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Soul Screamers #2

My Soul to Save

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When Kaylee Cavanaugh screams, someone dies.

So when teen pop star Eden croaks onstage and Kaylee doesn’t wail, she knows something is dead wrong. She can’t cry for someone who has no soul.

The last thing Kaylee needs right now is to be skipping school, breaking her dad’s ironclad curfew and putting her too-hot-to-be-real boyfriend’s loyalty to the test. But starry-eyed teens are trading their souls: a flickering lifetime of fame and fortune in exchange for eternity in the Netherworld—a consequence they can’t possibly understand.

Kaylee can’t let that happen, even if trying to save their souls means putting her own at risk...

279 pages, Paperback

First published December 29, 2009

About the author

Rachel Vincent

67 books9,772 followers
[Note: Though Rachel's blog entries are cross posted here, she does not frequent Goodreads. The best ways to contact her are FB, Twitter, or her Wordpress blog. PLEASE DO NOT SEND HER MESSAGES HERE. SHE DOES NOT CHECK THEM.]

A resident of Oklahoma, Rachel Vincent has a BA in English and an overactive imagination, and consistently finds the latter to be more practical. She shares her workspace with two black cats (Kaci and Nyx) and her # 1 fan. Rachel is older than she looks-seriously-and younger than she feels, but remains convinced that for every day she spends writing, one more day will be added to her lifespan.

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Profile Image for Maggie ☘.
577 reviews749 followers
July 7, 2016
“I need my books from my car, then I’ll need you to put this back wherever my dad left it.”
Tod gave me a mock bow. “Anything else? Can I fan you with a big palm leaf? Feed you grapes while you write your homework in my blood?”

My Soul to Save, second book from Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent was still fast and enjoyable read, but a bit weaker than the first book.

When a famous pop star, Eden drops dead right on the stage and Kaylee doesn't have the urge to wail, she knows there's something wrong. Especially when no soul emerges from the pop-star's body, as if she didn't have any at all.

Kaylee discovers that Eden traded her soul to a Hellion for her, now lost, fame, fortune and beauty. And when Tod discovers that the same thing will happen to his ex-girlfriend, Addison Page, another famous pop-star, the gang knows they have to help her before she suffers the same fate - an eternity of agony and torture as a slave of the Hellion she sould her soul to, through the 'help' from a rich owner of a big entertainment company.

“They only offered that deal to the best of us. Addison’s words haunted me, and their implication sent fresh chills down my spine to pool in my limbs as my teeth began to chatter.
They’d done it before. A lot. Dekker Media was making deals with demons—and letting its teenage stars pay the price.”

>And let me just tell you that to agree with something like that is just plainly stupid and ignorant. Is really fame and fortune more important to them than their soul?<

I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous one, mainly because the whole plot centered around this theme. Around saving soul of someone, who gave it out in the first place, because of her pure irresponsibility and ignorance.
I disliked Addison Page (and her sister for that matter) quite a lot, especially at first. She somehow reminded me of the old Miley Cyrus. > Pop-star, stupidly happy, rainbow-coloured teenage sitcoms and movies, cute with pale blue eyes.. yeah, sounds familiar..<
But also because it all centered too much around media, fame, rich pop stars, ruined careers and greedy owner of multinational movie company.. Not my thing at all.

“When you sign with Dekker, even if you’re not selling your soul, you’re selling out. They get most of us before we hit puberty, and you become whatever they want you to be. They design your look, cast you in their shows, and put you in at least one made-for-TV movie a year. The movies themselves don’t make much, but the merchandising brings in some serious cash.” She sighed and began ticking points off on her fingers. “They pick the songs you’ll record, schedule your appearances, and book your tours. They’ll even choose your haircut unless your agent is a real shark. But most of the agents are in John Dekker’s pocket, too, because they want clients who have guaranteed careers.”
So. Creepy. Dekker Media was starting to sound scarier than the Netherworld.
“Okay, maybe I’m misunderstanding, but we’re talking about the Dekker Media, right? The child-friendly, shiny-happy sitcoms? With the cartoon squirrel and the squeaky-clean animated fairy tales? That Dekker Media is actually reaping the souls of its stars in exchange for commercial success?”
Addison’s lip curled into a bitter smile. “Ironic, isn’t it?”

> Doesn't that sound a bit like a certain famous multinational company we all know?;) <

But there's also something very addicting about Soul Screamers series, I couldn't put it down in most parts. So I didn't hate My Soul to Save, it was still fast, entertaining read, also the Bean Sidhe world and Netherworld is intereting, but it was not as good as the first book for me.

“So, you’re not…dangerous?”
His pouty grin deepened into something almost predatory, like the Tod I’d first met two months earlier. “Oh, I’m dangerous….”
“Tod…” I warned, as Nash punched his brother in the arm, hard enough to actually hurt.
“Just not to you,” the reaper finished, shrugging at Emma. “I see you all the time, but you’ve never seen me, because Kaylee said if I got too close to you, I’d suffer eternity without my balls.”
“Jeez, Tod!” I shouted, my anger threatening to boil over and scald us all.
The reaper leaned closer to Emma and spoke in a stage whisper. “She’s not as scary as she thinks she is, but I respect her intent.”
Em looked like she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and I rolled my eyes at Tod. “Do you have to be so difficult?”

I stand by my opinion that Kaylee is an amazing heroine. Maybe she doesn't literally kick-asses like some of my favourite female characters, but she always saves the day with her quick wit and intelligence, I love that about her. And she also acts like a real teenager.
But, I didn't always like her with Nash, the love-interest Tbh. I didn't hate him, he is decent enough boyfriend so far in the series, but sometimes too much hormonal (both of them actually), overprotective toward her and a bit close minded for my taste. He also constantly snapped at someone (Mainly Tod).

Who I started to love more actually, is Tod. (But why does his name have to be Tod!? Is it a nickname or something? Am I the only one who doesn't like his name so much?)
But anyway, I liked him already in the first book, and his character gets only better and better. He's fun, he's unpredictable and he's sarcastic.

