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Special Forces #1 part 2

Special Forces: Soldiers Part II -Director's Cut

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Special Forces is an epic work of military gay erotic fiction.

The three cycles Soldiers, Mercenaries, and Veterans were written between April 2006 and November 2008 and have 70 chapters in total, comprising around one million words (the equivalent of around 15 full-sized novels). It is only suitable for an adult audience.

This is the epic story of a Soviet Spetsnaz soldier and a Scottish SAS soldier. Vadim Krasnorada and Dan McFadyen are two enemies who meet in the line of duty during the early days of the Soviet Union's last war in Afghanistan. Behind enemy lines respect and finally love grow...but that's only the official version.

(This is a not-for-profit paperback edition)

Special Forces: Soldiers, part II: chapters 12-19.

349 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2010

About the author

Aleksandr Voinov

77 books2,473 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Julio Genao.
Author 9 books2,127 followers
March 3, 2014
More or less batshit-crazy-spectacular, action-packed writing, plus fucking.

I'm wrung-out. Can barely muster the calories to load up the iPad with the next installm—oh, dear. There it is. Suppose a small peek wouldn't harm anyone. For the next three days.
Profile Image for Rielle.
568 reviews61 followers
August 24, 2021
Review to come.

Initial thoughts:
I am broken. Will anything else I read ever make me feel so much?

How can I possibly review this? I don’t know if I can actually bear to read Mercenaries. I’m not okay.

“Vadim kissed that hand again, looked up. ‘We won’t die. We’ll never die. I promise.’ He’d promise anything, meant it, would die defending this man, would live and die and suffer for him. ‘Never alone again. Rest. I’ll be here.’ He tried a smile, took Dan’s hand and ran it over his face. ‘We fucking deserve more than what we got so far. We’ll take it. Just get ourselves something...more.’ Vadim had no idea what that more was, apart from being together…”
Profile Image for Johanna.
92 reviews50 followers
December 11, 2012
I read the Special Forces: Soldiers, Director’s Cut, Parts 1 and 2 edited together (chapters 1-19) and since there is no such version to be find here in Goodreads, I hope that this is the right place to post this review on. Anyway, here are some of my thoughts on chapters 1-19.

I’ve come across some books that I find extremely hard to write a review of — this one is one of them. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, quite the contrary, but I feel short of words and I feel at lost from where to start. But most of all I feel that I’m not worthy to say anything about it. That’s how very humble the impressive writing and the magnitude of the story made me feel.

Special Forces: Soldiers is a story (or actually the beginning of the story) of two equally strong men. Two enemies — but most of all two humans. It all starts when Vadim and Dan, Russian and British soldiers, collide in the worst possible way in the middle of the war in Afganistan. From the very beginning we are shown that these men are not nice, not likable, and at times it even seems that they have very little humanity left in them. Dispite of all the cruelty in Vadim’s and Dan’s behavior the authors make the reader slowly but surely fall in love with the characters.

In fact the reader falls for them probably a few hundred pages before the two men themselves recognize and acknowledge their love for each other. And before that sweet moment we watch how they struggle to survive, at first fighting each other and later on becoming each others safe harbours. It is fascinating to see how these uncompromising men start to bend for one another, start to make sacrifices and to take care of one another. Even the strongest men fall sometimes — and when these two do fall, both in turn, the other is there to catch the tumble. And those just might be the sweetest moments in the storyline. Overall I found all the small details and gestures extremely touching: when Dan kept bringing Vadim those peanut butter protein bars and how Vadim started to use Dan’s ”aye” expression.

After only one read I have a hard time analyzing which were the aspects in this story that affected me the most. Maybe the fact that I got to see how the understanding, respect and love began to grow between two men who came from two totally different worlds? Or maybe the way they used sex to express themselves to each other when the words felt too difficult to be spoken aloud, and when the only thing they wanted to have was to be able to feel something and not to be completely numb? Or maybe the peaceful, funny moments in the shelter of the uncountable safe houses they shared? Or how about Dan arranging a surprise for Vadim — a room with the pools in Kabul? And Vadim bying the prayer beads for both Dan and Katya? And what about all the not-so-common pet names they called each other? This book will make a wonderful re-read!

