in zijn linkerhand; of was, het, een ander?”
Petra Hermans

David Graeber
“Lilian testifies eloquently to the misery that can ensue when the only challenge you can overcome in your own work is the challenge of coming to terms with the fact that you are not, in fact, presented with any challenges; when the only way you can
exercise your powers is in coming up with creative ways to cover up the fact that you
cannot exercise your powers; of managing the fact that you have, completely against
your choosing, been turned into a parasite and fraud.”
David Graeber , Bullshit Jobs: A Theory