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The Blackened Blade #1

The Blackened Blade

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Not many people get a second chance, let alone a second life.
I died. Burning in a prison cell I spent years of my life rotting away in.
I had been beaten, battered and bruised beyond repair...but not broken.
Never broken.

By whatever miracle, I’ve been brought back ten years into my past and before I was locked away...
But to a different kind of hell…Wensridge Academy. A place filled with only memories of pain and suffering.

But this time I’ll break the wheel of misfortune, and with it all the people who caused my suffering and death.
This time I’ll have the life I should have always had.

*The Blackened Blade is the first in a new paranormal why choose series. It’s full of action, revenge and five dark and damaged love interests that the FMC will not have to choose between. It contains adult themes and bad-language which some readers may find upsetting.*

422 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 8, 2023

About the author

Isla Davon

3 books870 followers
Isla Davon is an Irish author who loves reading. Especially Paranormal Romance and Why Choose books. She enjoys creating stories with magic, strong female characters, and as many love interests as her mind can handle.

When she is not writing, she is spending time with her family and three Jack Russells. Or snuggling down to a good movie or Netflix binge with as much chocolate as she can eat.

Keep up to date on future books by following Isla on her Facebook group; Davons Shadows, or on her Tik Tok and Instagram; Author.isladavon.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,353 reviews
Profile Image for Em.
405 reviews25 followers
December 10, 2023

Damn, was this good. It was good written, the characters were interesting, the plot was good, the pace was good, inte romance was good… I have nothing to complain about. I genuinely think I liked everything about this book. I read it in one sitting. The time is… way to late. I should have gone to sleep probably 3 hours ago… but it was worth it.

We all know I love academies, and this was no different. It had an interesting and different element to it, which I loved. I also really enjoyed the main character as well as the other mmc’s.

I’m really looking forward to the next book (in other words, I literally can’t wait so PLEASE give it to me now)
Profile Image for Lilly.
18 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2024
You guys, she’s not the same girl she used to be. I dunno if she mentioned that at all.
Profile Image for Sinead.
20 reviews
April 13, 2024
*Devoured in one go!*

This is the first I've read from Isla Davon and it definitely won't be the last!

I was intrigued from the start, wasn't quite sure what to expect, and then couldn't put it down!
The story definitely didn't do the way I thought it would which was amazing 😍 it was a unique story line that really dragged me into the story.

The way the characters and different POVs are written had me feeling all the feels. The FMC is so strong and badass after everything she has come through, while the a few of the other MCs really put the hot in psychotic 🔥🔥

I cannot wait for the next one the series to see where it goes from here!
Profile Image for Vee.
311 reviews59 followers
December 16, 2023
If you looking for a why-choose book, with romance… you’re going to be disappointed. However, if you looking for a fantasy/action, I would definitely recommend.


The FMC starts at 27 and then time travels back to 17, so there is definitely no real romance at all. Sexual tension maybe, but it’s all very immature. It’s very similar to the ‘Hannah Prep’ series, which I know clicked with a lot of people, it just didn’t click with me.

Despite this, I was drawn in from the first chapter. It starts off very strong, I’m not going to lie I was sucked into this plot. I liked the time travel aspect and the fact that she intended to reap revenge. It was a unique plot twist. Did it read like a YA ? Yes, but the characters were all 17 & 18, so I guess it worked.

There were definitely some plot points I found confusing/ didn’t like…..👇

Her half sister.
She is constantly going on about how much she loved her, but her sister constantly turned a blind eye to the abuse she was suffering. I think maybe she made excuses for her and just accepted the little love she was given, but she couldn’t have been wearing blinders that big, surely.

The guys (old best friends).
I honestly don’t understand why these characters were included. All they did in every conversation was show ‘shocked expressions’ or one of them was always about to intervene, before one holds him back. They were boring and it turns out they weren’t even the harem… the harem just turned up at 45%. Literally out of no where.

The harem.
Where the f*ck have these guys been for the majority of the book.

The plan.
She is constantly training to take revenge on her sister, but in between this she is just going to same classes over and over and over again. I don’t think we needed all the repeated scenes. It did drag a little.

This book does include attempted SA and it goes on for quite a lot of pages.
It’s described as ‘attempted assault’ in the content warning, which I think is vague.

This added to my confusion with the books, as the tone was flip floppy. It would go from YA to adult very quickly and then slip back in YA. I never knew where I was at.

