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Aquerón fue el primer Cazador Oscuro y ahora es líder indiscutible de todos ellos. No responde ante nadie y sus órdenes se acatan sin discusión. Es poderoso. Es enigmático. Es inaccesible. Una leyenda entre las leyendas. Durante milenios, Aquerón ha luchado por la supervivencia de la humanidad al tiempo que ocultaba celosamente sus orígenes y su tormentoso pasado. Por fin, Sherrilyn Kenyon desvela en esta novela, la más larga y ambiciosa de la genial serie de los Cazadores Oscuros, la verdadera historia del personaje que, desde el primer libro, ha atrapado con mayor fuera la imaginación de los lectores. Una historia que comienza once mil años atrás, cuando una diosa oculta a su primogénito entre los humanos...

820 pages, Paperback

First published August 5, 2008

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Sherrilyn Kenyon

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at MySherrilyn.com and www.facebook.com/mysherrilyn

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,938 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
February 10, 2017

Acheron was the first book I ever read by this author….. and it made me into a die-hard fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon (who up to this time, I had never heard of or knew about her books).

I decided to read this book again, before getting started on Styxx.

It’s amazing that, no matter how many times I read this book, it continues to consume all my senses…..pulled at my emotions all over again.
I don’t remember when last I was so I absorbed into a world and characters that became so real to me. Acheron, a character that has stayed with me for a very long time.
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon photo tumblr_mgp08w75hz1r5d7goo1_500_zps52b96e3c.gif
Acheron’s life was an embodiment of tragedy and sadness and also of courage and happiness.
I cried, I raged as I experienced his parents rejection, the cruelty, the torture and the abuse – physical, emotional and sexual - he endured by evil family and foes alike, the manner in which people exploited him with no regard to his being- like Artemis and Apollo. I felt his fear, his grief, and his pain, his joy.

I struggled with the first part of the book, primarily because it was such a dark part of Acheron’s life.. I had some moments..  photo tumblr_inline_mknnytFuOM1qz4rgp_zps1053ef9d.gif But the 2nd part is what made it so special for me. It was like I suddenly saw light after being in this tunnel of darkness with Acheron.

There were so many memorable characters in this story that I either hated or loved with total passion.
Acheron, photo 49d85e62e57bd31acaa246222c3c74c4_zpsf9b2e93d.jpg beautiful, broken,lonely, lost....
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Ryssa, Acheron’s sister who loved him and protected him where she could. And how she was used the same way like him by her father, who married her off to Apollo, who clearly had no feelings for her. And the final tragedy in her life and how much heartache it caused Acheron was so damn sad.
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Styxx, Acheron’s twin brother, who had turned away from him and had become the favored son at Acheron’s expense.
Artemis …….have I ever hated a character so much as hers?? Her cruelty towards Archeron... I just love to hate her!!! Okay, I did feel a “tad” sorry for her… she lost the man that she realized too late, was the only man she loved… what, the “heifer” actually shed a tear or two…to no avail, I might add.
Savitar, his dialogue is witty, funny...i had so many laughs with this very mysterious character..who is he really? A surfer god???  photo tumblr_mq3bvmKRhf1sb33uho1_500_zps0d8b9230.jpg Tory, Acheron’s true love. What a fabulous character. I just fell in love with her from the first moment she gets up on stage to deliver her speech on the finding of Atlantis. And the scene where she finds Acheron, working as a builder at a construction place is an absolute HOOT!!!!
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon photo grace_zps9c6be227.jpg
And Simi……she has found a place in my heart.
I adore her. Unforgettable, quirky, dangerous, sweet, enduring, cute and love her style Acheron is her Akri. The dialogue and interaction between the two is spectacular.
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I adored the modern Greece parts in this story, so vividly described that made me feel that I was right there, on a Greek beach looking for Atlantis as well.

I loved the connection and chemistry between Tory and Acheron. The interaction between them is so lovely....Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon photo images_zpsdc3c6208.jpgHaving to go through some trials and tribulations and finally finding happiness together was more than satisfying for me……and I loved the connection between Acheron and Tory as a young boy, her grandfather had been rescued from war-ravaged Greece by Acheron and taken to America, where he was told stories about the lost city of Atlantis. Tory had been told those stories by her grandfather and it was the reason that she wanted to find Atlantis …it was destined that Acheron and Tory were meant to be together. Pre-ordained.

So, arrived at the last page and still as unforgettable as before.
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And now it’s time for me to meet up with Styxx and Acheron again!!!

I am so looking forward to that!!!

1st Review 2011
Profile Image for Justine.
59 reviews47 followers
August 8, 2008
This review is a little more involved for me, than most. I am a long time fan of the Dark-Hunter and Dream-Hunter series, by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Some might think this would dispose me to be lenient in my evaluation, fawning with my opinions. However, the opposite would prove to be true; I find that I have such high expectations for Ms. Kenyon’s books, at this point, that there was a better certainty that I would be disappointed. Truly, how could an author possibly deliver on all the anticipation that she has been building for readers such as me, since the introduction of this saga back in 2002, with Fantasy Lover? Serendipity strikes, though, and Ms. Kenyon not only delivers, she surpasses expectations, leaving them in the dust.
Devotees of this series know that Ms. Kenyon can create heroes, villains and anti-heroes that readers cannot help but fall for, cheer for, even when the man of the hour may be the villain of the piece. She is also skilled at taking characters, such as Nick Gautier, and carving out places in our hearts for him, then turning him, so we are not sure if we should cheer him on, or wish him ill, but we just can’t; he is too deeply entrenched in our hearts at this point. Her characters have heart; they have souls; they have dark, cutting edge humor that carries them through some of the darkest places a soul would ever have to travel. The roll call of characters is impressive at this point; the readers of Acheron need to know their Dark-Hunter history, and reviewing a play list before picking up the book might not be a bad idea (unless, of course, you’re a geek gyrl like me, in which case these people are like fictional family members, already.)
Acheron, son of Atlantean gods, born into a human body and cursed by the Fates, attracts readers like no other member of Ms. Kenyon’s cast of players. He struts upon her stage with a feral grace; he is Gothic, grim, and forbidding. Hades, he is downright scary; scarier than most of the villains by a margin so great a new form of measurement might need to be invented. But Ash is also the most heart wrenchingly vulnerable person in this world of damaged souls. This is hinted at in prior books in the series; his loneliness while surrounded by other cursed hunters is legendary. The secrets surrounding Ash are more tightly held than the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa’s final resting place or the real special blend of eleven secret herbs and spices. Until now. In this book that bears his name and his emblem, we learn so much about his history, and what forged the God we know in the current timeline of the series.
Ms Kenyon addresses the pressing questions surrounding the relationship between Ash and Artemis, or as Simi calls her, the Heifer Goddess. We learn how and why Ash is such an irresistible, sexy beast. And the learning is not easy; it is a dark, twisted tale of abuse, degradation and despair. The first half of this book is darker than any previous Dark-Hunter or Dream-Hunter novel. The series is known for its blending of tension, sensuality, sharp dialog and humor. This is not absent from Acheron; but the first portion of this story is harsh, so readers must be prepared. Ms. Kenyon deals with issues of mental, emotional, verbal and physical abuse skillfully, but openly and honestly. This honest, but respectful handling of such a terrible subject helps raise this story from the realm of everyday fantasy to literature. Brain candy books are enjoyable, and can certainly get high marks, and are necessary parts of the fictional world. But “literature” asks difficult questions; does not flinch from ugly truths, and reflects our own truths back to us. Ms. Kenyon has achieved literary standing with Acheron. She offers a light and a lesson to those who have suffered from abuses of their own, in their real lives. You can endure; you can triumph; you are worthy of love, no matter what someone else has forced upon you in your past. In the words of Acheron, she also brings home a crucial lesson about power, manipulation and relationships: “just because you can doesn’t mean you should, and sometimes some things have to go wrong in order to go right.” A powerful lesson brought to you by a paranormal fantasy romance.
The second half of this novel brings the reader to present day, in the every day, human world. For a time, anyway. Do not fear; we visit Kalosis, Katoteros, and Olympus before this world tour of torture and redemption is done.
Humor returns in the form of Xiamara, or as most know her, Ash’s demon daughter, Simi. She still craves QVC shopping; ice cream with hot sauce; takes orders from Ash a little too literally; color codes her horns to her clothes; and protects her akri, as she calls Ash, with a devotion that is endearing and a little terrifying. Also, the ex-hunters who make appearances in this book enter into the same quick witted banter with Ash that all of the prior books are renowned for including. Especially rewarding for long time fans are encounters with Julian and Talon. The heroine, Tory, is a delight to get to know through, as well. She is spunky, stands 6’1’’, has a keen appreciation for all things Greek (the older the better); she stands up to Ash, his moods, and she swings a mean hammer. Saying anything else would be telling….
This book really is a powerhouse of a read. The only cautionary comment would have to be that if you have not read the prior books, this may not be the best place to begin. The relationships and histories between the characters are critical to a full understanding, and a finer flavoring of this story. With Acheron, Ms. Kenyon proves once again that she truly is the Author Goddess, spinning tales that sweep you up into a world of dark desires, darker passions, and the enduring strength of the heart and the soul. Truly, this book is the total package; it even tells you how everything ends.
I can’t wait to see where Ms. Kenyon takes us when we read Stryker and Jaden’s stories, the next two installments. One Silent Night is currently scheduled for a November 4, 2008 release. For myself, based on my experience with Acheron, when it comes out, November 4th will be a silent, but satisfying night for this Kenyon Minion.
Author website: http://www.dailyinquisitor.com/hunter/
Profile Image for Michelle.
139 reviews46 followers
August 25, 2008
I hated most of this book.

