
Barrio Quotes

Quotes tagged as "barrio" Showing 1-3 of 3
“Mom and dad probably told you I've been arrested. I'm innocent. I want you to know that.”
Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote

“Slade placed his pistol on the table next to his chair. "Sid down, Doll. This might take awhile," he said, as he took a deep breath. "I gots a proposition for ya'. Does 100 G's interest you? Sure might help keep them debt collectors you got at bay. Plus, might be able to finish up yer' master's degree without havin' to work your ass off to pay the bills.”
Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote

David Cotos
“Blanca: Teresa recuerda que este es un pueblo chico, tarde o temprano le van a contar sobre ti.
Teresa: Ya le dije que la gente aquí es mal hablada y él se la ha creído, que linda es su inocencia.
Blanca: Teresa reacciona, ese tipo de hombres son curiosos, le preguntará a la gente de tu barrio y va indagar por tu familia. Tarde o temprano se enterará de todo tu pasado. Mujer, tú tienes una historia, tienes que contarle.
Teresa: ¡Soy una mujer sin historia desde que lo conocí!”
David Elías Cotos Espinoza, Una mujer sin historia