I enjoyed the powerful way the story was written. The situation in Afganistan and its rough, but captivating landscape and weather is descriped effectively, even lyrically. The intense fighting scenes, even the most horrific ones, are written beautifully — not glorifying the war, killing and mutilating, but to make it tangible. When there are rapes, torture, mass graves and snipers shooting children and women, it sure doesn’t sound like a traditional love story. Nevertheless, words ”amor vincit omnia” came to my mind more than once while reading this book. Because even though Vadim and Dan are surrounded with all the destruction, violence and death, their journey together is not without hope. I truly wish that love conquers all for these two proud men in the end.

While reading I highlighted so many lines, that there is no way I could include them in this review. But if I’d have to pick just one, it might as well be this one by Dan: ”You’re as close to a fucking home as I get.” (Chapter 14, page 442). That must be the highest compliment anyone can say to another. Such a simple phrase, but somehow it captures the whole arc of the 19 chapters in a nut shell. I’ll never forget this story about two strangers, enemies, who proved that home can be a person, not a place.
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews533 followers
October 12, 2012
War is filthy. An angry reaper that destroys every fiber of humanity. That is never more highlighted than in the first chapters of this novel. Genocide, senselessness, twisted pain, and survival. From the very first page my heart thumped away in terror, horror and utter disbelief, the brutality of war is profound, but yet, so simple!

After years of rendezvous, Dan and vadim have become something so much more than in the last book. Both killers, too fucked up for humanity who find a home in each other. There are no words for the thing that they share, it is immeasurable and undefinable.

"Four years of pain, hatred, lust, mercy, greed and decency" and the bond is forever, forged in the mountains of genocide.

I have never read of a love like this, it is so intense, awesome, fierce and possessive. I am desperate for them. Desperate for their happiness and their survival. I shall just die if anything should harm either of these men. I am a lioness and a tiger, fierce and snarling, guarding their hearts forever.

' "You..."just you, always you . My Russian cunt, my enemy, my comrade, my prisoner, my gaoler and my life. Words unthinking. " Love ...you."'

Oh dear lord! What can I say, but to tell you that every step of the way I was living and breathing these characters. The writing is just stunning, superb and destructive. It nearly killed me.
I experienced everything with them, everything. It took me five long nights to read this because I read passages over and over, I never wanted to forget them.

The sex, is not just sex. It is fiercely erotic and the possessive intensity is palpable. I have never wanted to be a gay man more in my life.

I just cannot recommend these books enough! I have read hundreds and hundreds of books, but these are without a hesitation the very best of the best for me.
I'm telling you all this with a lump in my throat. I am terrified to read on, but I have to. I never ever want this to end.

Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
August 8, 2013
This is part 2 of the Soldiers part of this series and OMG this book had me riveted to it. In this part i definitely saw Vadim and Dan’s relationship move to a more emotional level. This was more about sexual need, but about emotion, love and belonging. I absolutely love Vadim, such a tortured soul. Watching Dan come to need him and love him absolutely melted my heart.

This story still had all the raw, cruel, harsh, violent reality of war and at times it was hard to read. But at the same time i found myself missing meals and losing track of time, i was absolutely absorbed in this story and for a few hours nothing existed except this world.

While i have read many books that have moved me and will stay with me, this is indeed a unique story that I will never forget. My sincere gratitude to the authors for a superb book.
Profile Image for Emanuela ~plastic duck~.
805 reviews120 followers
July 2, 2011
Stealing the words from Dan, I guess this really sums it up: so goddamned perfect and yet so flawed.

It's the same thought that kept coming to me while reading and it could be referred to either characters, to their relationship, to the situations they find themselves in.