“Stop doing that!” Nash shouted, and I turned to see Tod on the bench seat next to him, one finger pressed to his lips in an exaggerated “shh” signal, while his other hand pointed at Emma.
“Sorry!” she snapped, assuming Nash was talking to her. She swerved into the right-hand lane without bothering to flick on her turn signal, and the driver of the car behind us honked, gesturing angrily. “It’s not like I’m actually wishing for more dead cheerleaders. I’m just saying, if someone has to go…”
Tod snorted. “I like her!”

I adored Kaylee's best friend, Emma. And yeah, the heroine actually confined in her with her Bean Sidhe secrets. What a refreshing surprise! Emma took everything with such an ease. I liked her attitude and personality. But I want to see more of their friendship in the next books, there was not enough of it.

Levi, Tod's boss was also interesting character. Little ginger boy by apperance, creepy old Reaper in actuality.

I'll definitely continue with this series.

“Chocolate says "I'm sorry" so much better than words.”
Profile Image for Kim.
742 reviews1,876 followers
January 6, 2011
The second book in this amazing series, and I enjoyed it as much as the first one. I'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible, but most of this will make no sense if you haven't read this book. Just some of the thoughts I have swirling around in my head.

Kaylee's abilities are developing, she's finally learning to control herself and her powers, and Nash is with her every step of the way. Did I mention I adore him already? I love their dynamic and their chemistry, especially when the room temperature rises above critical levels.

Rawr, baby.

I wasn't blown away by Tod in the first book, but I really like him now. He's cute, funny and I just love it when he gets on his brother's nerves. He seems to be getting closer to Kaylee as well, and I like that. It's not like he has a lot of people in his life and I think it's good for him to have her around. As long as he keeps a safe distance... *scowls*

I really didn't like Addie in this book, my god what a pain in the ass. Nash setting her straight towards the end even got a "BLEEP YEAH!!" out of me while I was reading that part. But she redeemed herself eventually, which left me feeling quite satisfied with the outcome.

I have one silly remark, but it's something that seems odd after a while: Nash and Kaylee hold hands constantly. All the friggin' time! A little less hand-holding, a little more action please. Cause I love how graphic the action is in this series. *winks*

Profile Image for Kristy.
598 reviews95 followers
February 13, 2011
Soundtrack going through my mind as I read this book:

Take me down (6th Underground) -Eclipse
I want to sex you up- Color me bad
Let the bodies hit the floor-Drowning fool
Living Dead Girl- Rob Zombie
Better as a memory - Kenney Chesney
Brick- Ben Folds Five
I'm going straight to Hell- Drivin' and cryin'
I could die for you-Red hot chili peppers
Break on through-The doors
Highway to Hell-ACDC
No soul-The Rumble Strips
Fix You-Cold Play
Grim Reaper Blues-The entrance Band
Don't fear the reaper-Blue Oyster Cult

I could go on, but I'm sure you can get a general sense of where I'm going with this.....

As we learned in the first book, "My Soul to Take" Kaylee is a Bihne Sahd, she is a screamer, she knows when someone is about to die. Only this time around someone dies and she doesn't feel a thing, she doesn't have to let out her scream. She learns that this girl had no soul, she had made a deal with a Hellion. We meet Addy this same night and learn she has the same fate as the dead girl-death and the no soul thing. Problem considering our own little Reaper Todd knows this girl and actually cares for her. No one should have to spend eternity attached to a Hellion of torture. Especially someone who signed a contract to become famous and unknowingly sold their soul at the same time. Stupid? Yes, she is. But she's not the only one. Apparently the big movie company has been handing these contracts with the devil to practically anyone who is dumb enough to sign it, which is pretty much all teens. There is an out-clause, but pretty much not going to happen in this book. So, our loveable characters go on a quest to the Netherworld to bargain for Addy (and now her little sister as well) soul.

Did I like this one as good as the 1st? No.
But, it was still a fun, quick ride. I'd say if you like the 1st book to go ahead with this one. I'm still looking forward to reading the 3rd installment.
3.5 stars

Anybody else remember that old song from elementary school, "Go For it"???
something like... go for it, you're on the right track, go for it........something something back???
Yeah, you should do that, go for it!

Rant: I'm sorry but for a guy with a name like Nash, i'm not getting what I expected. That sounds like such a tough-guy, bad ass name, right??? I don't know, he is kind of whiney and scared seeming in this book. He is not macho enough for me this go round.

And, enough already with the "I want you" scenes. I get it. They want to have sex, but they aren't going to yet. Don't tell me you are waiting until the 4th book for them to go all the way?!?!!?

But, P.S. I love, love, love Todd!!!!
Profile Image for The Flooze.
763 reviews279 followers
January 16, 2010
For some reason this book makes me feel old. Old as dirt, like no other YA has thus far.

Kaylee once again inserts herself in a dangerous situation because of her highly attuned morality and sense of duty. She can't resist helping others. She's a mixture of naivete and hope, blindly blundering through obstacles.

But she has to finegle around being grounded to achieve her goals. Has to find a way to work around both her car keys and her mobile phone being taken away. And she has to remain focused despite the lusty pull of her older jock boyfriend.

Perhaps my feeling old is just a testament to how well Vincent describes the teen girl pathos. For me, being well past that stage, the full immersion was a little much. Especially one scene depicting Kay's friend Emma behind the wheel. A horrible, yet accurate, representation of how distractedly and haphazardly some teens drive. It was painful to read from the adult perspective!

Nash, the delicious love interest, doesn't gain much depth here. He's mostly present as the futile voice of contention and reason. He doesn't do much more than growl in either anger or lust, though he does deliver a nice little smack-down of a speech to a hysterical pop princess.

Although I would describe Kaylee as a sensible sort of girl, she's a little too willing to drag herself into circumstances she can't entirely comprehend. I keep wanting her to ask for help, since she's so obviously in over her head and lacking in knowledge.

Yet for all her ignorance about the Netherworld and the business of souls, she seems to always know the answers and always asks the right questions. Why does she understand this world of death more than the reaper Tod? It doesn't sit well with me. I can't figure out what makes her so special.