I saw this recommended frequently, but I don’t think this level of slow burn is for me and it is probably also to do with the characters ages, when I was expected something different. It just didn’t work as a why-choose. I also think the blurb over promised

DNF 75%

Profile Image for cha.
241 reviews132 followers
September 6, 2024
Update 07/09/2024: twenty-three (23) days until the next book comes out 🥹 not a day goes by that I don't have this book on my mind. Already made adjustments this month so I can be FREEEE when the second book releases lmao ANNEXEZRA I MISS YOU

Ah, fuck. Take the 5 stars. Take all the stars. You win. You got me. Everyone cheer

“Words can hurt, wounds can fester, but even the most broken of bones can heal again, Red.”

I was planning to be stingy with my stars, because this book was amazing, but far from perfect.

So many commas and spacing issues. A little grammar mishap. And a few repetitive phrases. Book needs another round or two of editing, but hell if it wasn't entertaining. And the minus points are mostly from editing, not writing skills. So do I care? No, no I do not.

I realized that I didn't care about this being a literary perfection, and decided to rate this 5 stars, mainly for something that the purists would throw me in jail for.. ✨THE VIBES✨

I saw where they were taking Ezra's and Annex's (some of the MMCs) characters, and I couldn't hold back my 5 stars any longer. You win this time, Isla Davon. You win.

I WILL be thinking about *that* Ezra's pov chapter for the next 12 working weeks. One simply does not forget a moment like that.

“I wasn’t afraid to get bloody, I just never had a reason. Until now. It's time the people around here remember why I’m a part of The Infernal Four.”

It actually surprised me, that I liked it this much because in any other circumstances it would probably feel a lil instant to me. But not in this, not in this.

Our girl Micai was bullied and abused for the first 50% of the book. It was about damn time someone finally put her, and only her, first. Besides, my theory about who's actually who... yeah it was a long time coming if you ask me.

I think the pacing was great, and honestly it wasn't like they were instantly all sunshine and rainbows around her either. It took time. It's just that, once it hit them *mainly Annex and Ezra*, they were in.

ah, my brand of crazy.


I guess there’s a sprinkle of she’s not like other girls in this. BUT, she is not like other girls. So I think that’s fair lol

Also, you didn't meet all the MMCs, the Infernal Four, until around 50% of the book. No I'm not joking, and yes it was what made this book excellent in my eyes. FINALLY an author that takes time setting up the fmc's storyline. Context matters! Context matters!

So if you're looking for hot smut, keep looking. But if you have patience, love slowburn, and know the reward will be worth it, then look no further.

“You are the reward, Red.”

And don't evennnnnnn get me started on the possibilities when it comes to the other three MMCs. Mallyn?! Gadriel??? CREED????????

Bring it on bitch, bring it on.

Which brings me to Micai's ex childhood besties turned bullies.

They are these four guys who grew up with our fmc and used to be her protectors. And then suddenly just left her for her younger sister. I'd like to say they were the og harem, ✨for the angst✨ tho a lot of people would probably fight me for this lmao AND FOR GOOD REASON because they suck now.

BUT I agree with the theories I've read about what's actually happening to them, and if that's true... *crack knuckles* let me get something out of my chest

When I thought I was giving this a 4 star (before the Ezra awakening, lol), I actually planned on raising it to a 5 once I see where the story takes the ex-childhood besties.

Because if they remained enemies, then what happened with them and Micai in this book would be just eh. But if they somehow ended up being a part of the fmc's harem, then I might have just experienced the best angst of my life.

I don't necessarily need them to be in the harem or have a happy ending with the fmc. I just need them to realize they fucked up, to realize they only want Micai and only her, and I might even want Micai to just reject the hell out of them until the book says fin.

I don't care, I'm just throwing out ideas here, the possibilities are endless. I just want them to pine over her and suffer. Maybe make them watch the Infernal Four have the kind of relationship with Micai they could have had. Show them what they are missing, throw it in their faces, preferably forever, 24/7, till the rest of time.

Just, please give me the angsty grovel I deserve when it comes to them. I BEG 😭

But anyways.

I think I regret not reading this sooner, but I also regret reading it now because I have to wait a month before the next book comes out. I KEEP DOING THIS TO MYSELF

*also special shoutout for the two gorgeous beautiful stunning sexy fanart on the author's ig page. dear god I kept looking at them while reading lol

“You’re the salvation I never knew I needed. My Red.”
575 reviews2 followers
December 9, 2023
I only meant to read the Kindle sample to decide if I wanted to add this to my TBR. But I accidentally clicked the button to read it, and since it was already open, why not read a couple more chapters? Hours later, it's morning, and I have no idea where the night went.

