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Schlock Mercenary #3

Under New Management

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This is the first-ever print collection of Schlock Mercenary comics. It includes the complete "Under New Management" story, plus all new footnotes, Sunday-style coloring on every strip, sketches galore, deck plans of the Serial Peacemaker, a group 'photo,' and a bonus 'origins' story about Sergeant Schlock and his first plasma cannon. These 80 full-color glossy pages are a must-have for fans of the comic, and a perfect primer for everyone else.

80 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

About the author

Howard Tayler

46 books171 followers
Howard spent most of his happy childhood in Florida where he was on the swim team in grade school, and in a rock band in high school. He graduated in 1985 and moved to Utah to attend Brigham Young University.

After two years there, he served two years as a missionary for the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons), after which he returned to school at BYU and decided to move to Provo permanently after graduating and getting married.

He currently works full-time as a cartoonist, writing, drawing, and coloring Schlock Mercenary , as well as doing comics for assorted corporate clients.

He is married to author and editor Sandra Tayler.

See the author page on Schlock Mercenary website

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews
Profile Image for Daniel Burton.
413 reviews111 followers
September 23, 2013
Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management, and its author Howard Tayler, is unlike anything I've ever read before.

Wait--hold that thought. It's not completely true. Yes, it's unique, a veritable cornucopia of creative energy and humor, entertaining and--dare I say?--educational at the same time.

But it is also reminiscent, in so many happy ways, of the late Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The setting is space, the humor is satirical, and the plot twists are absurd and unexpected. And yet, like Adams, Tayler makes ample use of big numbers and real science to make his comic more than fluff.

Indeed, if Adams were alive, I think he'd have little problem plugging Arthur Dent into one of Tayler's panels, alongside Ford, Zaphod, Trillian, and all the others...

But enough about Adams and the Hitchhiker's Guide. This is about Schlock Mercenary.

Schlock Mercenary: Under New Management is the first print collection of Tayler's webcomic Schlock Mercenary. The story of a semi-disciplined band of mercenaries but ostensibly about Sergeant Schlock, who really just wants to "hurt people and break things" and will warm up his plasma cannon at any excuses, this installment includes extensive annotations (which left me wondering if Tayler was tricking me into learning something about science, space, physics...yeah, seriously. I was laughing and learning about science at the same time) and an origin story about Schlock (and don't ask me exactly what Schlock is. Apparently, he's all but indestructible, not to mention as malleable as Gumby).

I've long listened to Tayler on the Writing Excuses podcast ("It's all about eyebrows," says Tayler) that he does with Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, and Mary Robinette Kowal (and for which they won a Hugo this year...a Hugo!), and I felt lucky when was able to track him down at the Salt Lake Comic Con. He's about as cool as anyone I met there and was glad to pose (and I do mean pose--the guy just doesn't take himself serious, which is refreshing) for a photo.

I'm not much of a comics guy, but I'll keep reading Schlock Mercenary. The story telling is solid, the jokes are clean and clever, and the creativity is refreshing. It's enough to make a fan out of me.
Profile Image for Gareth Otton.
Author 6 books112 followers
January 29, 2014
After having listened to Howard Tayler on writing excuses for the last few years I thought it was finally time to give his web comic a chance and so (as per his recommendation via the iPad app) I started with the third book in the series, Under New Management.

Right from the start it is obvious how this web comic became quite popular. The strips are genuinely amusing and the characters are all interesting in their own ways.

Howard Tayler clearly knows a bit about science judging by the great amount of technical jargon thrown in which adds a layer of authenticity to sober up this otherwise fantastical comedy.

I would like to see a bit more action in future books from him though as, for a comic at least, there was a lot more standing around talking than I was expecting with some seriously big (bordering on huge) speech bubbles.

Overall my first outing into the Schlock Mercenary universe was an enjoyable one that will bring me back for more. It is a fun web comic that hasn't earned any kind of loyalty from me yet but certainly has me intrigued.

On a final note, I have read some mixed reviews in regards to the artwork in the Schlock Mercenary series and whilst it is certainly not something you would expect to find in a more serious and mainstream comic, it is perfectly fine for both this comedic style of writing and the free web comic format it was produced for.

All in all, based on this first book I will keep reading and will happily recommend to other people looking to give it a try.
Profile Image for Paul Genesse.
Author 27 books109 followers
June 26, 2009
What a hilarious graphic novel! I loved reading this book. I’ve been a fan of Howard Tayler’s work for a few years, reading his daily online web comic, www.schlockmercenary.com. This is one of my favorites of his books. He puts out the books every year or so with the collected web comics, and they’re well worth the fifteen bucks. It’s just so cool to read all of the comics combined together in a book. Howard is obviously a huge fan of the sci-fi genre, and he makes fun of it in such cool and imaginative ways. The military SF genre is one of my favorites, and this comic has such a hilarious new spin that fans will totally appreciate.

Sergeant Schlock, an amoeba like creature with an amorphous form that looks like a large pile of poo, yes, poo. Anyway, Sergeant Schlock has a knack for mayhem and destruction, which is just awesome. I mean hey, you can solve any problem with a plasma cannon, right? The crew of the ship are also quite funny. Go and check out www.schlockmercenary.com and read the comic for free. If you’re into it, get some of the books. You’ll be happy you did.