The most intriguing aspects of the book deal with the Netherworld. We get to visit that alien landscape and the misshapen creatures residing there. We also meet two more reapers--they are probably the most fascinating characters of the piece. Were Vincent to write a novel dealing solely with these death-dealers, I think I'd be enthralled.

Overall, I like Kaylee, but her do-gooder attitude frustrates me. I plan to read the next because the glimpse into that hazy grey Netherworld promises more surprises. I want to know more about the unhappy reaper, Tod, and his boss Levi. And I get the feeling that Nash is not all he's cracked up to be. But Kaylee...I don't really care what happens to Kaylee, and that's the real problem.
Profile Image for Alexa ❤️.
244 reviews137 followers
January 20, 2019
4 Stars

'When I looked up, I found Nash watching me, his hazel eyes swirling with streaks of green and brown in the orange glow of streetlights. I almost felt sorry for all the humans who wouldn't be able to see that - to read emotion in another's eyes.' (Kaylee Cavanaugh).

Kaylee, Nash and Tod are attending a concert when the star of the show drops dead onstage - there's just one problem Kaylee a banshee screams whenever someone is about to die but this time she doesn't because the super star sold her soul.

When the gang find out that Tod's ex girlfriend and performer Addison has also sold her soul they go on a mission to get her soul back before the week is up and her soul is damned for all eternity.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,998 followers
February 10, 2012
This novel enlightened me on what is actually going on with all the Disney Channel & Disney Movie Stars. Thank you Rachel for finally clearing up exactly what Disney is doing to these young child stars. Oh wait Disney wasn't even mentioned in this book? Could have fooled me!

I have the worst time writing reviews on sequels. It's so hard! I hate spoilers. I prefer to pick up a book not even having read the back cover. I don't want to know where I'm going until I get there.

So all I can really say is that I really enjoyed My Soul to Save. It's a great addition to the Soul Screamers Series which is unique, well written and very entertaining.

The first book got a full 5 Stars, this one comes close with 4.5. A little too much content for my liking and not quite as good as the first book. But having already read books 3 & 4 in this series I can say that it's been a long time since I've been pulled into a series and felt such emotion while reading.

Rating: 4.5 Stars Highly Recommend (as long as you have read the content warning first).

Content: language, innuendo and sexual content. There was always an "interruption" (Tod or the phone) before things went all the way but there was definitely desire, passion, making out and wandering hands. (Please note that with each new book in this series the level of sexual content has escalated, book one is fairly mild but by book four the heat was quite high for a young adult book).

Source: Download from Audible.com
Profile Image for Amber.
160 reviews60 followers
February 23, 2016
falling asleep photo: falling asleep gif giphy-1_zps4d1f80d7.gif
Wake me up when this plot doesn't suck...

So...most of this book consists of the characters sitting on their asses, eating junk food, doing some "investigative" work, and flapping their self-righteous little lips (I'm looking at YOU, Kaylee Cavanaugh).

Around halfway through the book, I found myself skimming text--never a good sign. I've resigned myself to read one more of these before I give up on the series. From the reviews, it seems that the books supposedly get better and evolve, so I guess we will see.

The Good: Tod. Bean Sidhes and Reapers. The occasional funny one-liner. Tod.

The Bad: I just couldn't get into the whole pop princess/sold her soul/damned for eternity storyline.

Addison Paige's character was cliché and one-dimensional, and the author was not convincing in her explanation of why Kaylee, Tod, and Nash (albeit begrudgingly) were so fervently determined to save her soul. Apparently she and Tod went out for like 8 months when they were practically kids. And we are briefly told--never shown--that Todd is still suck on/in love with this chick. *eye roll*

Are we supposed to feel sorry for her because the author tossed out a few random, sad lifestory facts (e.g., druggie mom)? I understand that Addison was supposed to be naïve, but come on. I mean, she made a deal with an evil, soul-sucking demon, for Pete's sake! . I can't feel bad for characters when they are that stupid.

And then I almost stopped reading after this lame plot "twist": The other characters totally risk their lives , and they met this girl once or twice?!

Good for you, Nash, for apparently being the only person in this entire book with any fucking common sense.

It's not that this sequel is bad per se...it's just...underwhelming? Boring as shit?

boring photo: tumblr_lqe5lnD7rP1qaj5jro3_500.gif

I'm thinking some more Toddy time would definitely help this series along...
Profile Image for Erica.
40 reviews
September 12, 2016
Not sure I like Nash. Interested enough in the story to continue on though.
Profile Image for Cinnamon.
162 reviews84 followers
April 11, 2010
MY SOUL TO SAVE is the second book in Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers series. The first book, My Soul to Take, introduced Kaylee and her bean sidhe (banshee) abilities. When she senses death, Kaylee can't help but to sing the person's soul song. To us, this song sounds like ear-shattering screeching. Not exactly a trait known to win friends and influence people.

This installment follows Kaylee as she comes to terms with her abilities. I won't go into too many details as I don't want to give anything away from the first book, but I can say that this second book was fantastic. As always happens with the second installment in any series, I got a little nervous about MY SOUL TO SAVE. I loved My Soul to Take and didn't know if the second book could live up to it. Not only did this book live up to the first, in my opinion it surpassed the introductory story.

We begin the journey with Kaylee at a hit rock concert. When the star drops dead on stage, Kaylee panics, terrified that her wail will come out in a concert hall packed to the gills with people. If anything was going to get a girl put back in a mental health unit, that would be it. Only problem is Kaylee doesn't scream. If Kaylee's song comes out anytime a person dies, releasing the soul from their body, why doesn't Kaylee feel the urge to sing over the girl's dead body? There's can only be one answer - the girl has no soul. This discovery and the prediction of another girl's impending death leads Kaylee and her friends on a journey to save the souls they can before they wind up losing their own.

Already a fan of Ms. Vincent's work, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that this story ended up jam-packed with mystery, suspense, and a whole lot of tension. The romantic tension in the story was especially phenomenal. This author is a master of romantic tension, giving us just enough heat and sensuality to get the heart pumping before cutting us off cold turkey. The romantic elements in the story were quite a bit more pumped up from the first book.