In the chapters from 12 to 19, Vadim and Dan keep meeting and nurturing their love while the world changes and falls apart around them. I was born in 1973, so while Special Forces: Soldiers Part I -Director's Cut took place in the first part of the 80s, a period I have not real memories of, apart the fact that I thought Soviets were the bad guys and lived in a sad part of the world and couldn't express themselves and they were poor and I was afraid of an imminent nuclear war, this second part takes place in the second part of the 80s and it stops in 1989, before the fall of the Berlin wall. I remember that period very well and it was interesting to read it through the eyes of a Soviet soldier like Vadim. I really hurt for Vadim, because he has built his life to conform to a certain society, to meet certain expectations, but not only his meeting with Dan has turned his life around, but it's like history is conjuring against him to rattle the place he has found for himself. Dan and history are the crises that force him to re-invent himself. I hate to see him so lost.

Vadim is still the most interesting character in my opinion. I don't know what's about Dan that doesn't make me want to trust him. It's as if Dan is more equipped to deal with what comes his way, while Vadim needs to be protected. It was very interesting to read Vadim's arc in the story: he seemed a cold-hearted bastard at the beginning, a selfish man who lived at his own terms, but in the end he revealed his generosity and vulnerability in every aspect of his life.

There are still two books to go to finish the series, so I don't know if this will be confirmed, but I feel Vadim has been fighting for Dan and endangering his life for him more than what Dan has been doing. I have the impression that Dan is not as willing as Vadim to sacrifice everything for the other man. I hope I am wrong.

This second part of Soldiers shows the love between the two men, the way they allow themselves tenderness and slowness and cherishing. Their physical and mental connection deepens and they not only show their love to each other, they are also able to tell the words. There is more love than lust in this part of the story, but neither Vadim nor Dan are able to free themselves from desperation, from an anguish that comes maybe from their restlessness. This makes every feeling incredibly intense and every hour they spend together is earned and every memory is to be cherished and relished.

I am going to take a break of a few days before tackling Special Forces - Mercenaries Part I because this story is consuming me.
Profile Image for Silkeeeeeereads.
1,432 reviews95 followers
April 30, 2013
I can't imagine anyone reading Soldiers and not continuing on to every book in this series. I think my hands actually shook to get at more. I couldn't get enough of these two men or this series. If you're an MM reader you need to give yourself the gift of a couple of weeks to read this series. You won't regret it.
Profile Image for Nina Bilinszki.
Author 15 books56 followers
March 1, 2013
To describe this book in one word: EPIC!

The character development in this part of Soldiers simply blew my mind. It is one thing to have a “convenient fuck” in a war whenever they find the time for it (and let’s be honest, no matter how many feelings they might’ve had for each other in the first book that they didn’t realize, it wasn’t more than that), but a complete different thing to openly fall in love, admit that to themselves and each other, and to risk everything for each other.

The beauty of it was the small steps in which it happened. Every time they met there was a little bit more intimacy, a little bit more tenderness, more caring, more love. The first (real) kiss after six years, the complete and utter trust they developed and the realization that the war (and the why and who and what) didn’t matter anymore, that the only thing, that is still keeping them alive and sane, is the precious little moments they spend with each other.

They made each other human over the years, what is not only visible when they are together but in every situation. Dan wanting to save a (East) German Soldier of the Soviet Army just because he was “too fucking young to die” was one of those things that just made me realize how much they have changed.

Though I am not sure I would call those character developments changes, because the core of their characters stay exactly the same. The only difference is that they become more human. All those aspects of their personality like love, tenderness, caring, that they buried under deep walls and their hard exterior to survive the war start to come to the surface again.

It is not enough anymore to see the other for just a few hours every few months. They need more, they start to get weary because the war is not their goal anymore, they go out of their way to make the impossible possible. Dan quitting with the forces to go privately back to Afghanistan to be with Vadim again. Vadim going to the UK embassy to beg for information about a wounded (or possibly dead) Dan. Both starting to plan their further life together; without war.