Book 1 Acheron's torturous human life: Good stuff. Artemis was always a bitch.

Book 2 Present Day: Crap shit. Did someone else write this book? I wasn't buying any of it, and I had many moments of extreme eye-rolling.

I don't know what was worse, the horrible music and cheesey serenade in the club, or Acheron saying he wanted Tory on a platter. It didn't seem like those were things he would do or say at all.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
November 1, 2017
Acheron Parthenopaeus or Apostolos (Atlantean God of Destruction) and Soteria or Tori Kafieri (Human)

Apostolos: Απόστολος in greek, i.e. the man with a mission
His Soteria: Η Σωτηρία το�� in greek i.e. his salvation

Their song:
Prison gates won't open up for me
On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'
Oh, I reach for you, well I'm terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can't hold my soul in
All I need is you, come please, I'm callin'
And, oh, I scream for you
Hurry, I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be
Say it for me, say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
(Savin' Me Nickelback)

I think I have developed a major crush on Acheron after I read his book. I could write sonnets, haikuς and erotic poems to tell you all about my love for him BUT I think I will just describe his book for you.
It is a very very long book, but it is not boring. It expands in two time periods roughly and it basically has six parts:

TIME PERIOD 1: Starting on May 9, 9548 BC and finishing on April 10, 9526 BC with a short additional chapter that takes place in 7382 BC.
Part 1: Appollymi’s sacrifice
Part 2: The Diary of Ryssa, Princess of Didymos. The story until Ryssa is given to Apollo.
Part 3: Acheron’s point of view. The story that starts when Ryssa’s diary finishes and concludes when Acheron - as finally a God- depends completely on Artemis in order to feed.
Part 4: Acheron starts training his Dark Hunters (you may have already read this story in The Beginning-Dark-Hunter #0.5)

Part 5: When Acheron meets Soteria
Part 6: Epilogue and happily ever after

During the first time period (BC); Acheron experienced hatred, abandonment, betrayal, fear, pain, humiliation, weakness, torture, rape, hunger and thirst.
Acheron was the kid that his parents did not want to know. He was abandoned in his uncle claws and his became his tsoulos, i.e. his trained whore who was sold to the richest people (men and women) in Atlantis.
Acheron is a God, but during his childhood he was just a human. His mother Apollymi hid him in a mortal woman’ womb (a queen nevertheless) and he was born with his twin brother Styxx as a mortal baby. Only his eerie eyes proved his unique heritage. The problem is that as a human (before his god powers were unlocked), Acheron was so weak and easy to hurt. His mortal parents were afraid of him, so he was sent far away to his uncle and they did not want to know anything about what his uncle was doing to him.
His sister Ryssa was the only one who loved him, but her love caused more trouble than good for poor Acheron.
Goddess Artemis was his lover, his friend and then the worst manipulator and bitch.

During the second time period (present); Acheron experiences pure love, commitment, unconditional sacrifice, trust and true friendship.
His Soteria (Tori) will make him see the world in a different perspective. She will cherish him, embrace him, feed him even when he is not hungry (she is a Greek girl after all that needs to feed her loved ones until they burst), accept his past and acknowledge their common future.

If the first time period represents the darkness and the desperation, the second time period represent the light and the hope.
I loved the book as a whole, but I would like to point out two things that I found weird:
1. For someone who has been trained the art of seduction and all his life he was basically whoring himself; Acheron behaves far too innocently with Soteria in their intimate moments and there are many things that he had not tried before.
2. Acheron tries desperately to hide his old life and his negotiations with Artemis from the Dark Hunters who are also his friends. I mean, Why? Most of them have been raped at least once in their mortal life and all of them had been betrayed and humiliated more than once. I am sure they will understand when they find out about his sacrifices.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
August 11, 2011

Caution - this book is not for the faint of heart!

I'm going to keep this short because there are no words to adequately describe this book. It's one of the most emotional, gut wrenching, heartbreaking books I've ever read, but at the same time it was inspiring, uplifting and completely amazing. And I just can't find the words to do this book justice.

If you're a fan of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series, (and who isn't?) Acheron is a dream come true. We finally get the answers to so many questions and get into the heart of the true hero of the series. Acheron's story is so dark, so tragic and so gruesome, but our hero of heroes gets his happily ever after as well.

In general, the books in this series have fairly intense, explicit sexual scenes, but those parts of the book can be skipped over without losing the story if you're more comfortable doing so. I only mention this because in varying degrees, sex plays a big part in Acheron's story and some of it is emotionally, very dark.

The bottom line - This is one of my absolute favorite books ever, and I can't tell you how many tissues I went through by the time I was done reading it. I came away loving Ash even more than I had before, and with a deeper respect for him.
60 reviews7 followers
October 22, 2010
This book was awful. The first part of the book was just the same thing over and over. Ok yes I get it he was abused, everytime he trusted someone they betrayed him, yes I get it move on. At one time I actually held the book in the air and screamed I GET IT, MOVE ON ALREADY!!!! My aunt,whom I was visiting, thought I was crazy. Tory was weak, weak, weak,as a character and just not right for acheron at all. Well since he turned into a wimp in this book maybe they did make a good couple? I think maybe Acheron and Phury from J.r. wards lover enshrined, took a class together on how to become whiney wimps, and they both graduated with A's in my opinion. In this class an A was not the grade to shoot for. I am done with buying the dark hunter series after this train wreck and her dream warrior books.
Profile Image for Princess under cover.
617 reviews307 followers
March 5, 2019
This was the book that I HIGHLY ANTICIPATED and pined for it and yearned for it, and after all that expectations building I WAS EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED.