Fair warning: There are sensual scenes in this book. They are quite tastefully done and definitely add to the story.

Outside of the romantic tension - which really helped to make the story a compelling read - Ms. Vincent gave us quite of bit of suspense to latch on to throughout the story. From the first page we are thrown into a mystery so dark that the reader can't help but feel involved. An aspect of this author's writing that I have always found compelling, is her willingness to not sugar coat things for the reader. When she describes a horrible situation or painful events and feelings she really describes them. Below is a quote to show what I mean.

"The flesh beneath the double ring of punctures was inflamed and covered in those weird, red webbed veins, which now crept beneath my sock and halfway to my knee. Fluid sloshed beneath the skin over my ankle, hanging lower at the back, just above my shoe, where gravity tugged hardest" (pg. 240).

See what I mean? How can you not get involved in this story? My own leg was aching just reading this part and that's only two sentences out of the entire book. Ms. Vincent's imagery pops out to the reader. Combine this with her clear writing style that makes a complicated story very easy to follow and we end up with a great story.

I highly recommend MY SOUL TO SAVE to any fans of Ms. Vincent and any fans of Young Adult Urban Fantasy. This story is full of realistic and relatable characters, a fantastic storyline that keeps us on the edge of our seats and Ms. Vincent's own clear writing style and vivid imagery. Definitely a winner, I can't wait to read the third in the series; My Soul to Keep is scheduled to be released June, 2010.
Profile Image for Tez.
856 reviews229 followers
October 2, 2009
Usually Kaylee Cavanaugh can tell when someone in the vicinity is about to die, but not this time. A pop star sold her soul, so it's not there for bean sidhe Kaylee to work with. And her reaper friend's ex Addison also sold hers, and Addy's little sister's damn close to selling hers, too. But to win the souls back, Kaylee has to venture into the Netherworld, and not everyone will emerge unscathed.

It's impossible to read about Dekker Media without thinking of Disney - especially after viewing South Park's "The Ring" episode. It's hardly surprising that a major company is aligned with hellions (in this case, Avarice). But while the premise itself is unremarkable, the real breadwinner here is the Netherworld. Usually I prefer my urban fantasy to be more urban than fantasy, but the Netherworld is amazing. From its grey fog, to its distance and time, and all the things that happen inside, Rachel Vincent's Netherworld is vastly imaginative and deliciously creepy. The descriptions are evocative, and I won't soon forget the blades of grass.

Family life isn't easy in Eastlake. Aiden and Brendon Cavanaugh are single dads, Harmony Hudson is a single mum, and as for Addison Page's parents...her dad is absent, and her mum's addicted to prescription pills. These realistic elements bring the characters home for readers, grounding the paranormal in a world that's easily relatable. Kaylee and Nash's romance is just plain embarrassing, and the book would be better without it, but thankfully Tad understands the awesomeness of humour.

Rachel Vincent keeps cementing her reputation as an author with fascinating plot twists and stories that you can't help but glom. Unfortunately, readers will have to wait until June 2010 to read the third Soul Screamers novel, My Soul to Keep. Maybe the writer should take on time travel next...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kristi.
1,206 reviews2,897 followers
February 6, 2010
Three words: one unique series!

I just love the whole premise of this series. The soul screamers. It's such an unique element, and I can't wait to see where Rachel takes us next!

Unfortunately I didn't enjoy My Soul to Save as much as I did it's predecessor. I enjoyed the story, it was excellently written and there were plenty of twists and turns to keep you on you toes. I just didn't enjoy the characters as much this time around.

My favorite character from the first novel Todd, was sullen and closed off. He didn't have the smart-ass quality that first captured my heart! Also, I was not a fan of Addison at all. I didn't understand why Kaylee and Nash were risking so much to save her. I guess I'm just not a very compassionate person, but I didn't feel sorry for Addison, there was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. Rachel did an excellent job portraying her character so that you'd be empathetic toward her, but I just wasn't. I did enjoy the relationship between Kaylee and Nash, I thought it was a little rushed in the first book, but it seemed to be better developed this time.

I so enjoyed the more in depth look into the Netherworld, what a creepy place! Looking forward to seeing more of that world!

Overall, story was fantastic, writing was great... I just didn't enjoy the characters this time around.
Profile Image for Erin.
728 reviews83 followers
February 7, 2024
DNF at 80%. I started skipping all but dialogue and I still can’t salvage my interest.

Plot- I’m so bored. I think the series just has a new crisis every book that the main characters work on. But I’m super uninvested. And their crisis is annoying.

Characters- meh. Plus, they refuse to get adult help, so this is just about teenagers bumbling around and putting themselves in danger.

Romance- they are totally committed and now it’s just will they/won’t they sleep together. Ugh. This is not for me. And they keep getting interrupted, so that’s the only way the author is still milking the chemistry.

I spent a while reading all the spoilers for this 7 book series. I’m glad I’m getting out now. I don’t think the new-crisis-every-book plotline is for me. And the teenage drama sounds really irritating.

Language- not much. I don’t think there were any f-words.
Spice- lots of making out. Some wandering hands. Some talk of sex but no sex scene.(Other reviewers say the sexual content steadily increases throughout the series, fyi.)
Cover- fine
Format- ebook on Everand
Profile Image for Vidhya.
Author 1 book56 followers
June 20, 2020
I really liked the first book and even though it had been a while since I had read it, I decided to finally read the second book in this series. It was good , but it honestly could have been better if it had been toned down a lot. I mean it’s like 400 pages when the book could have been about 280 and awesome. The premise was exciting but then I just kept losing interest in between but just managed to get done with it because I wanted to see how it ended. The ending was good too but the in between was what drove me a little bored. Overall it’s still a nice new series that can be read!
Profile Image for Donna.
1,052 reviews586 followers
November 15, 2011
After reading Rachel Vincent’s My Soul to Take I eagerly dived straight into My Soul to Save, the second book in The Soul Screamers Series. And although I enjoyed it, I have quite mixed feelings about it because I don’t feel it was as good as the first.