My gut rating
3-stars. I have a lot of constructive criticism. First, this book very much needed an editor. There were lots of typos, spacing issues, sentences with missing words, and apostrophes where they shouldn't be (plural vs. possessive). Written in present-tense, it occasionally shifts to past-tense mid-scene. Also, "grins" is not a dialogue tag, and every instance of "grins Annex" or "grins Ezra" conjures uncanny valley mental images with characters speaking through their teeth.

Secondly, the worldbuilding needs a ton of work. We're told next to nothing about the magic system.
Witches, warlocks, and shifters make up almost 80% of the supernatural population. Okay. Most of the male bully groups she encounters are identified as shifters, but - other than Seria and Ivy - where are the witches? How do the witches witch? Spells? Potions? Hand gestures? Magic words? Thought magic? The problem is - other than Mallyn's shifter storyline, Creed's shadow daddy stuff, and whatever kind of compulsion Seria is using on the boys - magic has fuck all to do with the plot. In a school full of magically-powered students, I expected Micai to be dodging flying objects and compulsion and truth spells, but all these bullies want to do is shove her around and verbally abuse her. The book reads almost as if the magical setting was edited in later, as an afterthought. And speaking of setting, there's no sense of place. The characters feel very American in attitude, yet use British spellings. I searched the eBook, but got zero results for America, England, Europe, country, city, etc... Does this story even take place on Earth? Or a different universe altogether?

Thirdly, as much as I liked Micai, she sometimes suffers from too-stupid-to-live syndrome. It's not so much that she's recklessly running headfirst into danger, like some characters. It's more like...she questions nothing. Seria spent years in the OG timeline plotting Micai's downfall and moving chess pieces into place. Instead of taking advantage of her second chance by spying on her sister and thwarting her every move, Micai's big strategy is avoidance. She observes occasional moments of comprehension and independent thought in her four childhood friends when they're confronted with logic, and sees how quickly, with a single touch from Seria, they revert back to haters. Yet chalks it up to manipulation, instead of...I don't know...magical compulsion? She never ruminates on why her sister hates her and wants to ruin her. She doesn't question whose magic caused her to time travel ten years into the past, what her new powers of strength, speed, hearing and healing mean, and continues to think of herself as a magicless witch. It never crosses her mind to wonder what kind of magic Ezra and Annex are packing. Does this magical academy not have a library? She should be spending every spare minute there doing research. . I could go on and on, but what it comes down to is, despite the nonstop fight training, the FMC is going to continue to live in Defensive mode, surviving physical conflict after physical conflict because she can't be bothered to use her brain and go on Offense.

My Actual rating
4-stars. Despite my many complaints, the actual experience of reading this elevated it beyond a 3-star read. It was like crack. I kept telling myself I'd stop reading at the end of the chapter and go to bed, but couldn't rip myself away. Give me all the training montages. I LOVE me a female character who refuses to be victimized and learns to fight back. I loved how she conquered her fears and maintained her dignity under an onslaught of abuse. I think Ezra, Creed, and Mallyn should've been introduced much earlier in the book, but I always love a good slow burn and very much enjoyed Micai's romance with Annex and Ezra. Looking forward to seeing things grow with Mallyn and Creed. I have reservations about the teacher, but what can you do?

Very much looking forward to the next book, and hope that we finally start getting answers about a dozen different things.
Profile Image for Caroline | BooktokEnthusiast.
399 reviews159 followers
July 14, 2024
3.5 stars, rounded up. Some spoilers below.

This was actually a super interesting premise, but I have questions. This book is kind of set up where the FMC can have a plotline like the TV show Revenge where she can sneakily get revenge on all of the people around her who led to her going to prison. While the book does this in some ways, it had the potential to do so much more. Micai just ends up going back to school - I'm not really sure why. She is literally taken back in time and can re-live the past, but she doesn't really change much. Why is she just repeating school without doing anything else (very Edward Cullen of her, if ya ask me). She's not really getting revenge on anyone, and she's not trying to find Zrael (). It's pretty obvious to me that Seria's magic power is that when she touches someone, she can convince them how to feel/compel them to do her bidding. That's clearly why she keeps trying to touch Ezra and Annex too. I truly hope they don't fall under her spell too because they're supposed to be super powerful and badass. I'm not sure how Seria has an entire school compelled - she must be the most powerful person in this entire school to be doing this. Again, I'm not sure why Micai is still at this school and why she is just reliving the same life but with a slightly more bitchy attitude. You'd think she would want to do more with her freedom? If she remembers her old life, doesn't she already know everything she's going to learn in all her classes?

