Avidreader1412 asked J.L. Weil:

Hello, I just finished Slumber and went straight to your website to get me a signed copy. Loved it. Now i have a book hang over. Thank you. <3 How many books will be in Beauty Never Dies Chronicles? When you start writing a series do you already know how its going to end from the begining? Do you plot it all out first?

J.L. Weil Yay! I am so glad you enjoyed Slumber!

There will be three books in the series. Book two, Entangled will be out Nov. 28th and the final book, Forsaken will be out mid 2018.

I do know the end when I start a book, or at the very least a rough idea of how I want it to end. I don't outline or plot at all. lol. So having the end helps me guide the book along and gives me a point to reach. I pretty much wing it as I go.

Trust me, each time I write a book, I am surprised I managed to make it all come together. Sometimes it feels as if I am just writing gibberish.

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