1. It was LONG. I don't mind a long book as long as it keeps me riveted, and given all the convoluted back story around Acheron, I figured - it's gonna be a blast and I'm gonna gobble up every word. Not so.

2. The h was meh. She just wasn't anything special, and kind of random in terms of fated to be for Acheron. He deserved someone truly special, but she was.... nothing special.

3. Maybe this book started it or helped the trend escalate - the whole sexual torture thing. I'm not a fan. I've read plenty of books with this plot device, but I just felt like it was delved into with too much detail here and turned me off. Plus, it's a departure from the vibe of the rest of the series to this point, so it felt kinda disjointed and out of place.

Overall, I think it was my built-up expectations that made this a flop for me. Never build up expectations, I've learned over the years! It's also the book that turned me off the series FOREVER AFTER! I have not read (nor any desire to read) another one of SK's books since.
Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews442 followers
August 8, 2014
The heroes:


From the very first moment I read about Acheron I was in love. The mysterious, sexy, brooding, loving goth Dark Hunter leader captured my heart from the first page! He is powerful but tries not to take advantage of his power even when people let him down left and right. He takes care of those he loves and protects those he feels responsible for, he is always there when the others need him and never asks for sth in return. You can't dislike him if you try. (Although at some points I thought everything would be better if he killed one or two or a hundred people!):P


Tbh Tory isn't what I had in mind for Acheron. I wanted a heroine a little more punk-ish. Maybe a badass with blades and scars(someone like Tabitha) but Tory had her own advantages. She was fearless, loyal and accepted Acheron just as he was. In the beginning I didn't like her at all because she seemed like a judgemental bitch but she grew on me.


I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Simi! I love the little demon girl... She is a combination of wisdom and naivity, naughtiness and innocence and you really can't help liking her, just like her Akri.


Artemis is a royal bitch! She takes advantage of Acheron and hurts him in every opportunity, she is uncaring, heartless, selfish, cold. She thinks only of what she wants and she doesn't care who has to be hurt to get it. So of course I'm a fan!;)

There are many others, Apollymi(whom I love), Lysa(for whom I don't feel neither hot nor cold), Nick(who starts to get on my nerves), the Dark Hunters and the Weres but if I list them all the review will be longer than the book!

The story.

The story is written in two parts, the first one is Acheron's past(11.000 years ago), and the second part is in the present.

Acheron's past was painful to read and I mean it, I felt pain in every page. I've read the book about 10 times and I can't bring myself to re-read the "past story". Acheron has suffered every way a human can suffer, he has been shamed every way a human can be shamed, every awful thing someone can think of has been done to him. I really was impressed that with so much abuse he didn't become feral.

In the present Acheron continues to put up with Artemis' abuse but she is the only one that dares hurt him(and dare she does). I really don't get why he let even her but I guess if you kick someone one time too many... Of course with the love and understanding of our heroine he'll get over the past...blah blah blah. This was kind of expected. The "present" story was entertaining, funny and sweet but nothing really original. I think I liked it more because Acheron finally got his HEA than I did because of the story itself.

Generally the book was addictive. Do I think it could have been much better? Yes I definitely do...Did I like it regardless? Yeap...I loved it!
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
723 reviews1,153 followers
July 2, 2018
I reread this this weekend,and it still brings tears to my eyes what Acheron went though at the hands of people who were suppose to love and take care of him and the sick terrible things that the gods did to him also.The first half of this book is a gut wrenched.But the second half is full of redemption and Acheron finding love and for the first time in his life knowing the touch of someone who did not want to hurt him in some way! Soteira is determined not to be put off by Acheron's bad ass actions and soon these two very different people will both have their moment of happiness and forever!!! Acheron has always been my favorite Kenyon character and I will always love this dark hunter!!!
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,629 reviews425 followers
January 29, 2024
*** 5 Agapay Achimou STARS ***

—Fui destrozado como niño y hecho a un lado, igual que un trozo de basura que nadie quiere. Pero tú no me tratas de esa manera. Ves en mí únicamente al humano y tocas cada parte de mí. Me haces sentir completo y querido.

Haber pasado por catorce libros antes de llegar a este valió la pena, Ash vale totalmente la pena. Este libro destrozó mi corazón lo machacó y lo hizo trocitos para después volverlo a unir, me hizo bajar al tártaro para después llevarme a los campos Elíseos o haré la referencia atlante me bajó hasta kalosis para después llevarme a katoteros, pero no me arrepiento por Ash fui capaz de hacerlo.

Este libro es bastante largo con casi 800 páginas no pensé que lo leería tan rápido y debo decir que hasta me hicieron faltan páginas no quería que terminara ya a lo último estaba en una nube de felicidad, este libro fue Imperfectamente perfecto como su protagonista


La historia está divida en dos partes

Primera Parte

Esta parte fue de dolor sufrimiento, angustia, impotencia, rabia y frustración desde las primeras páginas yo tenía mi corazón encogido y los ojos escocidos emocionalmente me dejó hecha polvo fueron más de 400 páginas de puro sufrimiento de llorar a moco tendido terminé con los ojos hinchados.

Aquí se relata el principio de Acheron desde su creación, nacimiento, vida y muerte como humano hasta llegar a ser Dios, la creación de los Dark Hunters y los Daimons y el principio de su relación con la Diosa Vaca de Artemisa.

La vida como humano de Acheron fue lo más triste y doloroso que he leído en mi vida NADIE absolutamente nadie se merece lo que le pasó a Ash excepto Artemisa y Estes, fue repudiado por sus padres humanos, fue esclavizado criado para ser una prostituta y vendido, fue violado y ultrajado, le hicieron las cosas más horribles y eso siendo todavía un niño.

De adulto fue golpeado y martirizado, nunca recibió una muestra de afecto sólo de su hermana Ryssa y hasta a veces me daba coraje con ella porque no hac��a lo suficiente por él y era egoísta TODOS fueron unos idiotas en esta parte odié a todo mundo quería que corriera sangre y especialmente la sangre de Artemisa

Artemisa fue el ser más cruel en esta parte de la historia se aprovechó de la soledad y necesidad de amor de Ash, fue un ser egoísta, aprovechada ensimismada que sólo piensa en sí misma, sólo quería ser amada y que le dieran, pero todo en una dirección jamás hizo algo desinteresado si golpeaban a Ash lo curaba sólo por su propio beneficio nunca lo vio como una persona sino un objeto que utilizaba y desechaba a su antojo por eso y más ODIO A ESA DIOSA VACA ZORRA DESGRACIADA y no hay castigo suficiente que para que pague

Si tan sólo Ash hubiera dejado que Simi se la comiera, el mundo Dark Hunters sería un mundo mejor libre de perras

Segunda Parte

—Tú eres la mujer más bella del mundo, Soteria. Esta es la mujer de la que me enamoré y no hay nada acerca de ti que yo cambiaría.

Esta Parte es consuelo, esperanza, reivindicación y sobre todo amor.

Yo en mientras leía esta segunda parte

En esta parte me enamoré más de Ash si eso es posible, me dio tanta ternura su necesidad de amor es que yo me quería meter al libro y abrazarlo y consolarlo, porque después de tanto tiempo todavía no se creía digno de amor, todavía reviviendo su pasado.