This book was good, but I also think there are about 75 pages that can be cut towards the beginning. The romance is so slow because we don't even meet the majority of the love interests until like page 150, and the FMC's inner monologue goes in circles when she just keeps emphasizing that she's not the same girl she was (without actually doing much about it).

I'm also trying to figure out if Micai is going to have 9 mates because it seems like the original 4 who are with Seria now (Knox, Kane, Anders, and Xander) were all original mates of Micai but they are clearly under Seria's spell. I like Knox and Kane more than I like Anders and Xander. The 4 new guys (Creed, Annex, Ezra, and Mallyn) are cool, and we can't forget about the teacher (there's always a teacher in these books).

Anyways, I will read book 2. This still had an interesting premise, but I wish some of my questions would be answered. I also wish Micai would have a better revenge plotline (and there better be lots of groveling if the original 4 guys are actually her mates too). Micai is training to get stronger for the majority of this book, but she has not actually done much with this new strength. I'm not really sure what her grand plan is, but I don't think she actually knows either.
Profile Image for Darcey.
1,209 reviews280 followers
January 24, 2024
YES YES YES this is what I’m looking for when I say I need a captivating RH read!! This book gave me everything I needed - a badass and, frankly, cool as shit FMC, a group of interesting MMCs with their own personalities, and an interesting and addictive plotline. I ADORED our main character, and while the romance was not the main plotline, I was so happy with the amount of screentime the boys were getting, and I adored every one of them. I need book #2 stat!! My RH girlies need to check this one out ASAP.
December 9, 2023
2.5, rounded to 3. Not as advertised.

First, I started this book because of tik tok, I should probably stop doing that because I’m always disappointed.
This book started out great and I was excited going into it.
And then it got bad, and then worse, and then just terrible.

The FMC starts out a badass and I really liked the way she stood up for herself but then it quickly became obvious that that was all her personality was. Zero depth. Like idk how many times she was supposed to be having a normal conversation with someone and she never spoke. She just went into a daze of thoughts and someone always had to “pull her from her thoughts.” That sentence was written a thousand times. She just came off as stupid.

The “love interests” if that’s what you want to call them consider nothing happens, come out of no where. All of a sudden, boom we have a POV change and we are just supposed to accept a whole new crop of characters after already reading half the book.

By about 70% I lost all hope of anything interesting happening. But because of my compulsion, I had to finish the book. Also, I did not know the was a “first of a series” that was not made clear on ANYTHING I’ve read about this book.

I might read, the second one. But, just do better. At least give the FMC some dialogue that’s not just her going off on people. And for the love of God, stop going down a certain path and then never bringing it up again. There was WAY to many “seems familiar” moments.

Lastly, when the FMC is kidnapped the guys are supposed to be out of town but somehow she runs into the beast in the forest which we all knew to be Mallyn if you have any awareness at all.
Profile Image for Jackie.
238 reviews8 followers
June 30, 2024
The book is over 400 pages. I personally found it lacking and disappointing. It’s very repetitive. Shower, class, work out, eat, go to the woods.

The entire book is about magical being (warlocks, witches, shifters) in an academy, but there really isn’t any magic used. I can think of like five moments when magic is used. None of the main characters powers are even explained, just that they are powerful. One is a shifter and of course the “leader” has smoke daddy powers. Super original.

In the book, she only attends the same three non magical classes; music, world history, and defense class. There is no diving into the magical aspects of the book.

For a character who “pulled herself from the depths of hell” and is an older soul than everyone she is very meh about everything? I personally would have preferred if she was psychotic and feral. At least she would be interesting.

There are so many plot points not explored. And for a 400 page book I expected some things to be explained. Like….

Her half sister is only a year younger than her and the family history is never explained. Who is the sisters mother? Why does the fmc have the family name but she sister doesn’t? Where is her father? How did she kill her mother? What is the sisters powers?

The markings on her body are never explored in the book. It makes no sense that she would ignore these strange markings appearing on her skin. She never seeks answers on how she was able to go back in time. She just accepts it and moves on. It makes no sense? It was a missed opportunity for the author to explore the magical aspect of this world through researching her markings.

Why is she even in the school. She hates it there. She’s not accepted. Or wanted. She supposedly is powerless. So leave. There are obviously bigger problems to focus on instead of 19 year old shoulder checking her and calling her a slut. She lays in bed and cries for her mate…. So go find him and save him! 🤦‍♀️

She brags about getting revenge but she really doesn’t. Yes she stands up for herself but Again it would have been so cool if she was feral and a psycho.

Besides getting stronger and standing up to the bullies she has no real goal or purpose.🥱 Thats the entire book.

