
Adventure Fantasy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "adventure-fantasy" Showing 1-30 of 104
Andri E. Elia
“We Yandar are winged. We don’t succumb to adversity; we fly with it.”
Andri E. Elia, Borealis: A Worldmaker of Yand Novel

William Kely McClung
“Even as she fell, her bones lit through her skin, he spun blindly, and drew the sword in a flash that would have made Musashi gasp.”
William Kely McClung, Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven

“Maybe this immortal thing can also be a curse at times. And it makes me somewhat glad I don’t have it…”
Cade Mengler, The Companions

“She was aware of how much she was degrading herself. Yet at the same time, she had no motivation to care.”
Cade Mengler, The Companions

Israh Azizi
“There is a fire against us. And in the end, the fire could burn us, or ignite us into an unstoppable force.”
Israh Azizi, The Cavalier

Israh Azizi
“If they fear you, they won't hesitate to choose your enemy over you. But is they love you, they will do anything for you.”
Israh Azizi, The Cavalier

T.S. Garp
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere - Carl Sagan”
T.S. Garp, Serenity's Dream: A collection of tales and poems about mystical journeys.

J.R.R. Tolkien
“The greatest adventure is what lies ahead. Today and tomorrow are yet to be said. The chances, the changes are all yours to make. The mold of your life is in your hands to break.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

King Payne
“The orange hue was turning blue, and the wanderers were busy exploring this new destination..”
King Payne, Ancient

“Zoria didn't have time to respond: Gwizdo threw a new dart, right when the door opened on a client. Twang! The dart stuck on the middle of the forehead of the newcomer- or rather on a metal plate that he wore on a headband.”
Philippe Randol, Chasseurs de Dragons, Tome 8 : Le retour de Zoria

Suzy  Davies
“There they stood, shuffling and stomping their boots, waving mascots and banners, turning up their Parka hoods ... Their patience was rewarded; at last, late in the morning, the sun squeezed through the dense white-gray Alaskan sky.”
Suzy Davies, The Girl in The Red Cape

“You steer the ship. I'll kill the mermaids.”
Cloey Kinney, Pearl of Meissa

Abbey Fox
“They whispered threats, cried for loved ones. They begged for mercy and asked for help.”

The spirits of the grey Island, in The Curse of the Crow.”
Abbey Fox, The Curse of The Crow

“A beautiful patch of heaven-on-earth, nestled at the feet of ancient protective giants."-KP”
Kenna Paige

H. Rider Haggard
“Men are faithful for so long only as temptations pass them by. If the temptation be but strong enough, then will the man yield, for every man, like every rope, hath his breaking strain, and passion is to men what gold and power are to women the weight upon their weakness.”
Henry Rider Haggard, She: A History of Adventure

Amy Henriod
“There was a time when dragons didn’t simply breathe fire. They shaped and controlled the elements around them with an explosion of magic from their lungs...”
Amy Henriod, Dragon Stones: A Soran Drayce Novel

L.C. Huffman
“At the start of the seemingly enchanted, ink-blotched forest, light leaked through the treetops as rays, like tiny streams of water through a beaver dam. He would, on occasion, stop and stare through the opening to remind himself what the sky looked like. Unfortunately, where Holt found himself further, whatever leaked through the analogous dam that existed previously, had been patched up. He could not see rays, but only mere photons clinging to the rough surface of tree bark and the tips of pine needles. The bright specks resembled what he imagined fairies to look like, their wings somewhere hidden in the blurry light bubble that surrounded them. His slight astigmatism made the creature’s detail much more amorphous.”
L.C. Huffman

V. Ananya
“Either she’d gain control over her powers,” he said slowly, “or lose whatever little she had in the first place.”
V. Ananya, The Young Foreigner: One Journey Can Decide Fate

“Mundil,” Adella repeated, remembering. “That was their name for the World, right?”
“Yes,” Jago replied. “It means World, but it also means Sea. To the Andolinians, they are one and the same.”
“And which calamity ruined this Temple?” Armand wondered.
Jago, in response, walked over to one of the large stone archways and reached up to clear a vine that clung to its surface. He pulled and tore it down to reveal three deep grooves that had been slashed through the rock, like claw marks from some huge beast. He turned again to face them. “It came from the water.”
A. M. Portman

Evelyn Benvie
“Try again," while admirable, is not a plan.”
Evelyn Benvie, So What If I Am The Chosen One?

J.L. Delavega
“I was born with two shadows. One is thrown by the sun. The other is the Stranger.”
J.L. Delavega, Smoke and Other Storms

Camilla Cosmelli
“Chi l’avrebbe mai detto che un giorno sarei riuscito a vivere tutto questo?”
Camilla Cosmelli, Clover – Il custode delle storie incompiute

E.L. Schoeman
“You’re not a diamond at all, princess.”
Vienna stared in horror. There was no diamond inside.
“You’re a pearl.”
“Oh my god!”
“Isn’t that right,” the warlock whispered, knowing that he had won, “my love?”
–Vienna by E. L. Schoeman”
E.L. Schoeman, Vienna

Ross J. Kinnaird
“I prefer living in the darkness of the future than exploring the certainty of my old sorrow.'
The Power of Love - The One. Chapter Eleven”
Ross J. Kinnaird, The Power of Love: The One

Pep Talk Radio
“Mastering a foreign language opens doors to exciting career opportunities, expanding your professional prospects and enhancing your marketability.”
Pep Talk Radio, LinguaVerse: A Journey through Language Realms

Giovanni  Cacioppo
“Time has been a meticulous cleaner of your memory,” he said to the tree again, “but your return can only mean that events are turning.”
Giovanni Cacioppo, Lost Dreams

“You are my Hound of Fate, the will made tangible, the wild fury and chaos held at bay, waiting to be unleashed. Passion to be honed into the brushstrokes of reality’s paint and blood upon the Grand Work.”
Rain Harlow, Goddess Descension

Hunter Kay Wallace
“Yolenda couldn’t wait to arrive in a new village. Her chestnut mare seemed to agree, leaning into each step as they traversed the equator’s shifting red sand.”
Hunter Kay Wallace, The Shaman's Bones, Migratory Farmers: Book 1

“Ally Pyx is a writer from Tijuana, México. A place for brave people who are full of passion. To survive these lands, you must live beyond the heart. And this author is an expert at that.
Ally can navigate the most fantastic universes, while depicting the most human emotions. A beautiful portrait of our inner self through magic and unexplored worlds. She has many talents that identify her as a visual artist, writer, photographer, journalist and creative director. And is always urging us to open our hearts, senses and spirits.
Because above all, Ally’s mission is to connect with something deep. And to show how the world looks through her eyes.”
-Paul Martín del Campo.”
Ally Pyx, The Omen Coven: Fiery Heart

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