Carla asked Intisar Khanani:

Dear Ms. Khanani, I know that in 2013 you were about halfway through a draft of Memories of Ash and were figuring on an early 2014 release, but now I see that it's been postponed to an indefinite 2015 and it's got me a little scared. You are still writing it, aren't you? Stories are my greatest love, and I would be so sad not to find out what happens to Hitomi and company. Thanks muchly. Please keep storytelling.

Intisar Khanani Hi Carla! I am so so sorry for not responding sooner--I only just saw your question today. :/ I am definitely still working on Memories of Ash. I had to take from about March through August off due to family matters (my little daughter just needed some helping getting through a tough patch). I am back at work on revisions now, and hopefully I'll have a more firm release date soon! I'm really excited to be following Hitomi's story again. I won't give up till I've told all her story. (And hopefully I won't give up at all!) Thank you so much for your note. Stories are my greatest love as well. :)

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