
Annoyed Quotes

Quotes tagged as "annoyed" Showing 1-30 of 53
Jennifer L. Armentrout
“How long have you been standing there?"
"Just long enough to see you give Daemon the middle finger."
"He deserved it.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Obsidian

Cassandra Clare
“He seemed only ... annoyed. Annoyed, and sweaty, and hot.
"Yeah, well," he said, "the next time you decide to sneak out of our magically warded apartment through a door that shouldn't really exist, leave a note.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Charlotte M. Liebel
“As so many commitments
demand your time
Or your shut-eye important be,
Your attraction to me must
in some way lack,
Such a pity to spend time
on thee.”
Charlotte M. Liebel

Leigh Bardugo
“I don’t want your prayers,” he said.

“What do you want, then?”

The old answers came easily to mind. Money. Vengeance. Jordie’s voice in my head silenced forever. But a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. You, Inej. You.

He shrugged and turned away. “To die buried under the weight of my own gold.”

Inej sighed. “Then I’ll pray you get all you ask for.”

“More prayers?” he asked. “And what do you want, Wraith?”

“To turn my back on Ketterdam and never hear that name again.”

Good. He’d need to find a new spider, but he’d be rid of this distraction.

“Your share of thirty million kruge can grant that wish.” He pushed to his feet. “So save your prayers for good weather and stupid guards. Just leave me out of it.”
Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Holly Black
“Oooooooh,' says Jack, correctly interpreting my silence for a confession. 'Is he your lover? Is this a ballad we're in?'

'A murder ballad maybe,' I growl.

'No doubt, by the end,' he says. 'I wonder who will survive to compose it.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Kerri Maniscalco
“Must you keep up that wretched beat, Thomas?" I asked. "It's driving me as mad as one of Poe's unfortunate characters. Plus, poor Mrs. Harvey must be dreaming awful things. "

"Poe? Will you carve my heart out and place it beneath your bed, then, Wadsworth? I must admit, it's not an ideal way of ending up in your sleeping quarters.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Hunting Prince Dracula

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“This is highly inappropriate,' I muttered.

His answering chuckle stroked my nerves in all the wrong- and right- ways. 'More inappropriate than you masquerading as a wholly different kind of maid at the Red Pearl?'

My jaw snapped shut so quickly and tightly, I was surprised I didn't crack a molar.

'Or more inappropriate than the night of the Rite, when you let me-'

'Shut up,' I hissed.

'I'm not done yet,' he said, his chest pressing against my back. 'What about sneaking off to fight the Craven on the Rise? Or that diary-?'

'I get your point, Hawke. Can you stop talking now?'

'You're the one who started this.'

'Actually, no, I did not.'

'What?' A low laugh left him. 'You said, and I quote, "this is wildly, grossly, irrefutably...'

'Did you just learn what an adverb is today? Because that is not what I said.'

Hawke sighed. 'Sorry.'

He didn't sound sorry about it at all.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Kerri Maniscalco
“Apologies for any insult this causes,' she said without peering out from around her easel, 'but I am not in the market for a husband, my lord. Please just go.'

A beat of silence passed. With any luck, Vexley would be insulted by the bite in her tone and would turn right back around and leave for some faraway city at the edge of the world.

'Well, that's quite a relief considering I'm in want of a painting, not a wife.”
Kerri Maniscalco, Throne of the Fallen

Tom Holt
“I’m perfectly cheerful, thank you,’ said Flosshilde coldly.”
Tom Holt, Expecting Someone Taller

Steven Magee
“If you were repeatedly taking your broken television to a repair shop for the same fault, you would be annoyed. Unfortunately, millions of sick people are having a similar experience with their doctors visits for their ailing health. Lots of visits for the same problems that never get fixed.”
Steven Magee

Gloria Joynt-Lang
“She gave him the type of look one makes when their candy bar is stuck in a vending machine.”
Gloria Joynt-Lang, Braking Hard

Diana Gabaldon
“I was also beginning to be annoyed at being alive, after all, and being required to take notice of things again.”
Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

Elena Melanson
“For the last time I have my sh*t together ; I just forgot where I put it!”
Elena Melanson

Sarah J. Maas
“I'm not a dog to be summoned,' I said by way of greeting.

Slowly, Rhys looked over his shoulder. Those violet eyes were vibrant in the light, and I curled my fingers into fists as they swept from my head to my toes and back up again. He frowned at whatever he found lacking. 'I didn't want you to get lost,' he said blandly.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Then he said quietly, 'You've lost weight.'

'You're prone to digging through my head whenever you please,' I said, stabbing a piece of melon with my fork. 'I don't see why you're surprised by it.'

His gaze didn't lighten, though that smile again played about his sensuous mouth, no doubt his favourite mask. 'Only occasionally will I do that. And I can't help it if you send things down the bond.'
I scowled, clenching my fork harder. 'And how often do you just rifle through my mind when my shields are down?'