Ash es el hombre perfecto y LO AMO LO AMO LO AMO y todas las cosas por las que me quejé en los anteriores libro están olvidadas de hecho Ash I´m sooo sorry, es uno de los personajes que se va a quedar en mi memoria y mi corazón para siempre He is simply pure perfection

Su historia de amor no pudo ser más perfecta, fue tierna, divertida, dulce con momentos sexys y hots y por una vez estoy agradecida que Sherrilyn Kenyon, no haya escrito las escenas de sexo con Artemisa tan explicitas porque leyendo lo que hacía Ash con Tory a mí me hubiera dado algo

Él le había ofrecido incluso fugarse para casarse con ella, pero se había negado. —Chico —dijo ella, furiosa con el hecho de que siquiera lo hubiese sugerido—, tú eres mío y quiero que todo el mundo lo sepa.

Tory fue perfecta para Acheron, los adoré juntos cada vez que ella decía y hacia las cosas correctas para Ash mi corazón daba un vuelco de felicidad, lloré por las cosas más tiernas que ella le decía y su happy ending es uno de los que más me ha confortado y de los que estoy agradecida y si alguien merecía ser amado era Acheron mi sexy Dios Atlante que aunque le he declarado el amor a varios en esta serie tu eres el principal.

Mis Escenas Favoritas

- Cuando Ash le canta y dedica a una canción a Tory aquí lloré de felicidad y emoción.
- Cuando Tory le dice que lo ama y él no puede creer que alguien sienta amor por él otra vez lloro.
- Cuando se reúnen todo los personajes principales de los otros libros para ayudar a Ash porque es su amigo y es lo menos que se merece.
- La boda y ver que Ash se puso smokin
- Cuando Tory le dice sus verdades a Artemisa aunque quedé insatisfecha esta perra puta se merecía lo peor

De verdad disculpen porque esta reseña no tiene ni pies ni cabeza es tan incongruente y subjetiva y todos mis sentimientos salieron a borbotones y faltaron tantas cosas que decir.

Pd: Jaden es un personaje que me tiene intrigada desde el libro de Xypher, siento que es otro ser torturado ay Jaden Jaden Jaden creo que me puedes llegar enamorar
Profile Image for ♡Karlyn P♡.
604 reviews1,265 followers
August 13, 2008

Loved it. Best in the series, hands down. It is an emotional read, but I think some of the reviews (on here and on other boards) are over doing it a bit when reviewing the first part. I think its scaring some fans away! Truth is it is an emotional, bitter-sweet tortured hero story with an HEA. It's a captivating, enthralling, and non-stop page turning read. It is also funny and heart warming with some surprising twists that will make dark-hunter fans cheer! I think JR Wards books are equal in the emotional angst and tortured hero storyline, so dark-hunter fans should not hold off for fear of getting too emotional. Its an amazing survival story, and it truly is Kenyon's best piece of work. I loved how she used first-person writing in several of the chapters, it really added so much. And the world building remained solid and true to what we learned it all her other books, but it was great to read the history of Acheron and the dark-hunters all in one book. (instead of bits and pieces in all of her other books.) Ash's heroine was great, and this romance felt much more believable than many of Kenyon's recent books. This book will be a hard act for Kenyon to follow, but I am so glad to have it.

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
August 25, 2012
One of my favorite books EVER written. 'nuff said. It will break your heart into more pieces than possible and then put it back together better than it ever was to begin with.


I can’t say much about the book because literally everything that happens in it from start to finish is basically one giant spoiler… but it tells the story of Acheron, a deeply tortured, powerful, heart-stoppingly gorgeous and yet utterly mysterious character who we have seen over the past 14 books.

The first half of the book tells his back story. From birth to adulthood, what happened to him is heart wrenching. Unspeakably horrific. Incomparably violent. Sickeningly abusive. Both physically and emotionally shattering. Acheron is without a doubt, THE most tortured character in the history of paranormal romance… or maybe just, ever.

The second half of the book tell his present day story… and what leads to his beautiful happily-ever-after. To have a character go from a place of the ultimate suffering, the ultimate humiliation, and the ultimate torment to a place of ultimate peace, happiness, healing, love and acceptance was heart-warming to an extreme. So beautiful. Having seen all the horrors that happened to him, it makes you appreciate every moment of joy as beyond precious. If ever there was a character that deserved a happy ending, its Ash. Love you Ash <3

6 stars

**Edit: I just a re-read of ACHERON. If you haven’t already tried this series out, they are, hands down, my absolute favorite paranormal romance series out there – the perfect blend of very tortured heroes (literally and figuratively), strong heroines, engaging plot, intricate mythology, heart touching moment, steamy love scenes, some of the funniest moments you will ever read in a book, and the absolute sweetest HEAs.

But be sure to READ THEM IN ORDER!!! (lol, yes, shouty caps were necessary ) This book is not book 1... I would strongly recommend AGAINST starting with it... it will ruin a lot of the rest of the series for you.

For the complete reading order, click HERE.

Really guys, if you haven’t read this series, and you are are looking for an amazing PNR series, run out and get yourselves book 1. Its WAY worth it!!

Here's how I see Ash and Tory:

For more of my reviews, visit Aestas Book Blog

And come join the Aestas Book Blog Facebook Page
Profile Image for Erika.
113 reviews222 followers
November 30, 2017
0.5 star a.k.a did not like it at all

Frustrating and depressing.
I decided to read this because it has amazing ratings.
Warning: I used a lot of the word 'too'

This is not for me. All of the characters were too evil, except one. Yes, Acheron. Unfortunately I didn't like him either. While others were too cruel, he was too kind. I didn't care with everything else anymore because the characterization was already a major problem with this book.

Acheron was too tortured. Way too much. It was too sad. Every single character in this book was too weird especially Acheron's mother. For goodness sake, her son has been tortured emotionally, physically, sexually, FOR YEARS!!! MORE THAN A DECADE! And she didn't do anything, ANYTHING AT ALL.
Whatever reason she had (to save her son, to protect him, blah, blah, blah) I just couldn't bear it. Too much for me.

There were also Acheron's father and his uncle. Both of them were the male version of cinderella's stepmother with the level of cruelty that beyond my imagination. I couldn't believe they were actually human being.

Then we had Artemis. What in the world was going on with her? She kissed Acheron, slapped him, hurted him, made love to him, kissed him again, slapped him again, hurted him again, made love to him more and more and so on and again.. and Acheron just accepted it all with a humble heart. Perhaps she was too damn sexy so Acheron was totally fine with some sport like beating-kicking-punching-'till-bleeding after sex. What a saint!

I tried, really, to hold on..
But after 300 pages I was still wondering where's the heroine?
White flag.
May 25, 2017
OMG I give this book more than 5 stars So So good!!!!!! Poor Acheron I cried at lest 4 times while reading this book and I am not a crier!!
crying photo: Crying tumblr_lbjz7iGUak1qaqy3xo1_500.gif

It was so sad to see what Acheron lived through and man do I hate Artemis what a dirty BITCH she is........

I love this book love that Acheron got his happy ending I loved Tory's personality.

acheron photo: Acheron 19061_138802549980_11468064980_6798.jpg

Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
841 reviews223 followers
September 21, 2020
Rating Clarification: 4.5 stars.

Acheron is an incredible book, the best of this series hands down. The only defect for me is that the second part is not as strong as the first one.

Acheron is a memorable character. He is part of every single book of this series, and finally getting to know this mysterious and essential character was a treat, fantastic.

The book is divided in two very different parts:
The first part is Ash's past, his life story. It was full of heart and soul, emotionally wrecking. I absolutely loved it, it was incredible.
However, the second part paled in comparison. After such an overwhelming and painful past, his present, his true love story, deserved to be much more than what he got. It was truly disappointing to read just a normal romance next to such a strong first half. I wish his love story could have been memorable,like his life was, instead of just one of many in the Dark Hunter series. He deserved EPIC.