I absolutely loved their small declarations of love and devotion. There are many books out there, where you get the impression that “I love you” is used too early, too much. What is even more beautiful is that they show their love for each other more than they say it and literally risk their life for each other. All those little token’s, the care packages, the safe houses; they have a deeper meaning than any “normal” date two people can have.
Profile Image for Tina.
1,748 reviews1 follower
January 27, 2013

'Soldiers' is the first book of the Special Forces series which covers 25 years in Vadim and Dan’s life.
The second part of 'Soldiers' begins where part one stops. With suffering, violence, pain, killing... did I mention suffering? ^^

Vadim and Dan's relationship shifts from fucking and only 'taking the edge off' to love, tenderness and dedication. They finally realize that there is more, much more.
It's not a conventional love, it's an extraordinary love that can survive the worst of humanity.

"Just you, always you. My Russian cunt, my enemy, my comrade, my prisoner, my gaoler and my life... Love you."

“Dan. Always him. Always, and again and again...“

„I have no home anymore... you're as close to a fucking home as I get."

While reading part two of 'Soldiers' I hopelessly fell in love with Dan and Vadim. But if I had to choose, I would pick Vadim and his tender, vulnerable Russian soul, well hidden deep inside the cruel soviet soldier. In my opinion Vadim is the most interesting character. Had anyone told me in the beginning I could feel this way, I would have rolled my eyes or flipped them the bird. ^^

Like Soldiers One I couldn't read the book at one go. Some scenes were so cruel and/or so emotional that I had to take a break, read some fluff and try to process my thoughts.

Having gone through the roller-coaster journey for their first 10 years, I can’t wait to see what happens in the remaining 3 books: Mercs Part I and II and Veterans.

Five stars for an exceptional book, beyond comparison. It shattered my heart, put the pieces back together to shatter it again...
Profile Image for Aleksandr Voinov.
Author 77 books2,473 followers
June 1, 2018

This is the improved "Director's Cut" version. I fixed about a million typos, factual mistakes, clunky point-of-views shifts, mistakes in word choice and pacing issues that were overlooked in the original edit. To edit well, I need to get distance from the text, which can take a year or even two. This is the version that represents my vision of the text.

In terms of changes, the text ends a little earlier than the original "Soldiers", so it can stand on its own. The final battle in the hotel has been moved to the start of "Mercenaries", but no other big changes have been made.
244 reviews
February 22, 2013
Before I start this review properly, I have to admit that this is entirely about the development of the two main characters and less about the events. Because I think that is the main part of these books : the journey of Vadim and Dan...

"I tried to...get into your mind, and instead let you in. Not good, and yet best thing I've done in this whole war."
"Best thing I've done in all my life."

