The Casual Vacancy Book Club

Are you eagerly anticipating the new J.K. Rowling book The Casual Vacancy? If so, this is the group for you! We'll be hosting a week-long read-along, moderated by Salon's Laura Miller.

There will be contests, chats, and more surprises along the way. Laura Miller will be moderating the discussion the week of October 15. In the meantime, post your thoughts about the book!
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This is a public group. Anyone can join and invite others to join.
Please be respectful of one another.…more

By Adriana · 18 posts · 262 views
last updated Mar 11, 2015 03:53PM
Which of the characters do you like best?
By Nikki · 19 posts · 330 views
last updated May 27, 2014 01:28AM
Hooray, you've finished! Now let's talk about it
By Marie · 164 posts · 1051 views
last updated Jul 18, 2013 12:39PM
The CV Playlst
By Derek · 11 posts · 148 views
last updated Mar 25, 2013 01:10PM
Harry Potter Meme
By Leah · 1 post · 51 views
last updated Feb 19, 2013 10:57AM
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How excited are you to read The Casual Vacancy?

It's one of the books I'm looking forward to reading.
  113 votes, 43.5%

The most excited I've been since the last Harry Potter book.
  74 votes, 28.5%

I am really looking forward to it, but there have been other books that were this exciting.
  64 votes, 24.6%

The most excited I've ever been for a book!
  9 votes, 3.5%