I'll keep reading the Dark Hunter series, but this book is going to be hard to top.

Dark Hunter #14: Acheron - 4.5 stars.
Dark Hunter #16: Dream Warrior - 2 stars - DNF
Dark Hunter #21: Time Untime - 2 stars - DNF

Profile Image for Argona.
170 reviews294 followers
June 9, 2016
I am giving up on this book. I rarely do this but after years of trying to finish this, I am finally giving up. I left it in my currently-reading shelf for months to force myself into picking it up again but I don’t even feel like skimming through it anymore. I simply don’t want to waste my time when there are so many good books around. This book was a big disappointment and I am sorry to say that I found the writing very poor and the whole story read like a very poorly written fanfiction, repetitive, predictable and stupid, with cartoonish characters that lacked any depth or humanity. I don't even consider this a tragedy since I didn't feel a damn thing and this book contains pages after pages of torture and abuse. I can cry over the death of a cartoon character but not over the characters of this book. I have many friends who have enjoyed this book and yet I also have many friends who haven't. I am sorry to say I have to join the negative reviews.
Profile Image for Julie (jjmachshev).
1,069 reviews289 followers
August 9, 2008
Whew. I finished "Acheron" by Sherrilyn Kenyon in the wee hours of the morning. Even though I picked up the book on Tuesday, I held off starting in on it until after work on Friday because I KNEW that once I started I wouldn't put it down until I finished it. I was right. Acheron's story was larger than life, just like Acheron himself. My emotions ran the gamut from despair to joy as I read his story. As others have commented, the first part of the book was almost painful to read. Each time I finished a chapter and thought, "Whew, now things will get better for him." But they didn't. I liked the fact that the author warned us in her note at the beginning of the book that the story would be painful. Reading that she herself has firsthand knowledge of childhood abuse made Acheron's past that much more poignant. But by providing a happy ending for him, Kenyon really made this book a paean to all those who have experienced abuse and overcome.

I won't take the time to retell any of his story. Suffice to say that until the age of 21, Acheron's suffering was horrific and endless. My emotions are still reeling, hours after I finished with the happy ending. Will I reread this book? My first instinct is to say no...but I think that time will likely change my mind. Does that make this a great book? I don't know that either. But I DO know that those are just a few things that make this a book I will never forget.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,371 reviews29 followers
August 7, 2015
I get annoyed with long books if the length doesn't serve a purpose. The first half of this exceedingly long book is set in the distant past. For about 400 pages, it's sordid, morbid, and overblown. Kenyon needed to seriously tighten it up. Shorten it. Repeated scenes of abuse — child abuse and adult abuse: starvation, molestation, mutilation, sexual degradation, castration, varied forms of torture, imprisonment, etc. The relentless abuse lost impact and became commonplace. Seriously. It's creepy. Thank the fates for Rhyssa -- virtually the only benevolent character -- but sometimes she was clueless.

The rest of the book is set in current times, mainly in New Orleans. It felt like an entirely different book, for a few reasons. First, the tone changed from nonstop grim-dark to something abruptly lighter, more humorous. Cheesy at times, too (the song at the bar). Also, characterization for Acheron changed so much from ancient days to current times that he felt like a different person. Disorienting.

Tory would not, should not, must NOT succumb to Ash-hole so easily, after he ripped her entire career --- her life's work -- to shreds. I can NOT accept a heroine who succumbs. Ash could have found a benign magical way to deal with her discoveries. Plot contrivance at the expense of consistent characterization.

Acheron is supposedly the most dangerous and destructive god and Artemis is scared of him?? yeah! right. She's so scared she beats him bloody. I guess she knows he's just Papa Smurf. Again, Ash's characterization pays the plot steerage fee.

Nice wedding scene. Nice brothers-forever warrior scene, but it felt anticlimactic when Ash brought out his mighty staff. Styxx played an interesting part. I loved the drunken tell-all scene at Sanctuary. Funny!! However, I wasn't totally satisfied with the ending. I wanted to see Tory wipe the floor with Artemis. As Simi says, barbecue that heifer goddess bitch. Also, I wanted a certain someone to finally get out of jail free.

The writing is weak. An example of Kenyon's amazingly superficial descriptions, in this case of The Three Fates: "The eldest, Atropos, had red hair while Clotho was blond, and the youngest, Lachesis, had dark hair." (repeatedly Kenyon limits character descriptions to superficial attributes like hair color and height.)

Kenyon needs to grab a thesaurus and find some better descriptors. And for an ancient god, this dude is easily "stunned" by life. Not startled, or surprised. Not caught off guard. Not humbled. Not stirred, shocked, or shaken. Nope, "stunned" wins the big booby prize.

But on the up-side, I read the whole thing, and some scenes were gripping. Plus, the language is fairly clean.

Too much sex, though.
Profile Image for Gavin.
983 reviews415 followers
September 23, 2016
Acheron's story was the one I had been anticipating the most of all the characters we have met over the course of the Dark-Hunters series and we finally got it with this book. It did not disappoint. This was easily the best book in the Dark-Hunter series so far and had loads of the stuff(humour, action, romance, and bickering Gods and demons) that make the series such a fun one to read.

The story was split into two parts. The first part told the tale of Acheron's early life as a human in ancient Greece and Atlantis. We got part of the story from his POV and part from the POV of his sister Ryssa. It was a dark tale for sure as neither had easy lives but both were super easy characters to root for and you had to empathize with the pair. The second part of the story was set in the modern day. This part read like a typical Dark-Hunter romance, albeit a very very good one.

I quite liked Ash's romance. Initially I felt like Tory was not an interesting enough character to match Ash but I think I warmed to her as the story progressed. Outside of the romance a whole ton of exciting and interesting stuff happened. I guess it helps that this book was packed full of the most interesting secondary characters. We got Simi, we had to since this was Ash's book!, but we also got Artemis, Nick, Apollymi, Stryker, Jaden, Savitar, Styxx, and a host of cameos from characters who's own stories were told in the previous books.

All in all I loved this latest Dark-Hunter book and just hope there are a few more stories in the series that are as great as this one!

Rating: 5 stars.

Audio Note: The Dark Hunter series has been pretty blessed by some awesome audio narrators. This one was read by Holter Graham and he did a great job with pretty much all the characters.
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,061 followers
July 13, 2016
Finally. I finally found a book in the series that earned my full respect. If I hadn't had some (early) issues with the heroine Tory, I would have certainly given Acheron a 4.5 or higher rating.

90% of this review will be ranting over only about 10% of the content, which seems quite unfair, when I adored most everything about Acheron. But as many of you know, it's sometimes easier to talk about the bad than the good because the bad sticks out as little details that pick at you, whereas the good blankets you as a nice feeling, which is harder to describe.

Let's move the conclusion from the end to the beginning : Acheron was my favorite book of the series so far. We're finally getting some much-needed world details that SHOULD have been included (not character details, just world details) from the beginning. I strongly believe that only part of this world was fleshed out at the start, which is why some details seem to be dropped in haphazardly, and not like they were planned as late reveals or a full-circle thing. While there were some full-circle details included, I didn't get enough of a sense that everything had been mapped out cohesively. But let me not get off on that tangent again. It's a fact : This world was not constructed as seamlessly as it could have been. The damage has been done. I can only hope that there will be some definition going forward from here on out.

Part 1 : The history

I am glad for every page, long as it was. The true impact of Acheron's struggle would not have been as strong as it was if this section had been condensed. This poor guy could not catch a break.

