
Annabeth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "annabeth" Showing 1-30 of 37
Rick Riordan
“Percy smiled at her - that sarcastic troublemaker smile that had annoyed her for years but eventually had become endearing. His sea-green eyes were as gorgeous as she remembered. His dark hair was swept to one side, like he'd just come from a walk on the beach. He looked even better than he had six months ago - tanner and taller, leaner and more muscular.

Percy threw his arms around her. They kissed and for a moment nothing else mattered. An asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, and Annabeth wouldn't have cared.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“Annabeth's voice caught on the word friend. Percy was a lot more than that. Even boyfriend really didn't cover it. They'd been through so much together, at this point Percy was part of her--a sometimes annoying part, sure, but definitely a part she could not live without.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“Naturally, Coach Hedge went ballistic; but Percy found it hard to take the satyr seriously since he was barely five feet tall.
"Never in my life!" Coach bellowed, waving his bat and knocking over a plate of apples. "Against the rules! Irresponsible!"
"Coach," Annabeth said, "it was an accident. We were talking, and we fell asleep."
"Besides," Percy said, "you're starting to sound like Terminus."
Hedge narrowed his eyes. "Is that an insult, Jackson? 'Cause I'll—I'll terminus you, buddy!”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her...long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart. Piper had long ago decided to change that rule. Percy and Annabeth were a perfect example of why. You should have to make someone`s heart whole; that was a much better test.”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Rick Riordan
“I am never, ever, going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it.”
Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan
“Don't untie me," she said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself."
"Are you trying to tempt me?"
Rick Riordan, The Sea of Monsters

Rick Riordan
“You promised, Seaweed Brain. We would not get separated! Ever again!”

“You’re impossible!”

“Love you too!”
Rick Riordan The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“Beckendorf walked up with his helmet under his arm. 'She likes you, man.'
'Sure,' I muttered. 'She likes me for target practice.'
'Nah, they always do that. A girl starts trying to kill you, you know she's into you.
'Makes a lot of sense.”
Rick Riordan, The Demigod Files

Rick Riordan
“Wisdom's daughter walks alone.
That didn't just mean without other people, Annabeth realized. It meant without any special powers.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“He fixed his dark eyes on her. 'I am Kekrops, the first and eternal king of Athens. I would welcome you to my city.' He held up the covered platter. ' Also, I brought a Bundt cake.'

Piper glanced at her friends. 'A trick?'

'Probably?' Annabeth said.

'At least he brought dessert.' Percy smiled down at the snake guys. 'Welcome aboard!”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Rick Riordan
“The Cyclops was about to roll the stone back into place, when from somewhere outside Annabeth shouted, "Hello, ugly!"

Polyphemus stiffened. "Who said that?"

"Nobody!" Annabeth yelled.

That got exactl;y the reaction she'd been hoping for. The monster's face turned red with rage.

"Nobody!" Polyphemus yelled back. "I remember you!"

"You're too stupid to remember anybody," Annabeth taunted. "Much less Nobody."

I hoped to the gods she was already moving when she said that, because Polyphemus bellowed furiously, grabbed the nearest boulder (which happened to be his front door) and threw it toward the sound of Annabeth's voice. I heard the rock smash into a thousand fragments.

To a terrible moment, there was silence. Then Annabeth shouted, "You haven't learned to throw any better, either!"

Polyphemus howled. "Come here! Let me kill you, Nobody!"

"You can't kill Nobody, you stupid oaf," she taunted. "Come find me!"

Polyphemus barreled down the hill toward her voice.

Now, the "Nobody" thing would have confused anybody, but Annabeth had explained to me that it was the name Odysseus had used to trick Polyphemus centuries ago, right before he poked the Cyclops's eye out with a large hot stick. Annabeth had figured Polyphemus would still have a grudge about that name, and she was right. In his frenzy to find his old enemy, he forgot about resealing the cave entrance. Apparently, he did even stop to consider that Annabeth's voice was female, whereas the first Nobody had been male. On the other hand, he'd wanted to marry Grover, so he couldn't have been all that bright about the whole male/female thing.

I just hoped Annabeth could stay alive and keep distracting him long enough for me to find Grover and Clarisse.”
Rick Riordan, The Sea of Monsters

Rick Riordan
“What-what do you want?" Annabeth asked, trying to maintain a tone of confidence.
The voice cackled maliciously.
'To curse you, of course! To destroy you thousand times in the name of Mother Night!'
"Only a thousand times?" Percy murmured. "Oh, good...I thought we were in trouble.”
Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan
“She pulled away. “I missed you, Percy.”
Percy wanted to tell her the same thing, but it seemed too small a comment. While he had been on the Roman side, he’d kept himself alive almost solely by thinking of Annabeth. I missed you didn’t really cover that.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“Happy Birthday Seaweed Brain”
Rick Riordan, The Last Olympian

Rick Riordan
“We only came close to dying six or seven times which I thought was pretty good. A minute later Annabeth hit a slippery patch of moss and her foot slipped. Fortunately she found something else to put it against. Unfortunately that something was my face.”
Rick Riordan, The Sea of Monsters

Rick Riordan
“Without you, I doubt Percy could find a way out of a paper bag.'
'True', Annabeth agreed.
'Hey!' Percy complained.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“That was one of the many reasons she loved him, even if he was an Olympian-sized pain in the podex
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“Polyphemus stiffened. "Who said that?"