My Soul to Save see’s Kaylee and Nash take on another dangerous journey, when they go to concert and watch a famous singer drop dead on the stage. The problem is Kaylee doesn’t wail like she normally does and she quickly realises it is because the singer has no soul; the singer has sold her soul to become rich and famous. Soon Kaylee and Nash with the help from Tod, find out that Tod’s ex-girlfriend is the next one to loose her life and they go on a mission to try and reclaim her soul.

This is a hard review for me to write because like I said, I did enjoy it but not as much as the first. The problem is, I can’t quite put my finger on why I didn’t because the story was still excellently written and there were plenty of twists and turns. I did find it a tad predictable at times but then the ending was a bit of shocker, so it definitely had its highs and lows. I think the main problem was I didn’t enjoy the characters as much this time around. In My Soul to Take we seen Kaylee trying to save the people around her that she knew and loved but with this one, I didn’t have any real connection to Addison because we don’t really know her, therefore I really didn’t care what happened to her. I know that sounds bad but it’s true. I guess I would have liked to have gotten to know her more as a character rather than just the dying girl that everyone was trying to save.

What I did really like in this book was how Kaylee and Nash’s relationship developed. I loved that things were hotting up and it was truly frustrating at times with Tod popping up out of no where but I enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see more. I also liked that we got to know Tod a bit more too. We got to see the softer side of him but with the events of this book, we also seen a more dangerous side too and I’m eager to find out more.

Overall, I’m still looking forward to continuing this series and I can not wait to start the next few books in the series.

Thank you to Mira for giving me the opportunity to review this book.
Profile Image for Isamlq.
1,578 reviews703 followers
November 24, 2010
Soul Screamers reminds me of an episode of Scooby Doo, complete with the clueless Scooby gang. The sad thing is: there is no Velma in this Soul Screamers 2!

The Mystery: Teen Superstar drops dead but without a soul.
The Scoobi connection: One of the teen super stars just happens to be an ex-girlfriend of Tod’s
Clueing the Scoobi gang in: Said teen sensations had sold their souls for fame and fortune. Not stopping there: It’s the record label’s fault (which gives credence to the idea that Disney is the Devils’ tool to gain control of the world’s young, right?)

From My Soul To Take’s Soul-poaching rouge reaper to My Soul To Save’s Soul-purchasing hellion, I had a very difficult time getting into the stories. As I said, too convenient, too pat. Then those one liners, I can’t not mention those. Try this: “Wow. Hellions suck. Literally.” How many times can one actually use the word LITERALLY? I lost count ,literally.

All that said, I still want to know what happens to Kaylee, Nash and Tod. So I ask, WTH is wrong with me? Answer: I like cheesy. Case in point I’m a big fan of that series that’s full of leather clad shitkicker wearing vampires. But I digress. A couple of the things that I actually enjoyed were Kaylee’s little internal monologues (I'd take them over some of the stilted/limp/forced conversations):

“I didn't care about the money. A little money only made people want more of it. And I liked our used furniture, because if I spilled on it, no one got mad, which meant I could snack in the living room, in front of the television. But my father insisted we eat dinner together every night. Our crappy kitchen card table was the magic wand he kept waving to turn us into a real family. But on some nights, all that magic seemed to do was irritate and frustrate us both.

And still he tried….”

Other parts I liked were those where Nash and Kaylee were “interrupted” (*wink wink*) by Tod. Emotion on display, indeed: lots of Kaylee’s, hormones , Nash’s raw desire, and Tod’s jealousy.

Profile Image for Emilija.
1,256 reviews23 followers
December 3, 2018
DNF at 20%.

I'm 73 pages into this book and all that's happened is that somebody we don't know died and Kaylee is unable to contain her misplaced guilt from book 1. Kaylee and Nash's relationship is boring and not really an actual relationship. Tod is alright, but he's not enough to hold up this wreck of a book.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,607 reviews28 followers
April 18, 2019
There is just something that draws you into this book and won't let go. I loved the story plot of a young bean sidhe (or banshee) as she is learning about her gift and how she can help people. The little peek into the Netherworld was interesting. I am intrigued and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Lyndsey O'Halloran.
432 reviews66 followers
March 29, 2011
After loving My Soul to Take, I couldn’t wait to pick up the second book to find out what was going to happen next. I had high hopes for this book but unfortunately, it ended up falling a little flat of my expectations.

I really enjoyed Kaylee as a character. While having certain insecurities about one thing, she does know herself very well and refuses to back down on what she believes in, no matter what she has to do to get there. I loved this about Kaylee and the fact that she is so strong in her opinions. Kaylee goes as far to refuse to do what her boyfriend wants her to do when it comes to Addison and the sold souls. Nash really doesn’t want her to do anything about it but Kaylee knows that she has to. She can’t leave poor teenage girls without their souls waiting to die. Then, there are Kaylee’s insecurities. I liked this aspect of her the first time around because it made her so real and that hasn’t changed. Kaylee seemed to have eased up a little bit about Nash and his motives but they are still there at the same time. I do hope that Nash either reassures Kaylee in the next book or she does realise that he actually wants her.

I hate to say it after loving Nash so much in the first book but what the hell happened to him?! Gone is the sensitive, caring but oh so passionate guy that I grew to love and wanted more of. Instead, what we get is a quite boring guy with no sense of adventure who is way too overprotective and a little bit controlling. Well, he tries to be anyway. I guess I just felt that Nash’s addictiveness disappeared this time around and he became quite boring. I want much more excitement from him in future books in the series. Please give me the old Nash back.

That being said, the chemistry between Nash and Kaylee is still there. The moments that the couple do actually get to share together and very steamy but I wish there was more of them. Kaylee and Nash never really get much time together on their own though and are constantly interrupted. Although this was frustrating in a good way to begin with, I felt that it happened too often and throughout the whole book. I wanted Kaylee and Nash to get at least half an hour on their own so their relationship could progress a little bit.