You almost have to wonder how Acheron managed to evolve into a decent person. Some people are just cut from a different cloth, I guess.

As for Styxx -

I guess I'll have to revisit this spoiler after reading Styxx's book and see if my opinion has changed at all.

Part 2 : The present.

I remember reading about Tory in the prequel-of-sorts story involving her cousin Megeara. I liked Tory in her youth. She stood out as being someone who would benefit from a follow-up.

Did Tory fit for Acheron? Yes and no? I'm not going to lie...I was kind of disappointed by how basic Tory had become as an adult. She was much more amusing as a teenager. Her teenage self was spunky and determined. Some of that attitude did cross over to her older version, but the formerly cute personality didn't translate nearly as cute in the present day. The opening scenes with Tory came across as a frumpy version of Bella Swan in a business suit (complete with klutzy moments), and it rubbed me the wrong way. The visual of her in a blazer and full length skirt had me imagining a bad 80's boxy jacket adorned with shoulder pads, combined with a boxy, shapeless floor length skirt. Don't ask me why. I'm aware that cute blazers do exist. But given what I already knew about Tory, I doubt she had much fashion sense. As usual, when a book description makes me imagine a character as less-than-appealing, I try to re-imagine the visual in my head. So what if Tory was described as basic and outdated? I'll make her basically better.

Okay, so half of me wanted Acheron with a kick-ass or larger-than-life type to keep him on his toes, and half of me wanted Acheron with a sweet damsel-in-distress type that he would rescue and fall in love with (getting to rescue someone in the way that he couldn't be rescued). I figured he'd be with a sexy, strong BAMF or a delicate beauty - something on the extreme end of either spectrum. I totally did not expect average in every way.

And you might ask, what is wrong with average? Aren't most of us average? Doesn't this make the character more relatable?

Sorry. I wanted EPIC for the man who waited 11k years to find the one woman who stood out for him MORE than all the others.

Tory (present day) was a rehash of several other females in this series who just wanted to love and care for their man and take away their hurt. Which IS a good thing. Acheron needed that more than anything. So that particular character quality DID need to be present in whoever he ended up with, but Tory never shone bright as anything beyond having a basic gift for compassion. So, technically, Acheron could have ended up with most any female character in the series prior to now, if that was the only requirement.

And Tory did a complete personality turn-around which gave me whiplash. She went from mousy and bitchy to caring and fearless? Well, which is she? And why did Acheron have such an attraction for her when she was still in mousy and bitchy mode? Shouldn't he have not been attracted until her 'true' personality of caring and fearless came forth and enticed him to see that she was the 'one' that he needed? I mean, if this chick on her worst day attracted Acheron, why didn't he find attraction with someone who was halfway decent to him over the years, like a random waitress or something?

Oh wait. It was all because of

But, whatever. Acheron got what he needed - some much deserved rest and comfort. Not that he gets to bask in his happiness for long when the world always needs saving...but at the very least, he now has a port in the storm. And for that, I'm happy.

Twas a good read. :)

Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
November 27, 2017
Have you ever read the book that gave you so many feels, which you had to experience heartbreak all over again and again while reading?

ACHERON is the best book I've read this year, ABSOLUTELY GREAT! I can feel that the author put so much energy into this. It is a very long story, yet truly enjoyable. I loved every single line of it!

This book contains two parts. The first part is about Acheron’s past and the second one is about his present day. If you’ve ever read the other books in this series before, you would have already known some parts of Acheron’s life, but we never can be sure of what exactly happened in his past. So, let’s start with the first part of this book which will reveal to us the truth about who he really is.

Acheron was born cursed and doomed to a life of misery. He grew up without love from his human family. Every day of his life was like living in a horrifying world alone, filled with neglect and torturous agony.

"He will be a destroyer, this child," the wisewoman said, her ancient voice loud and ringing so that all could hear her proclamation. "His touch will bring death to many. Not even the gods themselves will be safe from his wrath."

His story in this part was not only shattered my heart into pieces but also drained me emotionally. I didn’t know why people around him could be so hateful and so cruel, even his human father and his twin brother detested him, hurt him, and humiliated him in every way they could.

Gods hated him. Humans hated him. He couldn’t live like common people because wherever he went, men and women wanted to use his body as a source of sexual pleasure. My heart broke for him and all that he endured through his entire human life. I cried like a baby every time he was treated like garbage. It was so hard for me to read and to know that he was repeatedly beaten until blood flowed from every inch of his skin ever since he could remember. It was sad to see him falling in love and starting to have some hope, but then everything fell apart. He was betrayed by the only woman he gave his heart to.

Why had he ever thought for one moment that Artemis would be any different?
In the end, he was what he was.

And he was Acheron Parthenopaeus. Cursed whore. Despised slave. Incapable of being loved by anyone.
How stupid of him to fall for her lies. To think for one minute that something like him could ever have had value to a goddess.

The whore was tired now. He was finally broken. And it wasn't by the hand of his master or a client. It'd been by the hand of the only person he'd ever loved. Defeated and lost, Acheron lay down on the cold balcony and closed his eyes, praying for death to finally come and end this nightmare that was his life.

"Life isn't about being fair," he breathed. "It's not about justice. It's all about endurance and how much we can suffer through."

Oh, my poor heart! **sobs out loud**

What he had tolerated as a human was more than I could ever imagine. It was a wonder he didn’t turn his back to all mankind, on the contrary, he has devoted his life to protecting them. Acheron is the most selfless hero I’ve ever read! Oh, how can I not love him?!

When I finished this part, I felt like I had no tears left to cry! Despite the fact that I was so exhausted from reading his miserable past, I can wholeheartedly say that it’s worth every tear I shed and every moment of heartache. Sherrilyn Kenyon did an excellent job on this!

And now, get ready for the second part, Acheron’s present day!

I admit I had high expectations of Acheron’s woman and when I knew who the heroine was, my first feeling was—NO! It couldn’t be her! Tory first appeared in ‘The Dream Hunter’ (Dark-Hunter #10) as Dr. Megeara’s little sister. She was just a nerdy girl back then, nothing special about her that would catch my attention. Who would have thought she would grow up to be Ash’s woman?! Then I thought, alright, I would give her a chance to prove that she deserves him, and she did so! She had proved herself over and over again until I can see how worthy she is of his love. Tory has a heart of gold!

Tory pulled away from his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck to hold him close as the true horror of his human life tore through her. And to think she'd dared to accuse him of not understanding what it was like to be mocked or humiliated. Thank God she had no idea of the depth of his sorrow that made a mockery of hers.
She couldn't speak for the tangle of emotions that gathered in her throat to choke her. She was angry for him and heartbroken.
And in that moment, she realized how much she loved this man.

There’s an unforgettable moment when Ash was on the stage, singing a song to Tory.

She'd never heard this song before but the lyrics were beautiful . . .
Heaven's gates won't open up for me.
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.

Those lyrics brought tears to her eyes. All her life, she'd had a fantasy about a great-looking guy in a band singing to her. She knew how stupid it was, but to be here right now having Ash of all men sing to her.
It was surreal and it was wonderful. Most of all, it made her want to cry.

Not only Tory who wanted to cry, but it was also me! No, actually I burst into tears! I did as my lovely GR friend, Jen, told me, to listen to this song (Savin Me by Nickelback) while reading this scene. I could feel tears running down my face, but I couldn't stop them. It hit me square in the middle of my heart…This is his song! It’s him!

After all he had been through, I truly rejoice that he finally found the woman who would stand beside him, who would give him true love, loyalty, solace, and care, without expecting anything in return. I’m so happy she came into his life, showing him how to love and trust again.