Paul Genesse
Author of The Dragon Hunters

Profile Image for Jessica Petree.
163 reviews20 followers
September 20, 2012
Schlock Mercenary is so much fun - this one was no exception. It's quite short, but worth it. The next one is short as well, and then it's on to the longer comic books. Schlock's and Kevin's antics are my favorite. Capt. Tagon is hilarious... Howard Taylor does such as awesome job with character. Some of my favorite strips in this one are on p. 49 about the very large telescope made out of their entire terapedo arsenal.

I like to think of this series as a funnier Brewster Rockit Space Guy with better characters and a real story! Plus, Sgt. Schlock is a carbosilicate amorph, a.k.a. sentient ball of goo... which is totally one of my favorite concepts in SF! >.>
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,537 followers
March 23, 2015
The art was well above anything that came before it, but the scope of the story wasn't quite as brilliant as the book before. I'm not saying it was bad. Not by a long shot. I really enjoyed it. Hell, I have to say that the long term-promise of these stories is thrilling the shit out of me. I've got a love going on for these characters and the hard-sci-fi turnabouts. It's solid and getting even more solid all the time. I'm having a great deal of fun here.

I loved how the locals threw the 500 year uplift robot into the volcanic mountain. What can I say? It was precious.
11 reviews
November 29, 2008
I love these series of comic books! Goofy humor, great sci-fi plot, and the ominous hum of Schlock's plasma gun. What's not to like?

The author, Howard Tayler is one twisted, but very, very funny guy. He's also one of the nicest guys you'll meet.

Howard Tayler writes one of the longest running web comics. Check it out at http://www.schlockmercenary.com
Then buy the books, you won't regret it!
Profile Image for Jesse Whitehead.
390 reviews21 followers
December 8, 2011
There’s isn’t a great deal to be said for Howard Taylor’s comic that hasn’t already been said. If you like comics, science fiction, comedy, parody, laughing, or any combination of those things then you should read Schlock Mercenary.

Under New Management is still one of his early works and the artwork isn’t as polished as it is now and his story-telling skills aren’t quite as developed but his humor is just as strong as ever.

All I can think to say is “you should already be reading this.”
62 reviews15 followers
May 19, 2009
I find Schlock Mercenary purely entertaining. I prefer the printed comic book form to the online daily strip, though the content is the same. It's definitely "suspended reality" sci-fi, but the author provides such hilarious imagination-stretching explanations for how things work the way that they do that you can't help but love it.
Profile Image for Kadja Draenor.
72 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2009
Under New Management is a short, sweet read. As usual, Howard keeps the story and jokes flowing in equal share. I highly suggest the read, but visit the website if you don't believe me!

Note: My rating may be biased by the fact that the author is a friend of mine. But only by one star, at the most. It really is good!
Profile Image for Garrett.
329 reviews6 followers
February 20, 2011
Fun, quick read. This one only took a couple hours to read.

I would go through and analyze setting, plot, characters, and stuff like I normally do, but then it would take all the fun out of the comics.

Suffice it to say that I enjoyed it and am looking forward to starting in on volume 4. I really need to get caught up (to 12 or whatever they're at now).
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 24 books5,803 followers
December 28, 2009
Things I learned from this book:

It's always best to get paid twice.

Never put your hand in a plasma cannon's barrel, even if you did drop your cookie down there.

Always look into the bathtub before you take off your clothes.
Profile Image for Child960801.
2,388 reviews
January 20, 2021
These books just make me smile.

*edited in 2021: We bought all of the Schlock Mercenary books and now the children have all been reading them.
398 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2021
And now we see what Schlock Mercenary is growing into. The art is getting much better (it helped that Howard hired someone to color for him). The story here is getting better and more complex than what we've seen up to this point. But, that said, it isn't actually resolved. Later Schlock Mercenary does that, too.
Most importantly, though, the series is still really, really funny. Totally worth your time.
456 reviews
October 7, 2020
3.5 stars

Honestly, they spent way longer on the beach than I remembered, but this volume was also so much shorter than the Teraport Wars that the length has to be considered proportionally. Full of noxious characters, it leads up to arcs that I'm sure will be a tremendous payoff.

The first published volume.
3,035 reviews12 followers
February 4, 2016
This book is a good jumping-on point for the series, but it's also a fun story, involving science fiction, comedy, intrigue and semi-intelligent teleporting torpedoes, probably the most entertaining weapons since Dark Star.
The artwork isn't wonderful, but it works for the stories. This volume is annotated, with goofy notes about the story and the characters, as well as actual back story for the universe in which the story takes place.
Lots of twisted enjoyment.
Profile Image for Vernon Ray.
115 reviews
October 13, 2009
First of all, bonus story has evil clowns in it, 'nuff said. This book contains the best pep talk ever. (According to Schlock anyway, and you kinda want to trust a green-ish blob with an ominous hummmmmmmmmmmm.)

Profile Image for Haley.
117 reviews6 followers
January 29, 2016
Laugh out loud funny! I was reading this in bed, and woke my sleeping husband because I was laughing so hard. It's not the genre I normally read (and I don't read comics generally either), but the smart humor is just too good to pass up. Loved it!
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews

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