
Benchmarks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "benchmarks" Showing 1-6 of 6
Erik Pevernagie
“When love becomes a play of squirming mindgames or a tinderbox of mental conflicts, emotional benchmarks need an unremitting reset. ("Another empty room")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“As we walk through the secretive doors of our remembrance, looking for forgotten benchmarks of our history, we can find unexpected escape hatches opening into valuable answers to great expectations. ("Walking down the memory lane" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“By staging our dreams and spreading our wings into real-life, sheltered from the terror of failure, we can enhance our quest for the benchmarks that can help us build the steppingstones into the expectations of the future. ("Loss of urban benchmarks" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“When our thinking pattern is in shambles, we must stay aligned with our core objectives and clear goals before being sidetracked by futile and inconsistent trendy temptations. If we filter our focus, we can hark back to the roadmap of our benchmarks, tailored to our abilities and consistent with the changing contexts in our lives. ("Life with a view")”
Erik Pevernagie

“Be an example of limitless possibilities. You are free to set new benchmarks everyday.”
Hiral Nagda

Richie Norton
“What do you stand for? Define your principles and allow them to serve as benchmarks as you reach toward success.”
Richie Norton