She'd taught him to finally embrace who and what he was. Woe to the rest of them. Because he was now the Harbinger not just for his mother, but for a slip of a woman who held his heart.
For her, he'd do anything.
Even end the world.

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world, Soteria. This is the woman I fell in love with and there's nothing about you I'd ever change."


And in the end, Ash finally got his very beautiful HEA. He was surrounded by people he loved, who loved him back unconditionally. He and Tory became a part of each other’s life and it’s simply wonderful!

I finished this book with the biggest smile on my face. It gave me almost every meaning of love, from the love between fathers-mothers and their children to the love between lovers, siblings, relatives, husbands-wives, and most of all, love for all mankind. The story touched my heart in every way. This is one of my memorable reads.

Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
November 29, 2017
Postergué demasiado tiempo este libro por la nostalgia que me causaba saber que develando los misterios de Aquerón, finalizaba, al menos para mí, una de las sagas fantásticas más entretenidas que he leído.

La espera se ve recompensada, ya que es un libro simplemente maravilloso, que nos entrega con extremo detalle la vida de Aquerón, desde su nacimiento y todas las circunstancias que rodearon su crecimiento, hasta el presente. Permite entender cabalmente como se convirtió en el líder de los Cazadores Oscuros y se nos regala al fin una historia en la que él es el protagonista.

Un libro desgarrador, emocionante, emotivo, que te tiene en vilo durante toda su lectura. Decir que es adictivo, es quedarse corto.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
June 23, 2016
I've been waiting for this book forever. I read a lot of crappy books to get to this point, and it didn't disappoint me at all. Yes, I know that Ash's human life was horrible, but I had so many people warn me about how abused he was that I was ready. I even had onions handy to cut if I needed them. But, being emotionally dead inside pays off because I didn't need to cut those onions at all. To bad, too, because our dinner tonight needed chopped onions, but I don't think so. Haha, onions, I win this round - again!!

So, this is a beast of a book. Really, there are two books - Ash's human life story, and then a normal Dark Hunter, paranormal romance novel. Part one was just horror after horror. Abuses suffered over and over again by this poor guy. And, even though he had a sister who loved him, she actually brought him more abuse every time she tried to "help" him. Really, she almost killed him many times with her "help".

But, the good thing about the first part of the book is that you are so dying for Ash to find someone and get his HEA that the second half of the book is rainbows and sunshine.

Ash meets Tori, who doesn't like him at first. He isn't used to women not wanting to sleep with him because of his curse, so he finds her intriguing. See that, girls? They always want what they can't have. Make him work hard for it, Ladies!

Now, Ash is total sex-on-a-stick dressed as Mr. Goth dude, and Tori is an awkward intellectual. The awesome thing is that Tori learns to love Ash for things other than his looks. He has this tough exterior, but is a caring, generous guy. Plus, he doesn't expect anything from anyone because he is so used to being treated like dirt. He's been abused by Artemis for 11,000 years. That's got to be a little exhausting.

So, when Tori treats him like a worthwhile person, and doesn't betray him, it's like she's the goddess. It is pretty adorable.

The only problem with this romance is that I want Ash for myself, so... .sorry Tori. It's the first time I found a book boyfriend who is older than me - by a tiny bit. So, he's mine, and I'm ready to have a chick-fight for him.

ok, what the hell is going on in this picture?

 photo 1155586546_icturesash.jpg
Damn right, it is! ;)
Profile Image for Heather.
176 reviews20 followers
July 25, 2008
This book was beyond amazing. It lived up to, and exceeded EVERY expectation I had before I started reading this.

I am not going to give away any spoilers here... but if you have questions about specifics, please message me and I will answer whatever you want.

This book begins just before Acheron's birth and about 1/2 of it is dedicated to his HORRIFIC childhood and young-adult life. This part of the book is so heart-wrenching, that I was in tears a number of times, as well as upset and livid for the rest of it. Its not until halfway through that we get to the Ash that we know today in the Dark-Hunter books.

The 2nd half is written much like the Kenyon's other Dark-Hunter series, with humor, sadness, and love.

**** Slight Spoiler Below******

Acheron does meet his very special someone named Soteria who will be more his savior than anyone else in his life. We get to see his HEA, and its so much sweeter for all the sadness that he endures for all of his life prior to meeting her.

This is such a fantastic book and I wish I was more eloquent in my writing so that I could convey this better than I am! I cant wait for everyone to read this so that we can all share in Ash's HEA!
Profile Image for adrienne.
406 reviews
February 3, 2010
the first part of the book (the past) was fairly well-written and definitely interesting- giving depth to acheron's motivations throughout this series. By the time I got to the second part, i was excited to read what kenyon had set out for acheron's present. disappointment begins to describe how i felt while reading. The second part felt like it was written in a rush with little thought put into the characters. tory is basically one-dimensional; the romance between tory and acheron is contrived and, again, rushed. my interest in even acheron's personality wavered. furthermore, the little "cute" one-liners were tossed about with annoying regularity, quickly ceased being funny, and just became irritating and affected.

all said, I was definitely disappointed by this book which i had eagerly anticipated for months. sadly, it seems that kenyon's writing has become a bit stale, especially when compared to the earliest books in this series. and i really wonder what the editors were thinking letting this book be published as is.
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,444 followers
October 10, 2021
I'm over a year late writing this review. I read this back in July 2020. The audiobook was an entire experience, which a character like Acheron highly deserves. The mystique of his character was something that kept me as a reader continually wrapped up in the series. Acheron was something like a guardian angel who watched over his crew with the fierce devotion of a father. While he could not always prevent bad things from happening, he strove to protect his Dark Hunter family and moved mountains to see things right. Acheron's ongoing presence in the books is as a mentor, a sage, a friend, and an ally. Now, his story became the focus, and I was here for it.

Kenyon goes back to the beginning, when Acheron was born, and the formative years of his life, and it is heartbreaking stuff. Talking about trauma. It's hard to put into words how to describe how reading about Acheron's past made me feel. It was like a history story that I was seeing unfold but I was not able to emotionally detach from. Having seen where he came from, I can truly understand his devotion and protectiveness towards his Dark-Hunter family. I always loved Acheron, but I love him even more after reading his book.

It was honestly a relief when the story moves to the present and there's hope for Acheron to have a happyish ending. I really liked Tori. I actually think she's perfect for Acheron. Despite the huge age difference between them (like 11,000 years), there wasn't a gap or a feeling that they were mismatched. Her story was compelling in its own way, but it didn't take the smoke away from Acheron, because frankly, this is his story. She's sweet but also feisty and independent. Acheron has a protective streak, but he also needs a heroine that doesn't need to be over-protected or coddled. Their interactions were a balm to me after all the horrible stuff that Acheron went through and that toxic relationship with Artemis he'd had over millennia that served to cause him nothing but pain and actually made things worse for him in the long run.

This book did give me insight into the complicated relationship between Acheron and Artemis, and I get that dynamic and why he continued to be in that twisted relationship with her throughout the series. I can't say I feel more sympathetic towards Artemis, but I understand her feelings and connection to Acheron more. I'm glad that this book offered some closure on that.

As for the ongoing story in the book, and how it ties into the series--Well I think that it was well done how the plot does have an aspect of completion, but also ties into the ongoing Dark-Hunter storyline. I liked the concept of overcoming what one's fate seems to dictate, or in other words, taking command of one's fate. It's great to see some of the gang show up, and it made me sad to see how Nick and Acheron are at odds. As a lover of Simi, it was really gratifying to see the evolution of her relationship with Acheron and why Acheron calls her his daughter.

