
Black Ops Quotes

Quotes tagged as "black-ops" Showing 1-30 of 47
William Kely McClung
“The boy registered them but didn’t answer, already turned inward. He was counting backward from a thousand in multiples of four while working multiplication tables of seven until they met.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

William Kely McClung
“Ten years old. Seemed perfectly normal, which under the circumstances, according to the doctor who first interviewed him, meant he probably wasn’t. Years later that would be amended. “He has a talent for violence.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

William Kely McClung
“She smiled again and the sun came back out. Raced backward up from the sea and lit her face. He told himself to ignore it. It wasn’t that special. Not really. He couldn’t be sure, but if his display of ignorance could make her do it again, it might be worth checking out.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

William Kely McClung
“Lots of things went into creating a monster, but nothing had prepared her for actually being caught by one.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“All's fair in love and war--and black ops.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

K.D. Harp
“Never trust a woman hoarding a half-eaten bag of M&M's.”
K.D. Harp, Blackmail

Cristin Harber
“He was worth waiting for, even when I didn’t know he was coming into my life.”
Cristin Harber, Ricochet

Lindsay McKenna
“Shiloh had never seen a man who was a hunter. But she saw one now. There was an intense feeling around Roan, raw and untamed, as he studied her, his nostrils flaring to catch her scent. He ruthlessly dug into her opening eyes, reading her, trying to understand where she was at within herself and what she wanted from him.
“This is your call,” he said, his voice low and guttural.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Melissa Cutler
“I'll carry you." But she was already holding on, and though she knew she'd have to soon, she didn't see how she'd ever be able to let go of him.”
Melissa Cutler, Tempted into Danger

Melissa Cutler
“Faces close, they breathed into each other, their bodies slick with water and sweat.”
Melissa Cutler, Tempted into Danger

Melissa Cutler
“Tonight, after we're done with the bank, we're going to finish this. Somewhere it's just the two of us. But if I keep kissing you right now, I'm not going to have enough blodd left in my brain to keep you safe at the bank.”
Melissa Cutler, Tempted into Danger

Melissa Cutler
“You won't believe what I'm capable of, Phoenix.”
Melissa Cutler, Hot on the Hunt

Lindsay McKenna
“Frowning, Shiloh forced herself to look up at him. Roan deserved her courage, not her cowardice. “You wanted to kiss me.”
“I still do.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“She felt his fingers caress her scalp, the sensations swift, heated shocks rocking through her body. His breath was punctuated against her cheek and nose. The tension mounted in him until Shiloh felt as if he would snap and break, unleashing that throbbing sexual power she sensed so intensely around him.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“Let’s get one thing clear between us, Shiloh. I would never laugh at you. I might tease the dickens out of you, but I would never, ever make fun of you. That’s not who I am. I don’t believe in humiliating another person. It’s not in my DNA.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“He leaned over, catching her lowered gaze. “I’m the present, Darlin’.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Cristin Harber
“Oh, you do sweet, sweet things to me,” she whispered against his lips.
“Hmm. Sweet wasn’t my first thought.”
Cristin Harber, Ricochet

Cristin Harber
“But this was magic, something meant to be, as if some kisses could change the trajectory of the universe.”
Cristin Harber, Ricochet

“Thy'll always need men like us. Those who are willing to do, what others cannot.”
Master Seargent Frank Woods

Lindsay McKenna
“The lush greenness of the pastures infused Shiloh. Overhead, she saw a red-tailed hawk flying in higher and higher circles in the sky. There were bluebirds everywhere, many of them sitting on fence posts. When they took off, that flash of brilliant blue always made her gasp with delight; it was almost an unearthly gorgeous color.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“Nothing can fix a broken heart except love. Love always repairs those fractures we get in our heart.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“Giving him a wry look, Shiloh said, “I think you’re forcing me to look at myself, what I want, who I am.”
“Good relationships always do that for both people, Darlin’. It’s just a natural progression between them. It can bring out our self-awareness. It’s not easy. But it’s rewarding.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“She took his finger and placed a small kiss on the end of it. “You’re just full of surprises, Taggart.” She saw him give her a very pleased male smile.
“Stick around, Darlin’, there’s more to me than meets your eyes.”
“Should I be afraid?”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Lindsay McKenna
“He traced her arched eyebrow. “Every morning when I wake up with you at my side, you’re more beautiful than yesterday.”
Lindsay McKenna, Wind River Wrangler

Kenneth Eade
“Robert’s realm was the undercurrent of the illegitimate space of covert operations – the dirty little (and big) things the government does but doesn’t want to admit to.”
Kenneth Eade, Russian Holiday

Hank Bracker
“Gibraltar Steamship Corporation never did any trading, and never owned or operated any ships, however it did operate a 50,000-watt, pirate radio station. Its president was Thomas Dudley Cabot, who in reality was the U.S. Department of State’s Director of the Office of International Security Affairs. In actual fact, the radio station, called Radio Swan, was a Central Intelligence Agency covert, black operation, known in intelligence circles as “Black Ops.” The station was in operation from 1960 to 1968. Pretending to be a normal radio station, it had commercial accounts including R. J. Reynolds, Philip Morris Tobacco, and Kleenex. It broadcast religiously-oriented programs, such as “The Radio Bible Class,” “The World Tomorrow” and a Christian program from the Dominican Republic, as well as others. Their news broadcasts were sponsored by the Cuban Freedom Committee, a part of Christianform, an anti-communist foundation. In May of 1960, the pirate radio station started transmitting Spanish language broadcasts to Cuba from Swan Island, or Islas del Cisne, in the western Caribbean Sea, near the coastline of Honduras. In 1961, Radio Swan became Radio America, with its headquarters in Miami.”
Captain Hank Bracker

Kenneth Eade
“The denials, if they need be given, could better be given with sincerity, and they could only be feigned if you didn’t know them at all.”
Kenneth Eade, Russian Holiday

Miles Neale
“Our manifesting mission is a White Op, a term based on the military black op, or black operation, a clandestine plot usually involving highly trained government spies or mercenaries who infiltrate an adversary‘s position, behind enemy lines and unbeknownst to them. White Op, coined by my best friend Bunny, stands for what I see needing to happen on the planet: a group of well-intentioned, highly trained Bodhisattva warriors (appearing like ordinary folk), armed with the six paramitas and restrained by ethical vows, begin to infiltrate their relationships, social institutions, and industries across all sectors of society and culture. Ordinary Bodhisattvas infusing the world with sacred view and transforming one mind at a time from the inside out until a new paradigm based on wisdom and compassion has totally replaced materialism and nihilism. The White Op is in large part how I envision the work and intention of my colleagues and me at the Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science; we aspire to fulfill it by offering a Buddhist-inspired contemplative psychotherapy training program, infused with the latest neuroscience, to therapists, health-care workers, educators, and savvy business leaders. (p. 225)”
Miles Neale, Gradual Awakening: The Tibetan Buddhist Path of Becoming Fully Human

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