Even though I have been quite negative so far, this book wasn’t bad at all. I loved that Nash’s brother Tod was more of a main character this time around. He was interesting the last time around and he only got better in this book. Due to one of the girls without a soul being Tod’s ex girlfriend, a large portion of the plot revolves around him. I was so glad to see him around so much more, even if he did turn up at inappropriate times. Addison, Tod’s ex girlfriend is what the plot is all about. She did kind of come across as a whiney teenager in a bad situation but I could completely understand why for the most part. Even as a teenager, I’m not quite so sure that anyone would sign a contract without at least reading some of it so this part of the story was a little unbelievable for me. She seemed like a bright girl so I didn’t really understand this.

My Soul to Save is fast paced and exciting and the story had me gripped immediately. There is a fair amount of action but not the fighting kind. As Addison only has so long to live, time is running out for Kaylee to figure out a way to get her soul back for her so everything is a massive race against time. The tension and suspense are both high and I was reading as quickly as I could so I could find out what was going to happen to everyone. The Netherworld’s descriptions were amazing and I was so glad to see such a place featured for as long as it was. The creatures and going ons down there was fascinating to read about but also quite terrifying. I wouldn’t want to end up down there for even a second, whether strong Kaylee was with me or not!

While My Soul to Save is good, it just wasn’t as fabulous and the first in the series, My Soul to Take. That being said, it wasn’t anywhere close to being unenjoyable and I will still carry on with reading this series!
Profile Image for Kt.
798 reviews168 followers
May 16, 2020
Review originally posted on my blog: A Book Obsession..

Just like my first re-read review in this series, I feel the need to start off with a warning that this post is NOT a traditional review, and will be quite spoilery. Also there will be a whole lot of ranting and bashing. I'm participating in the Soul Screamers Reading Challenge hosted by Fiktshun. You can either read the books for the first time, or re-read them, and I am doing the latter. I thought it would be fun to do a post of my thoughts about things the second time around with all of the knowledge of the following books. So again, I really would not recommend reading this review if you are not caught up in reading books one through five. You have been warned. ;)

Most of my ranting in the previous book's re-read review was centered around Kaylee's father and my general dislike for Nash. While her father will still be receiving a dose of my ire, Nash actually will be getting a reprieve as Tod is now on my crap list. Surprisingly even though I know where things are headed with Nash, I couldn't be angry with him quite yet as he was nothing but supportive in My Soul to Save. Tod, however was quite horrible to be honest. I had completely forgotten just how single-minded he was about saving Addison, even at Kaylee's expense. I just wanted to smack him upside the head. I understand just how much he wanted to save Addy, but he should never have let things go that far in putting Kaylee at risk. She almost died for goodness sakes! I have a feeling it is going to take me a while to forgive him again for this. But then again maybe not since the messy stuff with Nash should be coming soon. These boys sure are trouble!

As far as Kaylee's father goes, well I still have a pretty big problem with the way he acts towards Kaylee. I kinda feel like he gave up his rights to control her a very long time ago. I realize that Kaylee was in a whole lot of danger, and he just wants to protect her. However, Kaylee isn't the type of person who could live with herself if she didn't do everything she could to help someone. So her dad should realize this and be supportive of her, and protect her by helping her rather than trying to chain her down. Then again I guess none of us really see things clearly when it comes to protecting our children, so I guess I'll have to give him a little leeway.

Going to the Netherworld and meeting Avari was every bit as chilling as the first time around, perhaps even more so now that I have the knowledge of just what can happen. I seriously cringed multiple times throughout My Soul to Save, and I think that shows just how good this series is as it was able to affect me that much even the second time around. I can't wait to see what my re-read of the next installment will show.
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This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tina ♥ Bookaholic.
874 reviews125 followers
January 31, 2014
Meine Gedanken zum Buch:
Ich weiß gar nicht, warum ich das Buch so schlecht bewertet habe, bzw. kann ich mit dem Finger nicht ganz genau darauf zeigen. Aber ich weiß, dass ich es nicht interessant fand und es mich die meiste Zeit nur genervt hat. Ein Indiz, dass mir ein Buch nicht gefällt, ist immer, wenn ich lange dafür brauche und an diesem Buch bin ich ca. 2-3 Wochen gesessen, obwohl ich sonst 1-3 Tage für gute Bücher brauche. Dabei ist das Buch gar nicht so dick.

Jedenfalls kam ich mit der Handlung nicht klar, aber der größte Punkt ist wohl, dass ich Probleme mit den Figuren hatte. Ich habe keinen Moment eine Verbindung zu ihnen gespürt und wenn mir die Charaktere vollkommen egal sein, nun – dann ist mir auch egal, was passiert oder wie der Handlungsverlauf ist. Ohne Verbindung und ohne Gefühl zu den Charakteren, ist auch der Rest belanglos und nichtig. Und das ist leider hier erneut passiert.

Zu den Figuren: Kaylee sollte ja eigentlich ein schüchternes, bisher nicht beachtetes Mädchen sein, aber jetzt ist sie mit einem der heißesten Typen der Schule zusammen. Eh klar.
Kaylee ist neu als Banshee, kennt sich in dieser neuen Welt nicht aus und ist – ja erneut – schüchtern, aber als eine supertolle, hohe Reaperin vor ihnen steht, ist gerade sie diejenige, die die Reaperin einfach so anquatscht, mutig nach vorne tritt und sie ausfragt. Während die zwei Kerle bei ihr – die schon immer wissen, dass sie Banshees sind und sich auskennen – nichts sagen, nur mit offenen Mund daneben stehen und danach Kaylee aufgrund ihres Mutes staunend bewundern. Ja, klar – ist ja sowas von realistisch. *Augen verdreh*
Abgesehen davon, dass es nicht authentisch wirkt, sondern nur lächerlich, ist das in meinen Augen auch kein Mut, sondern entweder einfach nur irrsinnige Blödheit von ihr oder verdammtes Glück, das sie da hatte, weil ihr dann nichts passiert ist.

Für mich selber ist mit diesem Teil Schluss mit der Reihe, obwohl ich auch noch Teil 3 hier herumliegen habe, aber ich habe keine Lust mehr, mir das ganze aufgeblasene Drama nochmal anzutun. Nein, danke.