All amusement faded from his face. 'When I can't tell if your nightmares are real threats or imagined. When you're about to be married and you silently beg anyone to help you. Only when you drop your mental shields and unknowingly blast those things down the bridge. And to answer your question before you ask, yes. Even with your shields up, I could get through them if I wished. You could train, though- learn how to shield against someone like me, even with the bond bridging our minds and my own abilities.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Emery   Lee
“...and it just pisses me off more. Like yeah, I cry when I watch those sad puppy videos too, but Gabriel's not actually a puppy abandoned by his owner. He's an upper middle-class Vermont kid who's parents business beats ours like ten months out of twelve. It's not my fault that emotionally, his about as stable as a cheap styrofoam cup.”
Emery Lee

Rebecca Yarros
“It might be convenient for you to want to talk after weeks of ignoring me, but I have class right now.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I'm sure it was one of the most important things to have happened to you in a long time.'

My eyes narrowed. 'You have an over-inflated sense of involvement in my life if you really think that.'

'I think I have a good grasp on just how much of a role I play in your life.'

'Doubtful,' I parroted back.

'I do wonder if you actually believe half the lies you tell.'

Tawny's gaze snapped back and forth between us.

'I am not lying, thank you very much.'

He smiled, showing off the dimple in his right cheek. 'Whatever you need to tell yourself, Princess.'

'Don't call me that!' I stomped my foot.

Hawke lifted an eyebrow. 'Did that make you feel good?'

'Yes! Because the only other option is to kick you.'

'So violent,' he chuckled.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You still out there, Princess?'

My lips parted as my eyes widened at the sound of his voice. Hawke. It was Hawke. In that room. I couldn't believe it.

'Or have you fallen to your death?' he continued. I briefly debated the merits of jumping. 'I really hope that's not the case since I'm pretty positive that would reflect poorly on me since I assumed you were in you room.' A pause. 'Behaving. And not on a ledge, several dozen feet in the air, for reasons I can't even begin to fathom but am dying to learn.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“A heartbeat later, Hawke stuck his head out and looked up at me. The soft glow of the lamp glanced off his cheekbone as he raised a brow.

'Hi?' I squeaked.

He stared at me for a moment. 'Get inside.'

I didn't move.

With a sigh so heavy it should've rattled the walls, he extended his hand toward me. 'Now.'

'You could say please,' I muttered.

His eyes narrowed. 'There are a whole lot of things I could say to you that you should be grateful I'm keeping to myself.'

'Whatever,' I grumbled. 'Move back.'

He waited, but when I didn't take his hand, he disappeared back into the room, grousing under his breath. 'If you fall, you're going to be in so much trouble.'

'If I fall, I'll be dead, so I'm not quite sure how I'd also be in trouble.'

'Poppy,' he snapped, and I couldn't help it. I grinned.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Give me back the journal.'

'But, of course.' He offered it and I snatched it out of his hand quickly, holding it to my chest. 'All you had to do was ask.'

'What?' My mouth dropped open. 'I have been asking.'

'Sorry.' He didn't sound sorry at all. 'I have selective hearing.'

'You are... You are the worst.'

'You got your words wrong.' Striding past me, he patted the top of my head. I lashed out, narrowly missing him. 'You meant, I'm the best.'

'I got my words right.'

'Come. I need to get you back before something other than your own foolishness puts you at risk.' He stopped by the door. 'And don't forget your book. I expect a summary of each chapter tomorrow.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“After you, Princess.'

I turned, eyes narrowing as he stepped aside. 'You need to stop calling me that.'

'But I like it.'

Brushing past him, I lifted the hem of my skirt as I stepped onto the slight rise. 'But I don't.

'That's a lie.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

“Treat me the same way that I treat you, with avoidance.”
Nickiesha Reid

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I tore out his tongue,' Kieran announced, and both Casteel and I looked at him. 'What?' The Wolven shrugged. 'He annoyed me.'

Well,' Casteel murmured. 'Okay, then.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“That's the last thing I want to do right now.'

'Do you have better ideas?' He stepped closer, the heat and scent of him reaching me. 'I know I do.'

My gaze shot to him. 'If you're suggesting what I think you are, I am going to stab you in the heart again.'

Casteel's eyes flashed a warm honey. 'Don't tempt me with empty promises.'

'You are so twisted.'

'Alastir was right. I do take after my father when it comes to women with sharp objects,' he said.

'I don't care.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I really hope your father has a good reason for wanting to speak with me right this moment.'

'Knowing him, he probably just wants to laugh at you,' Kieran replied. 'So have fun with that.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Stephanie Garber
“Why is it that people are always trying to kill you?' His voice was low, on the edge of something deadly. 'You need to be more careful.'

'How is this my fault?'

'You have no sense of self-preservation.' Archer took another angry step. 'If someone labelled a bottle poison, you would drink it. You take warnings as invitations. You can seem to stay away from all the things that will hurt you.'

Like me.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Sarah J. Maas
“Just because you're some big, tough asshole doesn't mean you get the right to decide when I should eat- or when I'm not taking care of my body. I'm the one who lives in it, I know when I fucking wanting to eat. So keep your possessive and aggressive bullshit to yourself.”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood

Sarah J. Maas
“I'd think cuddling in front of the TV allowed me to at least be able to voice my opinions without getting my head bitten off.”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I did not ask for your help.'

'But you have it nonetheless.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Shadow in the Ember

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