This book was massive.
In each and every aspect.
First of all: it is really rare that characters develop in such a way. I’ve had those amazing, realistic journeys and personality shaping just a few times, and I enjoy them still, because that’s one feature I consider as marvellous, talking about books.
Second: At some points in the book, getting a break from all these feelings, and looking back, I wasn’t able to draw a picture of Dan and Vadim, new to me and completely unaffected of the oncoming relationship, but at the same time all the things that happened to them were there, hovering around them like an aura. All the things, which shaped them, made them who they are now. Normally, if characters change so rapidly, you might consider them as two different persons. The one before and the one after the significant events in the book.
But Vadim and Dan didn’t fit into clichés right from the start, so it’s no surprise they don’t fit in this one as well.
There is no person before and after. There are just Dan and Vadim, two characters, more realistic than some things in life, changing and still being their true selves. I’ve never experienced this in a way I did in this book and I can’t do anything else but bow. Bow my head before this great work, this piece of fiction.
The drama increased in this part, but so did the feelings. The confessions moved me deep within my fangirl heart. To me, the words “I love you” lost some of their magic a long time ago, but with Dan and Vadim, this magic returns. Because they took their time, they needed their time and it was good. Because I didn’t doubt for one second that it was the right moment to say it. It was just perfect, releasing those feelings, which built up in such a journey, such a fight and revealing a bunch of new problems, which will surely be as complicated as the problems they faced before.
Somehow, this review seems to be much more about my feelings about the characters and their development, the complex psychological aspect and my fangirl feelings, than anything else, but those are just the things that kept me reading, summarized in one word: fascination.
Dan and Vadim sneaked their way into my reading-heart and I’m sure, they’ll stay there for a long while, probably emphasised through all the things, which are still ahead of them and myself.
Which leaves me only with a confession and a thank you.
My confession is simple: I am a Vadim fangirl. By heart. I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but he managed to get even closer to me than Dan already did. And I think he deserves a hug. Really volunteering for that! :D
I have to say thanks, because Tina was brave enough to introduce me to a book-series, that’ll probably eat away a part of my soul. :D I know, I wouldn’t have had the balls to simply go for it and introduce someone to this, because – although it shouldn’t be that way – some genres are still hard to introduce. Hopefully, that’ll change over time. Danke, Tina. Ich will das hier nicht missen (trotz all des Dramas :D)!
And finally, I have to admit: Aleksandr Voinov is living the dream. Born in Germany, living in London, being an author? Dear Lord, born in the same country, living in my favourite city, having the best job in the world? That’s all I ever wished for. And I never saw an author, who was communicating so much with his readers. That’s a thing to appreciate as well! Great books – great authors.
And now I’m gonna face the next step, following Dan and Vadim into their next phase.
Ich habe fertig.

“We won’t die. We'll never die. I promise.”
Profile Image for JR.
874 reviews30 followers
December 4, 2012
My two very favorite characters of the literary world, made it through another bout with mayhem, chaos, near death, and assorted trails by fire. I don't know how this story, the writing can get better, but it does.
My rating is 100 stars, knowing that the future rating will probably be 1 million. Oh yeah, I love this book.
Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
August 1, 2015
*Shakes fist at Aleksandr Voinov* HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME THERE ?? JFC! *pulls hair*

The second installment of Soldiers is no less intense, dark and brutally ugly than the first was. The war drags on and through it Vadim & Dan go on together. As insane as the idea of it would have seemed in the beginning, what they have with each other is the only thing that keeps them from madness, from losing the shreds of humanity they cling to.

While there is plenty of focus on the situations they are in, this story deals a lot more with the emotions that both men are experiencing. The way that they are feeling about each other is something they both struggle with, each for their own reasons. And the war itself is wearing on them, both mentally and physically. By the end of this book, they will have been in Afghanistan for 9 long years.

I'm not going to rehash what goes on in the book. Frankly, I'm not sure I can take it right now. This is still not, in any form, a tender sweet love story. There is tenderness and love, but it's mixed with such desperation and fear for the other that it's freaking painful.

The progression of the characters and the situation that they are in is so incredibly complex and involved but the authors weave it in such a way that you are carried right along with all that's happening. The emotional intensity is maintained throughout, even in brief periods of 'normality', or at least as normal as it ever gets for Vadim & Dan.

No lie, I needed a breather before Special Forces - Mercenaries Part I but that damn ending is practically dragging me to it. Gotta know what happens!
Profile Image for Alina.
145 reviews10 followers
August 6, 2010

Wonderfully intense and gripping read from Aleksandr Voinov and Marquesate. The characterization, especially of Vadim, is incredibly deep and insightful, as is the authors' understanding of the Soviet psyche in war.

I will not go into the details of the plot, as this has been described enough, but one only has to look at the number of threads (mega threads, might I add) that are devoted to this saga, in order to be convinced that it's a wonderful, wonderful, book.