Das Cover gefällt mir leider auch nicht mehr so gut, wie beim ersten Teil – ist im Vergleich etwas langweilig geworden.

All in all:
Obwohl ich nicht genau benennen kann, was mich so sehr an dem Buch gestört hat, kann ich keine gute Bewertung geben und werde auch diese Reihe nun abbrechen. Ich konnte einfach keine Verbindung aufbauen – Nichts! Zu keinem Charakter oder zur Handlung. Sollte wohl einfach nicht für mich sein.

Mehr zu dem Buch auf meinem Blog:
Profile Image for Amy Jacobs.
841 reviews294 followers
July 8, 2011
My Soul To Save is the second book in the Soul Screamers series by author Rachel Vincent. After I finished reading the first book in the series, I had to have more of Kaylee and Nash. Who would have thought that Banshee's could be so exciting and fun to read about?

In this book, it starts out with Nash and Kaylee attending a concert. The headlining act is popular pop star Eden who happens to drop dead in the middle of the concert. Only there is one problem about her falling dead in the middle of the concert--Kaylee didn't have the urge to scream for her Soul Song. They quickly figure out that Eden had sold her soul to a hellion. When Tod, who happens to be Nash's reaper brother, asks for them to check on his ex-girlfriend Addison, things get even worse. Addison, who is a pop star as well, has sold her soul to a hellion as well. Together, they must figure out who is taking the souls and figure out a way to save Addison and her sister Regan before it is too late.

I almost feel bad for Nash and Kaylee. They never get a break from their bean sidhe heritage long enough to enjoy a relationship. Notice I said that I almost feel bad. If Kaylee wasn't such a good girl most of the time, she could be like Nash and remember that a lot of the trouble she goes looking for is not her business. Yet as the story unfolded, I realized Kaylee is who she is and it defines her as a person. It makes her character strong and I wouldn't want the author to change her for anything. I was annoyed at the fact that her Father decided to start acting like a Father after being gone for 13 years. If I were Kaylee, I would have told him to back off a bit and give her some room to breathe.

I also loved Emma's reaction to all of the supernatural business. Don't ask and don't tell should be her motto. Yet when Tod revealed himself to her, I couldn't stop laughing. I absolutely love Tod and his witty mouth! Even though I didn't like how he kept things from Kaylee, I know he was doing it out of love. He is such a joy whenever he shows up in the story.

Overall I can honestly say I enjoyed this book. Even though I didn't enjoy it as much as the first book, I still had fun reading it and following the action packed journey that Kaylee had to go on this time around. I can't wait to read the next book and see what the author can throw at Kaylee next time!
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,894 reviews1,374 followers
June 18, 2013
(Source: I own a copy of this book.)
Kaylee is back, and this time she’s got a new problem. Addison, a famous pop star is set to die in 7 days, the problem is she’s not currently in possession of her soul – she sold it for fame and fortune.
Tod used to date Addison though, and he wants to save her, or more importantly, save her soul.
It’s not going to be easy though, they need to not only find the demon that took Addison’s soul, they need to convince it to give it back.
How do you compromise with a demon though? Is Kaylee strong enough to make it in the netherworld? And will they get Addison’s soul back in time?

This was an okay read, I just didn’t get why Kaylee was so intent on saving Addison’s soul when she meant nothing to her.

That sounds pretty bad, but at the end of the day it was Addison’s decision to sell her soul, and she just came across as pretty naïve and selfish – I mean, what did she think a hellion would do with her eternal soul? She wasn’t even that involved with getting it back either – she just expected Kaylee, Nash and Tod to do it for her!

Kaylee was just too nice in this book. She was so easily swayed by Tod, and talked into trying to rescue Addison’s soul, when it wasn’t her problem, and it involved putting her own life at risk to do it. I totally got where Nash was coming from when he tried to talk her out of it, I would have tried to talk her out of it too.

There was a small amount of romance in this story, although not that much, and every time Nash and Kaylee were alone together Tod just seemed to pop up and ruin things, which was a bit annoying.
The storyline was okay, although again I wasn’t sure why the hell Kaylee was suddenly so obsessed about finding this other girl’s soul when she had no-one to blame but herself for selling it to a hellion! The fact that Kaylee’s dad kept putting restrictions on her and grounding her was annoying too.
There were some interesting touches to the story, like how Addison’s eyes were all white because she had no soul, and the way the plants behaved in the netherworld etc. but overall this was only okay for me.
Overall; an okay sequel, but a little difficult to believe.
6.5 out of 10.
Profile Image for Laura (midorireads).
389 reviews3 followers
October 19, 2015
I am really glad I decided to start reading the Soul Screamers series! I'd been feeling a bit of a slump coming on, but having now read two books, I'm finding myself eager to read again.
In My Soul to Save, Kaylee and her boyfriend Nash are thrown into mission to help Reaper Tod's ex-girlfriend, super pop-star Addison Page get her soul back after learning that her date of death is coming not a week later. So a race is in order to get said soul back, and hopefully preempting her death as well.
Now onto the things I liked/disliked about this particular one:
Kaylee was consistent in her need to "help" others, while obviously causing herself to be in some...tough situations...she refused to have her friend Emma help, because things would be too "dangerous" for her. I laughed when Kaylee would say that, because she wasn't exactly all that strong herself, and her being a bean sidhe did not seem to really work in her favour. Overall, she was consistent, and I think that's what saves her, for me at least.
Nash was again a prevalent character, but I almost feel as if he wasn't there. Sure, he always had something to say, wether it be his need to protect Kaylee, or to snap at Tod, but I feel almost as if his character wouldn't have been missed if the author had omitted him. And when it came to his and Kaylee's relationship, there was a lot of hand-holding, and confirmation of "love", but all I felt from him was lust. He seems to be experiencing typical teenage hormones, and even Kaylee touches on it in a moment of thought. We'll see how that goes...
I didn't really care for Addison, who is an idiot for giving up her soul (though we're supposed to be understanding when we learn why), and I didn't like how she suddenly questions everything, when she didn't think to do so when parting with her stupid soul! She has a redeeming moment, so I'll forgive her for that, and I'll be understanding in the fact that there wouldn't have been a story if not for her and her idiocy.
So in conclusion, yes, I did enjoy this novel (even with all the annoying stuff), and am already eager to read the next!
Profile Image for Cuddle.
116 reviews6 followers
January 26, 2010
Kaylee is learning how to use and control her wail, and with the help of Nash's mother, Harmony, she's progressing nicely. But when Tod, a Reaper and Nash's brother, gets them tickets to one of the biggest concerts of the year and the star drops dead during her set, Kaylee knows something is wrong because she didn't have the overwhelming urge to scream. If she doesn't scream for someone then they obviously must not have a soul to sing for.

