Brainwashing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "brainwashing" Showing 121-150 of 180
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
“It isn't a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state's goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government's propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They'll fasten the chains to their own ankles.”
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Shannon L. Alder
“Nobody knows what God's plan is for your life, but a whole lot of people will guess for you if you let them.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Pressure has the power to create a diamond, but it has to be the "right" pressure.”
Shannon L. Alder

“In the last 10 years, we have seen a rise in selfishness: selfies, self-absorbed people, superficiality, self-degradation, apathy, and self-destruction. So I challenge all of you to take initiative to change this programming. Instead of celebrating the ego, let's flip the script and celebrate the heart. Let's put the ego and celebrity culture to sleep, and awaken the conscience. This is the battle we must all fight together to win back our humanity. To save our future and our children.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

J. Paul Getty
“The conformist is not born. He is made. I believe the brainwashing process begins in the schools and colleges.”
J. Paul Getty, How to Be Rich

Robin Sacredfire
“It is very painful to argue with an incredibly ignorant person. Not because they are stupid, but because the stupid are unbelievable arrogant and insulting. Their constant intention to manipulate a conversation in order to nullify their responsibility transforms any conversation into a game of theirs to bring another person down rather than using logic, and much less allow an agreement.”
Robin Sacredfire

Doris Lessing
“We are all of us, to some degree or another, brainwashed by the society we live in. We are able to see this when we travel to another country, and are able to catch a glimpse of our own country with foreign eyes.. the best we can hope for is that a kindly friend from another culture will enable us to look at our culture with dispassionate eyes.”
Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside

George Bernard Shaw
“My schooling not only failed to teach me what it professed to be teaching, but prevented me from being educated to an extent which infuriates me when I think of all I might have learned at home by myself.”
George Bernard Shaw

J.R. Rim
“Intelligence is what we learn.
Wisdom is what we unlearn.”
J.R. Rim

Stefan Molyneux
“For the most part, people strenuously resist any redefinition of morality, because it shakes them to the very core of their being to think that in pursuing virtue they may have been feeding vice, or in fighting vice they may have in fact been fighting virtue.”
Stefan Molyneux

“People don't believe in God because it's true, but because they were the victims of early childhood indoctrination.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert: Comics, Deep Thoughts and Quotable Quotes

Amit Ray
“The biggest problem of the world is not lack of education but brainwashing of innocent children by the religion institutes in the name of education. Brainwashing of innocent children no less a violence.”
Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

Arthur Koestler
“Brain-washing starts in the cradle.”
Arthur Koestler

Lucretia Mott
“Liberty is no less a blessing because oppression has so long darkened the mind that it can not appreciate it.”
Lucretia Mott

“(...) ha! what is hope? a butterfly in a box

of demons, and nothing escapes the dark

untainted, a mockery of politics and greed

stamped with treason and dipped in

myths and force-fed brainwashing

going off after a time for the grand

massacre of faith, humanity,

and still we search, scorched feet

for life but find only fake plastic trees

satirical, ludicrous, and ironic”
Moonshine Noire

Alison   Miller
“Lies that cause survivors to deny or recent abuse memories and experiences

⸱ The alters who are designated to live in the "real world,” going to school or college and holding jobs while interacting with others in adulthood, are trained, usually at home by parents, to disbelieve any memories that might come up.

⸱͏ Children are taught to believe that they got the idea that they were abused from something they read or saw on television or from someone else’s experience or from a therapist. (This is a basic argument of those who attempt to discredit these experiences in the public eye and among professionals.)

⸱ Children are also taught that if they experience flashbacks of awful abuses, those must be dreams or imagination or signs that they are crazy. Nothing bad really happened to them”
Alison Miller, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Alison   Miller
“One of the most frightening aspects of this alleged technology is the possibility of mind control by “remote control,” that is, through such technology as microwaves and radio waves. There are many stories about this, coming primarily from survivors, although we do know from a variety of reliable websites and mainstream news that such technology is being developed, or at least the technological groundwork laid. Once again, however, we do not know whether this was in place when today's survivors were programmed. It is difficult at this point to determine how much of this is genuine, and how much comes from false beliefs deliberately induced to make survivors feel powerless, much like the “one huge and invincible cult” of whose existence survivors convinced therapists twenty years ago. I know that one of my mind control survivor clients was convinced of technological monitoring during a psychotic period several years ago, but as he healed he discarded such beliefs, along with many other bizarre ones in favor of recognizing that he had been abused by real human beings whose identity he knew.
If some of this remote control it is genuine, we may need to develop technological means to combat it.
However, we should not be intimidated. Even if “voices” are induced in the head by remote control rather than through alters doing jobs, survivors can learn to disobey such voices just as they do those of alters. Competent and compassionate therapy for the dissociation can help survivors to heal. Meanwhile, there are numerous survivors whose mind control is of the kind that can be treated through psychotherapy.
Alison Miller, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Jeff VanderMeer
“The idea that a dysfunctional thought could take root in a vacuum, the individual anonymous and wraithlike, unknowable because, especially at first, he or she had no interaction with other people. Because more and more in the modern Internet era you came across isolated instances of a mind virus or worm: brains that self-washed, bathed in received ideologies that came down from on high, ideologies that could remain dormant or hidden for years, silent as death until they struck. Almost anything could happen now, and did.”
Jeff VanderMeer, Authority