There was so much to love about this book. It was really long. The audiobook was (I just checked) 23 1/2 hours. But it didn't feel bloated. I was surprised at how much of the book was about Acheron's past, but it makes sense. Acheron is a hugely important character to the Dark-Hunter series. And there is so mystique about him, it only made sense that Kenyon took the time to delve deeply into who he was. While it was extremely painful at times because of the relentless cruelty that Acheron suffered, it was also enthralling to explore his character and to fall more deeply in love with him. He is a very strong person to have gone through so much and to be so good and kind for all the abuse that others inflicted on him.

Just a note about the audiobook. Holter Graham is a fantastic narrator. If the narration had been substandard, there was no way I could have listened so long and tolerated all the awful things that Acheron experienced. I have read one or two other books with him, and I would strongly recommend him. I definitely recommend this audiobook.

Final thoughts: I am well aware how late I am in reading this book. I can't regret that I finally read it when I did, in the midst of the hellscape of 2020. It was the kind of all in read I needed at that time.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,093 reviews1,035 followers
July 27, 2014
“You'll never see the moments coming that will forever mutilate your life - at least not until after they've mowed you down.”

After 14 books of the Dark Hunter series, I don’t think I had ever anticipated a book more than this one. And it was everything I wanted, and more.

Oh Acheron. I loved him the first time I met him! Over the course of the series I have picked up little hints and clues about him and his background. I knew it was going to be bad, but nothing could have prepared me for the absolute horror that formed Part 1 of this book. Starting 11,000 years ago at Acheron's birth, we finally get the full story of his childhood, and all of the events that lead up to him becoming who we meet early in the series. And, let me tell you, it was truly horrific reading! He was tortured and abused mercilessly and with no reprieve. It just went on, and on, and on. My heart broke so many times for him, and by the time I finished it I felt like I had run a marathon.

“I refuse to believe this was my fate. I was not meant to be this. I was never meant to be...” The pain in his eyes tore through her. “This can't be all I was born for.”

Part 2 of the book brings us to the present day, where we immediately see Ash meeting Tory. Tory is a fantastic character who we first met in The Dream Hunter. She’s a bit of a goofball, but is very sure of herself and unapologetic about who she is and what she wants. Their relationship unfolds slowly and realistically – with Tory hating Ash to begin with (and deservedly so), but from there they become friends and slowly start to fall for each other. There is lots of banter, and many moments that had me laughing and swooning. As they get to know each other more, Tory shows Ash the kindness and warmth that he had never experienced before and he slowly starts to trust her and move on from his past. I had to grab for the tissues several times as Ash finally fell in love and found somebody to love him after 11,000 years – “I don’t feel broken when you look at me.” *sniff sniff*.

The emotion you feel while reading this book is incredible. The fact we have watched Acheron be such a strong, generous, compassionate and loving soul for 14 books only to watch him suffer like he did is gut-wrenching. And then to see his amazement that Tory could overlook the horrors of his past, be completely accepting of him and love him for who he is, broke my heart all over again - but in a good way. And when he finally got his deliriously happy ending, I was grinning like an idiot and squeeing with tears in my eyes. And in between all of this there are some incredible moments that had me screaming out ‘F**K YEAH’ – Apollymi kicking ass (on multiple occasions – I loved her in this book) and the moment that we’ve all been waiting on – Artemis getting smacked down - “I'd bathe in your entrails, bitch.” Loved it!

Big shout-out too to the reunion scene where the boys from the previous books all come together to take Ash’s back. I think I hyperventilated there for a bit, it was so awesome. The fight scene that followed was great too.

“Acheron. When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight.”

An incredible read! 6 amazing stars!

And a big thanks to my reading buddies who were right there listening to my rants, crying, fist-pumping and squeeing right along with me. Thanks for sharing the experience with me guys!
Profile Image for Mizuki.
3,167 reviews1,328 followers
May 27, 2024
One of the few things I like about this book is the wits and sense of humor, and some of the characters manage to make me laugh, but I admit I would have been a lot happier with this book if only I could pretend it's a story about any one of the other Darkhunter and not Acheron himself.

I hate Acheron's sorry ass backstory---it took at least 400 pages before his torment comes to an end and I can't stand a second of it---not because I feel sorry for Acheron but because the long series of torments bores me to tear and this part of the story has no sense of humor, and without humor, Sherrilyn Kenyon's novel is NOTHING.

Another downside of the book is that it's so filled with cliches and people are acting quite unrealistically. Of course the female lead has to be a virgin before she meets Acheron, of course not only an adult woman would never have sex before she meets THE ONE, she also had never done anything about her sexual needs like jerking off or staring at porno or writing smut fanfics, etc. Of course the male and female leads have to have unbelievably amazing sex together, of course when a man is horny, all he can think of is to pin a woman on the wall/bed/floor/whatever and ravish her...cliches like these go on and on and on. I can't stand it.

I'm so sick of these cliches, in every single romance novel, it has to be a VIRGIN WOMAN having sex ONLY with the male lead. How about a VIRGIN MAN getting it on with an experienced woman!? How about two NON-VIRGINS finding true love and having awesome sex!? No, we have no such luck.

For most of the time both Acheron and Tory are boring as fxxk, they're good, they are brave, caring, full of kindness and acceptance and they are just wonderful---who wants to read boring characters like these!?

Oh no, Acheron isn't perfect, he really isn't. It had taken him 11,000 years to grow a backbone and said no to his abusers. It's laughable.

By the way, the goddess whom Acheron first fell in love with as a mortal is being painted into so big a total bitch that I think she isn't making much sense.

Plus, by the end of the story,

If you felt like having lot of LOLs, eyes-rolling and unable-to-suppress-your-disbelief, and if you are ready to see Acheron---the once mysterious, interesting and attractive character of the Darkhunter series be ruined right before your eyes, read this book.
Profile Image for Tessa Teevan.
Author 43 books1,612 followers
January 9, 2016
Breaking my heart all over again with a re-read/audio listen: 12/27/15

10++++ Ash Lovin' Stars. That. Was. Beautiful.

---Possible spoilery quotes ahead.---

I have no words for how I feel right now. I've been waiting on Acheron's story for what feels like forever, and it did not disappoint. Acheron Parthenopaeus is probably my all-time, absolute favorite fictional character.

Sherrilyn Kenyon ripped my heart out, tore it to shreds, stabbed it a few times, threw a the wall, and stomped on it for good measure.

Then he shall be named Acheron, for the river of woe. Like the river of the Underworld, his journey will be long, dark, and enduring. He will be able to give life and to take it. He will travel through life alone and abandoned, ever seeking kindness and ever finding cruelty. May the gods have mercy on you, little one. No one else ever will

Enter Soteria Kafieri aka Tory. I loved everything about this woman!! As she helped heal Ash, she in turn was healing me. She picked up my heart and put it back together again. I felt like I was right there with Ash as he went on his journey towards self-love and healing. As much as I've always loved Ash, I've never loved him more than when he finally FINALLY claimed his status and stood up to that heifer bitch goddess.

I won't pay your price, Artemis. And you should know that by asking it, you've severed the last vestige of me that ever cared for you.

HURRAY!! It's seriously about damn time he put her in her place!!

As usual, the heroine, Tory, was absolutely fantastic and exactly the type of woman Acheron deserved. I cannot wait to see more of them in the future!! And I cannot wait for Styxx!!

I was shattered as a child and thrown away, like a piece of trash no one wanted. But you don’t treat me like that. You see in me the human bit and you touch that part of me. You make me feel whole and wanted.

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