Kaylee knows that she shouldn't put her new relationship with her father to the test so soon, but she can't let these teens keep selling their souls for talent, fame, and fortune. Without their souls they can look forward to an eternity of torture in the Netherworld. Even if it costs her her life, Kaylee won't let the hellion responsible get what he wants.

I must say that I really enjoyed the first book (and it's prequel) in the Soul Screamers series. This one wasn't as good for me, because there was a lack of connection between Kaylee and Nash, and these pop star wannabes. The first book was much easier to connect with, because it dealt more with family. Also, Kaylee and Nash's relationship seemed to be missing that special connection I found in the first book. He still seemed there for Kaylee, but Kaylee continues to question his actions. Does he really like her or is she just another challenge for him to conquer? I can understand why she feels this way, because whenever they get alone Nash has only one thing on his mind, and that's sex. Not sure what I expect from a teenage boy though.

Other than that, I know it might seem like a lot, I enjoyed learning more about the Bean Sidhe powers and about what kind of creatures lurk in the Netherworld. What was most interesting to me was how the two worlds overlap, yet are completely different. I'd say this was a good book, but I just had trouble connecting to the whole pop star drama.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
April 10, 2010
Review courtesy of AllThingsUrbanFantasy.blogspot.com

I think its safe to reveal some of the details about Rachel Vincent’s Soul Screamer’s universe for this review, but if you haven’t read My Soul to Take yet, then beware of spoilers from this point on.

As she discovered in My Soul to Take, Kaylee Cavanaugh is a banshee or bean sidhe. A soul screamer straight out of Irish folklore. In MY SOUL TO SAVE, Kaylee has been reunited with her long absent father (also a bean sidhe) and is struggling to adapt to the sudden parental authority in her life and all that goes with it: curfews, family dinners, and most notably no more alone time with her smoking hot boyfriend Nash (yep, he’s a bean sidhe too).

We get a lot more information about the Soul Screamers universe in MY SOUL TO SAVE, including visiting the Netherworld, bargaining with soul stealing demons, fending off junkie gremlins, and dealing with all levels of Grim Reapers. Best of all, some of Tod’s history is revealed.

But overall, MY SOUL TO SAVE felt very superficial. The plot about Disney-esque pop princess Addy who sold her soul for fame and fortune fell completely flat for me. Rachel Vincent did her best to paint Addy as a pathetic character worthy of sympathy, but I didn’t feel it. And Tod’s feelings for her actually made me like him less. I’m still hoping he’ll make a play for Kaylee and give us an interesting love triangle for My Soul to Keep.

I still like this series as a whole. Kaylee and Nash are the real draw for me, and the reason I’ll be reading My Soul to Keep when is releases on June 1, 2010. But I’ll also be hoping for a more mature plotline too, not to mention likeable supporting characters.

Sexual Content: (YA titles receive a more thorough breakdown) References to sex, a scene of mild sensuality, kissing.
Profile Image for Page (One Book At A Time).
705 reviews64 followers
February 20, 2011
I have mixed feeling on this addition to the series. Kaylee really annoyed me but I enjoyed the story. Go figure!

I'm still really enjoying the Bean Sidhe elements of this story. I liked learning about Demon's Breathe and how people can trade their soul. It was also interesting how demon's can get away with not fully explaining the contract's humans are signing. I liked the explaining of the otherworld and how it's the same and different from the one we live in. I also really liked Libby and the character she represents. So, basically if it dealt with the supernatural in this story, I loved it.

But, the actual characters really grated on me for some reason this time. I wanted to smack Kaylee. I didn't like her attitude towards her dad. In my eyes she hadn't done anything to earn the freedom she felt like she deserved. I also disliked the talk of how Nash was 18 and didn't have to follow any rules because he was an adult and that Kaylee was looking forward to the same. Didn't work like that when I turned 18 and it certainly won't when my kids do. I also got really tired of the sexual tension between Nash and Kaylee. The author kept making it seem like that if Kaylee doesn't give in soon, Nash is going to walk out the door. I don't agree with that storyline.

So, basically, I will be continuing this series. I really love the supernatural elements the storyline has. I'm hoping the characters grow up a little in the next one though. Sometimes parents really aren't out to get you!
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
December 4, 2009
Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for TeensReadToo.com

Six weeks after Kaylee discovers her true identity, she and her boyfriend, Nash, attend a rock concert of a mega-star. Thanks to Tod, they're able to score backstage passes.

While watching the performance from the wings, they view the lead singer collapse on stage. When Kaylee doesn't start singing, she believes the singer will survive.

She is wrong.

The singer dies without a soul. When Kaylee, Nash, and Tod talk with the oldest reaper in history, they learn she's coming back to take the opening act, Addison's, soul. Addison and Tod used to date. He convinces Kaylee and Nash to help save Addy's soul.

When someone signs away their soul, there's a loophole - you can attempt to bargain with the hellions.

Kaylee can't willingly let someone suffer for all eternity. Soon she's lying to her father, tricking Harmony into teaching her tricks to use in the Netherworld, and sneaking out to uncover answers. Before long, Addy's sister signs a contract. Now the problem deepens and it's a race against time to save two souls.

Rachel Vincent writes another thrilling tale in the SOUL SCREAMERS series, filled with danger, adventure, and romance. It's a perfect paranormal romance series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,176 reviews

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