I grew very tired of the “you’re weak and pathetic. no one wants you here” bullying. I mean I get it she’s not like other girls… but god it was repeated over and over again.
Idk if I will continue into the next one.
Profile Image for vanessa.
190 reviews15 followers
December 31, 2023
to my sister who recommended this book to me:

i am so sorry… but are you fr?
4 reviews
January 3, 2024
I was looking forward to this book because of the hype and good reviews, but wow was I disappointed. The FMC was actually insufferable, especially with the way she interacted with other women. The term “salad-eaters” made me have to put the book down. The typical ‘bitchy popular girl’ and ‘loner better than them girl’ archetypes at its absolute worst.

The love interests were fine, probably the most interesting dynamic of the book though the monologues from Annex to Micai were a little cringe.

ALSO she was 27, back in her 17 year old body and flirting with these boys that are max 19?? Like okay, she’s 17 again but it still didn’t sit right if she is 27 mentally.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
December 9, 2023
How long do we have to wait for the 2nd book?? I don't think I can wait too long...I just need more of this story. Its a great book, badass FMC and im just feeling the angst..
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,807 reviews239 followers
February 21, 2024
3.5 stars

This book needs so much editing! It was fun enough to read though

One of my friends really loved this book and it was enjoyable but I really wish the author got some help to make it a little bit more sophisticated. The tenses were all over the place and spelling was also bonkers.

The level of bullying in this book is out of control! I just have to assume that there's some mind control going on because otherwise it makes no sense that everyone has turned against her.

All in all, it was enjoyable and I may try reading the second book

Please note that I am NOT recommending it nor do I have a detailed review. Read at your own risk.

There were so many problematic issues with this book, I couldn't possibly capture them in my review without more effort and this book should be met with the least amount of effort possible.
Profile Image for Rhema P __(:з」∠)__.
241 reviews8 followers
March 11, 2024
From the high rating, i guess I’m one of the few that didn’t like this book
Everything felt so pointless and tiresome.
I see what another reviewer meant by the old thing but just recycled.

My major issue in this is the rebirth.

For someone that woke up years in the past and after surviving brutal years

Why is everything so juvenile?

From the way Micai acts/retorts, to how she gets drawn into juvenile fights with “the mean girls”, how she just stands there and lets people insult her before she responding in the most teenage way ever; unlike someone who dragged themselves from the pit of hell.

I read a book about with rebirthed Mc a while back. I swear, rather than respond or even lightly break a finger, that Mc struggled to not just snap their necks and settled with forks through hands rather than pointing them. They wouldn’t just sit there while the quintessential leader love interest called them a “play thing”. I wished her lasagne had ended up on his head followed by her plate before he’d even finished.
That Mc was feral. Their emotions, thoughts and actions were completely different. Imagine how interesting such a FMC would be.

Also maybe I missed it, but did Micai even have a clear goal after rebirth? It felt like majority of her rebirth/book was spent “standing up” to the bullies or teachers, or talking smack with the love interests, or on the men’s povs that tired to portray them as dangerous bad boys *rolling eyes*.

There was No dive into the supe world within the academy, of why she came back, what her powers are, the hierarchy of the supe world, her family or anything substantial.

Tbh Some of the bullying even just seemed random and orchestrated to “show” us how “different/strong” Micai was. You should also expect an insta and the typical ”why am I drawn to her/she’s so different from other girls” type comments.

It felt like the story took place in 3 classes. Plus the cafeteria.
Can’t forget about the cafeteria and maybe the forest. It was a forbidden forest too.

Profile Image for ⊹ Gabriela | Asternyx ⊹.
611 reviews441 followers
May 30, 2024
That cliffhanger is criminal

Coming back with a review soon.

What to expect:
∘ NA Paranormal Romance
∘ Reverse Harem — size: medium (5)
(there's potential for a bigger harem though 👀)
∘ Time Travel
∘ Untouchable MMCs
∘ Multiple POV
∘ Badass, fighter FMC — gave me assassin vibes
∘ "Touch her & die"
∘ Fated Mates
∘ Slowburn
∘ Childhood bestfriends to bullies (gods, it hurts...)
∘ Bullying outside of harem 😌

Trigger Warnings: bullying, sexual assault, attempted rape, trauma, emotional & physical abuse, gaslight (attempted)
1 review1 follower
December 8, 2023

Wow, from start to finish, this book is captivating and entertaining. I read it in one sitting.
What an amazing concept and storyline for this book. I can't wait and hope there is another book in this series.
August 7, 2024
That was terrible I’m so sorry. It was like a badly written wattpad story.
It irked me to no end how many times she made comments about how she was different this time. All of a sudden she stood up to her bullies and they just accepted it? Lol wot. ALSO, why are the teachers not more concerned about the constant bullying, like that doesn’t make sense?
We never learnt why she had no powers???? (I did skip a good 20% so tell me if I missed it lol)

The assault scene in the beginning of the book reallllly gave me the ick. It lasted almost a whole chapter, nothing happened except she got slammed and pushed against the wall 12 times and they just sat there and talked the whole time - it’s like the author just wanted to throw an assault scene in there with no direction? Like why? What was the reason?

