Hooked on Books > Polls

Polls for Hooked on Books . Showing 1-30 of 184
created Sep 16, 2024 05:14PM PDT poll #1 Featured

What series should we read for the 4th Quarter Series Buddy Read?

  5 votes, 50.0%

  4 votes, 40.0%

  1 vote, 10.0%

created Sep 26, 2024 11:51AM PDT poll #2
What is the name of the animator and vampire hunter in Laurell K. Hamilton’s The Harlequin?

Anita Blake
  5 votes, 83.3%

  1 vote, 16.7%

Meredith Gentry
  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 25, 2024 09:27AM PDT poll #3
The narrator of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man works where?

A paint company
  3 votes, 60.0%

A factory
  2 votes, 40.0%

A college
  0 votes, 0.0%

A law firm
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 24, 2024 08:49AM PDT poll #4
In which U. S. state was the mental asylum of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest located?

  4 votes, 80.0%

  1 vote, 20.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 20, 2024 10:55AM PDT poll #5
What do the initials J. D. stand for in author J. D. Salinger’s name?

Jerome David
  5 votes, 71.4%

Joseph David
  1 vote, 14.3%

James Douglas
  1 vote, 14.3%

John Daniel
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 19, 2024 01:51PM PDT poll #6
Veronica Roth’s Divergent book series is set in a post-apocalyptic version of which U. S. city?

  4 votes, 57.1%

  2 votes, 28.6%

New York
  1 vote, 14.3%

Los Angeles
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 18, 2024 09:44AM PDT poll #7
Where did Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables, a coming-of-age story, live and write about?

Prince Edward Island
  6 votes, 100.0%

Vancouver Island
  0 votes, 0.0%

Nova Scotia
  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 17, 2024 10:39AM PDT poll #8
What is the title of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Edith Wharton?

The Age of Innocence
  7 votes, 100.0%

Ethan Frome
  0 votes, 0.0%

The House of Mirth
  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 16, 2024 10:22AM PDT poll #9
What Victor Hugo novel was adapted into a Disney animated movie in 1996?

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
  6 votes, 100.0%

Les Misérables
  0 votes, 0.0%

The Man Who Laughs
  0 votes, 0.0%

Toilers of the Sea
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 13, 2024 10:40AM PDT poll #10
The hero Beowulf faces a monster known by what name?

  6 votes, 100.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 11, 2024 09:39AM PDT poll #11
Frankenstein’s monster is often depicted as pyrophobic, fearing what?

  6 votes, 100.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 10, 2024 08:12AM PDT poll #12
Which thoroughbred’s victory over War Admiral in a 1938 race is immortalized in a runaway bestseller that had sold six million copies as of 2010?

  4 votes, 100.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

Man o' War
  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 09, 2024 10:45AM PDT poll #13
The crime novel The Godfather, also a hit movie, was written by whom?

Mario Puzo
  5 votes, 100.0%

Elmore Leonard
  0 votes, 0.0%

Raymond Chandler
  0 votes, 0.0%

Dashiell Hammett
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 05, 2024 10:43AM PDT poll #14
Which self-help book by Marie Kondo focuses on decluttering and organizing your home?

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
  7 votes, 100.0%

Atomic Habits
  0 votes, 0.0%

The Power of Now
  0 votes, 0.0%

The 4-Hour Workweek
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 04, 2024 03:17PM PDT poll #15
For Killer Clown Roundup, would you like to be able to bank books?

  20 votes, 57.1%

  13 votes, 37.1%

Yes, but it should wait until the next Roundup since we already started this Roundup.
  2 votes, 5.7%

created Sep 04, 2024 09:46AM PDT poll #16
In the book Song of Solomon, what does Milkman leave behind?

His gold watch
  4 votes, 80.0%

His suitcase
  1 vote, 20.0%

His shoes
  0 votes, 0.0%

His car keys
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Sep 03, 2024 11:43AM PDT poll #17
In the book American Pastoral, what is the name of Dawn's doctor who gave her the facelift?