"Nobody!" Annabeth yelled.

That got exactly the reaction she'd been hoping for. The monster's face turned red with rage.

"Nobody!" Polyphemus yelled back. "I remember you!"

"You're too stupid to remember anybody," Annabeth taunted. "Much less Nobody.”
Rick Riordan, The Sea of Monsters

Rick Riordan
“You drool in your sleep.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Rick Riordan
“Then someone else appeared from the crowd, and Annabeth's vision tunneled.
Percy smiled at her-that sarcastic, troublemaker's smile that had annoyed her for years but eventually had become endearing. His sea-green eyes were as gorgeous as she remembered. His dark hair was swept to one side, like he'd just come from a walk on the beach. He looked even better than he had six months ago-tanner and taller, leaner and more muscular.
Annabeth was to stunned to move. She felt that if she got any closer to him, all the molecules in her body might combust. She'd secretly had a crush on him sonar they were twelve years old. Last summer, she'd fallen for him hard. They'd been a happy couple together for four months-and then he'd disappeared.
During their separation, something had happened to Annabeth's feelings. They'd grown painfully intense-like she'd been forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication. Now she wasn't sure which was more excruciating-living with that horrible absence, or being with him again...
Annabeth didn't mean to, but she surged forward. Percy rushed toward her at the same time. The crowds tensed. Some reach d for swords that weren't there.
Percy threw his arms around her. They kissed, and for a moment nothing else mattered. An asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, Annabeth wouldn't have cared.
Percy smelled of ocean air. His lips were salty. Seaweed Brain, she thought giddily.
Percy pulled away and studied her face. "Gods, I never thought-"
Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the stone pavement. Romans cried out. Some surged forward, but Reyna shouted, "Hold! Stand down!"
Annabeth put her knee on Percy's chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat. She didn't care what the Romans thought. A white-hot lump of anger expanded in her chest-a tumor of worry and bitterness that she'd been carrying around since last autumn.
"Of you ever leave me again," she said, her eyes stinging, "I swear to all the gods-"
Percy had the nerve to laugh. Suddenly the lump of heated emotions melted inside Annabeth.
"Consider me warned," Percy said. "I missed you, too." Annabeth rose and helped him to his feet. She wanted to kiss him again SO badly, but she managed to restrain herself.
Jason cleared his throat. "So, yeah…It's good to be back…"
"And this is Annabeth," Jason said. "Uh, normally she doesn't judo-flip people.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“Annabeth pressed her lips to Percy's ear. "I love you". She wasn't sure he could hear her -but if they were going to die she wanted those to be her last words.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“Tyson put his hand on Grover´s shoulder "I -I will go with him."
I couldn´t believe I was hearing this. "Tyson are you sure?"
The big guy nodded. "Goat boy needs help. We will find the god person. I am not like Hephaestus. I trust friends.”
Rick Riordan, The Battle of the Labyrinth

Rick Riordan
“It's stupid, what keeps families apart”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Rick Riordan
“Percy threw his arms around her. They kissed, and for a moment nothing else mattered. An asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, and Annabeth wouldn't have cared.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“At least he had Annabeth. They would find a way out of Tartarus. They had to. He didn't think much of fates and prophecies, but he did believe in one thing: Annabeth and he were supposed to be together. They hadn't survived so much just to get killed now.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“So what if they were in Tartarus? So what if they stood a slim chance of surviving? He was so glad that they were together he had the ridiculous urge to smile.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“Leo thought of blondes as much too smart and much too dangerous.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

Rick Riordan
“L’équipage se rassembla pour une réunion improvisée sur le pont avant, principalement parce que Percy surveillait un serpent de mer géant qui évoluait entre les vagues, à bâbord.
– Il est méchamment rouge, ce monstre, murmura Percy. Je me demande s’il est aromatisé grenadine ?
– Si tu sautais à l’eau pour vérifier ? lui lança Annabeth.
– Peut-être pas, nan.”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Rick Riordan
“[Annabeth] imagined a mental frame around what she was seeing. She told herself it was just a movie-- a scary movie, sure, but it could not hurt her. She was in control.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

Rick Riordan
“Besides, I'm dating one of Athena's daughters, and I'm pretty sure she didn't spring from a dirty handkerchief.
Hmm. Actually, I've never asked her.
Nah, forget it. I don't want to know.”
Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods

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