Why were the Harem just instantly all over her? That gave me the ick how that was done too.
Apparently these boys (WHO ARE ONLY 17/18!) can scare GROWN men just from a look but she doesn’t even flinch towards them? Okay tough girl okay.

Why did her old bestfriends hate her? Why did her sister hate her? What did the teacher have to do with any of it? Why why why.

Was this the authors first book?

Sorry, but where was the adult editor on this? It’s a no from me.

I’m convinced that the people giving this a 5 star have literally never read any other book before.

‘The Facility’ was mentioned approximately 70 times in the first 3 chapters and then all of a sudden we never heard about it again. Why were you there? If you had no powers, what were they testing you for? Huh?
What even was the point of her being reborn?
Profile Image for Jordan.
304 reviews
January 24, 2024
Update 1/23/2024: Not sure why I hesitated with the rating, giving this 5⭐️.

This might just be a 5⭐️ read but I’m still reeling from that cliffhanger and the lack of book two just will not allow me to get over the pain I’m feeling right now.

Micai (I have no idea how to pronounce this name but it’s fine) is an awesome character. Probably one of my favorite FMCs that I’ve read in a while. She is a complete badass, always getting back up after being knocked down. I love that she is recovering from her sweet innocent victim phase without the author having subjected us to her “weaker” self for half of a book. Nope, that Micai died a long time ago, and this book starts us off with a Micai who refuses to let others treat her like shit again.

Before finding this book I was looking for a nice unhinged MC. This book provided unhinged fantastically with Annex. Dude is a complete psycho and I love it. There’s many potentials for Micai’s harem that we are introduced to in this book, and although I have a good idea of most there are still uncertainties surrounding that. And of course the mystery of the Facility and how Micai has managed to get this second chance at life.

I have so many questions left unanswered and I cannot wait to get the next book to unlock some more pieces to the puzzle.
Profile Image for K. Violette.
11 reviews
December 12, 2023
Who gave you permission to end a book like that??!!?!?!

Hoooooooooollllyyyy heck you had me screaming for the next chapter! The world you created is such a refreshing and unique take on the supernatural world (that I have read so far anyways) that I could not put it down!
I loooove Micai and her second-chance bad assery. The depth and background you put into each character made me feel like I was right there with them and I NEED to know why Micai was brought back, why those boys abandoned her, I need to meet Me Bane so I can throat punch him and most of all I need to know why Seria is such a bitch... IMMEDIATELY!

And Annex... Everyone needs an Annex in their lives and I beg all of the Gods that you spare him.

You are the Queen of slow-burn and suspense and I will not be physically or mentally okay until you release the next book 💀♥️
Profile Image for Nessa.
108 reviews5 followers
December 23, 2023
Loved this slowburn, multi-POV, strong but abused heroine, who travels back in time to kick some butt with her crazy men she gathers along the way. Ended on a cliffy and cannot wait for book two! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 (no ff or mm that I can see happening)
Profile Image for Lia Carstairs.
492 reviews2,721 followers
September 20, 2024
“Just live the way you want, Red. Whether you're the good guy or the bad guy in someone else's story, everyone becomes a villain at some point. It's only a difference in perspective.”

HELLO??? NO WAY AM I SEEING WHAT JUST HAPPENED IN THAT ENDING??? I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT there's absolutely NO way i will genuinely be upset if it's true😭😭

otherwise!!! gosh this book made me feel so giddy and in love i genuinely had a stupid grin on my face so many times while reading🤭 whether it was when micai was being an absolute savage and putting some jerks in their place or just her interactions with the guys. specifically annex, ezra and gadriel my loves!! i am so obsessed. this was my first ever RH and it SO served, omg if im not just kicking myself for not having read one sooner??? i never really thought it was my thing but hello i am in love??? genuinely there were so many hot and sweet moments i seriously felt my heart racing and could not stop smiling😭 like why do they already all have such a hold on me??