While reading Soldiers has been an incredible experience, and I completely sympathize and agree with everyone who has been carried away by the Special Forces epic, I struggled a bit with the following issues:

1)I read the Director's Cut of Soldiers, and while many have commented on the improved writing, consistency, and general "cleanness" of this story as compared to the original, I still felt a roughness in the narrative that, admittedly, contributed to the mood and the pacing, but oftentimes distracted.
2)While many have commented on the whirlwind pace of the story, and how they read it in one sitting without interruption... I felt compelled to put the story down at certain intervals, because I just could not continue at such elevated emotional highs without a breather. The story was just a millimeter away from becoming monotonous in its very intensity (if that makes any sense)...

Overall, I would highly highly recommend.
Profile Image for Andrea.
146 reviews10 followers
January 14, 2016
Wow, what a read... Brutal, sweet, horrific, bewildering, shattering, heart breaking. Or in one word: intense.
It will need some time to write a proper review. I'm at the loss of words right now.
I will read the next part of the series for sure. But too intense right now and I will take a break from it now.
Profile Image for ella(╹◡╹).
198 reviews4 followers
May 20, 2021
this was GREAT. really. like, okay, it was incredibly violent and a little bit traumatizing but great overall. i thoroughly enjoyed this book, it made me feel A LOT. however, this is it for me. i will not finish this series, i’ve suffered enough. i already read the reviews for the second and third book and god, i cannot take more pain and violence. this book was amazing, it really was, but it was also emotionally draining to the core.
Profile Image for karlakolumna.
502 reviews45 followers
February 11, 2012
WOW... just wow. This was different, but really, really good. That from someone who usually steers clear of anything even resembling war and soldiers.
650 pages full of suspense, surprise, aggression, pain, killing, violence, suffering, intensity, love and tenderness.

At first I really didn't know what to think of these two men, soldiers, enemies - Dan, a scottish SAS soldier, and Vadim, a Soviet Spetsnaz soldier. I really hated Vadim at first, was disgusted by him. But Dan, the victim of Vadim's brutality at the beginning of the book, wasn't that likable, either.
But in the course of the book that all changed. They grow on each other, they become more.. human (and less cruel) - they definitely change for the better.
Both are by all means not "good" (especially Vadim), it's not a question of black and white - they are inbetween, grey.
We get a glimpse on their other personality traits - what they endured, what they gave up, what they're willing to risk for one another while still refusing to accept that this "thing" between them is more than just sex, more than just a way to blow off some steam.

This story is about two men, two enemies, two killers, two aggressive personalities, twisted and broken in many ways, fighting in a war that can't be won, on opponent sites, who fall in love with each other despite everything that happened, that is, between them.

And what fascinated me the most is the believability of this story, this love.

I really recommend to read this awesome book.

The free PDF eBook (Director's Cut) [whole book, Part I+II, 650 p.] can be found here: http://www.aleksandrvoinov.com/specia...

Or you can find it here:

Soldiers Part I [407 p.]:

Soldiers Part II [346 p.]:
Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews528 followers
December 28, 2010
Note: This is the review for the edited version of Soldiers.

Despite all the upcoming praise, this review won’t do the book justice. Not by far. But I’m still going to try and explain why and how much I liked this story.

It was FANTASTIC! Mind-boggling. Brutal. Horrific. Amazing. Sweet. Heart rending. Most of all: it was intense. One can’t read this book without being affected by it.
Vadim and Dan capture you from the very beginning. And not in any charming and fluffy way. These men are tough, hardened. They are soldiers, survivors. They do the most horrible things to each other. Rape, torture, violence. In fact: when reading all that brutality, you just can’t imagine that there will ever be anything but hate between the two men.
But then: slowly, gradually, there’s a shift. Respect, understanding, trust and finally: love.

This book is not for the faint hearted. It’s brutal and raw. You’ll be reading most parts with a knot in your stomach. But you’ll also be rewarded with a wonderfully engaging and beautiful love story about two –seemingly- very different men, from two different worlds, finding each other against all odds.