Dr. Salzman
  2 votes, 50.0%

Dr. Kinsman
  1 vote, 25.0%

Dr. Posner
  1 vote, 25.0%

Dr. Stone
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 26, 2024 10:57AM PDT poll #18
Who is the Booker Prize-winning author of The Luminaries (2013)?

Eleanor Catton
  4 votes, 100.0%

Hilary Mantel
  0 votes, 0.0%

Aravind Adiga
  0 votes, 0.0%

Julian Barnes
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 25, 2024 09:00PM PDT poll #19
Named after a London railway station, what fictional literary bear was originally a stowaway from "Darkest Peru?"

Paddington Bear
  7 votes, 100.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

Rupert Bear
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 24, 2024 10:28PM PDT poll #20
Iambic pentameter is a type of metric line used in English verse, most famously by William Shakespeare. While "iambic" describes the unstressed/stressed pattern of each two-syllable "foot," the word "pentameter" indicates that there are how many feet within a given line?

  6 votes, 100.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 23, 2024 12:10PM PDT poll #21
Which novel features the address "Cloud Street, West Leederville, Perth, Western Australia"?

Cloud Street
  3 votes, 60.0%

The Thorn Birds
  2 votes, 40.0%

The Secret River
  0 votes, 0.0%

The Slap
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 22, 2024 01:28PM PDT poll #22
What type of animal is in the title of the first book in Hilary Mantel's Thomas Cromwell trilogy?

  5 votes, 83.3%

  1 vote, 16.7%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 21, 2024 10:16AM PDT poll #23
Shadowlands starring Anthony Hopkins, is about which Belfast-born writer?

C. S. Lewis
  3 votes, 75.0%

James Joyce
  1 vote, 25.0%

Samuel Beckett
  0 votes, 0.0%

Seamus Heaney
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 20, 2024 01:05PM PDT poll #24
Jane Harper's bestselling thriller series is set in which country?

  5 votes, 83.3%

  1 vote, 16.7%

United States
  0 votes, 0.0%

United Kingdom
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 19, 2024 04:57PM PDT poll #25
American writer Daniel Keyes wrote what science fiction novel that was later adapted to the Academy Award-winning film Charly?

Flowers for Algernon
  4 votes, 66.7%

The Left Hand of Darkness
  1 vote, 16.7%

  1 vote, 16.7%

The Stars My Destination
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 15, 2024 10:18AM PDT poll #26
Robert Penn Warren received the 1947 pulitzer for what political fiction novel?

All the King's Men
  5 votes, 100.0%

The Grapes of Wrath
  0 votes, 0.0%

The Naked and the Dead
  0 votes, 0.0%

The Manchurian Candidate
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 14, 2024 10:04AM PDT poll #27
Kiss Me Kate and 10 Things I Hate About You were both based on which Shakespeare comedy?

The Taming of the Shrew
  6 votes, 85.7%

Much Ado About Nothing
  1 vote, 14.3%

A Midsummer Night's Dream
  0 votes, 0.0%

Twelfth Night
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 08, 2024 09:57AM PDT poll #28
Released on April 5, 1974, what was Stephen King’s first published novel?

  6 votes, 75.0%

Salem's Lot
  1 vote, 12.5%

The Stand
  1 vote, 12.5%

The Shining
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 07, 2024 10:32AM PDT poll #29
What was the full name of British novelist C. S. Lewis?

Clive Staples Lewis
  6 votes, 85.7%

Charles Samuel Lewis
  1 vote, 14.3%

Christopher Stephen Lewis
  0 votes, 0.0%

Cyril Stanley Lewis
  0 votes, 0.0%

created Aug 06, 2024 09:58AM PDT poll #30
Diana Prince is the public persona of which fictional superhero?

Wonder Woman
  6 votes, 85.7%

  1 vote, 14.3%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

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