annex was the perfect blend of being completely unhinged and also sweet i adore his character so much, the amount of times he made me laugh?? and he is such a flirt i adore it, his banter with micai🔥 THEM🫶 and then ezra?? (which btw i have my suspicions about him and omg if its actually true??) he is so kind and caring that one chapter in his pov was everything and the affection he showed to micai?? oh my heart melted🫠 and with gadriel literally is anybody even surprised that i fell for him immediately... im always such a sucker for when the MMC teaches/trains the FMC and gosh the tension ugh like genuinely if you asked me to choose between those three I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO so thank god i dont have to😩

now there is mallyn and creed but im ngl i dont really care about them LOL which i mean i think is fair anyways considering they were barely seen so of course there wouldnt really be much development. but i am sooo curious about knox because??? there is definitely something up there.

seriously there was absolutely no question at all that this would be a 5 stars because i fell completely in love with this book. ive read so many manhwas with the time-travel-second-chance-at-life plot and always loved it so seeing it in a book??? oh i was completely sold. thank you once again to my fav human el because truly i never wouldve realized this book existed without you and then i really wouldve been missing out on a hidden gem🥹 this is most definitely a fav book of the year (and ever) gosh i already am trying to resist the urge to do a reread I NEED BOOK 2
Profile Image for Danielle.
31 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2024
3.5 -

I have a few bones to pick with this book:

- It started off slow, but then started to pick up around the 60% mark. I found some parts very repetitive and think the book could have used another round of editing

- The magic system was very underdeveloped. I was expecting things to be flying around, people getting turned into rats, but for a magical school, I feel like zero magic was performed (aside from the self-healing)? It was more saying than showing. The most “magical” aspects were the different groups (Elven, shifter, witch) and the beasts trying to kill everyone.

- Our girl Micai needs to get her butt into the library and RESEARCH SOME STUFF. She just takes everything at face value 😭 “oh look at these new marks on my hips and ankles… wonder what that’s about… anyways”

- Wtf is going on with her sister? I need to know more about this little backstory. Why does she hate Micai? What compulsion does she have over the wolfies? I’m sure we’ll get it in the next book, but I feel like it was such a huge plot line that kinda fell to the background.

- I need more of Professor Valor. Like a lot more.

- That cliffhanger is NOT COOL. And what’s worse is that there isn’t the second book for me to pick up asap. I know Annex is gonna be fine… right? He’s gonna be fine. Gonna keep telling myself this.

All in all, I enjoyed myself (I know my review makes it seem like I didn’t, but I was kicking my feet and giggling) and I will be reading the next book because there are too many questions left unanswered and I NEED to know what’s gonna happen. I’m happy to see a take-no-shit/hold-no-prisoners FMC and can’t wait to see Micai evolve in book 2!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna-Marie.
175 reviews3 followers
July 25, 2024

That revenge plot?! INCREDIBLE. I loved every second of it and I definitely need book 2. I’m so excited to read more because I’m very attached to these characters now.
Profile Image for zayns wife.
154 reviews1 follower
April 7, 2024
written poorly and grammar wasn’t the best. also, i was not aware it was a rh. tiktok did me over again.
Profile Image for Froggy.
649 reviews21 followers
September 1, 2024
This is fun because I can see where the high reviews come from but I can also see where the low reviews come from too. There are some writing issues that I think are just technical and maybe from some inexperience. This could have used the help of a good editor. Some examples include repetition of phrases and facts, inconsistencies in staging (like she’ll eat her last bite two times or at one point she headbutts a guy and splits her forehead and then a page later headbutts another guy in the same fight and splits her forehead), and her constantly telling us that she’s different and will have her revenge but without actually getting any revenge. She definitely has some sassy quips to her enemies, but she actually makes zero effort to get back at any of them and despite being stronger she never actually shows that strength other than through her comebacks. I can see why the author would hold back major confrontations with her primary enemies (her sister etc), but there’s no reason for her to not have at least gotten some revenge on Ivy and the kidnap crew or the guys that cornered her.

The FMC has made absolutely zero effort to even hit up a library and figure out what she is or what her symbols mean or what’s going on with her obviously prophetic dream, I feel like that should have been priority numero uno but she keeps saying ‘yea I should figure that out’ and then never even attempts to figure it out. She does a lot of independent training, but it’s clear there’s more to her and she seems to not really care. Also, she talks a lot about taking what she wants and not holding back and not being a blushing virgin, but then acts so naive and blushes at any lick of attention. Like why not just jump the clearly interested hot guys? Although I’m a little unclear on the ethics of that since she’s mentally supposed to be 10 years older and just happens to be trapped in a younger body… which also makes the obvious teacher attraction uncomfy too because he doesn’t know they’re peers in age but is still clearly perving on her.