Soldiers is the first part of the Special Forces saga which spans 25 years in Dan and Vadim’s life. Having been on the roller coaster journey for their first 10, I can’t wait to see what happens in the next books: Mercenaries Part I, Mercenaries Part II and Veterans.
Profile Image for Christina.
798 reviews127 followers
April 21, 2012
So I've been debating whether or not to review this book because I don't think I have the proper words to do it justice but I'm going to give it a shot. Special Forces: Soldiers is the first book in the series, followed Mercenaries I, Mercenaries II, and Veterans. It's probably one of the best books I have ever read.

People call it Epic and I agree there is no other word to describe it. This is a roller coaster of a ride. Don't expect to read this and not run the gamut of emotions. It is intense! This is a story about Vadim Krasnorada, a Soviet Spetsnaz soldier and Dan McFadyen, a Scottish SAS soldier who meet as enemies during the Cold War in Afghanistan. It is a raw look at their ever-changing relationship spanning over 10 years. A relationship based on violence and horrific pain. I felt like I was side by side with these two men. You feel their emotions and the atmosphere surrounding them, the extremity of it all. The harshness of the desert and the beauty they find in the mountains.

Their story, their lives, ripped throw my heart like no other. Make no mistake, this book is brutal, they are in the midst of war and nothing is held back. It deals with difficult subject matters, including rape, physical and mental torture, isolation, loneliness, lust but what develops from this is simply AMAZING. Once enemies, they learn to trust and rely on each other and they developed respect and love for one another. During the first quarter of the book I wasn't able to even grasp how these two men could move forward without feeling anything but utter hatred and then slowly things change and by 3/4 of the book I was amazed at the transformation.

I highly recommend this book but we warned you will live and breathe Vadim and Dan and expect an intense ride.
Profile Image for Karen.
11 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2010
I had read the ebook and loved it. I just had to have the Hard Copy for my bookshelf and it is Brilliant. The cover has rich intense colors that reflects the essence of the story. The weight & size of the book is comfortable to hold and the typesetting is pleasing to the eye. I'm glad it was broken up into Books 1 & 2 as it may have been too heavy otherwise. The image on the vendor's website makes the dates on cover look a bit blurry but in person it is clear and vibrant. I ordered copies for myself, friends & one set to donate to the local library. There is nothing like a beautifully printed copy of your favorite book!
Profile Image for Celine.
222 reviews21 followers
January 9, 2012
*sigh* it's finished....what the hell am I going to read now?
I feel like any book I'm gonna read now will be dull, will lack colour and depth just because this one put the standards so high...don't think there is anything out there that can match this.
i will rate my books 'before SF' and 'after SF'..... it's just not fair to the other books. maybe in time the memory will fade a little?

I need some time to digest this book and get me in shape for the next parts. But God this is good...effing amazing good!

thank you Mr.Voinov & Marquesate
Profile Image for Absynthe.
432 reviews5 followers
July 12, 2010
Completely in a class by itself. Epic does not begin to describe this book. I'm giving it 5 stars but that's misleading because this book ( this series actually) stands head and shoulders above anything else I've given 5 stars. Truly, this book is off the scale.

Magnificent. I'm losing a massive amount of sleep because I can't stop reading this series.
Profile Image for Marissa.
600 reviews110 followers
January 2, 2013
4.5 stars
Again, like the first part, this was horribly painful at times, brilliantly beautiful more than I expected, and just about perfect altogether in its own right. Vadim and Dan are forever, permanently etched into my heart.

There is more, though, right? I must have more! Is Mercenaries part 1 next, or part 2? Or should Veterans be next? Aggh, someone help please?
Profile Image for Victoria.
1,220 reviews11 followers
April 18, 2015
This review is for Special Forces: Soldiers Part I & II

Violent, intense and raw. Unspoken words and tender moments. Absolutely Amazing!!!
Profile Image for G.B. Gordon.
Author 12 books92 followers
March 21, 2012
Yes, that. Ignoring the still present technical issues (and this one makes it easier), that's the story I'd been hoping for when I opened 'Soldiers'.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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