Colette Dowling
“Fear (...) that has no relation to capabilities or even to reality is epidemic among women today. Fear of being independent (that could mean we'd end up alone and uncared for); fear of being dependent (that could mean we'd be swallowed by some dominating "other"); fear of being competent and good at what we do (that could mean we'd have to keep on being good at what we do); fear of being incompetent (that could mean we'd have to keep on feeling shlumpy, depressed, and second class).
Phobia has so thoroughly infiltrated the feminine experience it is like a secret plague. It has been built up over long years by social conditioning and is all the more insidious for being so thoroughly acculturated we do not even recognize what has happened to us.
Women will not become free until they stop being afraid. We will not begin to experience real change in our lives, real emancipation, until we begin the process - almost a de-brainwashing - of working through the anxieties that prevent us from feeling competent and whole.”
Colette Dowling, The Cinderella Complex: Women's Hidden Fear of Independence

Alison   Miller
“Some survivors have found small metallic “implants” in their teeth or ears, and believe these were designed to monitor their location or to broadcast their words or thoughts to the abusers. Such technology has been developed recently for keeping task of animals or persons with dementia.
But to what extent it was used years ago by mind controllers is unknown at this point. At least some of it may be similar to the “bombs” in the stomach, a trick to convince survivors that their abusers monitor them continuously. The presence of an object does not mean it is capable of collecting complex information and sending it back to abusers, or even sending them signals, for twenty or more years as some survivors believe. As with other apparently bizarre beliefs of our survivor clients, we must acknowledge that something happened, and remain open both to the possibility that there was such technology and the possibility that it is yet another deception to convince survivors they cannot escape the grip of their abusers.
Alison Miller, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

“Trump's most fanatic supporters will never admit that he is anything less than the Second Coming of Christ, because it is much easier to brainwash someone into being a zealot than it is to make a zealot realize he has been brainwashed.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Inside The Mind of an Introvert: Comics, Deep Thoughts and Quotable Quotes

Alison   Miller
“Lies to induce suicide

• Children are told that it is honorable to die for the cause of the abusers (common with “soldiers” or religious alters).

• Children are told that since the group knows what survivors have said and done, traitors must kill themselves quickly before the group finds them and kills them slowly and painfully. (Note the theme of double binds.)

• Children are told that their lives will always be so unbearable that it is better to die

• Certain alters are told that if they kill the body when it is traitorous, they will be rewarded in the afterlife. (This is similar to the belief of extreme Islamic suicide bombers.)

• Demon or alien or ghost alters are told that they can kill the body without themselves dying, or that their special powers will bring them back to life

• One of the ways that organized abusive groups guarantee secrecy is to train alters to commit”
Alison Miller, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

“Having completed that emotional collapse, I next bounce off a little vision-quest right as the steady drumbeat accelerates into the Fearing Time: desert monuments rising over the mesquite in mysterious history, edges where trails run out, coyote holes playing tricks on my feet, where the trickster loiters and dissipates. I then repeat the depressive cycles a second night under the overpass of a night-time highway, then a third night in the neon passages of the Great Horned Owl – before finally LogoCorp rescues me, putting me back together again Humpty Dumpty-like.”
Randolph Crowley, Great & Mighty Things: Randolph Crowley’s General and Common Refutation of the LogoCorp Cult

Ana Claudia Antunes
“A brainstorm about the difference between rain and brain: a b, although both are juicy like water... but if it rained in the brain would that mean that ocurred a brainwash? and if so what would be the cure for that?? That's rough for sure. But if the rain plays mainly in the land would it land instead of fail to fall?? What's the meaning of it all? i'm a brainiac with some brainy thoughts..”
Ana Claudia Antunes

Joss Sheldon
“I became a new person; sucked into the neutrality of the abyss, comforted by social norms, and set free from the burden of individuality.”
Joss Sheldon, The Little Voice

Kenneth Eade
“Terrorism was like heroin – once a lonely, desperate soul was hooked on it, he or she became a fanatic – radicalized they call it – ready to die for a paradise in heaven that didn’t exist by helping to rain down a hell on earth for all who didn’t believe in it.”
Kenneth Eade, Unwanted

Michaelson Williams
“The storm is here and now. The rains come and water floods our lives. Nothing last forever and the rainbow always appears.”
Michaelson Williams, Trainwashing: The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing

“Non-professionals can also misrepresent the personal characteristics, religious beliefs, and appearance, of these therapists, can name-call and otherwise mock them, and can attribute false agendas to them, such as assigning religious motives to secular therapists working with ritual abuse or mind control survivors.

For example, there is little to prevent someone from claiming on his or her own website that a psychotherapist is a fundamentalist Christian zealot at war with Satan, when that therapist might be an atheist, Jew, Buddhist, etc., who places no stock in the existence of Satan. But such a claim, when spoken as if it is fact, accomplishes its intended purpose of maligning that therapist."
- Common Forms of Misinformation and Tactics of Disinformation about Psychotherapy for Trauma Originating in Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (2012)”
Ellen P. Lacter