The good in this story is that it’s entertaining as fuck to read. It’s provoking and even when the bullying is so over the top and ridiculous you’ll just have your jaw clenched in frustration for her. I just wanted to keep reading and find out how she’s going to bringing it all together. The cliffhanger was a mega cliff and there are so many open questions that it absolutely will bring everyone back for round 2. I also can’t wait to see the former buddies finally snap out of what I’m assuming is compulsion and find out they were on the wrong side. Idc if it’s a magical manipulation though, I do find them to be unredeemable after having been with her sister for years so I sincerely hope the author doesn’t try to wedge them back into her life (or love). Her new guys are 8000 times better than those chodes.

I want more of Morgan though.
Profile Image for ☀︎El In Oz☀︎.
640 reviews353 followers
September 13, 2024
2nd time reading


I’m just so obsessed with Knox and I know nothing about him 🥲 please isla give me Knox content in a blackened bond 😩😩


Oh I am OBSESSED!! This was such an interesting concept for a book and I *loved* it. Although the writing is a bit choppy at parts, the amazing characters, story, and mystery more than make up for it. Micai is not only a fantastic main heroine, but she’s written incredibly well. It’s so interesting to see a character be transported back into their teenage self with all of their memories still intact of their past life. She has a real maturity and grit to her that a lot of novels don’t have the heroine start off with. I really loved her personality and found her so strong and relatable.
Secondly, the plot is super intriguing. There is more mystery than answers for sure in this one (how did Micai even time travel in the first place? Why did she never know about the infernal four during her first life? What are the tattoos? What the hell is her sister doing to her childhood best friends who now hate her? Who is running the facility and why?) and I’m so excited to get some answers in the next novel. I think maybe the more she changes the more tattoos she gets and there’s some god who can help people go back in time perhaps? And her sister for sure is some siren witch combo. Maybe a succubus with how she acts. Not sure how she manipulated the whole school but I hate her.
The love interests are all amazing. Creed is your typical slow burn I don’t trust her guy but his love for his sister was so pure (and I need more of Morgan in book 2!! I loved her!). Ezra was SO SWEET. I need to know if he was zreal in the past life 😩 he is 100% my type with how sweet he is and wanting to spend every minute with Micai after he discovers she’s his mate!
Mal is so interesting and clearly he for sure is mates with Micai as well. I’m intrigued by him!
And annex 🤭 I loved him so much. He’s crazy and deranged but so protective of Micai…. and you can tell he has a lot of depth underneath the surface! Also he is SO funny and SO my type.
Oh and gadriel????? Adore him already. I’m always here for a professor x student romance when he’s the defensive teacher and he trains her… ahhhh!!
And on the topic of Micai’s old childhood friends, I am convinced that her sister is brainwashing them with some potion or spell. They seem to react to her touch very oddly. I’m personally all here for them joining the harem if they grovel (especially Xander why was he so annoying???). But one thing I’ll say is FREE MY BOY KNOX!!!!! He’s the only one who visibly tries to defend and protect Micai everytime one of his friends does something dumb (again, looking at you Xander) and he is clearly the only one attempting to fight whatever spell is on him. I mean he always tries to talk to Micai and de- escalate the situation so she’s okay and I know he needs to be released RIGHT NOW! I am his biggest fan already.
Also - another theory I have is that someone right now also got a second chance at life. Not sure who, but I don’t think Micai is the only one. What if Ezra is zreal, but he got sent back after he died and that’s why when Micai is sent back everything is ever so slightly different? Because Ezra was already changing how his life went? Although if he is zreal he would already know that Micai is his mate. I’m not sure but I do know that someone else had to be sent back in time or else the fact that everything is not the same doesn’t make sense to me! I’m not sure but something about him having tattoos and Micai also having mysterious tattoos is interesting to me…
And what is Micai??? We aren’t told a lot about her possible powers besides the fact that she can heal quickly and has speed and more strength than the usual person. She doesn’t even know what she is but I think that she manipulates air unknowingly a few times when attacking people, so not sure if she is some elemental or what?? We aren’t told a lot about supernatural being’s besides the fact that witches, warlocks, shifters, and fae / elven exist so I don’t know if she’s something new or what. My bet is some form of elemental??? Some creature who has air power anyways. A dragon?????? Not sure but I just NEED to know!!!!
Suffice to say I’m dying for book 2 after that insane cliffhanger.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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